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Haven't seen anyone posting content of her, so figured I'd start and see what else pops up. Enjoy
>>117603 (OP)
Absolute Goat for posting these. This is how you put people on new porn stars.
shame she took out the belly button ring
belly button rings on fat chicks make me coom so hard

if you're getting fat the rings just come out magically :P I had a gf that happened to like a decade ago
she has a coomer that needs an update
She'd have to actually post for it to get updated
Reup/coomer update? Saw she did a collab with Reiina recently
She a scammer charging 60 dollars for vids like wtf
That's why I'm hoping we can get some content out of this thread. She been scamming for too long to not have her shit on a thread here
The best one she's ever done. No? Let's argue...

She might be a scam artist but she's a pretty damn fat one and I approve of the fat at least
>>117603 (OP)
She's so bad at scamming. I had 100$ worth of content I bought from her and she blocked me as soon as I paid for it
I swear she barely tries to hide it. Hell, I don't even think she actually makes any of the content people pay for
She just comes and goes sometimes makes content but once you want to buy more she gets so lazy and takes the money and just doesn’t do anything. She got me twice and apologized but never again. She gave me personal phone number at one point and I wanted to post it but I decided to chill out
I didn't even get that much, I just got blocked after she baited me. It's why I wanna make sure her content gets around. That way at least we all collectively get what we paid for
Yeah definitely. She sounds like a major asshole
At least if she ever collabs with people, we can reliably get the content from them
Did you guys ever see the dude who posted on her curvage awhile back screenshots of her scamming him? I think dude was in 500$ and she had the audacity of saying she was in the hole after he reported it all to his bank or something?
I don't know how we all missed it but just more proof she shouldn't be making money like this
What scares me guys is she used to be itsabellything back in the day. If the math is mathin that means she's been doing this since she's 15. How hasn't see got caught yet
Probably because she doesn't actually have a big following and just post generically when she needs cash. Every time she's advertising, she just needs to get paid. I only found out about her through another belly model who has since left the scene
Yeah pretty scary tbh
At least if she was only doing belly pics and kept her shirt+pants on then it probably isn't cp from a legal standpoint, loli shit is far worse but still allowed
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Let's just hope this won't get fucked over by that knowledge https://stufferdb.com/index?/category/6243
Wtf's even the problem? She's just a regular fat Mexican/South American chick I've fucked like 3 of them. You fags are worse than my mom you make a big fucking deal about every stupid little fucking thing for no fucking reason.
If that's the case why can't she just be honest about that lol. I swear some of these models are just plain greedy.
Allegedly she's scamming people stop having aneurysm and read.
Because she wants to appear legit. If she were figured out, people would know she's just e-begging and not making content
Yeah it's so sad. Like why put all that effort if your just gonna be a scumbag about it.hopefully the guy who spent 500 on her got his money back.
Doubtful. If anything he probably got blocked as well. If she can't trick you into getting more money, she'll either ignore you or block you
i have a like personal hatred for this bitch so basically like everyone else in this thread she scammed me for like $30 then acted like the victim and blocked me. but i didn’t realize it i just thought her insta got banned so i ask her friend hugh.fattener on instagram what about and he fucking lies to me saying he doesn’t know then he blocks me and btw that guys is a fucking weirdo bro spends his life savings on feeding fat girls and should probably be in jail he gives me pedo vibes. anyways fuck this bitch she deserves to have all her content put on here for free and also i swear to god she says she gaining but has looked the same weight for three years but yea hate this bitch so much actually hope she gets what she deserves and that stupid other pedo
>>125207 You're stupid and black
Man y'all. I just got got from this bish. I was on her of and paid 200 all together for content and just got blocked. I spent 100 last week where she promised my content right away. After a few days she asked for another 100 because she "lost my content" when I asked what's up I got blocked
I'mma just say it now for the sake of all involved. Report her of, get her off that site so she has no passive income and her only method of getting paid is making content. She might reapply but as long as enough people keep reporting her, she won't last long.
That’s a human beings livelihood chill out man, if retards want to continue with monthly payments then that’s on them
But her livelihood is based upon scamming people. She lives off of posting a topless pic once a month and then lying to people about content she doesn't produce. If she actually delivered, this wouldn't need to come up
Wow,she scammed me too twice asking for $50 - $70 to do custom videos. She never sent them and then sent from shitty ass 30 second clip that's on her stufferdb. She fucking sucks and the other legit feedees that hang out with her should be ashamed to be with the trash of the community.
Also she's been making content since she was a minor back then in 2016 but kept lying about her age. Pure trailer trash
I can't believe Reiina was stanning for this stupid bitch.

It sucks that we can't even really share isabel's content to deny her sales because she doesn't actually have any. guess the next best thing is to leak all the collab videos she was in.
that and also report her account for fraud. Completely deny her of making money. Im positive onlyfans takes that shit seriously.
That's what I'm saying. She's literally committing fraud and getting away with it. If nothing happens when she does it, she'll keep doing it. Anything after that, I don't care but she shouldn't allowed to just farm cash by lying constantly.
yeah these guys need to put more effort into this. (im assuming so if im wrong my bad)
fucking gross. she is a shitstain on the community that does nothing but scam people.
yeah sucks seeing her consistently choose the scam route over her career. ive known her since she was starting (im a young'un too dont worry) and she does genuinely do it for the fetish and has had a great gain imo idk why she scams it up lol she could really be somethin :/ shame
You've known her that long? That's pretty gross man. She's been doing this since she's been a child. Over her being an adult doing this there hasn't been any gain. She's been at the same weight for years. It's sad so many people have come forward on this thread of her scamming. Makes me wonder how many others she's done this to
Just because you were young doesn't make it okay. Idk why your comfortable even mentioning that.
I think that makes it worse that they admitted that
>>125448 uh... That makes it worse
>>125582 I guess you would know. You're entitled to your opinion. You have free will. And also freedom of speech. Nice, isn't it?
Disgusting, you were probably 18 and she was like 14 if the math is correct according to the youtube videos.
She scammed me of $50 and when I didn't get my vid she asked for more money to get it faster and never did. I hate her and hope she stops getting any money. The only feedee I can think of now that I hope gets bad luck and loses it all
>>125657 She was 14 years old!? WHAT A SLUT!!!

Also, report her IG. She has 31k followers. Making her have to start over would be nice.
what year was it / what was her username before she turned 18? i might need to delete some shit from my drive
Originally she was itsabellything, itsbellygoddess, itsabellygoddess, issabellygoddess, now goddessisabelly
>>125657 She was 12 years old??? What a slut!
Someone has to be the hero and put up beautiful woman with large breasts or else our children get nothing.
She's been scamming people for way too long and been tricking people since she was a minor.
A shit stain on this community and deserves to have all her income shut down.
All the bbws hanging out with her should be ashamed to be with thick cockroach 🪳
She made adult content as a minor??????
What the hell guys. I just got blocked from this chick when asking about my content. I sent her 50$ last week to her and she said she'd need an additional 30$ to get it quicker to me. When I asked what gives she blocked me. Wish I saw this thread sooner. I didn't know she's been doing this since she's been a child. I wonder if the other models she's collabed with are just as scummy
The models she collabs with aren't that bad, most are actually alright. Problem is that because she collabs with sex workers who actually work, it makes her seem legit.

And while she may not do much, this is what I can scrap together
Her instagram lives are better than her actual paid content lol
Only ever been to a couple and she only engages with people she knows will pay. Otherwise she kinda just focuses on what she's doing
Her lives are boring as shit and damn.
Everyday someone new gets scammed by her, we really gotta get her pages deleted to stop other poor saps from getting scammed.
If you pay for something you should expect something in return at least. Fucking scamming ass bitch
How can any of us have any of her videos if all of us (me included) have been ripped off
Find the ones who haven't been ripped off, spread the good word and see who bites. That's all we can do. Anyone who wants to gamble with getting content from her directly can, if they want to, but I'm hoping this thread is enough to put a serious dent in her scamming money
Nooooooooo I gave into temptation and paid $40 for a stuffing video on Thursday 😭😭😭😭😭
I hope I don't get scammed too. Seems like no one got a video 😢
Funny enough I had reached out her around the same time and she didn't get back until that same day and then vanished for another two days. Seems like she works when she needs the cash
If she's doing this on PayPal can y'all report her on that.
bruh i would have blocked you too. literally wasting her time with all that.

you need peace of mind over a 35 dollar purchase? sad.
Honestly sounds like you deserved it bro. It’s ok to deny f&f but you just didn’t stop whining
>>127816 I mean they are whining but with all the posts of her scamming people in this thread shame on you and shame on them. Her being underage originally and doing this and not have anything Happen to her and now scamming people as an adult something outta be done. She's scum.
Regardless of the whining, it's still obvious that she's scamming people. The reality is that she gets away with it because no one knows about it. I say just spread the word and cut her out of the community. Hell, even make sure other models know so they don't collab with her
^^^ this. just tell the models she’s collabing with that she’s a scammer, shit will downfall for her from there as word keeps getting out.

also, i’ve known her for a bit now, and without saying much (because i am still a friend of hers) i’ll just say everything on this thread is correct. i’ve tried telling her about her scamming a few times now since ive seen it a few different times now through a few different people who exposed her from it and she realistically just paid no mind to it and wasn’t interested in talking about it, told her it was wrong and that it’s gonna end up hurting her more than anything but she realistically didn’t listen and probably never will. when it comes to the hugh.fattener dude and her other friends + feeder/bf, they’re all weirdos (at least the ones i’ve talked to through her), they all enable her and i find all those friends weird as fuck too. i also know her content realistically just gets recorded only once or twice a month, her IG is proof of it too, if she changes hair color she’ll take some pics and shit that day and leave it for the next 2/3 weeks and upload when she needs engagement/money, that’s why she always looks the same weight (and also bc she’s only put on 35 lbs since 2019).
I got scammed
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How many people here got scammed this bitch is desperate. I told her to fuck off and this hoe still goes out and begs for stuffing money despite never delivering the vids i asked for or just giving shitty 10 sec0nd clips found on her stufferdb.
She should he banned for scamming, everyone keep reporting her pages
I never thought I'd see this thread about her. I've known her for a long time. She started out as it'sabellything on Tumblr on IG at 14. Made a fantasyfeeder at 15. We went to the same school and she often bragged about pulling older dudes and blackmailing them to get money. Even highschool she did that a ton. I tried to call the police on her multiple times and because she's a girl and underage they didn't do anything. We graduated and didn't see her until recently. The girl I'm dating got me into feederism again and showed me all the scamming she's been doing and I brought it up to her what I discussed earlier in my comment. She showed me this thread and said I should say something. At this point what do we do? She's probably at felony rate with how much she's taking from people and knowing she's been doing this since a minor has to be something.
Hold up. She made a FF at 15 and then what? Told you abt it? Why would she do that? And then wdym your girl got you back into feederism? Sounds like you’re in some kind of bizarre clique of (at one point) underage feeders
I got into it because I almost dated her. She was very open and honest about it to me and almost everyone at the schools we went to. It was pretty sick. Now looking back it's even worse
I almost dated her is why I got into it. At our schools we went to she was incredibly open and honest about it. Looking back it's incredibly sickening
attention is a hell of a drug for teenagers
It really is. We were all that age once. Sad that she's doing this and all these people are coming forward
Sorry if this is random, but has she ever been pregnant in any of her videos?
She's going to hell idfc she's gotta get arrested soon
As much as trying to appeal to her morally doesn't seem to work, the only other option is to spread the word. Tell people about her, make sure they know. Hell, if I weren't blocked I'd be posting this thread under everything she posts on insta. Once the money dries up, she'll see how bad scamming can go once people know the scam.
She gave me her phone number and it’s still the same. It take’s everything out of me not to leak it. Like you trusted me that much and still fucked me over??
just doxx her
Did you do friends and family or business?
Friends and family
Don't get scammed guys
Lmao, report her to the FBI
Never do friends and family. Good luck with that. You ain't seeing a dime of it unless you have a PayPal representative that's nice
You guys need to make a GC or something and then just send all the information to a pay pall representative so her account can get banned. There should be enough evidence to make them actually do something. At least once a week this thread is updating with someone talking about how they got scammed.
Did any of you guys get your content? You've been radio silent since you said you paid her
Yeahhhh they got scammed. I thought that was obvious.
I was a long time friend of Lexi. I can confirm she's been doing this since she's been 15... Tried the police a few times growing up but nothing came of it
From scamming to being underage? Tf? And this chick hasn't been exposed?
i dmed her 2 times already if I'm getting the vids this sunday and she has just ghosted, even read my message and nothing. I hope this bitch loses it all, scamming everyone
By the sounds of it another guy got got.
You paid for onlyfans L you support the scamming underage bitch
Trust me, paying for her onlyfans is the start of the scams since she posts so rarely on there. Any promises of content will only be fulfilled after you pay ten times what she asks for and that's if you're lucky. It's why this thread exists, cause anyone who got something may as well spread the wealth
How was i supposed to know tf. I searched this chick after this happened and this was one of the first things that came up. What's your deal?
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Spread this disgusting human’s content far and wide, she is a scamming lying asshole who doesn’t deserve another dollar.
Here’s a complaint hotline. If you have any problems take it up directly with this number. Wink.

+1 (904) 566-4865
You guys are such fucking scum oh my fucking god. WHO FUCKING CARES, GET A LIFE AND TOUCH GRASS. THERE IS NO FUCKING WAY YOU GUYS ARE DOXXING A HUMAN BEING FOR SOME STUPID SHIT LIKE THIS. Hate this fucking community. Look in the mirror from time to time you tiny dick fucks
oh god now it starts. just pirate her content and move on. we’re just in it for the fatties.

Irredeemable faggot. Kys
pretty sure the person stealing peoples money is the scum
did you read any of the messages above LOL
So your not gonna read the post above. She's a scammer lmfao.
Waste your $5 for a video that doesn't exist and she looks smaller every post
Hey, if you manage to get it then you're better off than most of us
First time i seen the word scammer throw around here and it's an actual fact this time. A bit see to see some people be against exposing her though lol
So now that we're all caught up

She's a serial scammer who's probably committed a felony with how much she's taken from people

She's been doing this since she's been a MINOR? Which has to be another one

She's ruining the community every chance she gets

Anything else we're missing? Its sad that so many have come forward about all this. I know I saw her randomly pop up on suggested Instagram to follow and I'm glad I searched. This is all messed up. How is she even making content still?

I mean shoot. Can we even call the police in Jax where she's at and say about the minor crap? Something outta be done
We need a model to call her put cause that's really the only way she'll disappear

Fat chance (no pun intended) of anything being done even if you called the police. Plus how are you going to prove the minor content stuff? Unless you want to prove to the authorities that you or someone in this situation has saved content of a minor (which is obviously fucked). Otherwise pretty hopeless.
shes recently turned 22 and the stuff posted on stufferdb is from way before on 2019 which makes it at the latest 17 but i remember seeing her on kik before that
stupid ass reina pop collaborated w/ her but is too pussy to call her out and gave out a dumb reason that she needs to protect her "image".
Her reputation would be way higher if she called out this scamming hoe and got her removed from everywhere. She fucking stole $40 from me and never sent a video saying shes gonna make it later and never sent only to block me when i asked 4 months later. Worst of the worst
She sounds like a real piece of shit
Damn. Glad I found this page. What a piece of garbage

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