
I thought she stopped doing porn cause of her messed up tits…
But do we know if she is losing weight?
The “more pics here” link takes you to her onlyfans. She said she was gonna do porn with her new tits but who knows at this point
new video now on her many vids!!!!!
"Messed up tits"? Could you elaborate?
Tits removed, sexy gone, dignity none

Simple as
career gone. You forgot that part.
She lost weight as well, might as well delete the thread
She's never going to maintain the lower weight. She already showed it twice in the past. Rumors are her tits are butchered during te breast reduction surgery.
But still no updates on Katie then?
>>114368 (OP)

Her face looks fucking munted in that photo
Are the new vids any good and is her OF worth it?
Anyone seen the new videos?
It's awful quiet round Katie, has she left the scene?
It’s like a store that says closed just for inventory and then never opens again. I always hate that because it’s lying to customers even though you don’t need them anymore. Breast reduction that makes no sense….like just say I am transitioning out of the industry so I don’t need these big things anymore. Instead leave us in the dark confused.
(3.8 MB, 628x720, Katie-new.mp4) (129 KB, 1053x1442, katie-new2.jpg)
She's still alive, her weight loss goals are not working out like she tought based on this
thank you very much for the update kind sir
>>114368 (OP)
She lost her appeal the minute she chopped her tits off. Gaining means gaining, and I won't support a model that does that to her tits except for dramatic health reasons.

This, basically
You can't keep going to a restaurant if the food goes from delicious to just meh.

You'll always be disappointed
i feel her stomach looks fatter sinces her tits got smaller
yeah if she kept her bra on she could go back to making bbw porn EZ although keeping your top on is typically not done, and those monsters ruin the mood
I think she has some real body issues. Her husband is so afraid to even get near her stomach. Like you are showing your asshole to the world but self conscious about a little belly?
I just saw her Frankenstein tits above. She had the best nipples and areolas. That’s blurry clip and they still look hacked up.
Girls are never happy. If they are small they want big if they are big they want small even if it means total destruction.
>>119857 Some women know that sometimes destruction is the only way. You try to avoid the savage so as to not lower yourself down to a savagery level, but more important than humility is to do the right thing which may mean destruction of the savage depending on the circumstances. But yes, normally you try to avoid confrontations with the mindless savage. Why does this beed to be explained to you? Something that everybody is supposed to know?


Real shame, she should have learned from Dors Feline.
Her husband looks like a meth addict idiot so it's possible he isn't able to be a man and deal with her
Her husband is so happy she chopped them off. I saw a clip here where he is dancing and singing after her surgery. If that was me I would be crying. Also what’s wrong with his dick. It’s small and looks like it’s bent in half. He is pushing 40 and he has haircuts that an 17 year old rebel would have.
He also has gill on his side like a fish. I am not lying his dick is broken and he has a deep slit on his side. Who celebrates a wife’s reduction?
Keepin it real and honest. You’re on fire, man!
She should've learned from Siri.
Does anyone have any of her recent vids? Seems like she’s on another break and nothing seems to be popping up online
New vids are out, anyone got them? Thansk
Damn it… can’t tell if she is still fat af by the thumbnail of her new vids. Anybody got some screenshots?
Thank you!
Her tits got even more fucked up than I thought 😅😅
But still a nice belly
what a shame she did that
Bro my ex randomly identified as an "NB" (non-binary) and saw fucking tiktoks about top-surgery and was like "Omg if I got that and you didn't still like my appearance it's because you're transphobic"

No... uh, being attracted to women... I'm kinda into tits? Why would I still find her equally attractive.

I told her she's more then welcome to fuck up her body as she pleases, but I'll be out the door if she does. She did not have a personality worth staying for after lopping her tits off. I just imagined how fucking sad sex would be, the only pleasure she ever gave me.
Why are you in a relationship in the first place if you don’t even like the girls personality?
you were definitely the problem in that relationship lol

>girls personality
You're stepping it up now for real trying to turn these young boys gay with this personality talk.

You're gay but.... Touché
We both were, she was insanely abusive but yea I obviously wasn't great

He was talking about reduction, I shared my experience

Your first mistake was dating anyone who identified as anything other than straight and mentally stable.
It’s very difficult to say I will pass when a 9.5 loves you and you normally pull a 5 . Everyone is envious that you got this girl who is batshit crazy behind closed doors. One min it’s amazing the next min she smashing your Xbox. Then you go out with 5s and they act like they are Victoria Secret models and are boring. Then you have this hot girl who says she misses you. It’s not like we are all like Drake and hot girls are like leaves on a tree to pick. She’s was so hot sweet catering to my every need but so insane and such an uncontrollably temper I needed to hide my knives. The answers are never as simple as some of you guys say.
nobody was, is or will be essential in your life, including her. you'll live through it
Anything new? Is she still fat?
Some vids:
I am not good at video editing but if anyone here is I think compilation/side by side of her skinny days up until right before she got a breast reduction would be a good idea.
>>126103 agreed, i have been dreaming of this

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