
Damn you're sexy. Snapchat??
I don't :/ sorry. Mostly just post pics here from time to time.
How about a shot of them thighs
(2.0 MB, 4000x3000, 20230202_065913.jpg)
It's early, don't say anything about the color clash lol.
>>110222 (OP)
Where are you from? Are you looking for a feeder?
(3.6 MB, 4000x3000, 20230202_220426.jpg)
Hi, sorry for the late reply! No I'm not looking for a feeder, sorry! And here's my tits.
Damn youre super sexy! Love them big tits. Are you in a relationship? What is your ultimate sexual fantasy? What do you love most about being large?

>What do you love most about being large?
The dick.
You are soooo sexy. Absolutely lovely body. I love your giant belly!
Congrats on having those very suckable tits.
Would be great to see them just hanging normally.
So many questions :o
I'll try to respond to them in order since I'm pretty..not technologically great? Anyway.

>110404 I'm not gonna give, or at least try to give, any personal info sorry :/, ultimate sexual fantasy..hm..tied up, teased, fucked and filled COMPLETELY with cum. And to be completely honest I'm not too fond of being large, I'm just pretty busy most days and can't stick to a workout regiment.

>110406 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

>110412, 110415 thank you! I can try to take a few more later.
At this point I'm still giving the benefit of the doubt that you're for real.
That being said, this site can be a pretty toxic and negative place VERY often.

So I wonder, what brings you here and how do you feel about sharing pictures of yourself? How far are you planning to go with this?
>>110436 I don't really post here too often, I don't do the whole cam/onlyfans thing. I just like sharing pics from time to time. Confidence booster for me and you guys get something out of it too, so its a win win lol
Well your body is amazing so thank you for the posts !
Fair enough.
I'd say just pay no mind to some of the other elements on here, they have a habit of dragging everything down into infighting because they themselves are miserable.

That being said, as I've said at a few times on this site, I'm just here because I like tits, ass and chubby women.

In that respect, you appear to have all the things I like, and I'm appreciative of anything you are willing to share.
>Chan board
>Confidence booster
And I got a fantastic deal on a relaxing three days in Mariupol next week.

You must be one of the miserable people they were talking about :( I'm sorry
>>110495 Why are you worried about it?
>Inoffensive shitpost
>Immediately attacked
Well, maybe you’ll find yourself more at home around here than I thought! Just… call me a faggot next time and you’ve nailed it.
That big stretch marked belly looks so good!

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