
Thicksnoww or ThicksnowwMama

>>111612 (OP)
If she’s actually bigger, it may only be a few pounds. Between the last post and the one where she’s blonde with jeans, she looks really similar.
(1.2 MB, 5517x2264, 1637017390834.jpg)
Its a shame she got lipo on her belly, her gain is legendary especially considering it all happened in little over a YEAR.
No lipo.
She lost like 70 lbs after her 2nd pregnancy.
But she’s gained it all back since, but she’s carrying it differently.
Are there any videos of her at that size?
Unfortunately no.
That’s pre OF. And pre “big girl” confidence.

After she lost the weight, she got confident. Started the OF, and slowly has gained all that back & then some.

By my estimate, she’s the heaviest she’s ever been. Last time she “vowed” to lose weight was October. But looks like she’s trending in the other direction.

She’s got a very busy schedule, which doesn’t bode well for her waistline.
You don't carry weight differently if you gain, lose, then gain weight again. You're genetically predisposed to gain weight in certain areas and thus doesn't change unless you have surgical interventions. It's likely that she lost weight, had lipo then when she gained weight back less is going to her waist which means more is going everywhere else. This could mean that while being a similar weight as before she looks fatter because less weight is going to her usual problem area.
You don't just "carry weight differently" plus if you look at her stomach now its pretty obvious she had work done
She looks worse for it. She's deformed now.
Conspiracy theory if you want, I really don’t care. All I know is that she tried to crowd fund a tummy tuck, and failed spectacularly. So, I’m inclined not to believe she could afford one and not the other.

She’s hotter than ever, and if you don’t think so - just move on. It’s pathetic to sit here and comment how you don’t find a specific model attractive. what a total waste of time.

You do carry weight differently after pregnancy though
This is simply wrong. Biologically, when you gain weight the fat cells grow in the abdominal cavity first (visceral fat) and then distributes to the rest of the body. This is why very rapid weight gain tends to lead to the "beer belly" look. When you lose weight, the first fat that is burned is also visceral fat.

Genetics does have a factor, but genetics only provides the "playing field" and hormones/lifestyle determines where exactly the ball will land, as an analogy. So if a woman gains weight very slowly over time, or gains, loses, and gains again in succession, she will trend towards more subcutaneous fat and less visceral fat. This means more fat will end up in the hips, ass, arms, face and lower belly, and less will end up in the gut.
That is only partially true because specifically visceral fat is mostly genetic, it depends on the fat cells ability to grow and some people are genetically predisposed to storing visceral fat becasue their fat cells can't grow as much (very common in asians).
Lifestyle (such as rate of weight gain) does play a role in fat distribution but it's mostly determined by genetics.
It's entirely true, if only you had read my entire post.

>Genetics does have a factor, but genetics only provides the "playing field" and hormones/lifestyle determines where exactly the ball will land, as an analogy.

Let me try to help you understand. So your genetics could give you a height range of say, 5'11 minimum and 6'2" maximum. But your diet as an infant/child (malnourished vs. healthy) will determine where within that range you actually end up being.

Genetics only interests me when it pertains to beauty as defined by an ugly man, however I know enough of microbiology to say that things such as milk consumption, extrenous exercise, throughout a persons like affect strength, growth, and calcium deposits in the bone. The human body's growth that begins in puberty stops by the age of 31 in most of us, and most humans don't get any taller past that age. There are cultures around the world that physically train their children with weights and other endurance exercises since at least the age of 2, and while I don't believe that stretching a man's spine out everyday from when he's 12 will result in him growing to be 7 feet there is no logical reason why 2 dwarves can not give birth to a giant. In short, nutrition and exercise is a key component, but it's not scientifically possible to determine how more or less a person can grow height purely from performing the right exercises. It's not any single thing that can make or break a body because the body is alive. Obviously, any of those 3 year olds from Indonesia could kick any other 3 year old's ass, and it is something remarkable to see in person here in Singapor, but the length of the bone must be stunted or extended through medical practices such as casting or bondage, that is popular in young Chinese ladies, or surgery that is ironically also popular in China.

>truly magical what happened to her
I am interested in beauty only because I love the girls, but I don't see how this is magical.
Cause she was just a thick girl with a fat ass about a decade ago. Got pregnant and just blew up like a balloon. Gained 100lbs during her first pregnancy. And been steadily getting bigger ever since.
any updates
God she looks so amazing nowadays.

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