
Nah no hate but low-key most her content gets a bit disgusting,
>>118954 (OP)
Don't start a thread without posting content.

I get what you mean, but I kinda think it's hot that she's willing to demean herself for our pleasure.
i hate how theres no content in between showing the journey and all the different stages
not all of his are into whales
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This shit is not hot. I’m into feederism, but this mfer is vile. It’s not her size that bothers me either. It’s that she seemed like a normal person, and was turned into a fat, brainless glob of lard. She’s absolutely a classless hog and it’s disgusting. Zero dignity. There was a clip of her burping “MOAARR”. Another one of her “crawling” around with a fucking chair stuck on her ass. How about the mirror vids where she’s wimpering like a fucking dog, regretting that she sat back and allowed herself to be turned into a monster
I read all this and my dick turned to granite lol
I mean, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and preferences, but saying something “is not hot” especially on this board is a little much. I don’t care for the slob and messy food thing she has going but I think it’s hot how she packed on a ton of weight and became a good addicted hog. The content isn’t great but fuck she has a great body
Her gain is incredible, it's just a shame about her being a faceless model and the weird faces she does with her mouth
The transformation and growth of her is incredible. It’s hard to believe she was such a pretty skinny looking girl.

And I don’t mind some of the gorging stuff because that insatiable need to keep feeding herself beyond capacity is a turn on. But it just crosses the line sometimes gross out thing. Which it’s OK some of the time, but it’s basically all of their Content

I wish they had a little bit more variety, maybe some teasing videos or her doing some sort of fat chat or role-play. I know that her whole character of a fat slob. It doesn’t stop eating, but showing a little bit more personality and just moans and one word phrases would add a lot.
Agreed. Would definitely find her more appealing without the pushed out lips and odd faces
On paper, her video descriptions sound really hot. But the actual watch isn't great
Yeah, her videos are like good 60% of the way through, and then they turn into a little bit of gross out style. Like I don’t need close-ups of her chewing .

I mean some of the stuff she does is kind of hard, there was one video where she just straight up started drinking baked beans, so like the unbridled, gluttony is very alluring, but they got a little too far where it stops being sexy
>>118954 (OP)
Honestly. When i looked it up on coomer, i cant admit it's just seems hot as fuck. Like very dirty desires come out in that content.

But when post-nut clarity hits, it hits like a locomotive. It feels clear that some fantasies should remain just a fantasy. That's not a partnership, it's just a vile advantage

>t. apparently a moralfag here
Everything about her is actually perfect except the fact her feeder says she got lip fillers (most body mod is a Frankensteinian turn-off). Like this guy is one of the luckiest alive.
I'm a Christian but her feeder claims she is the happiest she has ever been after years of torturing herself, she always had these tendencies suppressed.

Hate the term "fat chat" but more discussion of her story would be amazing.
>her feeder claims she is the happiest she has ever been after years of torturing herself, she always had these tendencies suppressed.

nigga, please
you seems like a guy who would believe that a prostitute really like you xd
Just watched a few of her videos--I've never been more disgusted
Yeah I was just trying to use an all encompassing term, but whatever you wanna call it, something that has her just talking about how she’s gained or whatever instead of her being “in character “
There is definatley something really off putting about her content. I'm normally down when girls do the slob thing (like Mochii) but this just comes across really uncomfortable.
Anyone got the vids lol
holy shit she looks unrecognizable, she actually looked really hot, damn, i dunno what to think about this one
Personally, I love the belly, love the ass, and love the thighs. Ruining hot bodies is one of my things. However, I'm repeatedly repulsed by that duck face thing she does, the close-ups of her mashing her food around in her mouth, the overboard slob stuff, and that shit she does where she tries to unhinge her jaw like a snake or something. If they just dialed it back a little and maybe focused more on her new body instead of her doing everything in her power to induce vomiting in her audience, I think she'd be one of the best. Like seriously, I don't think they've even released a simple belly play video even once.
10/10 bod
1/10 vid and attitude
There is millions of feede with normal attitude. She is one of the few that creates different content and authenticity is a good thing. if you don't like her content don't watch it and stop replying some rude things abouth her. There is people that are like this content.
It's on coomer, look at "gluttony unleashed"

I like her content, and when she make a cringe vid i just think about the time she swallowed a *whole saussage* in one go and everything is fine again. Plus i don't watch this cringe vid.
I agree, I don’t have a problem with the contents as a whole, it is definitely unique and I just passed by the Grosso parts. I’m just wishing they would do a little bit more variety and change it up sometimes.

I wouldn’t mind a video or two of her, not in the “fat sloB character” and just have her do some thing where she just talks more or something like that
Anyone could update coomer?
pretty funny that most of you can't tell she's probably acting that way for the camera
Her way of ticking her face down to exaggerate her double chin is gross and cringe. Like you’re already fat, you have one naturally no need to look like a weirdo
I kind of like how little she's posted here. It would only siphon from their fat funds. They seem like a really sweet couple and I wish them the best. 110% the hottest content out there. Let's keep them in the money.

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