
(77 KB, 1032x774, massive_burps_by_mykawaiilittlebelly_dcur909-pre.jpg)
I have a good amount of vids (I think) but I like to watch stuff in chronological order and I'm having a hard time putting the vids in order since the channel is gone (sadly) and stufferdb doesn't have them in chronological order.
Anyway, as per rules, here's 48 of her vids:
Some videos have her talking. But I havnt opened the packet to see if those videos are shared
When you open it let me know which ones because it’s abit hard going through all of them >>115759
Wait are these just the vids from stufferdb? If so what’s the point of the encoded and posting them here? They’re probably all on there since she just did her free YT channel and didn’t do anywhere else. She was crazy hot though, it’s a shame she left and I would love to see her return one day fatter than ever.
Really, I was just struggling to put these vids together in chronological order. I'm looking for anyone who actually has all the videos and took the time to put them in order. It's kinda hard to since I can't seem to find a archive of the old channel before it got terminated by YT
Stufferdb recently got rid of all her videos from her 2nd channel for some reason, so now all that’s left on there is just the stuff from her original channel. All of her later videos unfortunately weren’t on there to begin with but now even more of them are lost
i reuplaoded mosts recents vids on sdb
dw mates i saved somes vids too, i'll reup on sdb but it takes 1 week for moderators validation idk why
Are they in release order? Cus I can't get them in order without access to the channel which is unfortunately terminated
Can someone share the later videos that aren't on sdb?
does anyone know why she disappeared even? she hasnt even logged on her curvage account in a long while and she was the one that got me into this fetish like 5 years ago i miss her so much are there any news on her?
When I try to click on the packet link to download all the videos it's just a bunch of letters and numbers; aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LU9rN3VtSzdKT2E ; it doesn't take me anywhere when I click it, can you please reupload the packet link? She was really one of my very favorites, it sucks all her stuff is gone! ugh :/
When I try to click on the packet link to download all the videos it's just a bunch of letters and numbers; aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LU9rN3VtSzdKT2E ; it doesn't take me anywhere when I click it, can you please reupload the packet link? She was really one of my very favorites, it sucks all her stuff is gone! ugh :/
Use Base64 to decode it dude

Afaik, a youtuber with a decentish big fan base reacted to her channel. She then got raided by his followers and had her channel terminated by Youtube.
This, accompanied by personal life problems (don't know what in specific) made her leave the scene.
guys i have her latest vids when she's rly fat and gorgeous but sdb admins takes 10 fkin days for the upload validation
why not upload them to wetransfer or something while you wait? That way we can get them without the bullshit streaming compression anyway.
Any chance you could upload them here? Would really appreciate it!
If anyone has more rare unseen vids from her yt days not uploaded on stufferdb pls share or can someone reup the 1st link thank you
If anyone has more rare vids of her from her yt days pls upload preferably if they weren’t ever uploaded to old stufferdb file that got deleted thank you
There are no “rare” vids lmao. They were all publicly available on YT
I was talking about her vids that were never uploaded to stufferdb and other porn websites after her channel got deleted
Transfer expired
does really no one have all her vides saved? I know I had them but I deleted them
Can someone reup original post
>>115728 (OP)

reup pls
Can someone please explain to me how to use coomer party?
>>121363 That's my best advice for 4D chess

All I can tell you is bruh..... Reaaaaaaally think it through before you act. Think it through verrrrrrrrrry thoroughly.
From what they tell me, it's like the birds and the bees, but with your hand
>>121410 Oh, yes. I was here for that joke 2 weeks ago. What a time to sex a wall.
Does anyone have something from ysabel27 onlyfans?
>>115728 (OP)
Her videos are gone from sdb again. I have no idea why her stuff keeps getting deleted from there.
AFAIK stuff only gets taken down their if it’s off-topic or DMCA’d, so she must be striking the page over and over I think?
Lame. She was one of the very best. Her belly play and burps were amazing.
How pathetic and obsessed do you have to be to continue attacking a host of your old content long after you dropped off the face of the earth? Did she hire a lawyer for this LOL imagine his cringe
I respect it. It sucks but if there’s a chance it affects your career respect if you’re trying to tie those loose ends up
She never posted her face though. And the stuff is already out there. She's just coping.

Screw "respect" a worthless petty concept. She could make serious dough if she grew her own dough again for us.
How pathetic and obsessed do you have to be to get mad that one model doesn't want their videos online for you to jack off to when there are literally unlimited bbw guts you can be jacking off to instead.
Nah she hit different though compare to most other bbws she wasn’t picky on ppl donating her money blew up her body to proportions way out of her intended goal weight just to impress her fan base the most perfect combination of belly, boobs and ass and the most gluttonous beautiful burps from any girl
She lowkey had a cute face when she showed parts of it as well which formed with a fat double chin the fatter she got
she got me into this fucking game like half a decade ago on youtube... shit like that you never forget she holds a special place in my heart for that.. girl woke something in me gave me the best nights and left out of nowhere

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