
For some reason her stuff is really hard to come by. Which is crazy, she’s packed on some serious weight lately
She had a thread going a few weeks ago but it disappeared.
She’s been part of the scene for a long time but she’s finally getting really fucking fat.
I heard she used to be an athlete does anyone have before pics
The comparison between them 400 pound Roxxie is 😵. Its amazing that Roxxie packed on another hundred pounds since.
When I get home I look through my collection and try to see if I got some of her vids
She used to have these extreme force feeding series of videos. Sadly #3 is lost to time I belive
It would be great if she would shoot a video with Roxxie again now.
Does anyone possibly have some new (2022+2023) videos besides the ones that are already circulating? That would be gigantic!!!
Are there any recent videos of her out there? I love to see fat women moving in public. Other recent videos would be great too, of course. Thanks in advance.
Are there any recent videos out of the house of her? I love to see fat women out in public. Other recent videos would be great too of course. Thank you in advance.
Current Stuffing Kit Videos (2022+2023) PLEASE share. 🙏 It would be very nice.
Stupid beg thread. Buy some shit for once FFS.
New content?
Does she have a coomer?
If anyone has any of her recent content I would be forever grateful
she has a coomer, just search her name
Can you re up this please ? Specifically the video of her drinking the shakes and eating in the green and black top iirc

Thank you
Please publish new content from this beauty.
Thank you in advance.
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It is ma'am!

Hmm. I see what you mean. He's a cross dresser, but he's straight. He enjoys being a pretty female, but he fucks cute bbws. Quite the polar opposites. I haven't fucked a girl as cute, or as fat, or as phat-assed as this model, so he's got me beat. If she were to get huge silicon implants then I'd be really jealous. I wonder what his secret is.
She legit called the guy her wife recently.
Hehe hehe anyone gor the new video I am very locoooooo today hehe hehe
Where the hero man are you guy sleeping or something man wake up and post the new video now now nowwww
Why are so many bitches in the fat admiring community left wing extremists?
What a cute couple :3 i'm happy for them
Because most left-wing and LGBTQ+ people are more accepting of alternative lifestyles and body positivity. Why does that bother you?
>Because most left-wing and LGBTQ+ people are more accepting of alternative lifestyles and body positivity.

Where do you live that this is true? Anyways, doesn't bother me at all what others choose to do with their life although you will probably not ever catch me in a gay bar drinking with the fellas. Not unless somehow it was the only way to get into a skirt with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a hugeeeeeeeeeeeeee rack. I wouldn't care if it were silicone by then.

The thing that puzzles me is this. The only photos I see like these are young couples that are social-medialites. They seem to be the social group that fucks most succesfully.

It's interesting to me because statistically women are finding it more difficult than it ever has been to get dick. Women are at their lowest happiness and highest depression in history, and they are getting fucked less than ever before. You would think that by 2023 girls in the west would have realized that maybe tattoos and social media is not the answer, and that tattoos and social media could be key factors that are only exacerbating the problem. I guess I could be wrong though. I guess breast implants could help, but they are expensive when they are very large.
Most of it is based on delusion and ignorance of reality
Yeah I can’t believe there aren’t BBWs lined up to the street to fuck the inbred retards in the community

I didn't say that I wouldn't fuck a retarded BBW. I most definitely would. Retardation is not a problem for me and I am plenty intelligent already. I don't think I need help from a BBW with more brains. I meant a lot of other things that I deleted after posting because it was 2 posts that I felt were too long, but I don't know whether BBWs are lining up or not. I was more sharing statistical facts I looked up on a gov website a few years ago. You can do your own research if you don't believe just google.
>i was just sharing statistics
no, you were drawing bullshit correlation between depression and "tattoos and social" media - finding data and then warping it to fit your own personal grievances with tattoos/piercings/etc is complete bullshit
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Here's to praying she never stops gaining
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>I didn't say that I wouldn't fuck a retarded BBW. I most definitely would. Retardation is not a problem for me and I am plenty intelligent already.
Yeah holy shit we're the ones on a board based around jacking off to women eating themselves to disability, who the fuck are these guys to be taking stances on identity politics? She's hot, either get over yourself or don't jack off to her, posting your brainlet takes on bbw-chan is retarded
>Women are at their lowest happiness and highest depression in history
That's literally everyone right now dude.
someone please post she has gotten so much fatter and is now a fat pig i ned viedeo in nedd it pls
Nothing new here? 😢
anyone buy her videos????????
cmon hero wake up

This place sucks ugh.
Ikr, who wants to see a mentally ill guy?
any bets on if he’s a cuck too? no chance she’s monogamous with a male with no self respect
>>115201 why would you even think sex workers of all people have conservative values?
can you guys please share something instead of whinging on about politics
At the end of the day, her partner is getting pussy and you guys are just jacking off to her in your coom cave. No need to go on about "muh values" or the lives of people you don't know, that's cringe and nobody cares.

anyway here's my collection, from one of her first videos to some of her newest.

Sir I don't have a burning desire to get my dick chopped off and turned into an inverted meat socket, I think I'm still slightly ahead in life
'ahead in life'
you know where you are right?
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Could you share the content you have from her please ?
Somebody update myfatblondegf coomer please?
>>121522 (Cross-thread)
before u leave, u gotta make stuckage, belly play, tight clothes, and plenty of comparison videos to use after uve lost weight

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