
HOLY SHIT can we just get a thread for people to dump their GFs in so they don't keep doing this shit? Every man thinks their wife is beautiful, doesn't mean she's on the same tier as Mal or Udderly Adorable, AKA actually deserving an entire thread.
Shut up and enjoy the tits
I don't think this is "shit". I like what can be seen in the pics. Nice boobs and nice belly.
This isn't a bad idea regardless.

Lol, touche. People take shit way too srsly here,

Thank you!
Yeah, I’d say thanks for sharing. She’s got a hell of a body! Cute belly shape and the way it makes her tits sit off to the sides a little is gorgeous.

If she’s comfortable with share away!
I feel bad for the cat.
Come for the tits - stay for the belly
>>110569 (OP)
Why do people post their ugly significant others here? Nobody cares about the results of your low standards

This post screams some serious jealousy
I come here for threads like Mal Malloy, not for a body I can find if I go down to the public swimming pool
Listen up nigger, everyone thinks their wife/gf is the prettiest girl ever, please stop making an entire thread just for your bitch because she is not exemplary enough to deserve one

This isn’t even my Mrs. I think she’s pretty hot though. But your post definitely did scream jealousy.

I agree that there should be thread for WAGS (wives and girlfriends) provided they have the permission to post.

I’d post mine there if only I could.
Oof the painful jealousy
Have you ever considered that it might not be "umm I don't like sour grapes anyway" and more like "dude, those grapes are covered in maggots, that's fucking disgusting".

I'm guessing you're black since your IQ is obviously <115. God I can't wait until America's government collapses so the hillbillies and rednecks can prowl the landscape in pickups and pick off all the niggers they see, then maybe this site will be good.
We get it you dont get pussy because youre a racist white guy whos built like a stick. Just stop projecting your feelings on others, noone cares
(2.1 MB, 400x226, 004AA71.gif)
>he's actually black (AKA a nigger)
>they think I posted this out of "jealousy"
The absolute state of this place lmao. I take it you guys have ugly SOs as well? I'd be jealous if she looked like Mal Malloy or Boberry, not an amorphous Walmart greeter.
(220 KB, 1242x1041, Emissary 4-.jpg)
You're acting like someone forced you to be here. Why are you wasting your time writing responses and filling out multiple captchas when you could be hustling to scrape up $25 for 3 minutes of Boberry sitting on a yoga ball with clothes on?
Moar pls

hero anon, bringing the fire, like back in the glory days before reddit existed and bbwchan was fatgirlamateurreddit :P

Dude, your Mrs. is a stunner! Not sure where the other guys racist tirade came from, but thanks for posting.
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Almost replied to each comment but I'll just say thanks y'all! I don't pay a second thought to those weird perverts whose come to forums about female bodies to post a bunch of lowlife batshit like that lol. They have my pity.

Her butt could be slightly phatter, but I don't look the gift horse in the mouth since it's still great when she's bent over right, and I've always been a boob guy anyway. Not every angle is always a winner for everyone with every girl, but from those winning angles she really is a top notch SuperBusty BBW.

It took HER getting bigger from 20 to 27 to really bring me over to the BBW side (true love? haha). She's only cool with me sharing if there's no face/other potential identifiers. Ever.

About to drop some more of my "Emissary" right after this post, but while there's any meaningful attention here, if anyone has this HoneyBiscuit20 PPV I'm sending screenshots of, please let me know!
(739 KB, 1835x1755, Emissary- 5.JPG) (878 KB, 1982x1939, Emissary- 6.JPG) (891 KB, 2075x1836, Emissary- 8.JPG) (1.1 MB, 2243x2187, Emissary- 7.JPG) (963 KB, 2263x1868, Emissary- 9.JPG)
>About to drop some more of my "Emissary" right after this post

Here's a blast from the past of 5 shots from 5.5 years ago. She was a 42H when we met 8 years ago and she's a 48P now, so she was somewhere in the middle here.

All gains have been unintentional / just natural side effects of my cooking skill increasing and work life getting busier. LMK it there's any interest in growth comparisons.

Absolutely. I’d love to see them.

For those of us that love a bit of belly as well as the boobs, the heavier pics of your girl are amazing!!
Oh there are definite interests in growth comparisons
She also has the cute little “W” shape at the bottom of her belly hang. My GF has the same thing, but isn’t as big as your lady, yet.

Absolute top tier, belly and tits
(2.4 MB, 1818x2020, Emissary- 10.png)
Thanks, I was always into busty preggos and BBWs on the curvier side, but never appreciated belly as much past a certain size until hers got a little bigger, and I saw how great of a shelf it is for the tits and how well it complements them. I'll work on more heavy pics

I'll work on putting some together soon! In the meantime, here's a great booty shot to round out what's here so far.

Thank you, and I agree about the W. It took a cool minute to grow on me (lol, no pun intended), but I'm a convert now for sure.


Booty shot attached with some minor identifying marks "censored"
I mean...as long as your GF is okay with sharing her nudes, go for it

Amazing bod she has, do you have any pics of standing belly hang?

Also, whatever you were cooking that did this to her, you have got to share man. To go from a little chubby to this is incredible by accident.
Out of curiosity, what’s her weight at the moment?
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She's OK with it so long as we can never be identified by them. So no face, no tats (of which she has very few and I have none), no locational clues, no rare belongings or personal context, etc. Not too difficult to cut out of photos. It's videos that are more difficult. I have almost 150gb of photos and videos, most of which is longer shots of us having sex, usually just with me holding the phone (though I've been trying to find a good, easy-to-throw-on chest/head "mount" for my phone b/c it's higher def than our GoPro and because there's nothing better than shots where I can get both my hands on the ass or the tits)

TBTH she wouldn't be as happy about the belly-focused shots because she's not a purposeful gainer/feedee, as I mentioned. She'd like to lose some weight but has been front-loading the most grueling part of her career path for a (very nigh) easier set-for-life path forward, so she works 10 to 12 hour days right now and is exhausted by the time we can exercise. While I'm enjoying her excess plump while it’s there, I also truly do love her more than anything and don't want her to feel uncomfortable/unconfident in her own body or be at risk of morbidity in the long run.

There are also things about BBWs that fans like us might find harder to imagine until faced with dating one. Lower libido, harder for them to help around the house, some sex positions we like are more difficult/less comfortable for her, certain fun activities we used to love become less feasible (some rollercoasters, water parks, surfing/watersports, longer hikes). She's lost weight before when she wasn't as overworked, and I know she can again since I have a lot of fitness knowledge (dad was a bodybuilder) and we both like going to the gym together, but not so much alone. She doesn't even really need to diet so much at this point, she eats well, she just needs to strengthen up to tone certain “load-bearing muscles and carry her weight better, while shedding a few pounds in the process.

I don't push her one way or the other, because she's hovered at her current weight pretty much what I see as her max ideal size for a while, and she has no qualms with exercise when we have the time. I know weight is lost in the kitchen or whatever, but for me it was just a matter of portion size and getting used to less snacks and meals per day TBH.

TL;DR: She's fine with it but with no identifiers, but she'd probably prefer it was mostly tits and ass lol.

Standing belly hang coming up. Attaching some good ones.

ANYWAY, ABOUT THE PHOTOS, SORRY for the life story above. FEEL FREE TO IGNORE COMPLETELY of course as opposed to commenting some stupid shit about it (if you're one of those) and taking up more thread space with it.

Since I've blathered on and on like this I'll post 8 photos instead of the original 4 I planned to. Might go quiet for awhile after this because I have a packed weekend and week ahead, but I'll keep eyes on the thread.
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TBH I've just always been interesting in cooking as a personal "craft"/hobby. Been baking easier stuff since elementary --> high school, started learning more basics in college, then post-college started really getting into YouTube channels like Babish, Joshua Weissman, Rick Martinez, and the like for "technique/tips/tricks". Or just deciding "This week, I'm gonna make a (Tikka Masala, Risotto, Thai red curry, NY-style pizza, sourdough loaf, carnitas, bagels, puerco en salsa roja, cheese/pesto ravioli, etc., etc.) from scratch, then just learned the recipe, maybe watched a couple videos, researched the ingredients, and made it a couple times until I was proficient.

She's great at the staples like pot roast, chicken noodle soup, steak, lasagna, etc., whereas I'm cooking 2 or 3 brand new things every single month. This month it's been different styles of pizza from scratch (chili dog, cheeseburger, Thai, Swedish, Indian, Hawaiian BBQ, etc.)

It's just a combo of her jobs being high profile and very demanding on time, and me being a foodie/adventurous home cook.

TBH I don't know. I know it's over 300, and I know she's very likely on the border of SSBBW, but to me at least she still looks/feels to be in the BBW range just based on her roundedness, curviness, minimal saggage/foldage, etc.

I don't really ask her for updates because it's not one of my kinks to know. I do get a bit turned on when she accidentally knocks something over with her ass or tits, or can't buckle a seatbelt easily over her tits (they've always been big overdeveloped but even moreso since college). I tend to keep an eye on her on stairs because her tits don't really allow her to see where her feet are going and her top-heaviness makes her kinda clumsy. I like the whole bigboobproblems and bigbuttproblems thing haha.

AGAIN, ABOUT THE PHOTOS, SORRY for MORE life story above. FEEL FREE TO IGNORE COMPLETELY of course as opposed to commenting something about it and taking up more thread space.

As I said above, since I've blathered on and on like this I'll post 8 photos instead of the original 4 I planned to :)

Here are the 4 laying down belly I originally intended to post. Still working on that growth comparison, but I’m a busy guy so patience will pay off.
(247 KB, 634x831, article-2229773-153C2437000005DC-816_634x831.jpg)
>>110569 (OP)
Can mods please move the "I love my gf, write paragraphs about her lovingly on a porn pirate site and want others to jack it to her" threads to like Slate's personal columns or the bottom of the barrel. Better yet put it in fucking gen. This board is primarily for pirating paid content and all of this is cringe af. Holee shiet.
You ever considered growing up?
Nah bro, this the Bbw section. Shut the fuck up and keep scrolling, or don’t, we honestly couldn’t care less. But don’t bitch about it, because all that does is keep this thread on top lmao.

Much appreciated OP, she has a dream bod, sad she doesn’t agree.
I just made a post on gen that's kinda about this topic. Just the general idea that this forum is all about "models" and sharing paid content, as opposed to sharing free nudes of a BBW that anons might not see otherwise. I also do share more than my fair share of huge rips of OF content I bought here and on Coomer on the regular.

I mean, before my GF got a super busy job and gained some weight, and when she was pretty much 10% boob by volume with 44J cups on a 210 lb frame, If we set up a paysite for her and, with luck, did really well like Anorei or something would the posts be more welcome then b/c of the artificial value attached?

If it's too much effort for a democratic majority of regular users to scroll past material like this and the masses say "no more" definitively, what's the next best anonymous forum full of busty BBW admirers that you'd recommend I post?

If the site admin(s) has something to say about it for the sake of limiting server usage I'll listen up by all means, but who are you and what forum rule are you referring to that BBW-Chan is specifically for pirating porn from BBW "models" who often make videos of themselves eating food, while completely non-nude, for $25 apiece?

But I agree, if there's no interest in the posts then I'm gonna read the room and stop posting. I'm not tone-deaf, and so far more people have asked for more photos than others who don't like it have wasted their oh-so-important time posting.

For what it's worth, I've seen openly sad posts from people who want a fat girl to date/fuck/love but can't land one, and my paragraphs weren't just full of "oh my GF is so great, I love her rolls, blahblahblah", I was just giving some candid, unadorned, lived perspective.

>Much appreciated OP, she has a dream bod, sad she doesn’t agree.

I don't know if I'd say she feels unsexy herself, so much as that she has a meaningful concern about the social stigma of getting bigger year-over-year, especially since we live in a very "fit" area of the US, and this frame/fat distro kinda just runs in her family.

In addition, we don't live in a big house on the prairie lol, we live in "the big city" in a too-small apartment for the next year or two, and being extra large can just be an annoyance in a smaller space. The body size (or lack-thereof) kink just isn't baked into her sexuality the same way it is for us or for a stuffer/gainer chick.
Hey OP, how did you meet her? What brought you two close initially?

Glad to have her on the gain train amigo.

Those milk tanks are other worldly, here I was thinking my gf's 50J were S tier but looks like she has quite a bit of catching up to do.

More growth comparisons are welcomed and the backshots with sideboob are *chefs kiss* and proof shes a heavy hitter.

Well, cmon now. Let's see em.
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The chan really ought to have a GF thread but I'm too lazy to make one. I don't want to hijack the thread so I'll only post once. If you'll excuse me -Inheritor, I'd like to offer a couple pics of my girl as a badge of honor to serve the bigboobproblems cause. May well-endowed SSBBWs reign supreme forever and ever!
Love it! Kino man, thx m8.

Your cooking has done wonders for her figure! You previously noted that you have fitness knowledge and don't want her at risk of morbidity in the long run. Does this conflict with your body size kink, or could you ever see yourself identifying as a feeder?

Either way, thanks for showing off your emissary.

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