
As long as she’s round I’m happy, whether her gut is the shape of a big ball or a little ball (I’m also devastated)
I wish she’d come back. One of my absolute favorites… I mean look at those exquisite tits.
It's on her feabie
has she been saying anything on her curvage or feabie recently? I remember her saying she was going to come back soon like a year ago
She had a heart attack after one of her arteries asploded during a stuffing. She ok but taking it easy. Ate her first salad in months
god damn it, she was GOAT. why'd she have to lose the weight
Any1 have the mega from the last thread
Could be the perspective but yeah, looks like she lost some pounds. Sad.
(10 KB, 312x296, 3u04h5.jpg)
thanks for update
Why lie on a former yugoslavian drainpipe fetish forum? she's been on the frontlines in bakhmut for the past 6 months
In that case, it's understandable that she had lost a bit of weight.
If my memory is working, she broke with her BF/Feeder some months ago, guess the depression and lack of someone pushing her limits took it's toll on her spherical shape, but hey, we can always hope she regains it all
Sides in escape trajectory
fighting for 6 months around Bakhmut did take a toll on her, you know, running a lot and carrying an AK-74 does make you lose weight
How can you say she's lost weight ? Based on what evidence ? She's hardly put a single video online since she split up - if you're referring to the mega - the most recent clip in there was from over a year ago most of them are 2-3 years old
(225 KB, 882x1585, 20220122095502-09a817d1.jpg)
Look at the picture in the Op >>115724 (OP) , that is a few weeks old photo from her feabie. Then compare it to picrel which is from the time before she stopped posting videos.
She doesn't look over 20lbs smaller honestly, and that's not just me coping either. She's laying down with her legs spread, obviously the belly is gonna look smaller
One poor photo is insufficient evidence for me
she still clearly has a huge belly even if she lost weight. she looked better when it was tighter and rounder anyway imo. it was a unique feature which started to go away as she got bigger. although admittedly the concept of her getting bigger and bigger is hot in itself
(48 KB, 640x616, 1ljd0lglgg861.jpg)
She may have lost weight, but that doesn't mean she can't gain it all back
she's never making content again so who gives a fuck if she's bigger or smaller
Anyone have better res of some vid? Like the coke and mentos one
Fucking hell she needs to come back
But i don’t see anything about “losing weight” in this post
He sent that to show that she’s not losing weight lol
I'll believe it when I see it.
anyone else finding the mega to be temperamental? batch download isn't working in browser so i'm here downloading files one at a time
mega works fine for me, but lots of other people have issues with it. i think ill make an alt and upload it to google drive at some point.

i forgot to update the mega with them, but i have 3 of her photosets, including that one. ill upload them rn
By 'batch download' do you mean 'download zip'? I never do that; just select the files you want and use standard download. They'll be added to queue and download individually. Be sure to set your browser to automatically save file to folder so you won't be prompted.
Thanks! I had been looking for them for a few years.
Yeah, that worked fine. I was just horny and impatient when i posted lol
(58 KB, 1212x366, taunting.PNG)
She is fucking taunting us at this point
I’m not on Feabie, but could someone at least ask why she wouldn’t upload on tumblr? She’s messing with us bad!
y’all know that’s someone impersonating her lmao
it’s not actually her
nope thats quite literally the same feabie account shes been using for years now with pictures to prove that beyond doubt, where do you get this random crap from
Let it go guys, she gone
Anything new about her?
Nigga those ain’t even new
like actually one of the first things she posted
she hasn't had a stomach that small or showed her tits in years
tbf theyre censored in the full photoset too, since its curvage. shes only shown her tits like once or twice on feabie
Anyone has more pics of her tits?
News on her?
A post from 3 days ago on her Feabie talking about getting belly rubs and one from 12 days ago where she took her dog for a walk...

probably gonna be those kinda updates for a good while, i imagine
Does anyone ever directly ask her why she doesn’t post any new pictures or videos?
I've seen a few of those comments they get viewed and ignored. The only person who can make her make more content is her, and it doesn't look like that's happening
She simply isn’t doing it. It isn’t hard, it isn’t time consuming. She could take 30 minutes to film herself eat, try on clothes, move around, or step on a scale. Pop it into a video editor and there’s a video. She clearly isn’t interested
>>120540 I heard she's finishing up the final touches. Then when she's done with the next vid she will be retiring. Something about you know who bothering her in her private life while she's in public. I don't know if it's an excuse or not because it's the same thing she said last time but that's what was posted in the previous thread. These losers are ruining a good thing for us.
Do you mean anyone specifically? She will return one day I believe but who knows when that will be!
It's been over since she took down all the content showing her face last year after her alleged break up. We might get a rare photo every leap year, but I wouldn't expect anything else from her at this point.

Pretty much this. It obviously isn't about the money as a very low effort video would yield a pretty big payday for her. She seems to like the attention & validation her posts gets on Feabie so maybe that's what she's after now. It does make sense considering how harmless it is to make a comment as opposed to exposing herself in creating content, but who really knows.
I think she is clearly into the fetish but just afraid of showing her face, and fear of getting doxxed is stopping her from fully going back into it, but again that’s still speculation. Not that it really matters since her stuff is out there already. Shame though
Hate to be the bearer of bad news but she’s stringing everyone along; seems to be worse than the mskristina situation because at least she is posting updates, but still rough. I agree the lack of explanation around both models is really frustrating and doesn’t bode well. I think she’s into the kink but too lazy to put any effort into making stuff anymore, seems to be related to the relationship breakdown. Who knows, she may be depressed or something? But at the same time she’s on feabie every few days baiting guys from miles around with her posts so she’s not helping herself.
>>120997 You wish you knew what you were talking about so that you didn't have to remain a failure. You earned your reputation, it's not retards making stereotypes. If you don't like everybody's opinion then stop being useless and ugly

You have got a point, was this originally on her tumblr? Or on her Feabie?
I’ve heard the same thing too. Such a shame
You appear to be the one with failure issues. The comment you rail against has more more truth in it than your incoherent ramble.
>>121185 Why don't you go pretend your a genius while stealing somebody else's shit and claiming it as your own. Your a low life. Worse, you're a black jew, hacker.
>>121185 Btw a fewmonths ago you were asking how old? 2007.
2007 - 2023 = 11.

As I look at you all I see is a pathetic worm begging to get stomped the fuck out of existence.
Joker? How do you know my past? I use a VPN and must have 100 or so identities on here. Smart (and vulgar) one you are. If this gets you off - keep it up - you obviously have a sad life otherwise. lmfao

I'm not joking. I don't know who you are. I want you out of my life. You're a disturbant of peace, which is a crime. If you continue invading my personal life in public I will take no issue in putting 1 in your head.

You're the same asswipe that was messaging my phone yesturday. Who's Rachel?
Ah, my first post ever on this thread here was the 01.07:30 one. I don't see how that invades anything of yours. Hope you got an VPN going because your comment was a threat that can be tracked and you'll be the one looking at a crime, bud.
>>121199 Except it was a threat. I threatened that if you don't stop following me around with your friends (mob stalkers) when I go to public areas I will not hesitate to end your life. Keep thinking I don't own a gun. Fucking pussy.
Well, this is something. I come into a thread thread today, "somewhat" innocently make a comment to a comment I see, and now find myself threatened to be killed by someone who admits it's a threat. I don't know who or where this bloke is, but find it disturbing that such individuals exist.
>>121202 Keep talking. Your reign of terror over my people will end abruptly.
Ok, I think you're too stupid to know what a VPN even is. You IP address can be tracked - keep it up.
>>121204 I don't need a VPN. I have something much better. Now all I have to do is figure out how to get you horse flies to stop following me and my family in public areas. All in due time.
Likely mistaken identity. You likely can be track down. I'd back off now if I were you.
>>121206 That's because you're s fucking pussy. I'm not worried about it.
nigga this is a 4chan clone designed for people who wanna beat their meat to fat chicks stop fucking this thread up
no no, please continue. this is funny as shit
>>121209 Good, because I was just joking. You're lame.
yeah, witnessing unhinged insanity from a severe mental case in real time is not usually something I'd spend time on (I'd recommend hospitalization) but I'll make an exception here
ANY moderator can clean up now. Seen enough
Must have been recently posted and immediately deleted. Because it's not there now.
(15 KB, 566x94, 1.png) (11 KB, 897x80, 2.png)
Eh, we aren’t that bad
Man what? Of all the models on here she probably gets shit talked and ribbed the least. This sucks.
Feels more like a convenient excuse to keep on not posting anything 😌
You've got to admit there's an unlimited supply of immature jerks and just pure mean assholes. It Isn't just here. It's everywhere. No wonder women abandon the culture.
real shit. People are so fucking entitled
if you are oblivious to the problem, the problem is you
This. thicccollegegirl gets shat on hardly ever. The only complaint I've seen is how long it takes her to upload. Overwhelmingly people really like her content.
This seems most likely. She's tired of modeling and instead of saying so, she invents an excuse of how she's being harassed.
>bbw model goes to obscure pirating site
>scrolls until she finds the one comment being a jerkass
>Oh god! Life is so difficult for me, I get so much hate online! bbwchan is a real problem!
It's silly.
Most of them are ‘famous’ n make money bcause of this forum, wtf she saying, btw we aren’t that bad:/
idk man if you are stupid enough to sell your body on the internet, you are probably stupid enough to let random people's comments affect you
Between choosing to say nothing at all and choosing to sound like a jackals, you chose the latter.

Idk that it's letting "random people's comments affect you" so much as "fuck those guys." And that seems to be your general mindset , too, so...*shrug*
She wasn’t going to make content anymore anyway and is using bbwchan as an excuse
why does someone need an "excuse" to stop making videos 🤦
before reddit existed we were much nicer and had girls postin here

we'll never get back there though, not as long as reddit exists, so being nice is sort of irrelevant here
hello tcg, I know you read us and I don't know where you saw bad things said by us to u, indeed for us in the forum you were the most beautiful and the best, saying this doesn't make you a good person and I'm sorry to tell you
The new generation fucked the chan up. Had nothing to do with reddit

Niggers got internet. Hackers were allowed to do free reign if whatever they wanted and it wasn't until the "Celebrity leaks" that there was even a mention on the news about possibly making strides to start takkng hackers more seriously. I've heard the blames on reddit and tumblr going sfw. No, the fact is niggers aroung the globe got internet and the internet that's not the dark web was obliterated overnight.
I would not have heard of her and ended up purchasing some videos without this site. Sometimes I think its because this site is mainly used to pirate content. But people have to realize that piracy is offsetted by the increased attention and later transfers to more buyrates from those of us who want more.
If its because of negative attention, I don't know if its human nature or whatever. I used to have a hard time focusing on the 1percent criticizing me than the 99percent that was praising me when I did sports. There will always be harsh comments and I wish that people would focus on those who are happy by their presence and are the most supportive.
But I'm mentally deficient trying to have a conversation in a porn forum.
The notion that piracy is good for business and free advertising is laughable. The miniscule amount they might get from “advertising” (lol) is outweighed by people getting your shit for free when some might be down bad enough to pay. This isn’t a charity. There’s no reason to start or continue my subscription if it’s already here for no cost.

Only piraters say otherwise. Same type of people that try to pay you with exposure instead of money.
I would argue most people here that benefit from piracy aren’t potential customers though. They are people who never will pay for porn, and it’s not paying for it vs. free piracy, it’s free vs. just accepting they’ll just never see a given video at all.
>The notion that piracy is good for business and free advertising is laughable.
it can be beneficial but it depends on the medium and artist in question

porn is inherently trashy so pirates don't tend to support more than they absolutely have to
I think anyone who isn’t like me and doesn’t revolve their spending habits around which coomer pages get regular updates is a moron. While it’s true that some people are true dirtbags and don’t think adult content creators should get a single dollar from them, there’s still a huge portion that will potentially spend money that they are losing out on.
Well as you said, DRM is different. While OF doesn’t allow right-click->save as, the workarounds for that are FAR less esoteric and potentially dangerous than giving coomer your private session keys.

If a model wants to give out their backlog for free onlyfans has that as an option. If you want to download their page then you can get a browser extension. Coomer is only there for piracy. I’ve stopped practically all of my subscriptions because of it 🤷‍♂️
thank God, maybe now the whining will cease
Let’s see if she follows up by doing a video before jumping to conclusions here lol
Guys let her go, sadly she was one of, if not the best, but it’s over
Hate to break it to you guy but I’m pretty sure that’s an older photo…
Reeks of an attention thing. Like, she’s clearly lurking on here because she posted that on feabie, and she’s always talking about how she’s addicted to gaining weight yet she’s clearly not at her biggest. Just an all round weird situation tbh, she was #1 at one point so it’s sad to see 😌
She could earn so much money if she wanted to
Idk why she dosent put more effort in
She has said that this website was a big reason she isn’t making content on feabie… I think we should delete this thread
Agreed, it's a pointless thread consisting almost entirely of people complaining and arguing.
it's a lie. she doesn't want to make content and is using this site as a scapegoat
It’s clearly not the reason why she’s not posting

Do you honestly think she needs a scapegoat. Models (among everyone) vanish from the internet all the time.

Are you new here or something?
Nope, this is just a particularly egregious example of how pointless many of the threads on here are.
It’s easily one of the dumbest narratives that they’ve come up with which is saying something. She could come out today and say “Im lazy and don’t give a shit” and literally no one would care or complain except this board… and obviously she isn’t interested in winning over this crowd lol
Can someone upload her 2018 pizza stuffibg video, thanks
The whole “I’m going to stop making content because it keeps getting pirated” line is hilarious. That’s right, just make no money at all, great idea. Imagine if Target said, yeah shrink is getting high, let’s just go out of business, that’ll solve it.

Some models probably are that dumb though
As much as I agree with the outcome you're getting at, I find it far more stupid to act superior while using a shitass analogy...

It would be more equivalent to a mom-and-pop store run by one person who said, "Y'know? Dealing with even one fucking shoplifter is more than I'm in the mood for anymore" and then shut the shop.

But whatever...this sub isn't known for its generally reasonable opinions. let's all just continue to neckbeard it and complain
Even if there were a few shoplifters at this mom and pop store, shutting down due to maybe a few hundred dollars in lost sales is retarded. Willingly giving up tens of thousands in sales a year to counteract maybe 3500 in theft is the definition of stupid.
It’s a stupid analogy because she sells digital content and doesn’t have a brick and mortar business. If someone quits it’s because the time and effort just isn’t worth the money. She’s probably not making that much from her clips and piracy on here is rampant despite the bitching that say otherwise. She probably has a job or another source of income so that’s why she can afford to quit.

Or we could go along with anon’s theory: she is lazy and needs an excuse to stop making clips, since you need an alibi before you can drop this sidegig. You are beholden to your employers at bbw-chan after all.

Or she just wants to live off a zero dollar income out of spite. Yeap that’s definitely it.
You're a fucking retard. She lies just like many other models make up lies about any of the reasons for why they do anything. It's not that difficult to understand.
you aren't making any sense. it's actually more reasonable for a brick and mortar to shut down over shoplifters because it actually costs money to run a brick and mortar. a model shutting down over piracy isn't losing any money over it, she's just missing out on hypothetical money (but realistically most pirates aren't buying anything anyway).

but sure, everyone else is the retard.
All the incel retards DO seem to be missing the point.

These models constantly complain about how demoralizing it is to have to deal with the piracy. I'm not surprised that autists have a hard time acknowledging that these models aren't sitting down with a P&L and conducting pro formas to see how piracy affects them.

They're just deciding dealing with it- at all- is not fucking worth it. Goddess Shar, for example, has clearly decided to deal with it by dropping content every so often because it probably hits the sweet spot of grabbing a fuckton of cash from pent-up demand and not having to deal with piracy by just not caring.

But sure. All the retards in here being like "HRUR DURR. THEY WURNT GONNA GET MUNEY FROM ME ANYWAYZ" have it down to a science. And these models must be conspiring against their ability to jack off.
Model quits because 95% of idiots pirate it anyway = lazy

Unemployed anon live with their parents and are afraid to use their joint bank account for porn so they just come here to beg = hard working
Either unemployed or don’t want to use an hour of their pay for porn that took a model an hour total to make.

They’re still not the lazy ones though!
She’s clearly just lazy and looking for an excuse to not post. If she had a legit reason for not posting she should just come out and say it instead of keeping all her fans completely in dark & trolling everyone on feabie
We clearly weren’t about to get one anyway

M8 just because you lie to your family about getting your shit together and making enough to even pretend to rent your parents' basement, does not mean that most other people lie.
Holy shit the 'tism is strong here. Y'all need professional help.
Why do we care? She looks like any puff guy that had a feeder for a few years, got dumped after gaining and pretty much only has a breeder fetish.
y'all need to let it go, she aint coming back lmao
No shit I wouldn’t come back either. My synapses are dying just from being near you NEET faggots
Not that anyone asked or wants my opinion but this thread should just be closed, there’s no new content and you’re just arguing, she’s also stated she doesn’t like the thread. If you want the 0.001% chance of new content it’s more likely to come if you’re not arguing in here, anyway just my opinion, carry on!
Forget this bitch
Can a mod just delete this thread? It gives off harassment vibes, TCG has literally said she doesn't like this site and I can imagine she was referring to this thread that pirated all of her videos and then talks shit about her for not wanting to make new ones. Plus this thread is literally just an active dumpster fire that's 99% bickering and swearing, with the exception of that mega posted like 3 months ago and the occasional pictures taken from her socials. And I can only imagine what her DM's look like on her socials... desperate coomers harassing her, threatening her, swearing at her, begging her and being weird all in the hopes for new stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if she just deleted everything and left one day. This thread contributes basically nothing and is just a full of arguing, shit like this is why models leave and I GUARANTEE that as long as this thread exists she'll never post new content, so if a mod sees this message, please just nuke this thread and put it out of its misery.
cry all you want, I have backups of all her content
Nobody's crying lmao pussies like you are why models leave the internet, this thread should be deleted not only because it's keeping us from new content but because she's a fucking human being and has most likely been harassed and has to deal with losers like you who degrade her to nothing more than a source for pleasure. So crawl back into your basement and finish off your hot pockets.
>12 day old thread
>Here comes King Faggot bumping it to the top without any content while also whining about how there's no content
Just shut the fuck up you stupid bitch. The thread would have died anyways without your retarded faggotry.
(6 KB, 200x200, wojak-soy-boy-angry-buck-teeth-thumbnail.jpg)
Bro thinks he tough cursing or using a slur every 2 words lmao I can't. Grown ass man acting hard behind a screen talking like a 6th grader on a porn site like his girl isn't getting railed every time his sorry ass is at work lol. I said what I said and I'm not going to sit here and argue with a deranged coomer on a porn site lmfao, you don't like what I said just change your tampon and cope loll.
Does anyone have the MEGA link?
Please can we just do ourselves a favor and put this thread out of its misery? Literally no point in keeping it up because as long as it exists there won't be anymore content. At least public content.
>>126137 just scroll to the top the link is usually there
>Does anyone have the MEGA link?

Actually no it's asking for a key
never mind now it works, that was weird
the link is dead
There is a mega link bro
yeah and it has expired
Yup the Mega just got taken down, dammit
does anyone still have that long burp comp from the mega?
oh shit that fucking blows, so she’s not making new content and is basically done in this community but still actively dmca’s her shared content? maybe she just wants to fade into obscurity which is a shame because she was one of the best out there

She knows she was meant to be a hog.
ah, would you look at that. ill reup it real quick
Is this from her feabie? That all she’s uploaded recently? Or any good posts?
Yeah, that was the only recent one. She’s still trolling the community by posting pics like these but not making content
Never uploaded to MEGA before. Do they all go down eventually with time or is it indefinite til DMCA'd?
Do you guys think she got fatter? Anyone talk to her? How is she?
It's already gone lmfao
let her go if she returns I am sure someone will inform the thread
its indefinite, i made the one that got taken down in mid 2021 i believe
>>130927 looks that way. Don’t think she talks to anyone though, doesn’t seem to be in the market for gaining help either.
Anyone able to do a new MEGA?
Idk where else to ask, but does feabie ban you for taking screenshots? I took one once months ago and I haven't been able to log in or make a new account ever since. Is there a workaround?
Perhaps VPN (new IP address) and then new account.
That’s sad, for me she’s one of the best girls ever, the first girl who introduce me in the feederism community
I just saved it from the photo viewer page itself (iPadOS) by holding down on the pic and it worked perfectly
She's clearly not in the least bit motivated by money - could have quite literally raked in hundreds of thousands of dollars if she had an OF - I'm not exaggerating those numbers - I think she would easily make 6 figures
You’ve fallen for the onlyfans psyop. It would be good money but not six figures.
nah some girls really ma(de)ke that much.
obv most dont because her boyfriend/pimp is being a greedy cuck taking all the money BUT
in a niche its doable with enough commitment.
She's the goat, I'll always click on this thread if it pops up. Still holding our for some new vids
But why she take her curvage link on feabie?
Btw someone talk to her? How is she?
>>131599 Niche means small market/topic. Emphasis on small, she would def be the highest earner in the niche, (I stumbled across one of her vids on youtube and it had 250k views) but trust me OF girls do not make as much money as they flaunt, the majority dont even make 5k a year.

On the topic of OF. I remember on her tumblr that she did not want to make an OF or CashApp because of the work that will be involved. And she does not want to treat this as a job.
Given how much time there was between Curvage Clips I don't think she'd be great at OF since it more or less needs to be daily
Is that really her? Is this new? Where did it come from? Are there more? So many questions.

God damn. I'm praying for the day she manages to work up the will to point a camera at herself and press record again. She's literally the only reason I ever come to this site.

I just wanna get lost in those soft pillows. It's not fair brosepherinos.
Yea it's from her feabie account with the same name
Can anyone upload any of her hot status’s? She puts some mad ones up and what’s the caption on her recent pics?
Yeah it isn’t fair. I really wish she’d come back. She also doesn’t let people help her in the form of food donations, which is really weird because she’d be gaining at an exorbitant rate at this point if she did. She doesn’t really talk to people from what I understand. But yeah if she had the discipline to do so, an OF would be amazingggggggg. She got really lazy once she started to proper blimp up.

I mean I might come off as a little white knighty but maybe she's just doing it for herself.

Like maybe she got sick of all the people demanding shit from her and complaining because she wasn't up to their standards in some way.

Like ultimately we're lucky she even spent the time around us that she did.
I mean I guess but if that was a case she’d be keeping things locked down between her closest friends instead of teasing the whole of feabie with her gains
For real that's the thing that pisses me off so much about this community; people here can be so fucked up and terrible to someone who ultimately is just doing what they want to do. And then freak out when people drop off cause they were badgered constantly

And how many people have close friends they can share how horny being fat and getting fatter makes them with?

Like I have had a long term girlfriend who I never told about anything of this other than being an FA becuase I knew she wouldn't take anything beyond that well.

Kink communities exist because most of us aren't lucky enough to have people in our lives who understand and get it.

That and the "feeders" that try to predict what the model's intent is to justify bothering her over her not executing his sexual fantasy correctly. We lost a bunch of feedees over the years to these dumbasses.

You don't have to message them if you don't like their content.
Anyone have the mega download?
Anyone got mega download link?
>dat image
you almost had me satan. Christ prevails even on this hellsite.
Any news from her feabie?
I need more……
Anyone have the megafolder link?
are those pics new? If so where are they from? ty
they are atleast 2 years old and they are screenshots of her videos.
Could someone reup the professor vid? I remember it being one of her best and it’s one of the only ones not online.
It’s literally the name of the thread where u asked
any mega reup?
Anyone got a new MEGA?
is she ever coming back?
No she's not in college anymore
Sadly unlikely. Someone spiked her drink with appetite stimulant and hallucigens. She ate and ate until she couldn't eat any more but kept eating anyways. She managed to fit inside her gut 73.2 kg of food before her skin gave out and she expolded on her wall! She's recovering but lost some weihgt. If it happens again she might be asplorde forever so she said she won't ever eat again.

Source: I did it
This guy's lying. I know because I did all that
Relax she's just a fat Mexican there's millions if them coming over the boarder everyday. Who cares she's not even hot anymore.
Feedistdani is the only one who comes as round to her, coomer update would be good too if possible!
Does anyone know where Thiccollegegirl is looking for post
Why do we let 12 year olds on here?
Because there’s no new content from her, what she has made is pretty easily findable, yet there continues to be threads asking about her when literally nobody has any more information than the next guy, so people are going to shitpost
Wow hot she is gaining?this is her biggest?
Anyone have her latest video?
Where I can find her content?
Probably Tumblr but shes on Hiatus for the past 2 years.
She made a new Curvage status post about new video ideas. So someone up some of the more recent videos!
her return would be the comeback of the century
That gut is an absolute weapon. Lugging round that total globe of visceral fat is a fair effort. I've got to say a lot of these girls reach a ceiling, but she honestly could just keep on the absolute blob route for as long as she wanted!
I just can’t fucking believe it :O
She actually needs to create something before she's back
If these really are recent pics then she looks like she's still near her peak weight. Now we just have to convince her how top notch she is and how much crazy money she could pull in if she really does make a comeback.
I hope this doesn't just turn out to be a tease.

Then again, maybe it's better if she doesn't come back? I'm not sure what my life will look after my dick explodes.
Had bigger. Just made me excited thats all lol
Cmonnn drop a ton of vidddsss
U Know The Economy is FUCKED When She Starts Making Content Again.
If she was financially motivated she could seriously make hundreds of thousands of dollars
Let's not scare her off this time fellas
when she drop, I’m gonna buy the vid istant, she have to know we support her
One mildly cryptic comment does not mean she's definitely going to make a video

I think because she's not financially motivated but seriously into it is why she's so good.

I'll purchase that first video out
Yall still think we’ll get a video? My hope is definitely waning
It’s only been a few days but also she said she’s just taking suggestions so don’t get your hopes up
Could anyone please post the professor vid? Cant find that shit anywhere
anyone have a link to the mega folder? if its still up..
Trump will defeat Biden. BULLS.
As predicted no new video was forthcoming
She's complaining for what? Does she know her fans came from here?
What I don’t understand is why she doesn’t post these pics on Curvage and her Tumblr as well. I guess she has a preference for Feabie and the community on there? Maybe she thinks she’s going to get mobbed by people asking for a video if she posts them anywhere else, and she doesn’t like that?
How do you take screenshots on feabie? Last time I did I got banned
(57 KB, 1080x241, Screenshot_20240208_121646.jpg)
It could genuinely be the case she's just become that much of a fat slob she can't summon the energy to make a vid
I’ve never heard of anyone being banned for screenshoting before, then again I didn’t know anyone was doing that rather than just saving the images normally.
I just assume it was from screenshotting because I don't know why else I would've been banned. I don't have the right click -> save option on images on the site either
You don't need a extension to download pics. You can find the .jpg in inspect element.
Could anybody reup professor RP?
Reup please
A remake of exercise video is a good way to see her entire beautiful fat body moving
Anyone have a link to the mega folder?
Very good suggestion. But instead of that I would prefer a video where she comes to my house and does my dishes and gives me a 300 dollar check and leaves.
That's about as likely as her actually making new content at all
what is the name of thicccollegegirl on feabie
what is the name of thicccollegegirl on feabie
did you even try to look for it before posting here? Its literally just thicccollegegirl
how do people get through life being this fucking retarded? genuine question
then dont you have the files still? just make a new mega
Anything yet
she's looking very round, but since she's been gone for such a long time I don't know whether she lost or gained lol
Well, anyone have it?
This is actually comeback of the millennium
Someone please share
Dose she look bigger than before??
Id say her belly definitely looks a bit bigger
Can anyone share it?
Does anyone have the new vid?
Next should be a weigh in video

kjv Psalm 9:18; For the needy shall not always be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever.
Says "we can't preview this file yet" and I can't download anything

Man of God; thank you. The link is working fine, by the way
Could you share it with me? It won't download for me idk why
what seems to be the problem? other guy said its working fine and it works for me as well.
No idea what the issue was but I've got it. Big thanks to the guy who shared it
Luke 12:22-26, NIV
“For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless. Lord Almighty, blessed is the one who trusts in you."
Some pretty obvious distortion going on here
God I'd love to fatten her up against her will. It's obvious she hit a sweet spot for herself but it's just a waste to stop here. I want to see her at 250kg and regretting bringing her remaining years down to under a decade.
The queen has returned tysm my guy
I have a reason to live again
we got tcg to return before we got gta 6
Unbelievable. I could kiss all of you miserable fucks. Instead I will jack off like a madman
TCG and Mochii coming back in the same month? April should be enshrined as a holy period for feedees
Looks like she kept growing, stretchmarks still there
I think she's trying to get pregnant cause she made a vid on her yt mentioning that in the description tho
she does not have an yt
be careful of imposters
Does anyone have "Weigh In & Measurements"
anyone got the mega?
thiccCOLLEGEgirl lol

she should remake that early beer bloat vid that shit was heat
I wonder how many parties she was getting in. Frat bros usually hate fat bitches
is this ai upscaling? the video on curvage is 1080p 30fps
How did you do that? Thats very impressive.
You can also party with people who aren’t faggots
>>155910 so ppl from ct or long island is big no no. Copy.
She's got 21 reviews on that video. Other models have told me that for every review you get there are probably another 10-15 additional purchases

Meaning she's made over $2000 in 2 days - plus probably generated sales for reignited interest in her older videos

So she should have made a couple of grand off this- throw out a free more videos and thSts a healthy living
Thanks for posting the new vid so quickly, and thanks to whoever changed the resolution!
she looks just as hot as ever, with an even softer hanging gut. Crossing my fingers for a new clothes try on vid. Or lord help me a swimsuit try on
Not every frat is gay and the parties are lame elsewhere
The GOAT is back.

Man I'd love to see those udders hanging free. I bet they spill over that belly just perfectly.
Here's five of her older videos I've saved, the old mega folder went down quite a while ago so if anyone can help fill in the gaps that'd be cool.


Downloaded this video and was so good that I paid for it again on the site.

I'm hoping for Professor Roleplay2 type sequel, eventually.
tbh it was not that good at all but since its under 10 bucks i don't care.
She is the one model who can make any content look good
Yeah, the vid woulda been bad if most other models had made it, but she's hot enough to carry average content.
There's a ton of her videos floating around on spankbang. I dont bother downloading them but thats probably a good place to start.
She is a good enough actor or maybe just into it enough that I fall for scenario. Plus she's super hot too and has a perfect gut.

Yeah I feel like (she being into it) is an understatement.

Where is this from feabie? If so she uploaded anything else recently?
She's so fucking gorgeous
Running from the dick. 👀
Guess she didnt lose weight in ukraine like people said
Reup for the recent vid?
Wasn’t she fighting in Bakhmut ?
Yes but she was discharged due to her unsustainable dietary needs
>>157076 (Cross-thread)
yes, she was fighting in the ranks of Wagner PMC

as we see, the battle was won and she has returned to bless us
(7 KB, 169x299, download.jpg)
Her new vids up on cambros if you look.
What is cambros ?
Website add .TV right after.
Idk why they posted this cause the gofile for the vid is still active.
Pregnancy would be nice for her.

Her Boobs would inflate and her body inflate like never before.
Hooters vid?
Des she has made a hooters vid.
i think its from last year
any chance of a reup?
(378 KB, 401x716, image.png)
how does this crackhead ass motherfucker pull but not me
he does not have autism and can actually talk to women?
>> why doesn't she do stuff with her kids? Blames everything on the dad because she is a loser always have been
Probably actually local and willing to meet and not online stalker lol. People always make these comments, but fat girls are not actually in very high demand to normies, so there really isn’t much competition if you are an average looking guy and not a complete weirdo
literally so true, as a normal looking guy it's a lot easier than people think when you just treat them like other guys treat girls, theres way too many freaks in this community
plus many big girls have a lot of insecurity issues, low confidence, etc. Just be normal, be kind. It's really not that hard not to be an asshole. But firstly the caveman needs to go out from his cave

My last GF was "overweight", from the first i met i just treat her like how a guy treated girl who he interested with, not until 2nd(?) time in bed i revealed to her i have bbw fetish and she accepted it even encourage me to play with her belly in bed
Anyone reading I would not advise doing this lol. You got lucky assuming you’re telling the truth that after the second time together she was accepting of your fetish that involved bigger girls. Most get super insecure and feel like they’re only a fetish and you’re only interested in them for that

This is true, my gf is bbw and it took a long time for her to be comfortable with tummy stuff and even then I hold back a lot. Frustrating but that's how it is for 90% of bigger girls in my experience
fellas i might kill myself
If an online model having a boyfriend that isn’t you is grounds for you to commit suicide, maybe your life really isn’t worth living. Chill the fuck out and get your hand off your dick for once.
U guys do realise that fat girls r not conventionally attractive so therefore cannot get with conventionally attractive dudes. Unless they get lucky and find an attractive guy who’s into big girls then there’s not really much choice for them bc they’d be going out of their league so to speak. Like I’m good looking (not to blow my own dick) so when I’ve talked to bigger girls I’m going below my league or wtv so it’s easier, and since I’m into big girls, I ACTUALLY find them attractive which is rare for them (again not to blow my own dick). You gotta put it in a diff perspective where u don’t have this kink.

So ig TLDR, what I’m saying to put it bluntly, fetish aside, these girls aren’t attractive, most dudes are gonna have a chance so if ur not a creepy retard you’ll probably have a solid chance. Also some of u probably live 1,000s of miles away so yk.
Right? Although I stand by being attracted to bigger girls isn’t a fetish but a preference. The other things that go along with it is for sure considered one. Regardless in my experience some are ok with it, but most wind up pulling back, or feel even worse being seen as a “fat girl” that causes you to be attracted to them to begin with.

I feel you heavy on the having to hold back on what you’re really wanting to enjoy lol

It’s not that serious my guy lmao
my bad fellas didn't mean to ruffle any feathers
Anything new yet
too many models have been pushed away by unhinged schizos, so people are a bit touchy about stuff like this
Let's hope new bf is a hard core feeder
This should give you inspiration.

Where did you find this pic?
The double straws is low-key cute tho
idk i think theyre a cute couple
Grrr me angry coomer who can't attract women... give me a break
mf you're on bbwchan, you are unable to talk
Nigga mad cuz I don't chat shit about men
He's one lucky dude
Also she looks moosive in that pic
Pulling fat chicks is like playing basketball against a guy in a wheelchair
Maybe fat girls but not feedees
>>164037bruv i had a girl odering herslef a maccies to make me happy a day afyer we met in person it aint hard lads
did she just make that one video and disappear again?
was also gonna be
>astronaut pointing gun at astronaut
no one said being a tcg fan was easy. see you in 18 months when the next 7 minute clip drops
Meant to put always but my retarded coomer ass put also
...you think they're Australian because they used British slang?
he said bruv, maccas, and lads in the same sentence its not too unhinged to assume hes australian lol
Macca's is Australian, Maccies is British
Bruv is British, nobody in Australia says that genuinely, lads is also more British than Australian.

Anyway, she really just made one video and stopped again? No news on future plans?
Oh my god shut the fuck up who cares

Hopefully both because I need to see another angle of her belly and behind.
That belly needs to touch the floor when she’s on fours.
Criminal to hide that wonderful belly.
why is her face looking like she's 40 ?
She looks good for her age, shes actually 60
Did she ever confirm her age? If she's actually 60 she looks amazing for her age.
She’s like 25 dude she started when she was in college hence the name
she could be 40 for all I care, shes still hot af
glad to see her stretchmarks not dissappearing
She's beautiful, but here she looks like she's stoned
dude, who cares if she looks stoned. actually, after smoking, one can have much more appetite and if it serves her well to further balloon, then awesome
anyone still got the mega from the very start of the thread
I don't care how stoned she looks.

I'd fuck the shit out of her.
(331 KB, 1170x1927, IMG_4016.jpeg)
She just randomly posted a video
Damn not bad. She gotta get back on the gain train hopefully soon enough
she's so fucking hot. 25, 40, 60. i'd worship her, her tits and that gut. idc. somebody with money drop the clip!
I wish she'd do a bellyfuck vid with burping. Instant buy.
Looks like a solid video
i got it but my internet is shitting the bed and i cant upload it to gofile or wetl, i'll try again later, soz guys
dang hope you can try again later.
Gofile is tons better than wet
gofile last longer too
Come on guys where is the link
Thanks for the upload king, but she looks older with each video. There's no shot she's in college.
Thiccworkforcewoman just doesn’t have the same kick y’know
Ngl, when she's in her 30s to 40s, i'll just think she's hotter
She made that handle like 6 years ago, she's even mentioned that she needs to change it
does anyone have the mega from the very start of the thread
Who’s gonna be the giggachad and bless us with that new vid?
(4.5 MB, 1290x2796, IMG_9298.png)
Who’s gonna be the giggachad and bless us with that new vid?
Disregard, just a degenerate who can’t read. Salute to the legend that uploaded this
I have arrived too late, the video is no longer available :')
same here, reupload would be appreciated very much!
File Expired can someone post?
"she looks older with each video" yeah boss, she IS older with each video, as is everyone
Anyone have the hooters vid?
Can someone post the hooters vid?
Btw this is also not available anymore :(
someone posted it on youtube

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