
(73 KB, 639x960, Vegas Bash.jpg)
Wondering if we can restart this thread. Anyone interested, Please post, Thanks Guys.
If any of you know the infamous Lisa Lopez and Asshley content then it’s about that.

I was recently on a telegram bbw chat with a bunch of vids(you know the kind) and I came across Lisa Lopez in one of them. I didn’t know who she was until someone tagged her but I’m wondering if anybody knows if she has any twitter or content creation. Because that ass is magical.

Another thing though just talking. Those bbw bashes seem fun but I thing woman only built with the super wide hips and things with decent stomach are the only attractive ones
anyone wants to share their experience - names, biggest asses and tittles at the bash
>>119449 (OP)
Sadly this year with Biden having been in power for the past 3 years (and the Biden/Clinton Crime Families having run the deep state in the background for who knows how long prior to that, but that's a whole different story...), I can confirm that only the most Radical left Fascists, Marxists and Communists will be in attendance, in coordination of course with the degenerate God-hating bisexual gender-hating WOKE purple-haired mob, of which comprises 99.9% of all sex workers in the "BBW" community. These people hate tradition, they hate values and they hate America. America, which made it possible for their beautiful, soft luscious curves to be made in the first place; which kept them well-fed for an entire generation now on American grown GMO corn syrup and refined sugar (and plastic and sawdust); and which kept them safe during the War on Terror and allowed them to eat and grow peacefully in their homes. These women have rejected the roles they were evolutionarily predisposed and ordained to fulfill of staying in the home and nurturing the family and want to go to Vegas Bash 2023 to flaunt their sexuality and "independence." With that said I'm hoping that this is the year Boberry makes a return to the bash scene as it's been years since she went to one.
Shut the fuck up I am here for the pussy not political talk. Ban him.
Sir I am begging you to go outside
tell me you've never been laid but take a really long time to do it

no. wait. don't
Y'all hating but he has a point. Let my nigga cook
i swear I've laughed every time I hear someone say "biden crime family" lol. That has to be the funniest deflection shit I've ever heard. it's like the republicans passing bills that make it illegal to feed babies, but then blowing an air horn and saying look over there it's the obama muslim syndicate and they're coming to take away your batteries ! hahaha
You can say that shit all you want, but you know damn well which political side puts out all those „fat acceptance cringe compilation“ vids. You know which side gets outraged when there’s a plus size model on a magazine cover.
Guys, bbws with biggest ass and biggest titties - lets hear it
9/10 bait. The war on terror bit gave it away as all the Qanon/ trump psychos are opposed to it and cite it as an example of the liberal warmongering even tho bush was the one who started the war lol.

On a real note tho, I saw that Curvage Casey follows tucker Carlson on Twitter, which is sus. I always had a gut feeling she was conservative and seeing that just reinforced it for me.
please touch grass. who gives a fuck just jerk off and go about your day you weirdo
Nah it’s legit. Amerihogs love imperialism or pretend to hate it (they want to do it in that Other country instead) depending on which party is in power.
Every page here is full of conservative ideology about women and fatness. At first people are like „stop arguing and just let me jack off“, but when the argument heats up, you see people reveal their real beliefs. There‘s a lot of „fat sexuality is bad/icky and I hate myself“, and also a lot of „fuck fat women, they are dumb lazy bitches, they should be my property “. And on top of the sexism, there’s alot of overzealous white knighting for models who have internalized fatphobia and make their fans feel guilty for liking big women. The comments that are actually productive are extremely rare.
Your comment is no exception to the rule

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