
She isn’t coming back as far as we know, a couple creeps ruined a good thing for everyone
far as I remember the stalker or so we thought commented and tried to apologized on this board for his behavior.
I'll let you guess how that turned out for him.
So yea like the guy above me said. She ain't coming back and made it clear on sizable and some other sites.
fucking hell, this is 100% her, it says that tumblr account was deleted April 29 😭
They're not old. Try reverse searching them. Everything that comes up is reposts of that tumblr account OP mentioned, pastabelly. It's very obviously her and she's still chubby, even tho she lost some compared to her peak. Also judging by the caption of the pastabelly post she's got a feeder now.
It was someone pretending to be her. Already deleted.
Pretending to be her using pics that have never been posted before? I don‘t think so. She has a track record of constantly creating and deleting new accounts. Fingers crossed that she‘ll eventually stick around for a little longer again and that whoever is fucking her right now keeps her well-fed. I‘d love to see this chick turn into a blimp.
The true nature this tunblr event will likely remain a mystery. However, it is evident that she is innately attached to the feedism fetish and finds it difficult stay away. It is also true that she is unsettled about her own body perceptions. Throw in a stalker who began harassing her and you have a recipe for someone who has displayed the hot and cold behavior that we have seen. I would not count her out for a longer return, though, if she does have, or finds, a devote feeder that she has longed for.
I think that sums it up pretty well.

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