
Nice belly but this photo doesnt give us much to judge off of
>>114785 (OP)

Don't worry. They can't read minds. This can be easily verifiable. They use all manner of witchcraft, psychics, hackers, law enforcement, and domesti terrorists with technology to get information about you and try to make it look like they can read your mind, and that they're all powerful, and that they're everywhere. They're not everywhere all the time, and it is easily verifiable that they can not see everything.

They're in the business of theft, murder, and destruction. They use whatever means they can on a person including using the government if they have to, but they already have vast amounts of cash and people that they send after you.

If you try to talk about them nobody will believe you. Those who suspect something is up will pretend that you're crazy. Some things worth noting that I have picked up in my investigation... For some reason, whoever they are and whatever means that they do what they do, they can't enter homes. So keep your windows closed if they know your address.

Apart from that, they can hear you, so if you need to say something to somebody you have to travel a distance first to make sure that it will be confidential. Their whole cult revolves around money, and their goal at present appears to be the destruction of the US constitution and its laws.

I hope I could help and I wish that I could put my address for you here so that you can reach me incase you have any questions, but that would be an obvious problem. They are the shadow that likes to talk of themselves as the light bearers. May God bless you, and your family, and your home.
this site is fucking infested with schizos
Lol does she WANT us to be mean?

I can say that it's a good sign that she couldn't keep her hand out of a bag of chips long enough to take a single photo. She's not that big yet but she's definitely a hog and as long as you keep feeding her, I'm sure she'll keep fattening up!
Oh this is a fetish thing huh? Weird
says the one on bbwchan

no, what gave you that idea?

Terrorists. Domestic Terrorists. They stalk civilian targets and keep records of them/sell information.
>>114785 (OP)
That red mark and imprint from wearing much too tight pants all day gives away that she's still trying to pass as whatever size she used to be. If she's too cheap or too embarrassed to buy some decent fitting pants, she should stop kidding herself and buy a pack of rubber bands to thread around the buttons.
At least then she'd actually have some room to grow when she eats because if you're here asking for people to roast your gf for how much of a fat cow she's made herself then these are going to be the "before" pics in a couple years.

God you can tell by the shape of those tits which aren't yet saggy bags of fat (I say yet because come on, when you're a pig it's inevitable) that she's always had big ones

Which means the reason she's wearing pants tight enough to leave a mark like that is because she doesn't want people in her life or in public to notice that her fat growing gut already pushes out farther than her tits when viewed from the side

But I promise. They all notice. The muffin top is obvious to anyone who even glances at her. Her tits will never look bigger than her gut again, she's just going to get fatter and fatter until she realizes it's pointless to wear anything but the loosest clothing that she can grow into mid-stuffing

She seems like the type of girl that's been skinny for most of her life. I'd bet that right now she's at that point where she's trying to convince herself that she could easily diet for a few months and lose the pounds that she's packed on.

I hope that you can push her past the point of no return and turn her into a total fatass who has no illusions that she could ever go back to being a skinny bitch again.

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