
(177 KB, 1108x623, kp.jpg)
Haven't seen a thread on her in a while... one of the best

Do you have any other vids of her blonde?
Was literally thinking about her yesterday and even considered making a thread, wow kudos OP. Her coomer seems to have new (as in, not-before-uploaded old stuff) content. I miss her so much. She apparently, for the millionth time, pops online on Curvage but does literally NOTHING. Besides that, no trace I think. Someone help!
Anyone have a video of her at her fattest?
Which was her peak weight? Over 300?
Highest recorded was 374
(30 KB, 506x507, Capture.JPG) (42 KB, 519x871, jijik.JPG)
I adore not just her form but adorable face especially without the caked-on makeup, so much natural beauty enhanced by fat. She really was/is a legend for BBW content in my book.

That breakup really messed her up from the big 400. ;_;7
She was nailed on to sail past 400 and flirt with some serious weight then she lost her partner/ feeder and disappeared overnight. Such a loss, her appetite was ravenous, she could devour serious amounts of food
(140 KB, 2190x1242, ff_iv.jpg)
She had noticeably pushed past that recorded high. In the video titled “snacking for a sacking” I think she was just about her biggest. I bet she would have been damn near if not 450 by now if she hadn’t vanished. One of the most brutal hits to the community imo

I'd argue it's just as big of a loss as Kelligrl was back in the day.

Anyone have the Snacking for a Sacking vid? I've never seen that one.

Here's one...

Thanks king. The first gym video is best. She grew a literal cartoonish shape. Pear and bursting with soft all over and sharp features? 10/10 pls retvrn
Would someone mind reupping?
Mind reupping the gym vid??
Is this from something new?
Hhh context and sauce please
I’m about to go fucking ravenous if there isn’t more content to go along with this>>118453
hey where does this come from?
Looks like airbrushed AI, I mean I can just tell from the hair it looks fake
I wouldn't be so sure it's AI, maybe a morph, but either way she looks so hot with that puffed up face!
I am the creator, as you guessed this is an AI generated image. Sorry for the small disappointment, I wanted to test. Perhaps the future of fetishism lies in AI. What would you think of a completely created and virtual BBW influencer ?
>>118598 You're the "creator" of the thread, you mean?
I am the creator of this image
>>118598 I think most humans would think it's a bad idea.

I also think there won't be any future worth living in if these few trouble making issues don't get ironed out first but that's none of my business thank God I live happy and free
>>118601 If you need some good ideas for what to do with AI technology I suggest you start a thread. I may too be able to share a few of the ones I've had floating around that you may use with my knowledge
I have to think which are the ones that I would be willing to let go of beforehand, but it's a good idea to make a thread, and you can most certainly use that idea.
What did you use for the image?
>>118726 Take a guess, gold digger.
>>118726 Not gold digger, I meant miner.
that's really her ?? where does it come from ?
Jesus christ imma need the link please
You must be typical 'murican, because you still think everyone from Britain sounds like a Cockney.
This has been posted and removed twice already and both times someone said it was AI-created. And I am inclined to think they are right
I clicked on it and can tell right away just by the eyelashes
What image?
Can we get some re-ups?
here you go friend

here you go man, enjoy
someone with less of a life than I have tell me if that's legit
bro how tf is this down already. Can you reup it
Think anyone is going to spend their time decoding that shit?
i have a script that decodes automatically. either this is salted heavily or it's not valid
It’s not. I lost 10 minutes of my life, but I guess I woulda lost em anyway

sounds like your script doesn't work

Fuck you man, I just asked for some videos, I’m not begging. Stop being salty.
Wtf is this shit, just use wetransfer, I’m not wasting ten years of my life decoding this garbage
It decodes to “nah”.
wetransfer responds super rapidly, try not wetransfer in any threat that has some "heat"

the base64stuff doesn't "work"

but myairbridge usually takes like a day to respond to a take down
Does anybody have the compilation of her with Tempo by Lizzo playing over it?

Here's a few videos in return: a doctor's visit, two videos with Aliss, and one of the fake fitness influencer clips. Enjoy.
Bro plz, in the name of science, share it again
bump, anyone know where is she is these days, any profile links etc? I want to shoot my shot
Does she look like she lost any or the same? Also note how surreal it is that she literally became like this morbidly obese 100% on purpose for her fetish yet is modeling for desperate miserable fat normies lul.

She looks smaller than her peak. I think she got up to like 380ish so I’d bet she’s sitting at roughly 355
when was this pic from?
(4.1 MB, 4224x2376, IMG_20230422_002259.jpg)

There's a lot of us that wishes she would return. I mean she don't owe us shit, but damn she was on track to be one of the legends.
cute stuff, drop a link to your of or at least someway of getting in touch
>>121535 (Cross-thread)
it says I need a to pay to view it on windows media player because I don't have the right codec? Anyway around this?
It's a trap. They bring you into the states and study your children since elementary school. They're pseudo intellectuals that believe crazy shit like the real reason your young boys like large breasts is because of cartoons, or colors in your bathroom. They're psychopaths that study humans and mimic them. They get help from conjuring demons that communicate to them about your private life.
Legit, she was nailed on to hit 500. Her appetite was amazing, she was beautiful and cared about her content. Shame her boyfriend fucked it all up
Would someone mind reupping some of the vids?
Still looks to be well over 300lbs
NGL it’s pretty hot that she gained that much with a boyfriend’s influence, broke up, left, and still is even that fat on her own. Like wellp, got fat and that’s that

I know that the boyfriend pushed quite a bit - but she was chugging gravy. You've got to have some sort of fat lust in your own soul to be doing shit like that on the regular.
Just crazy how as soon as she finished with her fella, she just dropped off the scene immediately. I can understand stress and moving out etc but there's money on the table with curvage and clips etc and you don't just gain to 350lbs then think "ahh fuck it"
I don’t think she truly enjoyed that side of it; more like, she was doing it to please him
That BF is either the dumbest guy ever or got a literal billionaire supermodel to propose to him, or she's got some super dark skeletons in her closet, for him to give up all that.
She still has arm cankles (whatever you call it) and fat pads on her feet. I really hope she reaches 400 still but she was made to be a tub of lard and it's hilarious she made herself on purpose into this plus size model and millions of Karens think she's "so brave and confident".
Because all the video stuff was his. His camera, his software and editing skills - all of it. Like she should have come on and said something, must have been devastated. The boyfriend was from a rich family and would go on holiday a lot.
If you do id be glad if you could share some :)
Just as an FYI, she left him
Or you know… they just weren’t compatible as a couple anymore? Lol
There’s countless possible reasons why they split that don’t have to do with those two things you mentioned

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