
She looks good in that. Thanks for the drop. Wished she did more focused content with maybe similar camera perspectives. She looks so wide there, and her hips and butt look great, but everything is always a little too close up in most of her stuff
Does anyone have their latest curvage video, if so please share
great body and shape. not sure what her plans are and i love a blob girl but she should stop the gain here imo.
Her ass is outstanding! She's like a mini-me of plump princess

Nah she is barely 200 yet, let her gain another 50-100 then come back with that.
Finally starting to get fat
She's the perfect size right now. If she gains too much weight, her figure will be ruined

First she's not gaining enough and now she's can't gain too much?

You people are fickle......
bbwchan isn't one person...

Fickle.... like a nipple.


This woman has spent YEARS in this community and has always been under 200. She's finally within the threshold and your smooth brain having ass doesn't want that???
I want to lick a nipple. That's what I want. I'm horny by a big breasted latina with huge nipples.
Candii is hot so she'd look good at any size but I think this plump version is her best
Really really really hope she goes past 200. She's so hot but her looks would literally exponentially skyrocket with another 50+ pounds
Not really you autist. But who knows, maybe I'll be wrong? Only one way to tell
Have you considered quite a lot of us don't give a fuck about constantly gaining weight, and just like fat chicks?
Oh boy here come the retards that argue 🤣
Retards, do often provide great entertainment, though.
You have any more early vids?
>>118491 (OP)
wow bump i cannot believe how fat she has gotten
>>118826 It's true. I was 1 of those underage girls that got drunk and got raped.
>>118826 It's crazy because I'm like not even the only one. If I knew that I was being raped things could've been different.
I got raped and all because for my love of large breasts. No dignity left in this nation of whores.
You know what? I've been raped my whole entire life, now that I think about it. Rape after rape. It's been non stop. 1 big gang bang.
Is it becayse I was offered drinks? Does nobody care about me? When mobs (Illegitimate Authorities, criminal in it's very nature) come after me and follow me around?
Is it because I was offered dick that you all mob against me and hate me?
I mean Who does underage drinking anyway? That's like ghetto trailer trash.
Need to purge the schizoposts mods
>>118842 How do you quantify that these posts are by schizo's? Because they're alleged allegations?
There is no “allegation”
>>118845 Wtf are you saying? Did you read? Also, you didn't answer my question. You replied with a conjucture.

What I wanted to know was whether or not we have sufficient evidence to illegitimately exercise authority over this individuals life to, as a loving community, keep our loved ones safe from harm with surveillance cameras and IDs, information along with the inconspicuous spying every now and then when she's spotted in public.
(2.0 MB, 1498x946, ba13.png)

>Previous thread bumplocked due to schizoposting

She never said this. The text is cutoff and makes no sense. Get help.

Post content or go back to your asylums.
>>118849 Whatever learn to read. For starters we're going to need his location, and some photos of the individual. Then we can work towards a home address, and finsing a group of big gay dudes.
Does anybody know where to find a group of big ugly gay dudes?
Anyone want to chat about Candii? Hmu on telegram: @Gfjigcj
I really don't get the hype around her tbh. Her body type is very normie. It's great mind you, but I just don't get it.
I think it’s just the fact that she was literally a model, like she coulda been in a Victoria’s Secret catalog , and she’s just giving in to be just a regular plump girl.

Also, she does have a rather large tank ass for her body type. That is a nice little bonus
>>118937 please hmu - be into doing tributes and jerking off together
Current weight?
she's way too short to be an angel and that's also why she has a massive ass
The fisheye lens she uses for her streams adds some distortion, but she still appears to be nearing pear-shape blimp proportions. She just maybe finally at the 200 threshold now.
Her latest stream.
Kemono update? Two new videos available
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Thank you!!!! Even her knees have gotten fat!
Grazi padre.

The fact that she is gaining a pear shape is blessing from God. Hope she goes to 300.
Holy fucking jiggles, Batman!

Excellent video.
Best video ever.
Thank you so much!
crazy how much better she looks now
jesus fucking christ, this just shows you how fucking massive she actually is
wow she lives in a very small house, they must need the money lol
Its a hallway, many homes have them.
many homes in the USA have more space, it makes sense you wouldn't understand that
She lives in LA too so spacious homes are hard to find out there
I assume you rent.
Hallways are usually that size in countries where people have money plus it’s a pretty autistic detail for you to get hung up on.
That's literally a normal-sized hallway unless you're some rich capitalist-fag living in a mansion.
it's a poor person hallway
Damn shes getting FAT. You could hear her out of breath everytime she changed lmao
Anyone have any rare content? Like early vids or custom content?
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Sure, I've got 95% of her stuff. Would love to see her newest curvage measuring vid or similar

Thanks! Do you have a mega or something with that 95% of her stuff?
Anyone have her newest patreon videos?
I recently found out about candii.
If you have a video of when you started gaining weight in 2019-2020, please share it.
I'm dying to compare.

Do you have a video of hers where she chugs from a 2 litre Coke? I think it must've been a custom vid she did for someone cause I seen it on PH back before the purge and it got taken down within minutes of being uploaded
Does anyone know where we can get her newest content? :)
Are you looking to buy or beg? She has both a Patreon (good) and OF (lousy) and an occasional Curvage ppv post. Otherwise, wait until someone kindly updates kemono.
Didn’t realise she had a patreon too, just subbed :)
You know, if someone wants to update, so be it, and thanks. You have no business telling someone to update, creep.

You know, if someone wants to tell someone to update, so be it. You have no business moralizing on a fetish site, faggot
fr. you’re not better than the person asking for someone to update it if you’re still on these sites
you don't directively "tell'' someone to take an action that will take precious minutes out of his life without a real reward, you ask for it.

begging is against the rules, so yeah, people who come here and hit f5 once a day are better than the person asking for something.

why? if we all stopped bickering then threads would only bump when something useful was added to them

TLDR: if you're a mod and you're reading this delete my post and the ones I linked :P
Why would I now go and upload her content after someone has outright demanded it from me :D and also, if I decide to pay, why should it benefit all of you?
No one demanded you to post it to kemono.party, it was literally asking you to
Probably could of asked more nicely but this isn't the site for that lmao
If the person who the comment was directed to feels it was demanded of him, then it was demanded and your personal feeling has no relevance. If it didn't happen in the first place, then maybe we'd attract more folks willing to share.

exactly, if they'd have asked nicely I might've considered it xD
>>119702 please may you update her page? If no one else will use their manners I will - please and thank you
Please update it we'd all appreciate it :)
Trying to update it now, but Kemono isn't loading anything new in
kemono is known for croaking on patreon uploads now and then, but other patreon creator's content is uploading today, so ???
Thanks for updating kermono I presume it was you :)
Has anyone ever seen any of her inflation videos? I've never seen them even available to buy.
I remember there were a few kicking about on youtube a few years back, probably purged by now but they were nothing special honestly
You're the best. And you both are right, it really was nothing special. I know she still makes new inflation content which isn't available anywhere besides random pictures.
>>118491 (OP)
Looks like someone is going to discover the pleasures of obesity very soon
yeah, most content on kemono is from people who left the green check mark on (automatic retrying)

I always leave it off though because f them
She almost looks pregnant…hot
Damn that’s starting to get really fat now
She's a fat one now. Got to finally be over 2 bills.
Damn its got great tits and the cheeks on that thing are rounder than ever. Gotta love these things stuffing themselves silly
anyone got her new stuffing vids from patreon? not on kemono yet
Bruh, my nigga looking at women like inanimate objects
>>119956 5. Good work. And I will do it again. Wait and see.
hopefully it doesn’t get cancelled again. she was supposed to collab with goodgirlgrow a couple weeks ago but didn’t happen
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Anyone know where this video is from? Appeared on thisvid and it’s just her playing with her belly, also playing with her ass
Probably a custom video seeing that it's around 5 minutes
Gross to the "Its got great tits" guy***
Yeah fr. It's never okay to objectify the girls you jerk off to.
Really? Honestly i agree with the other guy. Theyre just commenting on the physical appearance of the woman (which is why we're here isnt it? For looks?) If i was in bed with her id treat her as the fat voluptuous slab of meat we're all leering at her as. I think the woman is sexy af fatter and the belly on it is great. Would love if the woman decided to do nudity and it could get fucked on screen
if anyone can download that custom could you please upload it? new member sign up is temporarily closed on that site
Seeing her next to reiinapop really drives home how hot she is.
True lol, literally a 9/10 next to 4/10 at best
No reason to trash the other woman.
There is always reason
you're not obligated to be a dick just because you're on a chan forum stealing porn. learn some etiquette
You're not obligated to have 50 surgeries to be an OF girl, but here we are
well yeah if you keep making fun of how they look of course they're going to want to change it...
Does Candii actually have any thoughts whatsoever to someday approach reiinaopo proportions? To know her history would be to think no, but then I never thought she'd get as big as now either. She does seem to be more into it than ever, so maybe so, but could be all a tease too.

In her march weigh-in where she was close to 200 she said she has thought about going over 200 to like 215/220 cause she wants to see how big her butt would get.
Seems then some butt praise is in order to keep the party going.
Go ahead reiina, ruin your body some more. Her makeup looks awful, but her retarded lip injections make her no make up face equally awful.
Honestly as she is I think she’s perfect. If she wants to stop at 250 more power to her. I’m sure she would like to start a family with her partner too someday.
this is totally against the grain but already I'm against this collar. who cares about a black bra? I'm hype for the white dress but why in the world are these ladies wearing black in public? black is slimming. everyone knows that. you can't see much of anything when a woman wears black. I already know to avoid that video when it drops.

I begged and begged reiina to have candii wear her pink sweatpants and do a dance off with her since she loves just dance so much. I begged reiina to ask her to twerk. well find out if it happens but tbh I'm not expecting any of it. I'm expecting some videos of them eating together and some other video of them rubbing bellies and talking about how fat they are in some unattractive outfits.
collab. I'm against this collab. spell check kicked in and I didn't see it.

don't get me wrong, I wanted this badly and I hope it turns out wonderful but already I don't like what I'm seeing.

can we get candii in some too tight shirts? reiina loves cosplaying. lets have some stupid silly sailor moon role-play. the possibilities are endless.

like, lets have some dialogue from reiina about how huge candiis butt is. lets really focus on that for a few minutes. have her smack it, have candii giggle and bend over, twerk, stuff like that, watch it never happen. this is why being into this stuff is annoying. they always get so close to making the perfect video. they have everything right there and someway, somehow, they always drop the ball.
reup the recent vids pls. shes so perfect now
>>120310 go out touch some grass dude
Reiina has really let herself go. I hope Candii doesn't do the same

Jesus Christ get a life you’re mad because they didn’t film a bunch of free custom requests for you? In public collab videos are rare anyways you don’t speak for everyone I personally think their videos are going to be fantastic
this is prime ChoosingBeggars material right here. why dont you message them and pay for your custom content? then you can complain when you didnt get what you paid for.

Yeah this is a custom I commissioned. Been working with candii for a while, it’s somewhat difficult to get customs commissioned through her since her responding is sporadic but was happy to get this one done. Combined my two fetishes, bbw’s/feedees and wedgies.

Hope to be working with her again, already messaging again to try to set another custom up. Once it gets commissioned (if it does) I’ll try to share it directly here.
the irony.

did you not read what I said? I have reached out to them multiple times. this isn't "beggar material". I'm willing to pay. reiina has said multiple times that they could do it. I don't recall her saying they would. she said they could. I'm saying I don't see it happening.
>>120349 that’s great if you can get another custom done! Do you mind sharing what stuff you have of her?
Also I think getting her to burp a lot would be amazing

“We’ll find out if it happens” the backtracking is what’s ironic. I think you’re the same entitled fuck that goes around each thread bitching and whining that every model you harass isn’t jumping through hoops for you. No sane person is going to complain about a CandiixReiina collab
I pray she does 🥵
people whining about not getting porn exactly the way they want it are always gonna be the most pathetic people. they’re not objects just for your pleasure bud. get a life
Anyone got her latest Twitch stream in the dress. Looked huge there.

If I am spending hundreds on a custom, then you can bet your ass I'm going to act entitled about it. I'm not dropping that much for a sloppy ass video that was recorded in portrait mode.
imagine spending hundreds for a custom from a mid bbw content creator, which will probably end up being not the masterpiece hoped for
Random comment, but whoever here updates her kemono, you're a freaking rockstar. Just wanted to express my gratitude.
She’s doing the happy dance and moaning while eating more. It’s all a good sign in latest Taco challenge video
That was a great vid. Nice burps too, toward the end
Just want to thank you for sharing this. this may very well be the best vid of hers yet. I am grateful to add this to my own collection.
didn't know reiina could burp. where can one find this video?
I know I asked for this on Candii’s last thread, but that was before I found out she did collabs with other BBWs. She should make sumo wrestler content, maybe even wrestle girls like Reiina. Candii is no stranger to cosplay or wearing stuff that thongs up her perfect butt. She could totally put her hair up and stomp about in a mawashi.

In fact, that needs to be a thing. BBW content creators should have more sumo wrestling. We pay to see skinny woman pretend to be WWE and Lucha wrestlers. Who wouldn’t cash in their savings to see big women use their big bellies to shove each out of a sumo ring? Especially big name stars like Candii.

Big Cuties, Curvage, thread creators TAKE NOTES. You could make a lot of money with an idea like that.
Pretty crazy that Candiis figure looks closer to Reiina then her old skinny body
She needs to ditch that padded blck push up bra. Why wear a shear white dress with that ugly thing under it. Let those huge tits hang and give us a hint of nipple ffs
Is that normal that it doesn't show up when I go to Kemono?
A fine bloke you'd be --
I cant reanimate kemono importer but i am uploaded new content to myairbridge


Thanks dude. That oiled up vid is quality

it still amazes me how fucking fat reiina's gotten in such a short time. my brain can hardly process it.
flakey kemono uploader for patreon appears to be working again (for now)
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I’m probably the only person that thinks this, but I find it incredibly weird and uncomfortable that this was filmed in a public changing room. I get that public humiliation/exhibitionism is a part of the fetish, but I think this takes it a little too far imo. Usually when I’m trying on clothes I’m silent (I think the last time I said something in a changing room was when my mom took me clothes shopping as a kid and she asked me to tell her how it fit), and here they are projecting their voices for a fetish video.

I sort of draw the line in the sand for fetish content when models start to interact with the general (most-likely NOT fa’s) public in a way that intrudes on their privacy… such as promoting content in a public changing room. Hopefully y’all get my point. If not, I’m high as a kite rn so I have an excuse. Or just call me a schizo, idrc.
I thought the same thing when I realized they were doing it in a public dressing room
Imo, this is far from the most heinous thing you could do in public. For one thing, there is the privacy of the curtain; it's not like they're doing this for all to see. I was just hailing Juicy Angel for her unabashed public displays of gluttony, but I can still see the problematic nature of her being overtly sexual and wearing indecent clothing while her feeder plays with her belly in
a public restaurant where families and children are eating. Reiina and Candii aren't being over the top in the video; I'm obviously biased, but if I was a person in an adjacent room, I wouldn't hear their conversation and assume anything sexual. That said, I did watch the video yesterday—can't remember if there's anything blatantly fetish-y (besides Reiina's 30–40 pound comment), but I feel like it would've stood out.

TLDR: They're not quite "interacting with the public" here, they're still maintaining some level of privacy, and you could be far more openly sexual / exhibitionist / FA-centric than they're being here.
Anybody else having trouble downloading the oiled up vid? Can anybody put it on we? Thanks!!!
I get this feeling from Kayla vids when she wanders around half naked at a public pool with a dude following her around with a video camera and a million non FA people around her either staring at the camera or trying to avoid it while she makes out with her ugly friend.
Dressing room doesn't bother me much but filming random people for your fetish video is fucked up
I might not mind so much if every public video I've seen wasn't boring and bad though
One thing we may not be considering is that this video was presumable shot in LA, where Candii resides. Los Angeles is no stranger to it's share of sexual weirdness; in fact, I'm sure that this is among the more tame acts that have occurred in this city.

Even so, It makes sense from a practical standpoint why they'd do it there. They're quite literally clothes shopping, it's conveniently economical for them to film and commentate in the store, that way they don't even have to pay for the clothes.

Speaking of money, I can also imagine that both of them would make enough from this video to not care as much about the potential public embarrassment. I personally would film a similar video if it meant 20$ and a nice lunch.

I do understand how the video's setting may discomfort lesser viewers, however, I simply chose to enjoy it anyways. No harm no fowl y'know?
It's funny how her ass bloated up so big.
Plus can someone please update her kermono she's posted 2 more times would appreciate it
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Who have this video from reiina's curvage? I can share new candii's Patreon content for this video too. https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/files/file/32926-intro-sale-candii%E2%80%99s-first-time-feeding-mutual-gaining-fat-chat/
>>121484 (Cross-thread)
did not expect to hear a neotokyo track here lmao I'm still so mad I missed the vinyl release
Can someone renovate the you know what for research purposes
Anyone have, Bitchy Witch’s Fat Spell Backfires, please
Please :/
does anyone have the curvage vids
- Guess whos back
-Public burger stuffing
-Candii chugs some cream
-Jiggly workout
-Public Sushi Stuffing
-Catwomans weight gain denial
-Candii wants you fat too POV
-yennifer grows her curves
-Sailor moon got fat
-Pov:Your watching me shower
-Candii kayn santa cant stop eating
-im an XXL now
-measuring my curves
-trying on my husbands clothes
-Candii kayns first collab featuring reiinapop

If you do please reup, I have all of candiis patreon vids and most of GS if you want to trade instead
I'll show you mine if you show me yours
Almost all patreon on kemono, looking for any rarer stuff
>>121650 Have you literally never been to a thong party? Or a topless party? Wtf were you up to? Studying and going to college? Your loss, I guess. My fave were the thong parties. These days I think they're more private because of all the snitches they're more difficult to get into, but back then being a snitch was what niggers did you would be considered an animal and not a real man if you snitched so the girls would look down on snitches. It's just like in any civilization, if you aren't cool you don't get chosen by the pussy. You must be chosen first then you end up settling down getting married to an ugky hoe with a sloppy ass why? You're a snitch.
You have to tell me what videos you are after, I have a little bit of everything
Bro what are u even talking about
I love a good schizo post in the morning
What is GS?
Pick some stuff you think is worth sharing and I’ll do the same
I love how her ass has blow up so much.

Too bad she doesn't get such a round belly like thicccollegegirl...
Seriously. I would be throwing money by the fistfuls for any content if her belly started swelling/bloating rounder and larger
GS means goddess shar, Look her up I have her stuff if you want any
is hanging a painting with subject matter like that above your couch weird as fuck or what. it's like they're filming this on the Get Out set

they look hot as fuck though, and honestly the weird statement piece comes off as super vapid which is hot in and of itself
Two fat white American girls filming a fat fetish porn vid in front of a painting of plantation workers, most confusing guilty boner.
This painting is of French peasants in a wheat field. Seeing everything through lens of American wokeness is really dumb
She has a great figure with good weight distribution. Like I wouldn’t even say chubby yet.
In a bikini she would still turn non fat lovers heads. I would say 250 she becomes a bbw.
honestly I didn't get why y'all liked her so much but now that she is getting thiccer I 100% get it
Wdym by still turn heads? Like normal people could still be attracted to her, or normal people would notice her in a bikini and immediately think “ew she’s fat asl”
It's her hips and ass. The belly is only an add-on.

I dare you I bet you won't say what color her thong was? You don't have the balls. That's why you never post the pics you steal from phones. We think that shit's hilarious, btw.

The funniest part of this shit is that you homosexuals are LITERALLY the only ones that get into a panic when they see a young girl in a thong because might just be their 2nd cousin! haha! She's Colombian you stupid asshole! HAHAHA!
Dudes, shut the fuck up please. You're on a damn fat fetish chan, do you want a golden star or something?
>>121843 I want a huge pair of breasts. I would also love to see the pics that these hackers stole from all of our phones all these years! Have some balls and post that shit! Hhahaha!
>>121845 You need new hearing phones, gramps. You're fucking up! Hahahah!
Hello, do you think she could tend towards the weight of Reiina or aliss? seems very likely to me
With arms that big she's way past chubby. You must live in Texas to think otherwise.
Lmao misread that at first
>>121915 The internet has classically conditioned you to see anything ending in -igger as a racial slur. I find that funny as shit.
Ykw I think you’re right. I read -igger in your post and thought it had an N
She needs a more bloated and round belly...
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Would someone ever so kindly mind updating her kemono? Got payday in a week but until then I’m broke xD

We can gladly wait a week :)
Anyone have yennifer grows and tinder date night
Someone needs to put a baby in her Belly for the real grow...
Her Belly looks more bloated, lesser sloppy...
Give kemono is playing up, anyone have her new photos or videos?
You are a hero 🙏
Surprised her face isn't really getting fatter like the rest of her body. She still looks cute and not like a troll and her body is sexy af. I feel like the only thing that she's missing is the ability to tear down walls with burping. XD
reups? pls
You can see some of the face gain in these pics
shes gonna do a q&a what shd i ask her
How deep is her bellybutton?
Has she caught anyone checking her out in public since gaining weight?
Which other BBW would she most want to look like when she gets really fat?
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I want to ask her what it's like in bed now that she's fat, and if she does any feedee stuff in bed.
But I know she won't answer that because this is just a modeling thing for her and god forbid you imply that being a feedee might be *gasp* fetish related
Also new dresses dropped, will upload later when not on mobile
why would she when you all still pay for nothing lol.
but she doesn't really know how to burp though. lets see her do a twerking video in some booty shorts.
Hell. Even just wearing some pasties would make a fantastic video.
>Aye yo, when dis white girl gunna spread dem cheeks to show dat butthole?
Every. Single. Time.
>>122874 To be fair, what else she's supposed yo show, tit?
What? No one even implied this lol

Why does this place have the weirdest psychosexual hangups ffs
Ikr. I like how she's not doing any hard-core shit like Goddess Shar, just showing off their body with the occasional cracks. Not everyone has to show off their areas often..
bro, what?

I never said that. I have zero interest in that. I asked for a twerking video. she's twerked before in her exercise video but she did it for like three seconds. I want a full song, at least, of her twerking in some booty shorts or those pink sweats and a crop top. thats it.
Ya it’d be great to see her tits hang naturally on her belly. The big padded bras are wack
I really hope now that her belly blows up like a balloon.

Her flanks are already inflated than never before.
airbrushed and boobs + belly made bigger
candii frequently morphs her photos
it's just close-up and low angle, nothing nefarious calm tf down lmao
If you want to make someone look fat the camera should be low looking up and too close. This is to make belly or tits look much bigger. To look thinner your camera is very high and further away. Then the fat-phobic model turns where she is not head on from the front or back but angled. If that’s not good enough then use overexposure so it’s light and it’s hard to see detail. I hate both these methods.. just be normal and stop trying to misrepresent. Even Lady Sublimes last 4 videos are getting brighter with each video so you see less details. They think we are stupid.
(2.6 MB, 3264x3264, phonto.jpeg)
I am sick of women trying to hide… why don’t you dim the lights. I want it bright with my glasses on. This is essentially the same thing
Women can’t do anything without deluded psychos here constantly looking for something to shit their diapers over

That’s the long and short of it

This brother needs help
Can anyone reup candii kayn workout Collab ,please log no expired before I got to watch
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Are you can share this video ?

We can exchange. But I'm don't pay in curvage now☹️
go be foreign somewhere else
You know you're foreign right?
The way she's gained recently and the fact she's hanging out with known BBW feedees/models leads me to believe maybe she's more open to the possibility of becoming a legit fat BBW herself
I'm beginning to think the same. Never would have thought the case from her beginnings through recently. I'm still wondering her true motivation between the good money she's bringing in, and her desire to actually become this legit BBW.
I think we all had our doubts about her true motivation on gaining. And her sometimes appreciation to becoming a bbw.

But I was loooking thru her original curvage thread posts, and assuming they were her (and not her feeder), she was always posting how she wants to get fat, not thicc or any body positivity posts, she talked about being fat.

And I always assumed it was pandering to the crowd and just playing along, but as she grows those posts feel more genuine retroactively
i kinda wish she stays this size. I don't want her to ruin herself
I remember her saying she's going for around 215-220 and then she'll see how she's feels and go from there
>>123261 I could see her stopping around then, but also I think she’d infatuated with her butt and boobs growing as much as we are.

If they keep taking the brunt of the gain, I think she will keep going .
I think she low key has become addicted to eating 4000+ calories everyday and will have a hard time stopping on a dime to maintain. I think she might keep pushing back here limit every time she hits it. I doubt she ever gets actually huge but I could see her getting into the mid 200s
on her feabie it says that her goal weight is 230 i think
damn she's gonna look pretty fuckin fat at that weight

she's been pretty dedicated and pushing herself this time around, everyone should be nice to her and refrain from being pushy freaks.
when I saw these I couldn't help but wonder how everyone else at that beach looked at her. what did she look like just walking around? how did they feel? who took this pic? useless questions but I can't help wondering.
I’m honestly an asshole for saying this but there’s just something off about GGG’s face man
Something going on her with her eyes. Can't quite put my finger on it, but overall it doesn't bother me at all. I think she's good looking. Doesn't help that she's standing next to Candii in these photos though. GGG is pretty but Candii an absurdly good looking person.
That’s true tbh…. you’ve improved my opinion of her I need to stop being so picky
>>123360 >>123365
yeah, she looks like she's winking at you but just can't seem to finish the wink
Holy shit. That last picture. She’s officially turned the corner from being the chubby girl to a tub of lard. And to not even be at 200, looking to gain another 20-30 lbs… I can’t wait
That ass is literally perfect.

oh man, I'm glad it's not just me who thinks this.
What's crazy to me is that GGG is around 240 IBS and candii isn't even at 200 yet and she almost looks bigger
I think it's because her eyes are terribly asymmetrical, and the eyelash extension accentuates it even more
Are yall sure kandii isn't already at 200+? She isn't that short, and that's a lot of chub needed to be that soft and round.
she is very short, almost a midget
I dunno it makes her cuter imo
5'4" is only slightly below average for women, she's short but not a midget
not an asshole. i never thought she was very attractive. only starting to think so now, but that's just because she's noticeably bigger. her voice and tone in some of her videos was always off-putting to me too.
I know she isn't relevant to this thread... or at all anymore but I'm in a generous mood so here's some of her more rare videos. Enjoy. https://we.tl/t-CMzspXc5kE
Why does this pic make me incredibly uneasy. like the background is in motion. a ghost is going to run across the door frame. not schitzo btw
>>123468 btw I'm not leaving this up for long (honestly not trying to be a dick). I never post my porn, but today I did it just to do it. Seriously not trying to be an asshole but I never felt comfortable posting shit. Going to be down in a few minutes. So if you want it, get it now.
Is anyone able to update coomer?
If GGG is 5'6 then Candi is about 5'1 to 5'2 udging on the photos.
GGG is more like 5’8, she was the same height as enchantress and alissbonyt who’s also that height plus she towered over kelli who’s 5’5

How can anybody put up with Tinder?
eh?? it’s a porn sketch video she’s not actually using tinder
Went back and watched her older vids and she was so much more casual spreading her legs and letting a nipple or lip slip. Much better content and video quality imo
Yo could we get a reup of this please?
new GGG collab is live on curvage. she is looking biiiiig
No one else bothered by how unattractive these models are? It's always look how big she got! Wtf
Degrees of attractiveness is subjective to the eyes of the beholder. Leave it there.
>>123632 Are you saying that her looks are above average for a model?
nobody asked you. share something or shutup
Bro wtf are you smoking? Candii one of the best looking models out there. Unless you like ugly trolls she's one of the best. Her face is cuter than most in the community.
Her body is great…most girls at 200 pounds look fatter than she does. She gains in all the right spots. Then she is very cute.
She has too much face fat in her cheeks, her eyes are puffy and bloated, her nose is sunken and curves way too much and her face is flat. It doesn’t bother me, but I definitely agree.

>>123759 king, Tysm bro
GGG has cheek fillers which doesn't help
It's amazing how uninteresting all of Candii's content is, even when collabing. Always so unenergetic and just seems like she couldn't care to be doing anything. No active grabbing or squeezing or playing, just poking every two minutes
Imo she's alright where she's at. She doesn't need to be super annoying and energetic. She's one of the best looking models out there and that's all I need. Maybe her content not for you?
>>123806 Never said it's about where she's at, mate. But about where things are headed.
Ya what a wasted opportunity with GGG. Really boring stuff
Your expectations are there because you have seen other models that can think.
Allow me to explain.
Take Reiina and GGG for instance, both models that CK has collaborated with, they both have a lot of content that covers a variety of sub fetishes where there is a lot of interaction with themselves and the viewer. KC doesn't do this because she's pretty. It's not malice or disinterest it's lack of thinking.
CK is a very pretty girl and for a lot of very pretty girls the only expectation for them is to sit there and be pretty. CK doesn't do these extra inputs that makes a video hot because she doesn't think about them, because her core mindset is "I showed up and that's enough"
CK* fuck, I had to keep correcting myself while typing this lol. I guess I can't think either
I always found her content really boring too but it's not much of a surprise when you know her husband basically convinced her to do all of this. I foresee a messy breakup again in a few years and she'll drop all the weight.
Imagine she done content like Rosiemarie
All of their content comes off like a vlogger casually talking about their weight gain or what they are eating sometimes. There is no fantasy or sexuality, and I doubt that there will ever be any of that. This is Disney channel feederism.
yep, all these models are fuckin' boring. nothing but boring content. bored to fuckin' tears. Limp dicked because they lack creativity. Boring, boring, boring. Every fucking one of them. BORING

that's what you're telling us right? Every thread you say the same fucking thing about these girls. You're bored. Find another hobby then.
Wow, she's really entering a new size class. It was sad when she lost weight for her wedding, but it's been pretty amazing to watch her descent into complete and seemingly uncontrollable gluttony this year.

Here's hoping she keeps it up and we see her belly spilling even further across her lap.
Anyone update ck in kemono for June stuffing videos please?
The models aren't boring. Some people here just don't have a good enough imagination
Models can be boring. This isn't a new revelation. Savannah Montana is another boring bbw because every video I've seen with her and another bbw involves her obsessing over their belly. It's almost like she's blind to the fact that bbws also have bigger thighs and or sometimes bigger boobs. In fact this is a problem with most bbws because they assume that everyone watching has a belly or food fetish. So their content is boring. If I have to use my imagination it's to imagine what it be like if a model played with her boobs as much as their belly.
Is anyone able to update kemono?
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>The size of her hand
lmao that fish eye lens trickery doesn't fool me as much as her stretching the aspect ratio doesn't
Lens trickery or not… this is a little less boring imo
Please, kemono update
Kemono update please
Im new here how do I use that
He’s not looking to upload anything, hes Asking about something he could learn on page 1…
Please kemono update
Kemono update please
Need a huge kemono update here. Any legend plz bless up 🙏
Please kemono update
I hate to be a rude community but fuck you.
Read the sticky, retard
Google B64. Second link.
Someone can update kemono, please
Can someone update kemono??
can someone update kmono?
Can someone update kimono please?
Please, can someone update the videos on kemono??
Every day you ask is another I don't update
>>124811 That's the way it should be! That'll show him, that liar trying to spread false rumors about America and its minorities. I'm sure he has some skeletons in his closet that we can dig up too. If you find out his @ I can get my crew mobilized to be eyes on the ground. Lemme knou.
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This ungrateful motherfucker sees the pics were added and instantly demands someone upload the vids.
Based. No uploads for you spoiled cocksuckers. Post some content or get fucked.
Imma ban the fucker next time I see it

At your service.

update kemono please guys.
You star, thanks for these! Several I was missing.
If someone can share new content, gonna be apreciated

This is a part what i have: ck q&a and closet try on

Thanks man. She looks great in this but another missed opportunity with GGG

I agree. Bit boring really!
This all old stuff on here or Kempo.
Based. No uploads for you spoiled cocksuckers. Post some content or get fucked.
“ Hey tough guy say this shit with a new vid link then people might listen.”
>>124953 Caca doodle-do motherfucker. Where are all the beautiful white girls with huge titties @?

This is totally the same person no one talks like this you sound like a looney tune
Anyone got her collabs with Reiina?
Plus thanks to the king who updated kermono with some of her recent pics appreciate it
Hey I just want to thank whoever updated kemono with the videos. You did not have to do what you did. Thank you. Now for the future can we not beg in this thread? If you are really that desperate then go sub yourself.
Many thanks for the Kenmo video uploads. We are forever indebted to you sir. What a champ.
Do you not understand the point of this site?
>Please explain to me what's an opinion because I'm too retarded to know when I'm doing something wrong. Usually I just copy what everybody else's doing, everyone who I consider "cool".
4chan 2023.
Literal cuck mentality
Are there any clips where we can hear her fart? If so which are they?
Lol ur dreamin she barely shows any skin you think she’s farting on cam

Man true I just want them to do some lesbian shit, like the KP AB video was some of the best ever
Ya. I just wonder how long people are going to pay for these clips with 2 second ass shots and full coverage padded bras. Would have been cool to see GGG get naked in front of CK at least
her hottest stuffings are when she wears a bikini bottom so you can see how wide her ass and thighs are. I hate it when she wears these high waisted pants that cover up everything. like show some freaking skin.
she's been getting away with it this long. shes probably thinking if it aint broke don't fix it.

im holding out hope for a twerking video.
Yeah I be hoping for that too, especially with her ass. But let's just be grateful she even came back after leaving the first time in 2021 or whatever. We can't let her slip away again.
She does custom vids on her OF but they r very pricey.
Hope not too much weight goes to her face in the future. She still looks pretty.
I love it when women put on weight and their face gets fatter. I think that Candii is much better with a fuller face.
Who else is under the belief that Candii doesn't like gaining but thinks its hot that she's gaining against her will
I can not say exactly. Usually girls in this community either start out fat or just pretend to gain weight. There are very few girls who started thin and then got fat. I think Candii is just OK with that. Otherwise, she would not have gained so much weight.
idk about any of that but I am surprised she's stayed in the game for as long as she has.

Most girls who start thin rarely ever gain much or stick around
Honestly probably doesn’t have a natural attraction to gaining, but just really loves eating and happy to please her husband without having to maintain a diet and exercise regimen 24/7 to stay tiny
Her arms are getting massive it's awesome
I used to have my doubts about her honest feelings about gaining, especially the way she presents herself in her videos, but I was going back to her original curvage posts, and from the start she always posted about getting over to and over 200.

Honestly she just doesn’t want to be a fat slob, she try’s to eat Healthy and still do some workout regime.

But I like she legitimately likes a fuller figure and if the way her boobs and butt keep growing, I don’t think she will stop anytime soon.
All these suppositions on her motives for her continuing gain - no mention of the fact that she is bringing in hundreds, most likely thousands, of dollars monthly. So we're not to think that this has anything to do with it?
Yeah I totally think the financial aspect is a big part of it. But plenty of models that take in a lot of cash monthly and never show any progress of gaining.

She’s been gaining pretty substantially the last few months

I think her motives go cash < body positivity < KINK
it's almost like being a gainer requires food.........which costs money.........
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She averages around 1,000 patrons monthly. Assuming they're all subbed at the lowest tier to get pics ($15), she's taking in at least $15k a month. A conservative buffer towards the higher video tiers likely brings that closer to $20k.
We don't know how many subs she has on only fans, but at $10, she's likely pulling in another $1-3k.
She has dozens of clips on Curvage that can be bought individually at any time at full price. She likely makes hundreds, if not thousands, monthly from those.
Food does cost money, you reckon around $25k a month should cover her?
This is the realest take. She loves the food, she loves the attention, she loves how much her husband is into it. And she loves earning hundreds of thousands of year doing it.
An analysis closer to the truth than anything I've seen.

Even then, I believe you are still on the conservative side. I figure the majority of her patrons are subbing for the $35 tier, rather than the $15 tier where there are pictures only. Some folks with more funds than me are in for the $75 and higher tiers. I'd say you can boost her monthly income take somewhat further.

It certainly helps that hubby is into a fat Candii, but he must also find the money left over after the grocery bill is paid is mighty nice too.
Hey, not trying to argue, but I think you guys might actually be high on what her monthly take is. Let's assume your numbers are correct--and I think your guess is certainly better than mine, don't forget that those subscription services take a really big percentage of what they earn. In some cases it's more than half. Still a damn good living though but I know that those fees really ad up. Not trying to be a dick or anything and the conclusions you come to are probably correct, just mentioning something that you might have forgotten to factor in.
Whatever the actual number, it is plenty. It was reported this February that Amouranth was pulling in $20 million yearly from her various social media outlets. This included $1.5 million monthly from OnlyFans alone. OF and Patreon are two of the most generous for giving a large percentage back to the creators. Patreon takes only 5% plus processing fees for themselves. Candii is no Amouranth at this point, but it goes to show just how much one can bring in if you are willing and successful putting yourself on display.
>>125632 That's what you see. I guarantee that the Feds are looking at these successful models more closely now. All thanks to you fellas.
I never heard of Amouranth so I looked her up. She is like an 8.5 at best. Personality what I could see is a 7. I could could find a 10 cam girl and an 8 in personality if you give me an hour. I was expecting without makeup gorgeous and fantastic personality for that kind of money. Does she put a watermelon up her ass on only fans?
>>125652 It's possible, but she's probably popular on social media and has a great ass. Does she do anal?
I looked more into it. She was at the started in 2011 at the right time on Twitch. She slowly built a fan base by doing Hot tub streams. Getting banned built up her base even more. It was really the right time and a compound effect of getting media attention and constantly doing that over 10 years. It wasn’t her content or her looks being the best it was her talent for learning how to get attention and hype.
>>125654 You think her talented? You think's she's high IQ do you? Are you sure she doesn't do anal or has a great ass?
I think anyone who would take all the time to thot audit someone and make such a glaring oversight should be completely dismissed. Obviously she's probably making good money but none of you morons have any insight or mental capacity to suss out even a ballpark number.

You would think /bbw/ would learn their lesson from the first time she quit. She didn't quit because she was grifting or whatever, she quit because you autards cannot just shut the fuck up and just jack off.
Just because you can make good money doing something, that doesn't mean you'll do it! You could make money being hedge fund managers (ok maybe not lol) but you're all here just being broke losers! Every hot girl out there isn't flocking to this community for an easy buck! It's almost like she likes to gain AND likes to make money doing what she already loves... crazy shit I know
Any updates as of late?
Anything new?
im finding it very hard to believe she's bringing in anywhere near that kind of money. amouranth could be because she's been at it since I don't even know when. candii barely puts any effort into this and it seems to be little more than a side project for her that may bring in a little bit of money.

I think it's possible to make that much. Making thousands without much effort who wouldn't? She's hot but honestly I think her content kinda sucks.
Her fat juicy ass makes up for any shortcomings
Ya I love when she shows it for a millisecond in each of her vids
amouranth earn over a million a month bro
Guys actually I get aroused only by candii's belly or ass or any girl that has good belly or ass ,I don't think it is normal because if I see pus*y I don't get that aroused as I get to this fat fetish ,I always wonder is this a problem for me ,and sex doesn't interst me much as candiis eating does ,
Please anyone advice bcoz my friends all talk about webcam models and pus*y but none talk of fat fetish,they aren't even aware such fat fetish exist ,I feel very odd when I compare myself with them ,I cant share this with anyone ,I feel bad
I get what you mean, it’s the same thing for me tbh. sex doesn’t really interest me either if I am completely honest with myself.
This is a gen thing, but I’ll answer anyway. You’ve rewired your sex drive, like most of us on this have. This fetish is not natural, and was allowed to fester because you kept watching fat fetish content. You sound young but you’ve probably been doing this for 2-3 years now. I hate to say it, but it is likely too late to change your sex drive. The best thing you can do is try to quit.

Hey, on the bright side, if you ever get with a regular sized woman, you’re gonna last 20-45 minutes
Strange thing to be saying it's not natural. Although a fetish is often rooted in experiences these are in early childhood, also likely is somewhat predispositioned biologically. Once a sex drive is developed you're attracted to what you're attracted to, perhaps even beforehand as a child in terms of curiousity and interest. By saying it was ¨allowed to fester¨ by watching fat fetishism content it's implied that it could have simply not stuck or just be wished away, which isn't true. I believe you simply like what you like, then that's it, even if not actively indulging in it. For the record being more attracted to a woman eating or whatever as opposed to a vagina i assume is pretty normal in this community, however once you're actually intimate with someone i assure you everything will work out just fine lol don't worry g
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A nice civil answer without any shaming or insults. A rarity.
Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t think the fetish would have ever developed if it had not been entertained. This is a soft core fetish for the most part. I had a few early childhood experiences that I remember feeling attracted toward fat women, but I don’t believe that to be the root of my fetish. When I first started watching porn I was uninterested in hardcore. So, I searched for other options and slowly stumbled upon feederism content. I wasn’t instantly into it. It took time to become attracted to a girl’s belly. This is what I mean by “not natural”. I don’t think attraction to non sexual body parts (i.e. the belly) is natural, especially when it interferes with, or overtakes your attraction to genitalia. I would classify fat fetishism as paraphilia. I don’t think it’s natural. You said this could be rooted in childhood experiences or biologically. I don’t have any family members who could have had this fetish. I don’t think a few childhood experiences are enough to firmly cause a fetishistic disorder. Those experiences may help expose you to the fetish, but I don’t see them as a root cause for the disorder.
It's the same for me honestly. I was never really interested in hard-core porn, especially sex videos since it usually involves a dick so it just felt weird jacking off to a pussy and a dick. I'm on the same boat with pussy not being able to get me hard but bellies and butts do. I don't even watch any vids with girls showing their assholes, but certain buttcrack videos turns me on.

Idk why I like the teasing aspect more and I always felt a lil ashamed of this fetish ever since at a young age and nobody knows about it. Despite all this for example school, if a girl is sitting next to me that I think is attractive (regardless if fat or not), I'll get a lil hard. But when it comes to porn, I only watch the soft-core fat porn with little to no masturbation. I tried to quit back in April but surprise surprise I'm still here. That's why Candii is one of my favorites since she doesn't do any of that shit and just plays with her belly while showing her ass.

This whole convo might be deleted since this really belongs in gen but I hope people see this.
I think it's important to note that even though we all share this fetish, it's origin and whatever else is highly subjective. There is no correct answer in that sense. However, as far as fetishes go, once you develop it that's simply a part of who you are. Although a persons view of sex and intimacy can be highly skewed and take an almost malicious turn thanks to pornography and the internet, the same goes for people without a fetish too. I believe the key here is to maintain real life interactions as well and try to keep a sound mind and healthy balance. The root of your or anyone's fetish is impossible to pinpoint, but as the guy i was talking to said (idk how to reply to msgs lol) you remember feeling an attraction towards fat woman at an early age. The same for me. It's rooted. I just think that one eventually figures out what it is they are most attracted to and roll with it, may that be fat, feet, trees, or just plain vanilla. Most likely simple as a combination between childhood experiences and genetics, not necessarily passed down from someone closely related in your family. I however believe 1. a fetish is completely natural, and 2. it's far from a disorder. It's just a part of who you are. It's what you like. And it's great! Just thank christ it's not kids or sum lol. And i too have experienced feeling more attracted to bellies or fat than a vagina, this is also completely normal. I know tons of guys with no fetish that almost find the vagina itself repulsive, but love sex and the shape of a woman and are very attracted to that. As i said before, once you're actually intimate with someone the chances are sex will be as tempting as anything, so a non-issue really. If however, watching feederism content or such has made it impossible to get turned on by actual sex and only by a girl eating or touching herself, it's time to stop that shit. And probably seek therapy lol. But i ain't never heard of that happening
It's unnatural in the sense that you are all agoraphobic losers that can't fathom a woman ever consenting to have sex with you, that's why you are afraid of pussy dawg..

It's not a terminal condition but it becomes more ingrained in you the longer you refuse to accept that you can improve. The first step would be going outside instead of moping on bbw-chan, good luck to you all!
I feel much the same way. My sexual drive was towards chubby (actually the process of a hot thin gal putting on pounds) from my first puberty thoughts. But then I wouldn't want a chubby/fat gf myself due to social norms that likely would make me feel embarrassed. Nothing has changed, and in adulthood, the likes of a Candii, and others who started thin to obesity such as Nadya and Aliss continue to get me off. But then I am also attracted to very thin girls with big tits like a Tessa Fowler or Sierra Lisabeth. When Tessa gut quite chubby (since lost) a few years ago, I couldn't get enough of her. Weird? Maybe I just like pretty girls in general, but seeing one put on the pounds is the ultimate.
Don't include everyone in that agoraphobic loser bracket if you don't mind mate, i've been trying to preach the importance of actual relations and a healthy balance in this discussion lol. Jacking off is great but it ain't shit compare to real life
Yeah agreed. Before having sex I was afraid that I didn't even like it but only liked the fetish, but fortunately the two can be either separated (with you liking both) or intertwined, so there is no issue in both cases. Sex with a soft woman beats any fap in my case.
he's delusional. someone get this man some fat pussy stat
THE THIGHS DON'T LIE. Pear shape extreme.
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I can't get over how perfectly the fat is distributing itself, her ass is phenomenal
where's this video? share it pls



it's been like three years, but imo she's never topped this video:
(her new stuff is still hot, I just really like this video)
agree, there are a few videos from a while ago i wish she would remake. she’s definitely gotten lazier in her content, which in itself is kinda hot.
yeah, that's another great one. Definitely scratches the itch that comes from developing this fetish by watching Winnie the Pooh as a kid (but somehow not being into fat dudes or furries? figure that one out)
Hopefully she does another "stuck" video soon because her ass looks insane in the first 2 vids I can only imagine what a up to date one would be like
Might be crazy but looks like her fat pussy lip pops out in the old school girl Mediterranean vid. She spread her legs a lot more in the past
My fave is the one where her then-nf fed her cookies. Unff
My fave is the one where her husband fed her cookies.
Holy shit dude you're right, was rewatching it and if you go to around 6:50 you can see it and pretty much for the rest of the video
Haha ya not a bad shot of it. She’s way looser in her older vids. Better quality for sure. The camera quality is better too. Not sure what’s she’s using now but she needs to get better equipment. I’m trying to see those stretch marks in 4K bro
Anyone has new content from kimono, please i would be pleased
Has anyone joined the $125 tier? Trying to figure out what type of custom vids she will do
Does anyone have her onlyfans to update to coomer?
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So shes taking appetite stimulants now...thats a bit on the hardcore territory
Where did she say that?
Only 1 post has been added but the count has gone by 5 in Kem
I'm not trying to knock this girl or anything but like everytime I scroll through this website this girl's thread is consistantly on the front page and has never moved. The more I scroll passed it the more I think about how absolutely normal looking this girl is compared to every other girl posted here. This girl is literally the average girl walking around my city every single day and she's like the most popular thread on this entire website.
imagine for a second that you live in a country where most people are not overweight like in the us

Oh no! What are we to do? I can’t live without constant updates.
Cab anyone upload candii july stuffing videos on kemono pls
Anything new?
Anyone can update kimono, please? Thanks
Any new videos ??
Good stuff. Thx for sharing
more of this plz.
MAN I love cabs.
Ben Bailey, absolute smokeshow, 11/10 body, but peaked about a decade ago. has fallen off but still puts out content.
Wow he’s 6’6 too? Is there a coomer???
kemono update anyone?
Thanks to whoever updated kermono appreciate it
what video are you taking about?
Can anyone add or send those newest stuffing vids?
Has this thread lost its charm
if youre a fan of the model then theres stuff here like the occasional video share but the amount of people begging to update the kemono only makes me want to just bypass this site and pay her directly for the vids
>Richer than me. I ain't paying $75 for a couple stuffing vids a month
Bro they ask for a kemono update for like one single video. Just watch what's already on there instead of begging for 3 pic sets and a vid. The update would be even grander the more you wait.
Her workout Barbie outfit is riding her hairy pussy lip in one the photos from the set. Kinda hard to see tho
Can anyone update candii July stuffing 30 min videos on kemono please
Whoever updated the kemono, you are appreciated and loved
She is getting so fat it is beautiful.
so what is she like 160?
sarcastic retard who knows better
shes literally the smallest model on this board.
You can see how fat her face, arms and ass got her belly plumped up as well
I just wish these girls would pull the camera back so we could see their ass & legs hetter
Here's a reup on some of the Candii/Reiina vids

Anyone have any of their other vids together, like the recent dress video from Candii? Or any other Candii Curvage vids.
Anyone who has the most recent vid I have the last few stuffings
Will you upload the stuffing vids now?
>>128654 think you may have been duped, my brother
any new 30 min stuffing vids??pls
Two different people wanting different vids. One wanted the curvage dress vid and shared the other Reiina collab vids, the other person wanted the recent patreon video in exchange for the recent stuffing vids from last month. Dude who wanted the recent patreon video never posted the stuffings after the new vid was posted.
I misquoted but the idea is still the same if hes paying for the stuffing vids hell already have the $35 vid
Not if he didn't resub this month though, the stuffing vids promised in return were previous month's stuffing vids.
Might not want to post a direct link to the dropbox, the huge increase in views will show up on her end. Thanks for the vid though king
Yeah, risking it all using a direct link. All please use kemono uploads in the future, but big thanks also for the stuffing vid.
Don’t kemono posts also use the direct link to the Dropbox?
I’d be surprised if she wasn’t aware of her stuff being shared, or even that this thread exists. Not hard to stumble across. Might just think of it as advertising, or she has enough subs to not care.
I vaguely remember in the very first candii thread on here her then bf now husband, was in the thread asking people not to share around her content
Could of been someone pretending to be her bf but still funny to think about
You can't manually upload to kemono. The way it works is that someone who has her patreon links it to kemono, then kemono does some internet wizardry and just copies the posts automatically. TBH if its been up this long its probably not something to worry about.
Thank you. A couple here, who obviously didn't know how it all worked, tried to make me look like the fool with their comments.

Agree. Any more than casual content creator knows the score. Their stuff will get shared, whether it be here or some other site. A few freak out & threaten to leave. A number do leave, but most accept it. I also do believe that if you discover a model that you really like, you just may go for a legitimate sub. That has happened to me.

Goddamn I’ll bet she’s a great fuck
Loving her subtle face gains

For a while she was mostly just staying chubby but it seems like she is starting to truly pig out and get fat
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It was most likely her husband in the older thread. I'm sure he looks at the blueberry inflation section since that's why he's into any of the bbw stuff. He used to post on his blueberry inflation "inventing room" server about how you're all scum etc. lol He's since deleted everything including his deviantart but you can still read the bullshit including his mental breakdown when Candii dumped him one time. Here he is as "DongQuixote"

Why should any of us care about what some guy thinks of this site?
No one gives a fuck m8. He gets to clap those cheeks whenever he feels like it. He can be as cringe as humanly possible and he’s still got it better than you or anyone else here. Glass houses and so on.
Because it wasn't just "some guy." Read the question asked days ago and you'll get it. It's funny how you put this girl on a pedestal as if she's like the hottest fat chick on planet earth. I find her massively overrated especially when she starts talking but you know simp on and all that modern internet lingo.

>>He can be as cringe as humanly possible and he’s still got it better than you or anyone else here

Speak for yourself. If you can't manage to pound ass at least once then that's on you.
Yes you’re so blasè about her but you’re digging up some fuckin random REPORT MY POST drama from two years ago? Calling a woman you’re clearly obsessed with overrated is classic sour grapes and cope. If you were getting top tier ass you’d be on it instead of being here, straight 📠
Bro speak for yourself I fuck bbws that are twice as hot as her every weekend I even have evidence to prove it!

Uuuhhh no you can’t see it sorry bro.
Well when you're in a REPORT MY POST server for years you kind of become inundated with seeing Candii and her creepy ass husband. I don't know how you can't follow that. If that wasn't the case I wouldn't even know who she was amongst all the other bbw models. I saw some of her videos and they're not for me but if you dig them great bye.
Regardless of any of this she’s become stale and incredibly boring. How many of the same photo sets can she post? She finally got a new bra… yay
Boring & stale? Yeah, I'll give you that, but she is finally getting seriously fat and i don't mind looking at her.
Obviously someone has the only fans since they’re posting screenshots so just upload it to coomer already
I got her onlyfans
I saw a jump in weight few months ago but she looks the same since May.
>kvetching about muh transphobia and racism on this afghani goat wedding forum
this lad has never been to eastern europe, he'd probably 49% himself in a few hours kek
She managed to restrict her latest patreon post from her own subscribers. What an idiot
I assume this was done because of the Dropbox link posted here, attempting to restrict access to approved users
Great job everyone
Dude, check your voice mail and charge your phone.
Any new stuffing 30 min vid??
where is that link of dropbox ?
Dudes on her patreon are saying it's bc Dropbox adapted their model bc they were giving away too much free business. Makes more sense
How exactly did she secure her content now ?
Dropbox has ended its unlimited cloud storage policy for its subscribers due to abuse by a few. Is this really the reason for any issues with Candii's use of Dropbox? If so, how so? Will she, or subs, need to make changes to her content posting & viewing?
vid got deleted from her Patreon for now
Bummer sounded like it was gonna be boob focused which could have been good
Yeah, she's entered the BBW category now. Before it was the chubby girl getting fat but she's padded by fat everywhere and her belly is more pronounced, she probably also is obese according to bmi too now. Congratulations to her on overcoming thinness and claiming her figure
>>129351 yes her bmi is 34, so she has been obese for quite awhile. Woman definitely start looking like BBWs around that range.

And thankfully it was not her cracking down on Dropbox streams, it was entirely unintended and Dropbox itself creating problems. She will probably have to switch cloud services
Does anyone want to chat about her and show each other jerking off to her? Lmk
That’s weird even for a fat fetish site.
cum on bro don't be weird
Holy fuck she looks huge in her new pay tree vid
I feel like im being gaslighted whenever you guys talk about how "huge" this incredibly average girl is.
How is she average? Unless you're so used to seeing 400 pound women that your mind is messed up?
She’s not a BBW bro. She’s cute but chubby at most
>>129573 bruh the energy its gotta take for you to come back to this thread repeatedly just to call her average must exhaust you
She’s wearing a thong under that maroon lingerie… whyyyyyyyy
Cause she’s married
Does any one have her newest vid pls?:)
In her latest stuffing video she mixes things up by eating and then unbuttoning her pants then gets up and turns the camera off… well worth the $75 a month
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Hey guys it’s Candii
>shows up on camera in pajamas
>baggiest set possible
>immediately sits down to ensure butt is covered
>half of body out of frame
>takes sip of water
I am seriously starving
>opens up box of salad
>takes normal size bite, chews
>leans back
>stares into space
>spends next 10 minutes eating four more bites
These clothes are getting tight
>lifts pajamas halfway up stomach
That’s better
>two more bites over next five minutes
>stares blankly while chewing
>clock ticks loudly
I love getting fat. It’s just so fun
>takes another bite of salad
>sips water
Wow I am so stuffed, let’s see the damage
>walks up to camera
>gets stomach as close as possible
>looks exactly the same
>turns around once
>butt out of frame
>sits back down
>stares into space
I’m so full. I need to take a nap.
>turns off camera
>collects $75
(118 KB, 220x238, leonardo-dicaprio-clapping.gif)
Someone needed to say it. She's hot af without being obese, has enough of a following, and is pacing her gain to where she can drag as much out of people hoping she blobs out as possible. Bros, never look to models to be honest or actually put effort in their videos unless they're financially incentivized to do so. Go outside, talk to a random chick whose income isn't supplemented by getting obese for random people who want to fuck you. It's much better than paying $75 monthly for this.
qft. Her gain is hot af but being a feedee that doesn't appear to enjoy stuffing or overeating at all is lame.

Check out poptartbelly. Girl is a real feedee, rapidly getting fat as fuck and knows how to stuff herself and show it off.
You said it before me - $75 a month to watch this gal is not money well spent. I cannot believe Candii still has not reached 200 lbs. She's been close for several months now. What's the issue? I think we all know the answer.

There are better alternatives, for far less. Agree, poptartbelly is the real thing. She ripped past 200 to over 250 just this year, and doesn't appear to be stopping anytime soon. She truly gets into and off to her frequent stuffings. Just wish we got the full face reveal too. Glimpses show her to be a cute, curly haired, blonde.
Someone can update kimono?, please🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Btw guy she weighs 198
>>129893 $75 tier is certainly not worth it because there is no variety in the 2 stuffing videos and they are always boring. $35 tier is decent compared to what you’d get sending $35 to an onlyfans girl or buying individual clips. She’s the hottest girl out there gaining and has gotten legitimately fat so she will always have a following
Are you guys hate fapping or something?
She's clearly getting bigger
You are clearly blind or something.

Yeah, she gained to the 190's steadily, but has now been there for several months. Now 198, Her lastest vid is "I wanna be 200 so bad". Well, what's the prob - just do it. I know that I could gain 5 lbs in a week if I wanted too, just like all of you.
Too busy spending the money from the gullible?
anyone who pays to see a girl eat, drink and show of her body needs a reality check
I have no shame in pirating after reading this lol
Stunning (in appearance) can be your opinion that will likely be shared by many - but calling someone the "best gainer ever", who can't even gain the last few pounds to get over the 200 mark after being close for many weeks, is not what I'd remotely label the best gainer ever.
>>129959 prepare for her to leave now.
Also share the videos instead of just screenshots
I'm curious, did Candii ever show nudes of herself? Like nude/ nipples or pussy?
I’d never pay to watch Candii’s content. It’s so subpar compared to the majority of gainers out there. That being said, there’s something weirdly hot about a d-list model giving up and getting fat for money. She doesn’t seem to really enjoy it though, and that just kills it.

Any thoughts on how long it will be till she vanishes and divorces her feeder husband for “ruining her body”?
idk man the fact that she isn't into it is kind of hot.

No. I think she did a Q&A on her Patreon where she answered a question about this. Something along the lines of she supposedly spoke with an adult model that has been in the industry for a while and they told her (Candii) one of there biggest regrets was showing her full body (completely nude). Candii said she took that to heart and hence why she has never really shown tits or private areas.
Someone can update her kimono, please?🙏🏻
She was 188 in March of this year, meaning 2lbs a month over the last 6. Steady pace for someone who is short.
a lot of models videos are like that though. they think people can't tell but I've read reviews on curvage about how they obviously aren't stuffing and are phoning it in.

im not even into stuffing but I just can't understand why candii wont release a simple twerking video. it isn't too much to ask. she loves to brag about how huge her behinds and yet a video devoted to her shaking it is clearly asking too much.

give it time. I think one day it'll just happen. something will trigger it, shell wake up, delete all content and that'll be it. maybe someone will say something to her, maybe she wont be able to fit her favorite outfit, who knows? but I believe its always out of nowhere. kinda like miss mad love except miss mad love actually enjoyed doing this. one day she just vanished and now she posts fitness videos.

So catering to a fetish is okay, yet showing a titty is too much? This girl is just as bad as Shar.
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there were some really old nudes posted by her BF on Reddit back in July/August 2019 before she even had a Patreon, I still have some pictures, looks like she had quite the pepperoni nipples back in the day
She can make a good amount of money without showing as much skin. Why would she want that out there?
Good point. I don't think she is hurting for subs and income derived.
the diff is shar would probably show tits if curvage allowed it, she's slipped a few tittyshots in her vids before
If someone could share through wetransfer her last weight in, he would be a hero !
Some hero can update kimono? Please
Beg some more
Someone can update kmono, please?
wow she looks huge here
I’m just waiting for the coomer update or maybe like a nice compilation of this gain
I wish I was a skinwalker so I could replace her husband
I wonder if she has a new long term goal or she’s been somewhat overtaken by gluttony. I remember she was always adamant about that 200 would be it but it seems like it would be very hard for her to stop eating like a landfill and switch to maintenance

If you watch this she says she likes where the weight is going and wants more. So not just eating like a landfill, but actively doing what it takes to be fatter.

thanks for the kemono update whoever did it
Her ass measures 54 inch now damm
Crazy, 6 inches from needing an extended tape measure - can she get there?
>takes her 30 minutes to eat a single chicken sandwich
she's hot and all but jfc man
>>118491 (OP)

49 1/3" would put her in the top 5% of american women in ass size.......I have to wonder where 54 puts her. That's huge.
What he said^ but I actually mean it. That guy only said it because he wanted attention, I can tell from that stupid look he always gives right after giving a compliment. Don't trust anything he says, seriously. An actual manic that guy. Puts the fear of God in me. Anyways, thanks a bunch.
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As much as I shit on her stuffing videos theres no denying how hot she is. Thanks for the kemono update and revel in her 200 lb glory. Here she is at 140 lbs vs now
textbook schizophrenia
Truly a great improvement. If only her video quality was just even slightly better.
Her content is so wack. She doesn't even how to fit her body into frame.

She teases a weigh in for 6 weeks like it's gonna be world-bending, spends 6 of the 8 minutes babbling to the camera
Not so wack for you to not watch her vids, apparently
Ooo zinger you know she's hot and that shit is frustrating
you guys are always saying this models content is boring and thay models content is boring but what does that mean exactly? What are you all looking for beyond watching a lady make her ass fatter?
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Agree, trash framing on a fucking BELLY MEASUREMENT of all things you're not supposed to be fucking up. It's not as if I'm asking for Roger Deakins level cinematography, I just want her to put in the smallest amount of effort and consideration into the production of her content. Her lazy, low effort, shit tier content could be good if she only tried.

"The essence of all beautiful art, all great art, is gratitude." - Friedrich Nietzsche

A reup, because fuck you and your beautiful ungrateful ass Candii

Bro why you getting so pressed over porn
>>130668 seriously y'all really out here stealing content and complaining about every single fucking frame of it. how about hitting a running fuck at a rolling donut instead
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1000%. For a model, girl absolutely whiffs half the time on even showing off her body. I could deal with boring vids or lackluster ideas if she just. showed her damn body. Girl is hot af. But its like she has no idea how to show herself off.
First pic from some recent vids. Her belly and ass are out of frame or cut off. Its all we want to see and she cant even show it. Second pic are models who actually show what they got. Full body pics, mirror pics, normal camera angles. Stuff that just makes sense, its so easy to just put yourself in the camera. All candii has to do is get her body in the shot but she doesnt even do that half the time. Its so frustrating.
Can imagine the complaints if you dolts actually had to pay for this. Did you bitch this much when you got your last welfare check?
I do pay and have since 2020 and I've contributed plenty here. Full blown coomer. Least I can do is bitch about it sometimes becuase im too pussy to type this shit on her patreon
Here is the problem. Why put in extra effort when people pay out their ass anyways? Same philosophy with modern movie franchises. Just slap a logo on something and release a 2 hour pile of shit and people will come out in droves. Why would she spend all the time, effort and energy to make content marginally better when she’s likely pulling in 10 grand a month? Will the ROI make her profits increase that much? Or is it just more worthwhile to turn the camera on and do her thing…
>I definitely pay I just bitch on bbwchan because I’m too pussy to ask her to show butt

Thats def a new one
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Unironically yes. suffer with me you regards, new content to bitch at just dropped
Bro just talk to one woman it’s not hard bro
this. she's hot enough that dummies are and will always be willing to pay for whatever half-assed content she puts out. to take your analogy further, it's like when sports games have no competition but have loyal fanbases; they can rest on their laurels for years and those motherfuckers will still eat their mediocre product up.
I'm bitching bc I'm subbed too, can a man express himself sheesh
Yeah, I'll concede. A sub can bitch, but you also have the option to cancel your sub.

I'm okay just taking the free stuff, good & bad, when it becomes available.
I don't know why but, I think Candy will catch up or exceed the weight that Skylar currently has. See even having a more beautiful shape
she would have to get huge to outweigh Skylar since the height difference is so big
Skylar is like 5'11" while Candi is tiny
Just cancelled my sub and it feels good. Time to move on from this garbage
Does anyone still have the old mutual gaining video? I think she uploaded another video with the same name which made the old unavailable
Damn, looks like the Kemono got nuked.
For some reason, I can't seem to download the last three kemono uploads from the Dropbox. That would be the vids below. If any of you has more luck, would you be so kind as to download them and make a WeTransfer link, so I could download them? It would be massively appreciated.



just change the url from "dl-0" to "dl=1"

Got her new vid
Just shocked how huge she is now…
Alguem de voces tem o novo video dela de mertilo e expansĂŁo?
It's on her curvage, so those slavering simps get something to throw their dollars at. Not free for patreon subscribers either
And i thought she was bluffing with taking appetite stimulants and a protein shake a day
Thx dude. I don’t get this blueberry fetish but still a good vid kinda
Any stills of her latest?
Does anyone have her new curvage video? she is hot as fuck
Anyone have

Reiina Helps Candii Squeeze Into a Dress

Stuffing Myself While Showing Off My Growing Curves​
Anyone have

Reiina Helps Candii Squeeze Into a Dress

Stuffing Myself While Showing Off My Growing Curves​
Shes si Big now
Her new videos😳😳 didn’t even recognize her fuck
Update kemono septamber stuffing video pls
Is this thread dead?
Any update please?

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