
(83 KB, 1108x683, lzwwvgyuhkd41.jpg) (39 KB, 629x647, 2w9b1a1sk6b41.jpg) (22 KB, 500x402, 7qa0e9izhkd41.jpg) (57 KB, 720x637, 41gv516xx0b41.jpg)
what happen to her , her subreddit is close all information about her is so little please if anyone know where she post or reassuring
IS ONE MY favorite always returns their excellent figure is work of art
From the last thread about her some months ago, apparently the only sign of her existence online is a private IG anon was understandably very hesitant to give out.

I think she will return one day as she seemed genuinely into the fetish but also has a very haughty, selective personality.

I get it man. La belle juive. She's a literal fat bitch in the hottest way possible. (i also miss the also pear jew qdqdq)
If you're watching, we'd love to have you back. You're gorgeous, and hot as hell. We will treat you respectfully, like the lady you are.
Obesityglorifier is jewish? Got me changing my mind about Kanye

Qdqdq just photoshopped the fuck out of her pics. They were all morphs
Both of the Hebe fat girls mentioned were kosher with me
Obesityglorifier was my favorite ever in this scene. I was the anon who posted a few IG pics some time ago. I don't have her IG, I had found them posted in a Curvage thread. Messaged the OP on there and never heard back so I got no info to add. I'll repost them here if I can remember later.

I do think she was genuinely into the fetish, based on her old Tumblr and Feabie, but yeah she was flighty af as mentioned above. I think she disappeared in 2019 and am still hoping against hope for a return one day.

Most of her stuff is on StufferDB, but there was a drop I've seen posted a couple times with a few extra (old) pics that aren't on there. I don't have it but maybe someone will repost it here.
That first photo is the best her face ever looked
I stopped following her when she stopped glorifying obesity. Just couldn’t abide it.
I know right? Looks like she kept gaining after leaving the scene. She looks better than ever.

Thanks for the drop. This is pretty much everything I've ever seen on her, including the handful of pics not on SDB. I lost my backup of this folder so I appreciate it.
Does anyone have a reup for this?
seconded, I’d love a reup as well
Sorry to be that guy, but pls I *need* a reup (if not one of the StDB videos)
One of my all-time favorites

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