
Anyone got the new vid?
Holy shit she’s back?
Someone please drop new content for the love of all that is good and holy, and by God I’ll drop a link when I’m next at my PC
Why did it take this long for anyone to post this? Anyway, here:

Thanks a lot.
That gut is absolutely insane.
i've had covid the past several days and tbh seeing her pour string cheese like that makes me want to hurl and yet im still gonna beat off lol
Is that really her? Facial features and hair line look completely different, not just now that she's fat but even different from her other skinny pictures
Can’t work the link, but thank you
Link definitely still works, just got it, it's double-wrapped


Thanks so much man, jesus christ this is incredible. Seems like she's really on her way to being the GOAT.

8 minutes in and I already have to save the rest for later. She even makes a meta-joke, poking fun at herself for saying her break was to get in better shape while she ends up even fatter than when she left?

By this time next year this thread will have to migrate to /ssbbw/
stop posting fake bullshit
She's a bit smaller than before the break but I hope this comeback will see her reach new heights. Clearly there's no way she's gonna lose any weight other than by a surgery
That’s is 100% not her lmao
Fuck it's been less than twenty four hours since she posted the come back video. Give her time to get paid you morons. Why's she going to publish new shit if you post it immediately.
This website only exists to share pirated content. There are thousands of people who don’t use this website and buy her videos. Sharing a video to someone who never buys content isn’t cutting into profit margins
so hot i love the video thank you american hero !!!!
That fupa she has now is absolutely delicious.
Pleeeeeease tell me she's interested in continuing to gain.
I feel you, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm still going to sub, guaranteed. I just gotta wait until payday.
Anyone else just following her out of morbid curiosity? At this point I find the whole thing kinda sad and not hot at all. Like, I love fat girls but I legit get happy when a girl gets out of the fetish and gets healthier. It can be such a destructive fetish both mentally and physically.

Ultimately I don't want a girl to be unhappy for a fetish and the amount of gainers who are actually happy when they get to 400+ pounds is very slim. I know death feederism and regret are a turn on for some but not me. Lowkey want her to slim down before she gets a heart attack in her 30s. If she doesn't, well at least I hope she's really enjoying the ride.
Maybe it's just me, but at its extreme feederism that builds on fast weight gain is always tragic and self-destructive. Not even in the sense that it destroy the feedee's body, but in that it always gets deminishing returns. It's only in stupid WG fiction tropes that being an immobile blob is a satisfying conclusion. In reality, it was the progression that gets us excited. But the fatter you get the more you need to gain to make an impression and more you have to sacrifice. What makes girls like Mochii special is that she is too good at this,and so she is faced with this dilemma much sooner. Eventually she will have to stop being interesting, if only because an immobile blob is an immobile blob either way. Well, maybe it's my specific hangup, that I prefer BBWs over SSBBWs, but I still find a BBW gaining into an SSBBW hot .

But yeah, BBL919 was the real gigastacy who also gained to 300lbs super quickly, then lost all of it just as fast and refused to elaborate.
it is really depressing. her life is ruined and she’ll likely drop dead by 35 if that. even if she lost the weight the amount of damage she’s done to her organs is irreversible. Not being able to walk or even stand for a couple minutes basically means your life is over past sitting around doing nothing
Don't start the bs health chat again, no one cares. This isn't a venting space for idiots, just share content or thank the people who shared it. Stop derailing threads
Wtf are you doing a this board?
She is clearly living the dream. Good for her
yeah this concern trolling about health is absolutely pointless - is this the comments section on tiktok or a site called BBWCHAN?

is being fat "healthy"? no, but it's hardly a death sentence, there are plenty of 50 year olds pushing 400lbs
she obviously enjoys eating and living like this, so stop foisting your bullshit into this thread and just appreciate the return of her fat gut
This attitude is exactly what started the “HAES” shit. I am not defending it at all because both extremes are retarded. One side claims you can be in perfect health at 500 pounds and have absolutely no problems. The other seems to think that being overweight, even slightly will cut your lifespan in half and cause you to drop dead in your 30s. Take the “concern” and go find somewhere else to spew it. This board is literally designed to share porn of enormous fat women, if you don’t like it don’t bother to check the threads never mind post your comment
Shut up.

Here are the rebill vids:
Thank you!!
Her video quality and stuffing's have been missed
Goddess Patty died nearly 60 and for the most part she was literally double mochii's weight. None of these fatties are dropping dead.

Just shut the fuck up with your "concerns" and have a wank.
She seems a lot less out of breath than before
She knows what she’s doing, doesnt mind. Thanks for the porn and good riddance.

I don't know...you could make the case this guy revenge posted the rebill videos to get those guys to shut up...

I support continuing to gripe about it if we get revenge rebill videos.
Her onlyfans is 50% off….much point subscribing or is it all on coomer?
Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy it while it lasts. You can fap to her and and still think about her afterwards, right? Not like anyone can stop her. Though moralfags should like reposting anyways, since I'm not even financially responsible.
You don't know how lucky you guys are to have someone like this posting such quality content
Us gay gainers never get anyone like Mochi
do you think it will continue to explode? like reach the 450 lbs ? I'm sure it's possible but I don't think she'll want to. after that, she's going to surprise us again, already it's incredible what she does
Do it yourself. Don’t let your dreams be dreams

Also, especially as a feedee her videos are just the best motivation you could get.

Wow its almost like she was playing it up for videos. Craaaaazy
then why she does not do that anymore?
It was probably real. She gained very quickly and didn’t move much during that time, so it makes sense that her body needed to adjust to her new weight. It just takes some time
you guys have nickocado avocado he's basically the male equivalent
And to think she never would've started to gain if it wasn't for Covid forcing her to stay at home. Even in the month or two prior to the lockdowns, she was hiking and very active at the bars.
>>111196 They are brainless thieves that get rich off of the mass population.

>>They are brainless

>>Get rich off the mass population

Pick one since you clearly can't have both.
>>111201 You stupid fucking nutter they are stipid nutters that steal from the poor and guve to the rich.
>>111201 (They also steal from the rich but there's mostly poor people that's why I thought "mass" population sufficed)

At least learn to spell words correctly before screeching random bullshit next time. And the rest of you spergs can fuck off too. I'm tired of you creatures necroing threads with no content.
Why she doesn' t let grow some bush on that fupa?
Because it's a niche thing most of her fans wouldn't be into?
That should tell you how bad things really are
that guys a weird manchild but god damn if im not jealous of his sheer dedication to gaining. if he was a hot dude and wasn't gay id be all over him
I'm assuming you're a woman I'm a male gainer hi. Tell me where to follow or message you :3
what no pussy does to a mf
Fuck you STFU, they’re so much male WG centric media. Mochii popular cause it’s literally all we got.
cool story bro, dont want to here it
Last time i wanna here anything related to that nigga
ive been an FFA forever and it only just occurred to me that nikocado is supposed to be wg fetish fuel
thats a testament to how repulsive he is
Anyone got that one q&a she did
waaahwaaaaaaah cry waaaaaaaaah wah wahhhhhh how dare they wahhhhh

subbed to mochi's of but not sharing cause you told me to fuck off, adios
don't come back, monkey
I decided that I'm going to make a loli character for this site. I'm going to name her "Pink Sakura". She's a cute loli character that is addicted to pills and alcohol.
Why do you keep copy pasting this comment. No one cares that you don't like fat chicks, go cry somewhere else
It's refreshing seeing content as high quality as Mochii's back, no one has done or does glutton vids like her. Also happy she didn't go down the fish eye camera route like carmen did when her vid quality hit the fan and she tried to look bigger. Btw if anyone has the new vid it would be amazing to see it, on coomer or otherwise
Thats a fucking fat pussy
Mods are deleting comments. Cringe.
nah good, stops the trolls from ruining these threads
The newest vid:

She's hot, but she really needs to go get her eyebrows done.

lmao I can't comprehend people like you. Her eyebrows are neither a unibrow nor super bushy, they're just a completely regular natural look, who the fuck pays enough attention to such ordinary-looking eyebrows that they feel the need to say something like this? Like you being gay is literally the only way this would make sense to me
her elbows are also too pointy

See even though I'm autistic I could at least tell this one was just meming
This chick's a stinker
only way we can beat the trolls is through content boys aHR0cHM6Ly9iYnctY2hhbi5ubC8ubWVkaWEvMjBhNDQxMmJmZTVmZWE2Y2VlNzAzN2JkNTZjODMzMjBlMTcwNDhkYzA0YzBhOTE3YzAyOGUxZWZmNjFmZmI2Yi5qcGc=

>>only way we can beat the trolls is through content boys

Why even show up here if you're solution is to buy content? You'd think I'm going to give the trolls what they want after being called a faggot or nigger multiple times?

Agreed. You should leave this place and never return, nutter. Nobody likes your ugly stinking Canadian hacker ass. Take my word for it.
Also if you bothered to decode the thing you would have realized they were trolling because it’s literally a link to the pic right above their post. Dumbfuck
new video descriptions are getting very dark. actually seems like her boyfriend is trying to murder her at this point.

"As I’m stuffing my face my ENTIRE BODY begins to bloat like crazy, my arms, hands, thighs, tits, fupa and even my face begin to swell up like a balloon as my body struggles to process the sheer amount of salt entering it.."

LOL what a fucking freak!
definitely getting some new vibes off these video descriptions, maybe one of them has a death feedism kink?
they are good at marketing

Didn't she quit before because money issues?
That would be pretty hot ngl if she starts doing "healthplay" vids, I'd actually buy. Even get a full physical checkup.
Stop over analysing and jerk off, she’s hot, she’s gaining and she makes the best videos. Keep your thoughts in your head and either post/request content or don’t post
The descriptions are entirely designed to make potential sales read it and get hard in hopes they impulse buy the video.
Everything is on Coomer Party > Creators > mochibabii
Some people like to get morbid with their turn-ons like that, ESPECIALLY women
Did she make a video of the 100 nuggets thing? Or just the pics on coomer? If there's a vid anyone got a download link?

I'm glad they made a separate thread on /ssbbw/ to get away from fucking concern trolls like you
Do we know her latest weight?
She said she’s weighing in this week, not sure if she has done yet, if not probably this weekend.

Also I’m pretty sure her break was just to increase her arm strength, they look huge, not into it myself but just one of them.
Plz Update coomer, new video, weight gain in
her comeback is great, but I HATE that her feeder started using that horrible fisheye effect to exaggerate mochii's size. If you're reading this, please stop doing that. it's lame trickery and not fooling anyone
(497 KB, 1920x1080, obvious_fisheye.jpg)
her comeback is great, but I HATE that her feeder started using that horrible fisheye effect to exaggerate mochii's size. If you're reading this, please stop doing that. it's lame trickery and not fooling anyone
Agreed, pls no fish-eye, whatever camera you used to use was far better. That's what Carmen did when her content hit the fan, Mochii looks big anyways so no need for that
I always thought Reiina was impressive, but Mochii's gain is just on another level. Never in my life would I have thought she'd get this massive this quick. Plus the production-value and quality of the content are just as next level. Hope someone adds the new weigh in to coomer soon,.
Absolutely hate this shit
that -- and the constant FUPA-first shots are some of the most off-putting camera work I've seen.
Yeah she’s definitely super into showing off the fupa now. The first time she did it it kind of came out of nowhere and was just like “damn”. But now it’s like all the time and looks the same. That and her darkening skin between her folds when she lifts her gut up or spreads her legs.
I need video now please I need hero please hero please 🙏
Ojooooooo te amo mi amor❤️❤️❤️
Thank you anon. Won't spoil the numbers, but it's insane she's over 3/4 of just pure lard. :3 It seems like her body can't take too much more, she's gonna be even semi-immobile potentially by mid-2024. You're the real Top G.
Nigga did you just :3 at us
(71 KB, 900x1200, rOBjmpOjlnOZ512rsWVfbOaFrWpFsqqOiUDrZ3fmBI0.jpg)
Oh so you oppose me acting in Web 1.0 spirit and joviality, but not the spic above (using emojis on an imgaeboard btw, cringe) who won't even attempt English? This is why the West has fallen.
Can someone share her weight? Don't care to download the vid just wanna know
i love u i wanna kiss u hero thank u hero u are the true american hero we all need i love mochi babai she is so fat and goained 200 lbs now so she is super fat and sexy jajaja i love seeing her become 400 lbs almost

Yeah right like this man knows anything, especially her weight.
>This is why the West has fallen.
Shall we tell him Spanish is a western language? LOL

dankon, reĝo
Ameritards don’t know any better
(20 KB, 787x319, Mochii's Weight Over Time.png) (19 KB, 787x340, Mochii's Rate of Gain Over Time.png)
Glad they threw in some of the stats at the end of the video, though I'd flesh it out even a little more.

The big milestone for this weigh-in was getting over 200lbs gained from her starting weight. That's a big one!

Between her last weigh-in and this one, she's at her slowest rate of gain ever (just over 1.5lbs/month). If she doesn't dip below that, she'll hit 400 almost exactly 1 year from now. But 500 would be very far away; she wouldn't reach that threshold until the 2029.
It’s hard to believe that she can cram much more into that belly.
She will never be 500 pounds. That’s coming up close to immobile (or almost) at her height.

My bet is she goes for 400 and stops (intentionally) gaining from there, likely plateauing. Just enjoy the ride and don’t worry about her hitting some impossible goal 5 years from now.

You could take that back to March 2019 when she was 115. Over that year before she started actively gaining she had already put on over 65 pounds.
I wonder how it would have been if she kept that initial rate of gain.
She’s also currently eating out at restaurants as much as possible this month which could definitely lead to gains at a faster rate
She’s kind of disgusting now but that is also what makes it kinda hot. It def looks like her hygiene has taken a hit and the eating straight butter and sugar damn
confident we will see her hit 400lbs this year, she is too addicted and her boyfriend won’t let her stop
Say what you want but the fact she returned after a near year long hiatus shows something. And especially heavier. She may be short but I don’t see her stopping. She manufactured herself an eating addiction and is close to 400 pounds. It would not surprise me at all to see her hit 400 in a few months especially if she goes hard this month.
Her rate of gain has fluctuated around 2lb/mo over the last 18 months or so, and especially if she goes hard now that she’s back to modeling, I could MAYBE see her hitting 400 by the holidays. But I think next spring is more likely.

> You could take that back to March 2019 when she was 115.
Good point! I’ll try to add that data point
I totally agree, she became very ugly but that's what is hot about her.
ugly? nah she's still pretty I think
She's cute as fuck, stfu loser.
it was roughly one pound per day during March-June. If that kept up she'd be over 1100 pounds today
Obviously unrealistic and unsustainable, but if it were possible, both her mobility and her digestion would be totally fucked. Very impressed she kept it up as long as she did, though
I like fat filipinas, what can I say
Imagine if she ended up becoming the fattest Asian woman in history. Sure, she'd probably die trying but she could be legendary.
(240 KB, 825x1100, 7.jpeg.15f8d6550e68b662b2477c4b2a7f789d.jpeg) (145 KB, 825x1100, 3.jpeg.d83650273ba23c39ca040f0c7d5613d1.jpeg)
>Her rate of gain has fluctuated around 2lb/mo over the last 18 months or so, and especially if she goes hard now that she’s back to modeling, I could MAYBE see her hitting 400 by the holidays. But I think next spring is more likely.

I might have to revise this cautious prediction based on this newly announced plan: https://curvage.org/forum/index.php?/forums/topic/43530-❤%EF%B8%8F%E2%80%8D🔥-mochii-babii-~-goddess-of-gluttony-❤%EF%B8%8F%E2%80%8D🔥/&do=findComment&comment=1064722

She's doing a "Feedee Anniversary Month" where she eats out at "3+ Restaurants each day, Monday - Thursday for a total of 12+ Restaurants a week" from March 6 to April 2. She'll release a highlights montage video at the end of each week and will weigh in again after this month-long binge is over.

So yeah, she might be hitting 400 this year after all...!

She's already posting little update posts and photos on her Curvage thread, free of charge, and they're super hot, so definitely check them out. I love public stuffing content, and she's wearing really tight and revealing outfits at these restaurants. You're not gonna want to miss this.
She’s also sending out daily videos through her OnlyFans DMs showing all the in public stuffings the day after they happen

Not gonna lie it’s some of the hottest stuff I’ve ever seen, her gut is on fully display at these places
I know Mochii's not the only model to have pushed the envelope when it comes to fetish content, but she surely deserves the gold medal for some combination of effort, creativity, and achievement. I can't think of a single other model who's pulled off the things she has, and with such incredible production values!
The fact this is what she's wearing in public is so freaking hot. Turns out I really like fat girls in revealing clothes in public.
Fuckin A.

Fat girls in revealing clothes in public, absolutely pigging out and getting off on it? Now THAT is my kind of exhibitionism

how does jhaphoullebidu compare to that
Can someone share her new weigh in video please

Bro it's literally the last link in the thread and it isn't expired yet

But in case you're too much of a brainlet to check back in time before it *does* expire, she's 380.6 now
Does anyone have the daily videos she’s releasing?
Does anyone have her daily update compilations?
Law of diminishing returns beginning to set in tbh. She's gonna have to resort to even more depraved acts of gluttony and becoming a human meatball to garner the excitement she once did. Not that she isn't still amazing. What I mean is she's likely going to have to double down even deeper into this fetish,to legendary territory, even morbid.
Idk she's stuffing in public (mostly?)every day this month while wearing cute, form fitting, outfits. Real fat princess vibes.
So that seems pretty neat imo.
Yeah I think this is fine, it's never gunna be like back during the pandemic where her gain was insane. She's already done abunch of crazy shit content wise/ she's not chubby anymore like the old days, shes practically a ball now + plus shes short so I don't think it's physically possible for to have the same gain. Like she's already having a lot of trouble moving around. She'll definitely still get fatter by virtue of eating the insane amount of fatty foods she does but she's gunna be slow. Which for personally isn't a huge deal
God, she's so fucking huge. I hope she does more belly button-related content, it's looking really deep.
She definitely still has room to grow, sure she is short but she is barely into SSBBW territory at this point - if she keeps it up with the heavy cream chugging I think we can expect to see her passing 400lbs sooner than later
I don't know if y'all saw the video, apparrently she has a 80% body fat percentage...
Yeah…she’s literally just a giant ball of fat and the public stuffing videos she’s sending out are on another level with tons of different angles and everything on full display

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve watched other public stuffing clips and it’s just one boring static angle barely showing anything
That montage tho :o She's truly the best ever. Thx for the coomer update
Forgot to add she claimed 400 on fantasy feeder but was probably a bit more at the time.
Speaking of Jhap,does she make any content?
Keep rebill on and now a $5 for content.

Call me what you want but she's overdoing it now.

God I want Mochii to get to this size so badly.

Idk it’s her “event” month and she’s currently sending out 4+ 15 minute videos a week with some of the best public stuffing content I’ve ever seen

I think the content is more than worth the price
(5.8 MB, 2436x1125, IMG_4062.PNG)
Her face looks so wide and fat in these
She’s an oompa loompa no doubt.
Mochiibabii all endings list:

GOOD ENDING: she realizes that if she keeps this up for maybe a month more it will start cutting a year from her life each week, and she drops to a more reasonable 250. dies at the age of 51 at 180 lbs, the best she can hope for w/ her current organ damage
BAD ENDING: she decides to push herself to her limit daily causing her weight to skyrocket, but it causes a buildup of sodium which leads to a heart attack after a couple weeks of this
TRUE ENDING: she continues gaining weight at a steady pace and reaches 1000 lbs in 6 years time, but the morning after she finally breaks quadruple digits, her feeder finds her dead in her bed, shit everywhere, vomital, her body expelled dozens of lbs of half-disgested food, bloated corpse, bulging eyes
HUNGER ENDING: her feeder spikes her meals with appetite stimulant but one day accidentally gives her 3x the amount, and she eats until her stomach ruptures and keeps eating despite the internal bleeding until she dies
JOKE ENDING: she becomes the first human to break one ton in weight. afterwhich she is strung up and paraded like a baloon at the thanksgiving parade. she dies during it from heart attack and sprays death-shit and vomital on the crowd
HORROR ENDING: she attempts to eat all the tissue on a human being in one meal, succeeding in eating 40 kg of human meat leaving only the skeleton. arrested by pres Ron DeSatnis in 2027 after this crime is discovered
SWOLE ENDING: she starts lifting heavy object, discovers that she has insane muscle genetics, becomes strongest human alive after all fat converted to muscle and keeps putting on muscle until she can bend time itself, going back in time to eat Hitler before he can do a genocide
WORST ENDING: her hunger continues to grow without end, she eats everything in the pantry, everything in the fridge, in the entire house, the entire house, neighborhood, city, state, america, world, solar system, galaxy, UNIVERSE, M U L T I V E R S E, she reaches beyond the multiverse to challenge God and eats him, become a new Goddess, but too fat and lazy to create a new multiverse, there is nothing left besides mochii
This is more fun than any content I’ve seen here, and I encourage you to follow any dreams you have connected to writing fiction
yeah, fuck this, dude. something that takes this much pleasure in imagining her gruesome demise doesn’t belong here
i really hope this is some sort of weird satire
lmao holy fuck dude
Imagine no updates for a week then her boyfriend suddenly posts she literally overate until her stomach burst. There's a non zero chance of this happening. Similar vibe as when Layla does super stuffing.

That's already on her coomer which won't get taken down until the entire website dies or goes mega-illegal-paywall (one of which I feel is inevitable but hey it's lasted a DAMN long time so far)

If you're trying to share new vids then the only things we don't have are the ones she sends in the DMs

(and frankly I'm against sharing those until they're at least a week or two old but hey people who buy her OF can do what they want with it)
At this point mochii babii is just a science experiment to see how much unhealthy sludge the human body can take
or maybe the scien is all wrong about the human healt, in fact is not a law they are a theorys about be fat is bad bla bla bla but mochii still good until now and Tara (MissFatT) damn she weight like 800lbs and she can move or ninja they are really big and huge god i love the FA BBW SSBBW USBBW world jajajaja
are you actually autistic
Mochii babii at this point is just a science experiment to see how much sludge the human body can take in such a short time. I mean I’d say the vast majority of people would think that you would die if you ate like this for only a month and she’s been going for years now

she’s been sending out 20 minute recap videos basically every day through her onlyfans DMs

this is from those I believe
Someone be a hero and upload the DM videos
public feederism content makes me cringe but more power to her
Same, but I'm just glad her boyfriend is blurring out the faces of people. I haven't seen that in most public videos.
Are those bonus nude shorts worth it?

First one was pretty damn good, then she sent out a bonus one which was hot as hell so I’d say yeah

I mean it's exhibitionism fetish stuff except it's completely legal.

tbh I also can't imagine actually going out in public to anywhere but a beach while showing off that much skin, but in terms of just the raw eating, I love bringing my wife to buffets and letting her stuff herself silly in public. She doesn't even get off on the exhibitionism aspect of it herself the way mochii seems to but the buffet aspect alone is too good for her to pass up, she's never left after eating fewer than 4 fairly packed plates (which is obviously way less than mochii can eat lol, but my wife's been a pig for a lot longer so she's still around 350)
Upload the video to coomer
I fucking love this shit, I wanna see more fat chick guts hanging free and shameless.
Anybody else feel like MB is overdoing it a little much , like I feel like she reached max capacity I just saw her dip fast food in a tub of melted butter and thought to myself gah damn lady , I mean it’s still hot asf but I know that her life expectancy is going down like crazy lmao
(9.1 MB, 428x240, B161A2BD-7ACF-4C75-8B3F-D8F27284A103.gif)

I mean she is in the middle of a challenge month literally all about overdoing it

I’m sure after this month is over she’ll chill out again but yeah there’s no denying it’s hot as hell

You were happy with her turning into a fat blob and egging her on, and NOW you're suddenly concerned about her life expectancy?

Pick one side, you can't have both.
Oh shut up , I do as a I please end of the day everyone’s still gonna jerk off to it just was curious of what everyone else was thinking

They've always been a very organized couple lol

With that said, c'mon if you have her onlyfans then update the coomer! We don't even have last week's compilation yet :P
Perfect, needed to put in my agenda which days I destroy my dick.
CP warning up top! dont click it fellas

she spent 10k in one week, she can live without my 13 dollars.

Fuck off you entitled bum. You're not special.
LMAO someONE deleted my post. Update coomer, comrades!
this is begging, and it's technically against the rules, so don't be surprised if your posts get deleted from time to time.
W/3, man. If she can spend 10k a week I don't see what the issue is. Also are we just going to ignore the blatant CP links and racist posts?
>>115403 Do you have the mochii video from last week? Please
Can someone update the coomer
All her compilations are being sent via dm, the best she puts out in her feed is a short 30 second vid or a few pics.

Good, now the coomer spergs can shut the fuck up about updates.

except they're too stupid to know anything about coomer despite mentioning it in every post, so nope, they'll still keep asking, maybe even more than before (even though it'll be pointless)
No one's skimmed her videos and uploaded them elsewhere? I find that hard to believe.
As undeniably incredible as all this content is...do we really think Mochii is closing in on 400? She's gained so much and looks huge, but 400 huge? It's not like they're obviously faking the weigh ins but there's something I can't quite accept.
this woman is literally killing herself in front of us and you still find a way to not be satisfied
>>11583 (Dead)

No way she's close to 400 at her height. She's been lying about the number for a long time. Imo that's part of why we don't see sets with other girls. It'd ruin the illusion.
(9.3 MB, 2778x1284, 3206B421-9CDA-43DF-8CE9-E01C8F5F61B8.png)

Idk mochii has a lot of fat that’s hard to see when she’s always clothed, tons of back fat, massive side tits, huge double chin, her thighs have sagging fat pouches with cellulite..

who knows but she’s definitely a blob at this point regardless
She be doing a heart attack speedrun and yall still find something to cry about
I do think she crossed the border between hot and concerning

She's lost it. And needs help in all honesty.
One thing is to get turned on by fat women and another is death-feedism. This belongs to /bbwalt or /ee
Honestly if you people don’t like it or don’t find certain things hot, just go away. Don’t watch the content and stop with the concern posts. Just leave it for the people who do enjoy it without shitting on them like you are better than or taking the moral high ground with the “death feederism” thing. She’s still in the 300s, literally just over half what Adeline weighs
Dude, you are literally telling us to stop posting our opinions while you are posting yours.
What's your point? Don't like my opinion then "Just go away" don't read it..
There’s a difference between sharing your opinion and demanding that things be moved so you don’t have to see it anymore.

Your opinion has been noted. Don’t like what you see? Don’t look. Hide the thread. Problem solved.

It’s not like this challenge is anymore extreme than her first one, probably even less so. At least here she’s getting out of her bed and moving around on a regular basis.
I think it's hard to determine mochii's short so
It's a little hard to verify her actual weight but I think she's probably close to 400 based on seeing people of similar size to her
It's just an opinion, not a request, my friend.
I think you can't stand different opinions, buddy. We don't think the same way and its fine, y'know?
There's no need to hide the thread either.
You guys take everything too seriously.
This ain't no fight.
I think her doing like a comparison vid with another girl would be cool, like a girl close to her original size. It would help put into perspective how big she is/ it'd be hot. I loved it when foxy roxxie did that vid back in the day with that super skinny girl. Also I'm not technically into death feedism either, but I think health complications are just part of this fetish unfortunately, like if your not into that you can wank it to like stories or drawing I guess
Yup! But I'd ruin the ilussion, as stated before.
the fact you guys have been jacking it to fat women for so long and still think they're just dropping dead in their 20s from heart attacks, even when they eat like a dumpster, is retarded
Out of curiosity what weight do you think she's at. I don't think she's that far off from 400 personally but like what do you think her weight is? Cuz she is a blob/ has been literally chugging butter and cheese
Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if she's at 390/400 just from bloat/water weight alone.
Who cares, man. The world has literally been on fire for the last three years. So what? A least she's having a better time than most of us I'd imagine.
I'm rooting for her. I'm going all in. I bet 500lbs by the end of this year.

Yeah I’m willing to bet she does all her weigh ins super stuffed/bloated, she bloats up like crazy and that would definitely raise those numbers considering how much she can pack away
it is possible, but she will not dare. if so, goodness god

She's 5' 2" - fitting in restaurant booths with room to spare. Apple shaped, with relatively small legs and butt.

I'd put her weight in the high 200's.

There's a video floating around of Dankii exercising at a hotel. Using the hotel scale, she weighs in around Mochii's claimed weight. Dankii looks huge in comparison.

mochii definitely has a wayyy rounder and heavier looking gut while dankii is more flabby

but idk as long as she keeps making quality content like she does and keeps growing I’m happy with whatever weight she is
I think y'all forget that people DO gain weight DIFFERENTLY. Especially when you gain a couple hundred pounds seemingly all at once the weight distribution is probably going to be different than someone who has either been fat forever or took less time.
I really don't think she has a reason to lie either? She's literally wider than she is tall by a few inches.
You going to drop this pic without the video? :( also why so much useless chatter, it's hard to find the content. No one cares if you are or aren't attracted to her. Just request or post content
Mochii is one of the few popular bbw models these days that you can genuinely tell has a fat fetish for the sake of it, like baked into her brain. She genuinely enjoys the extreme gluttony too.

She has little reason to lie about her size or exaggerate beyond what little is necessary for dramatic effect in her clips. This woman sincerely wants to eat and jiggle until her yellowed arteries burst.
Most old and middle aged women in my town are fat as fucc. You health nerds should go to a fitness forum and complain about fat chicks there, here is not the place. Most people are here to jerk off to fat chicks if you haven't noticed, so sorry if it upsets you
I’m the one who posted this, and to be clear, I am not complaining. Mochii is turning out the most impressive feedist content I’ve ever seen, and I’m loving it.

I was more so looking for a reality check, and it’s good to know I’m not the only one who was skeptical. When she was reporting weights in the 200s or around 300 it might have been easier to fudge, but as others have said, she looks nowhere near as big as other models of the same height who’ve hit 400. She’s definitely faking her weight in some way.

As said above people do gain weight differently and in different areas, mochii has a very dense and round body that very well could be heavier even though she’s not as “big”

Which is why I just don’t think it’s as simple as directly comparing similar models based on big they look

At the end of the day I guess you believe her or you don’t but I’ll continue to give her the benefit of the doubt for sure
Her high weight compared to her size is almost certainly due to the high amounts of visceral fat. Denser than subcutaneous. Her organs are likely being CRUSHED by this shit, so hot.
Lol there is always some conspiracy theory truther on the thread of every bbw claiming they don’t actually weigh what they say they weigh.

Fake weight gain pays. When you're already selling a fantasy, why not lie about the numbers too? Most of these women are doing it.
Agreed. She definitely didn’t gain 100+ lbs the first 6-8 months of quarantine or whatever it was she claimed. She def fudged the timeline and started earlier, her summer “compilation” was def longer than 4 months lol.

People don’t realize his easy it is to fake these POV weigh ins too and there are some models who def do it. You could literally were a backpack of books and all they show is the gut down. Fantasy sells and their simps will eat that shit up while vehemently defending their favorite model lol.

Many of us have fat wives or at least fat exes and that's why it's so absolutely fucking hilarious when literal incels like >>115921 who have never slept with a fat girl in their lives say she's "high 200s". My wife is the same height and 300 pounds and gains weight about as densely and looks WAY smaller than mochii. Even if you thought there were camera tricks involved, the chairs and booths at restaurants are harder to fake, my wife has a few tight squeezes at smaller places but no restaurant chair in a major US city makes her look like a fucking sausage casing.

Is it possible Mochii could be fudging 20 pounds? Sure, I don't have a built-in visual scale in my brain. I don't really see the point though. She's *definitely* over 350.

Fair enough, I could see that. I re-watched the vid with Dankii and the latest Mochii stuff, and maybe her fat just is more densely and differently distributed. Who knows.

I guess I'll be curious to see what she looks like when she reports crossing 400lbs. If we can't find a single other model for comparison who looked that size at 400, then I'll still be skeptical. But it's entirely possible that her weights are correctly reported, or only fudged a little.

Honestly, though, even if they are fudged, it's not a huge deal. This is by far the best content out there right now, and quality content with a fudged weight is better than blah content with an accurate weight. (I feel pretty much the same about Reenaye, too.)
How does she not have diabetes yet?

Also, Asians gain central visceral fat more easily due to their ultimate Siberian origin (surviving cold). She must be a sweating pig literally.
While health-scare generating boogeymen aka doctors try to link diabetes to obesity the reality is not exactly like that.

Fat people may develop type 2 overtime (and are unlikely to ever know they do have it, unless they discover they can't lose weight).

But fat people are not likely to develop the scary diabetes unless other medical conditions persist or arise.

I’m pretty sure she does have it and either doesn’t know or hasn’t officially said so yet. The darkening skin on her elbows, hands and under her tits are tell tale signs usually

she also always complains about sweating like a pig, she brings around a portable fan with her and uses it out in public while she’s eating, it’s hot as hell
Why is mochii always the one with the health nerds in chat, no one cares about visceral fat vs normal fat, just post content and jerk off
Thank you anon, first wasn't on there. If I could make one non praise about her, I think her cursing outside of "acted" scenes is distracting and not fitting for someone like her (or anyone really). Wonderful video tho

OK maybe she is starting to look slightly unhealthy
Why are you a retarded homo? Obviously some people do care. Go back to the hood, brutha
sexy bbw mochii is so sexy i cant wait for 4oo lbs
-She herself brings up health and stuff a lot in content and so it's natural to speculate
-She, more than any other model is obviously 90% visceral fat and its hard to ignore
Then go rp with someone and chat about visceral fat, MRIs and shit there. This should be for content and not some science/health discussion. She looks like any other bbw, just her content is actually good
Just because you're so black that light falls into your skin doesn't mean that the rest of us don't know basic medical terms
holy SHIT i cannot wait until Whites cannot win elections anymore so we resort to shooting. Maybe once we kill enough blackos AKA niggers AKA not human thuggoboys then maybe this board's quality will improve. I would very much like to meet your family, so that I can make you kill them. I would trap all of you in a basement and torture you, with the option of killing your family so that you can escape the torture. Then I would give you Ouchi levels of radiation so that you may die exquisitely. I hate black people like you and want you to die painfully because you are black and a swarthy thug.
Go be low IQ on Instagram or something.
It looks like she literally grew overnight with. The city has to notice her by now. I wonder if she's been candidly recorded
Hopefully this thread is nuked, turned into WebMD and 4chan racism. I know those terms, and am not 'black' either. Nor would it matter if I was. Thankfully neckbeards like you live in their parents house and don't go outside
Have you considered renouncing your niggerfaggotry?

Ironically you're the one raising a fuss over nothing. Stop being a hypocritical retard and focus on what you came for. Or better yet, touch grass.
(2.1 MB, 400x226, 004AA71.gif)
shut the fuck up all of you
there is something hilariously absurd about a neo nazi jerking off to a fat Asian slob on a degenerate weight gain fetish forum and then screeching at racial slurs at anonymous peopale on the internet because they think the Asian girl has acanthosis nigricans and someone else disagrees
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How do you perceive me as a nazi, you swarthiest thug? I hate niggies, not Jews or Asians. In fact Jews and Asians are superior to Europeans by ever metric, the same way Europeans are superior to swarthian murdermen like YOU, YOU UGLY BLACK MAN.

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