
(3.9 MB, 960x2079, 006E62B4-3243-4240-9E26-C8EC0CB9CCD4.png)
This is not a begging forum, fellas please. If you don’t have anything to contribute just go to the begging thread. I know some folks are new to this and I totally get it. Please stop just begging for coomer updates and curvage vids. At some point someone has to spend money to source this shit. For 15 bucks you can contribute at least some content once.
that's cool

who's the chick on the pic tho?
>makes a thread about not contributing anything
>doesnt contribue anything

the state of you
>>114542 (OP)
you're begging, any time an OP is made, another thread is deleted. the reason begging stupidly is bad is that when people do it they post a shit thread that has no content and no reason to exist AND they delete another thread.

what you've done here is exactly as bad as the shit that upset you. So, yeah, you need to stop as well. or go to /gen/

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