
>>116409 (OP)
I dunno. She was saying things about having Kidney Cancer but she's a known scammer. She posted on her OF for a while after but she hasn't again since July 2022 so I uploaded it all to Coomer. You're welcome
She's on feabie too but hasn't posted anything that could be considered content in a long while.
She came out as non-binary in 2019 (I think) but she's made a few videos since then.
She actually had top surgery goes by a new name still gaining though
anyone know of an archive for their older stuff? Lot of good stuff has gone missing throughout the years
She chopped off her tits?! MOTHER FUCKER! Tranny Doctors need to get the rope.
How did she get a reputation as a scammer? Besides leaving her OF up and not uploading content.

Also muffinmakd was known to be a scammer too
>She chopped off her tits?
No, she posted one picture with binding tape.
Her 'non binary' identity basically boils down to wearing masculine clothes
Years ago she took a bunch of people's money for customs that she didn't fulfill.
Speaking of customs, if anyone has some from her OF (frequently mentioned or teased in her posts) he's a real hero
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Question for you guys, are these just pics or does this have a video? and if it does, do any onf you guys have it?
what do you think non-binary means

Confused lesbian/homo.
It means brain damaged.

People who fall for that con are literally brain damaged.
I believe it's an old Latin term for "absent and/or abusive father".
This was one of her best photos ever. She wasted a literally 9/10 body to become a freak and she only has a few years left to pass those genes on
I have a question about the many vids and pics she took at that spot and angle. Could she really not touch the chair with her back or was she exaggerating an arched back?
nah she really couldnt, her spine and her ass are like miles apart
Anyone can post her old content? Please
She told me she got her breasts removed because of cancer and is on T
Yeah that's her grift. Press X to doubt the cancer story. I don't mean to be cynical, but other women have claimed these things proven a lie.

She most likely has deep insecurity and brain problems from not the best upbringing, part of why she fed herself into cartoon proportions to show off her hippo ass to millions around the world. After surely a flood of Pajeets and Creepy Uncle Joes asking for open bobs and vagene (and pls gain to 60,000 pounds xoxoxo) she snapped and gave up the ghost to the Troon cult to cope as she was always a Millennial of the Pacific Northwest and all that implies. Poor lady.
in simple terms. She was super sexy. Probably got used or sex. Became body dysmoprtiic as a response. Got fat..
When she was current alot people said she was a lesbian. She prolly doing non binary thing just for the fad.
Looking for the old videos that aren't in stufferdb, any king?
it's very painless to use preferred pronouns. it's all made up anyway.
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Actual answer:

If you cannot sincerely see how fucking with the most basic aspects of society like family, when it's extremely obvious and even noted by most common people in shitholes that something seriously went down the toilet in the West, then you deserve what's coming to you.

Are you an effeminate man? Congrats, you're blessed to be a sensitive poet. Women love that. Go Johnny Depp mode (ok not like that).

Are you a woman with a masculine streak? Bless you, lots of guys LOVE tomboys.

Simple as.

And you people wonder why it's allowed that barbarians that actually know which bathroom to use flood your countries. What use does God have for smart nations who hate Him? At least many of the dumb ones have SOME humility.

Do you get it yet???? I know porn causes brain damage but how are you literally dumber than niggers who don't hate God?
God doesn't exist. End of fucking story.

How the fuck you can sit there and claim other people are deluded or low-IQ.. come on.

It's no wonder you incels can't get laid. Racist, misogynist, transphobic, science denier, and yet you think it's everyone else that has the problem, not your close-minded dumb as fuck ass.
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A last 'jak for the road because I'm not gonna read the replies. Imageboards literally were every -ist from the beginning you redditfag tourists.

If you cannot recognize even the basic Laws of Nature you aren't getting your ideal fat gf. Or if you do, she'll cheat on you or some other fate where you'll want to kill yourself and crawl back begging and praying for mercy. Or you'll just get brain cancer or such. And you'll deserve it.

Azismiss is a woman to ~99% of humanity - even the most illiterate tribes - and BRICS deserves to nuke us all into glowing ash. You are peak decadent soybug if you refuse to humble yourself one iota.

May Christ have mercy on us all. Farewell.
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Lag so didn't see but closing off with this note to help you:

John von Neumann, one of the greatest mathemeticians who ever lived, conceded that Pascal's Wager is true. The simplicity seems childish, but it's actually elegant and undeniable. He was raised an agnostic Jew but had a deathbed conversion to Christianity. He was very hardly alone in that, and not just an eccentric.

Atheism is peak reddit midwittery. Pull the stick out of your butt. Embrace Love and Humility and let yourself be blessed with a fat wife in reward, inshallah.

btw the Shroud of Turin is real.
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I'm actually a biological woman (tomboy and bi, struggling with it but better than I was from God's help, I was briefly duped into trannyism).

I can confirm with 100% sincerity as most other women would confess: Most of us see right through the male leftist shtick. It's creepy af and we can easily tell when you're a porn addict simp. We LIKE even when men are a little bigoted. Not SS officer level outside the bedroom maybe, but you know, drunken blue-collar guy in stained t-shirt kinda thing.

You're just an insecure faggot moid coping and projecting. Repent.
i'm a bi woman myself so i can confidently say you're wrong. that's all.
So you're either a lying nervous coomer, or you've been MKULTRA'd. Call your elder relatives and tell them you love them. Bye. :3
Okay, bye. Don't come back, please.
bi woman and model who the cumbrains on here thirst over, dont listen to this person, body positivity is a social movement spearheaded by the left so we are all sjws to some extent. in fact i prefer my men a little soy-y
Uh yo I got no dog in this fight but it's kinda sus that you say you're a camgirl and prefer a man who is more effeminate and passive.

Also as
noted, she didn't even deny about range of tastes. But there's a pretty big difference between a William Blake type guy, a poet artist type, and a reddit coomer paypig. In fact some of the great men in history had a soft side but they had FAITH and CONFIDENCE.

It seems like you're just an exploitative whore tbh. But we're all just hypocrites aren't we lol
>body positivity is a social movement spearheaded by the left so we are all sjws to some extent

t. historically illiterate slut who doesn't know fat women were ideal for most of human history until the pedophilic modern media took advantage of post WW2 abundance. Peasants of Eastern Europe were famous for being FAs. Dumb ho
im sure the mods are going to clean this up soon but ill indulge, sure. the initial point was this


i obviously dont want to date someone weak, fragile, cowardly, etc, but i also really dont want to date the kind of loser who spends mental energy complaining about societal degeneration because someone wants to be referred to as "they"
im smarter than you, i promise
>>117274 That's not all you are
>i obviously dont want to date someone weak, fragile, cowardly, etc

Given the cultural environment were in, unless you move out of the West, most guys who aren't walking red flags are probably gonna have a gripe or 2 about modern society. This is empirically recorded. Higher testosterone ON AVERAGE is correlated with more conservative beliefs. We Iive in polarized times its inevitable you're gonna hear a "good man" use "woke" in derision at least half ironically.

And I have known a lot of girls who even mean dominant but at the end of the day deep inside they want to be squeezed by muscles and told its gonna be OK or some cheesy crap like that.

If I'm not a fan of that, I'm just screwed aren't I?

The truth is there is simply no hope for "GNC" men who don't want to be like Soyjak or a crossdresser.

Either be Chad, a simp, or take HRT. that's the unholy trinity of our time.
Sorry just to clarify in practical terms, it's like if you're a regular nerdy guy who happens to also cry a lot and was never "one of the guys" you're just a vaguely creepy freak meant to die alone. Nobody wants you even as fetish fuel because you fit no stereotype.

>conservative beliefs
Your country's government's gay so stfu. Furthermore they prey on and have bullied the weak and even the innocent since generations. They do it even to this day. Your government doesn't respect anything or anyone, including God and Jesus. They sink as low as to use vague language and accusations of illegal porno to control lives and violate anyone's constitutional rights at their disgression. They are all beneficiaries, and there's corruption everywhere. It's unstoppable. They could be listening to your phone conversations and you wouldn't even know whether it's a hacker or the NSA. And this is a bbw thread, not a gen thread.
>>117277 yeah man, if youre a regular nerdy guy who cannot get a girl with money, your looks, your dick size, or whatever else attracts people to people, youre gonna have to compensate with a personality that is attractive to women.

in this case, i assume you like fat women, and like i said, theyre overwhelmingly leftist/liberal.

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