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I would let her destroy me
super rare irish w. Holy shit she is absolutely gorgeous.

This really pisses me of since this is like the perfect woman to me. Why couldn't i just be normal? This is way too niche but my god. She could pick me up, throw me across the room like i am weightless, then crush my head between her thighs and i would die a happy man
Not an entirely pointless thread, I seen a pic of her here and there and shes ignored on the identify thread so thanks for the info regardless.
She's super hot, has the figure that hits everything I like. On top of that she has a career and isnt just some social media freeloader.
>>117512 (OP)
Her Instagram is on private and shes not a fat/bbW model and neither interested in the feederism community. Maybe good to leaver her alone.
hot but I would still ruin her athletic career and turn her naturally pudgy body into the lazy unfit useless thing its meant to be

Nah, she seems like the type who'll turn any man she's with into a beta. With those tree trunks she'll snap your pelvis in half after 3 swings.
I figure theres only so much content cause shes not a fuckin fetish porn e girl but man her figure is incredible. I dunno how her legs are so jiggly with all that exercising though.

The regular exercise fends off development of insulin resistance and the associated visceral fat. Hence the jiggly body and relatively thin face, despite her size. Age is also on her side.

The problem with female lifters, is competing with the abundance of male lifters who want them. A woman who lifts seriously is high demand and especially rare.

>>The problem with female lifters, is competing with the abundance of male lifters who want them. A woman who lifts seriously is high demand and especially rare.

I've never seen this within the weight lifting community. Most men there aren't going after She-Hulks. They're mostly porking the average petite white gym girl, not tree trunk legged girls.
Kinda funny but that little clip of her jumping on a dude after winning and bro could barely hold her, they prolly not into that.
how tall is she?
Judging from her insta, probably 5'9-5'11. She looks like a younger plump princess kinda.
Yeah, no idea what he's on about
If he's the only one seeing the page on "private", probably means he got his dumb ass blocked 🤣
Someone should edit her fatter
I dunno why she looks so big in her workout clothes but way smaller in normal clothes
It's a Sleeper build. Common thing with some people who work out. They're built the second they change into their gym gear but look "normal" in their normal clothes.

looks like some kinda before/after, her arms/face look bigger and it's not like they're under fabric.
I am R. Crumb's sex obsessions.
I think you mean typical Irish W, Irish chicks are cute af idk what you are on about John Bull
(38 KB, 615x410, fake tan.jpg)
I am Irish you clown. Where I am from anyway the selection is pure shite lad. Same goes for those Anglos as well. Typical orange fake tan crap with their face being a completely different colour with more foundation in their face then in an apartment building. Irish women should embrace their natural fair skin, there is nothing at all wrong with it.

Sure we have a few that are grand but since living there all my life super cute ones can be hard to find and we have some absolute creatures...

Also the appeal of Irish girls is can be down to their personality. They're usually solid craic, pretty down to earth and casual.

Listen, I adore Ireland and I am proud of where I am from but an Irish 8 is a European 6 looks wise usually, that's all I'm saying...
Found out her weight in her last comp was 283lbs/128kg

Mad props for the Art Crumb schematic.
He needs to be informed.
>>117985 She's already finding out, brother. Little by little. It won't be long now before the rest find out.
Sounds like she's lying. Judging by her height she has to be at least 320
You’re that fucking retarded that you’re saying a normal, non feedee girl on Instagram is lying about her weight.Touch grass it’l do you a world of good
She’s so fine
Incredible woman
>>121506 (Cross-thread)

This is a peak power lifter's body. You may (not) like it but this what peak performance looks like.

For my part I think she's just grand. Like if Ms. Trunchbull wasn't a disgusting and evil wench.
>I think she's just grand
oh i agree, god damn
>>121506 (Cross-thread)
Mass changes your leverages and there are some lifts that are affected positively by an increase in size.
you’re definitely stronger with additional weight. Those guys who are shredded are not at peak strength…not even close to it. That said she is probably too fat to be at peak performance.
If by "some" you mean "all" sure. As long as you're not bedridden it's basically impossible to gain fat without also gaining muscle 🤷‍♂️

>Those guys who are shredded are not at peak strength
Punnie man doesn't get women, hahaha Get men
Look at her shape… the minute she retires she could easily turn into the second coming of Plump Princess.
There isnt any content for this thread
One of us has to DM her and pull that glocky rizz or whatever the zoomers say to persuade her to pork up into the world's widest-and-strongest cavewoman
>>122022 I suppose by zoomer you mean not ugly, perverted, nigger? What's zoomer?

Inb4 I will rape my own grandmother because nigger
>>117512 (OP)
>The link you followed may be broken, or the page may have been removed.
fuck, it's over
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Take a look at her Insta. She has saved clips about cake and one called gluttony. You’ll see, when she stops lifting she’s going to turn into Letakelsie
Reading through the lines…it seems like this chick is using the whole powerlifting thing as cover to eat whatever she wants. Look at those legs…She really blew up in the last few years and when you see her insta thing dedicated to cake and gluttony it all makes sense.
I assume it's either that or she has that condition Randalin has
Power lifters eat for different reasons

It’s honestly not that deep. People in the power lifting space eat like this on purpose. Not because they are into this fetish. It’s legit what you need to do as a power lifter to hit the weights you are supposed to in the gym.

People who aren’t familiar with the gym just confuse bodybuilding and power lifting. They think it’s all the same. Bodybuilders are trying to get the great physique. Meanwhile PL’s are legit trying to get every bit of carbs, protein, calories etc… possible as part of their program to lift heavy ass weights.

No one can say for sure, but I can almost guarantee this chick doesn’t give a damn about this fetish. She’s trying to lift heavy weights, that’s it.
that makes sense if you don’t take into account the fact that she has a section on her instagram specifically about gluttony and another about cakes. Neither of those subjects has anything to do with powerlifting.

Sure. But just because someone says titles something gluttony doesn’t mean they are into this fetish. Again it’s not always that deep.

Her post about cakes legit just looks like she posts nicely (in her opinion) designed cakes. It could very well just be an artsy thing for her. I’ll stand correct if on the cake or gluttony post she has something that says “I’m trying to get fat af since it’s hot” or something similar.

Sure, we in this fetish think of gluttony and automatically assume it to be kink related. But we are not normal tbh. The normal folk don’t think of it like that.

Again I could be wrong, but unless she or anyone like this explicitly says something related to or exactly in this fetish, it’s prob not what you/we think.

If someone were to message her anything connected to this fetish it would be a pretty safe bet she wouldn’t even give it the light of day.,
Stop projecting this fetish unto others you brain damaged coomer. This is how powerlifters eat


Many fat powerlifters are just fat people who can't lose weight. Her lifting numbers are nothing special when you take her weight into account, especially when you consider many girls 100+lbs are lifting heavier than her.

She's hardly Eddie Hall bulking up to deadlift 500kg like you guys want us to believe.
It's not as simple as you make you sound. If there was a completely linear correlation between weight and strength all the worlds strongest men would be 600+lbs yet they weigh between 300 and 400lbs.

Being too fat affects your mobility and endurance which in turn means you end up moving less weight.
How has no one pointed out that the cakes in her IG highlights are her own handiwork? She baked them. That's definitely not evidence of a fetish lol.

And the gluttony? And it’s not like she hasn’t blown up. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that some of those cakes ended up on those thunder thighs of hers
It's likely just a word she thought made it sound amusing and not only that, The last post in it was over 2 years ago.

I think you're massively overlooking into this and desperately trying to see what you want to see. She's just a power lifter, Stop trying to project the fetish onto it
I love the fact that even here there a boobs who will attempt to white knight a woman who they don’t know, will never meet all on account of my assertion that she get fat on purpose…dudes…who gives a fuck. Honestly.

“Who gives a fuck?”

Says the guy going extreme coomer brain and projecting his fetish onto anyone/everyone who says gluttony when there’s legit no evidence pointing to anything more.

It’s not white knighting, I can say that we most likely don’t give a damn about her or whatever. It’s you that we’re focusing on being a weirdo fuck. “shE dEfInAtElY hAs ThIs FeTiSH l!!1!1!1”

It must be sad how you go through life

Absolute cringe.
Thing about this fetish is Im always amazed at the body shapes big women come in. Skinny chicks with their pretty face all look like the same girl to me, I dont look at every girl over 150 and lump them into this fetish, that said I also believe that if girls want the get out of life free card and flaunt themselves online for money they should be prepared for the coom brains to say fucked up shit about them. ultimately this girl is not one of these people and I think we should just give it a rest.
this thread needs to be moved to /gen/
>>117512 (OP)
I'm probably going to get called a white knight for this, but I don't think she belongs here. It's one thing to make threads about girls who voluntarily sexualize themselves on social media for attention/money but making a thread about a random woman simply enjoying her hobby seems wrong. Put yourself in her shoes and imagine how awful it would feel to see pictures of yourself posted to a fetish site when all you were doing was posting about your hobby. Sex workers and celebrities are fair game but random women shouldn't be.
>>122493 As long as her privacy is not invaded and her personal property is not trespassed no wrong has been made. Also respect isn't something that the government is known for having towards the citizens that it's sworn to protect, but I can tell you that not everything's disrespect. That's a fallacy. Respect's no different from love. When you have love you have no choice but to have respect.
Fucking Socrates here, expounding his views on humanity. The girl has a pretty face and a big dumper. She belongs here like mustard belongs on a hot dog
I wonder which Greek philosopher was most likely an FA. I feel like Plato liked a wide wobbly dumpy.
My money is on Diogenes personally
Thank you finally another mustard hot dog chad.
Nah couldn't fit a huge greek bitch in his barrel hahahaha
Most of them probably were…remember that being fat was a symbol of status back then. These days at least 60% of guys prefer fat chicks…not necessarily SSBBWs but fatter than the typical model. Studies of google porn searches bear this out (based upon said studies, there are a lot more homosexuals out there than are commonly acknowledged). Now the Greeks did also have an athletic ideal but that applied mainly to men. I believe that this girls combination of athletic prowess and burgeoning obesity would have been quite appealing to the Greek philosophers…Now Socrates, a smelly old vagrant who was generally considered as rather ugly might not have appealed to our power lifter but I digress.
>>122559 I believe you should go back to community college because you still sounds like poser.
Naw that’s bunk man I always get shit on when I tell guys I like thicker women lol out and about most guys prefer these petite women and won’t even bother talking to a girl with a little meat on them get out of here with that lmaooo
>most guys prefer these petite women and won’t even bother talking to a girl with a little meat on them
I know exactly what you're talking about and I can almost say without a shred of doubt that while this is true it has nothing to do with the actual fat and if society were different perhaps there would be more gay dudes not fucking bbws but there would also be a lot less lonely bbws. There's no real necessity for this to have been the way of things went, but there were fuck ups made, mostly on purpose, by mostly evil individual's intentions. In a perfect world no fat girl would have trouble getting married, but humans we're not perfect, and without the help of God you shouldn't have reasonably expected any other outcome.
>>122578 We're truly in the presence of excellence her. It's an honor to meet a community of such superior brain power.

Let me know when you do something with that software that you allegedly stole from a hacked computer.

Who gives a fuck what you think?

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