
>>112414 (OP)
Anything and everything pamper that girl into another 50 pounds
>>112414 (OP)
Not sure if you cook, but fried sticks of butter seems very fitting for a greasy, fat pig like her.
Granola is really high in calories.
Weight-Gainer shakes are a no brainer.
If you care about her health go for calorie dense foods.. as beans and legumes, seeds, nuts, and so on.
Calories are calories, don't buy this stupid idea that you need to eat shitty fast food to gain weight.. if anything, the cons outweigh the pros. You can get her fat and keep her healthy.
Don't let your ego ruin her health based on a horny decision.
Nah let her have a heart attack at 35 and just cum when she's on the cracked floor shaking and all her lard is jiggling. Shoot straight into her sweaty folds. That would be epic

You'd better be handsome, or extremely wealthy with dreams such as those, my boy.

I haven't looked it up in recent years but the chances of becoming wealthy in America without being born into a rich family should be in the 0.1 percentile. I like your ideas though and I'm sure this fat slut she would as well like them.
damn she’s hot should post more pics
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She’s already addicted to weight gain shakes and funny enough we talked about me feeding her sticks of butter lol
We keep a healthy diet for the most part, im trying to convince to at least try and do a 50 nuggets challenge for a video. Shes leaning on the idea
>>112414 (OP)
I always wanted to see a girl eating a whole large jar of nutella
Yo can we get a video clip of your sexy girlfriend I need to let one out and she’s hot… I love the little rolls she has on the side.
What does she weigh
Damn, your girl is gorgeous! She's the woman my wife could be if she'd just relax and eat what she wants...

Hope you are making your girl feel loved admired and full every second of the day.
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She’s desperately trying to get bigger. I’ve been encouraging her to eat more and move less, funnel more, eat with both hands, let me feed her. Her goal is to get to 350 by my birthday, which on the 19th.
Damn I’m being double homo here but I like how u got the contrast going. You’re like skinny white and she’s like bigger and darker toned man I love opposites. Every girl I go for is opposite of me.
Where can I buy more vids?
>>113603 Had a Patreon, $5 for videos/photos

Goddamn you are a lucky man!
Could you get her to do a weigh in video ?
She ded. Too much butta
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Still alive lol, we were going to do a weigh in last night but we couldn’t find the damn batteries…
Tamales are a fat girl’s weakness gentlemen, make a fuck ton of them.
I hope to see more of this piggy, she should be 10 lbs heavier by now
Thanks for sharing. The amateur/casual gainer aspect of this thread makes it pretty hot (I don't mean that in a bad way, but I'm having trouble finding a better descriptor). She's a gorgeous girl, hoping to see more of her more often if that's possible
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Much love my dude. She’s got an instagram as well, Piggyness420, we try and post frequently, at the moment we are moving into our new room, so things have been busy. But once things settle, we are going to get back on track with photo shoots, videos and, of
course, making her into a fat fucking hog 🐷💚
Please find batteries for the love of god

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