
(627 KB, 2000x2000, 153a0e95-e799-4951-b63f-86a22f6bcfe4.22a831ee009de56d6ba323c2f2785e25.jpeg)
Don't you want to just like find a good, loving, humble man to be your bf and then be his pleasant fat wife?

I get it, I've been in your situation. Trust me when I say you'll regret this.

Even uploading here, even faceless, was not the best idea. You've got at least one sick guy who also happens to be a pedo for a side fetish saving you on his hard drive.

Girl you don't need to RP being raped. You need to think about what was even the point of Easter. Kik is a dump. Do better.

inb4 some low IQ fag points out "we're on porn board XDDDD" nah nigga you're sick
I get the message and won't say anymore but this girl advertising her literal rape fetish as if it's part of the entire "uwu i love being chubby" wholesome message is kinda fucked up and she's obviously sick. At least our fetish is half excusable fantasy and can be painted over with a clean coat. How do you justify this woman having literally negative value dignity? Some sick bastard is gonna want to wear her skin 2 days into kik convo.

Really, LtBarclay? Is this how you run your site these days? This isn't moralfagging it's just like, OP seems like literal parody lmao. Poor girl.
That was my point and mods removed it.

I'll tell you how it happens most of the time, part of why she also wants to be verbally abused for being fat: Negligent/abusive parents. Freud was (partly) right about some things. Although really ancient saints had been noting how important a stable family is since the beginning.

I consider myself pretty weird and messed up but if you message this girl RPing literal rape you need to be arrested.
Last note to explain: A lot of fetish originates in trauma. Rape fetish/"noncon" is an extremely obvious example. It's catharsis by "Replaying" some form of what happened to you, or some concept related to it, especially from younger years. It's a way of processing overwhelming info in your subconscious, an attempt to mend deep wounds.

Not all of it is bad per se, but there's a line where it becomes dangerous and "bellybabe96" is playing with fire. Getting fat on purpose is already a risk, this is just suicidal.

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