
She goes by Sweetaspumpkinpie now.
>>119042 (OP)
She is huge but what is the point of this post with no content
she’s looking so big and fat now but I hate that she got inked up and a lesbian trim
>>119042 (OP)
Doesn't even look like the same girl. Fucking ruined
she looks like she decided to identify as something lol
She got tattoos forever ago. Still hot, looks like a lesbian now tho
I don't get the complaints. What's wrong with that haircut? Fits her face, is cute. (And besides, lesbians are sexy.)
The guy who has been posting all the pics & vids at /r/Highof2/ said he's going to take it all down. If you like her fat ass, I'd suggest going there and downloading before it's all gone.
Any have the latest cake stuffing ?
She’s a man baby, Yeah
Butch lesbian haircut kills it for me, sorry not sorry
What is the purpose of leaving comments like this?
because turned herself from a 10 into a 2
sorry that you have such a bad taste
You might be a little bisexual. That’s ok, it’s just a lot of men here like women and more curves the more feminine. We hate things that remind of men like crew cuts and such.
I mean, there are literally an uncountable number of 10s out there in feedism alone. Who cares? Every year we get new models who are 10s. I'm just saying, it kills the vibe for the rest of us but obviously you're free to say what you want.
"fellas, is it gay to be attracted to pixie cuts?"
you're all so straight you overflow back to being faggots
So that means you’re just a faggot through and through then
(179 KB, 828x724, IMG_3077.jpeg) (187 KB, 828x916, IMG_3076.jpeg)
You guys can stop complaining about the length of her hair now and start jerking off, unless it’s now its color that bugs you. Nice before pic for comparison. She blew the fuck up. If she posted more she’d be in the GOAT debate imo.
It’s hilarious how these enthusiasts who are actually into the fetish end up gaining way more and way faster than all the models who have “dReAms oF ImMobIliTy” and claim to constantly be stuffing trying so hard to gain. What a transformation.
If this girl had one video at or around this weight I would be extremely happy
Hair is most likely a wig based on the time difference from the last pic but could be wrong. Also I agree, if she posted more or even at all during her gain she would be the goat
Where can I find more from her?
>>119042 (OP)
I dare you all to try to find a girl who looks like this that wasn't either raped or molested. There is simply no way that the butch short haired tattooed lesbian look is anything other than a defense mechanism where they intentionally try to look as ugly as possible to feel safe around men.
>try to look as ugly as possible to feel safe around men
>around men

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