
>>109821 (OP)
Don't get any more recent than today. Sub is worth price of admission - she is really into the gain and posts regularly.
Dont bother subscribing to her, most of her videos are in the same boring angle and she barely posts anything
Oh contrare - she posts at least every other day (much more often than many other lazy OF creators I've subbed to) and although not the most originality & variety, she has fat talk and most importantly - getting fatter.
Seems like I’m talking to her, either way I was subscribed and she literally only posted 4 videos a month, and the coomer shows that her upload schedule hasn’t changed much. If you wanna promote your OF at least be honest about your lack of content and originality.
No, just a simp. For this January, I count 14 mp4's, which has been pretty standard recently. In a quick count, I came up with 27 for her high month. You are either full of shit, or you missed some. I have all her OF vids sorted by month. Tell me the month with 4 vids that you're speaking about, and if you're right, I'll post those vids.
Why don’t you go on and update the coomer then if she’s so great
You're definitely throwing off vibes that you're her.
If you're gonna post content, just do it, or don't.

It's annoying for everyone to read the cock tease that reads "well I'll post if X".
I post creator vids all the time on this site. Never done coomer, don't know how, don't care. I challenged an untruthfull post here - and got the response I expected - none. Has nothing to do with my past, present, or future behavior here.
I was subscribed during November and only 6 full videos were posted, and small gifs of those videos or 6 seconds long lazy little video don’t count. And according to what I’ve seen, there has been pretty much the same ridiculously small amount of content posted throughout December, so here’s your answer. Not to mention that 80% of the videos have the same close up angle and in only a few videos you actually see more than that or some more interesting content other than stuffings or just rambling. « sub is worth price of admission » « and posts regularly » lmao if you put some actual effort on your content then it would be okay for you to promote your boring OF. As if it was the hardest job in the world..
So it was 6 vids not 4. However, a deal is a deal, even if you're a dolt (can't understand why you continue to think I am her) and this was her least active month. I think they are decent, but not her best month's work. Everyone can judge for themselves. I do like that she is into this fetesh as it gets her off, wants to get large, and won't abruptly drop out as so many others have.

Downloaded watched and deleted. Weak vids. Guarantee that this is her posting
You have serious issues. Why the fuck would I put an entire month's of my own content out in the public domain? And why if you find her & her content so unappealing, do you repetitively visit this thread? You must be one of those that are suffering withdrawals from not having lmbb around to harass anymore.
lmbb? You must be a newbie - little miss belly babe. A legend to some, an object of hate to others. Whatever you think, she was trashed, and ultimately doxxed, right out of the community, and didn't deserve it. As for GG1617, keep your cool dude, and go away if she isn't your thing.
>>110487 I know who little miss belly babe is. I was askkng anone "why lmbb?"
6 vids a month is still pretty fucking lazy lmao
Because she was subjected to intense ridicule (and worse) by a group of malcontents on here. Some were suspected of harassing her on her Patreon site itself. Some sick retard exposed her to her family and friends, and a YT moron poster named milkmerz revealed her full face and real name. Jeez, wonder why she's gone. For some, it is not enough to just ignore a model that doesn't prompt impulsive fapping. They find they must find avenues to post negative comments like this channel.
Just stop pretending that it’s not you lmao, you’re pathetic lmao, you can’t even take criticism, just acknowledge the fact that you don’t put too much effort in your content
stupid nutters
Bub, I've been burned more that once with an OF sub where I was lucky to get one or two vids in a month. Did you miss the comment that she had 17 posts this January? Besides a $10 sub ain't bad, unless you're such a cheapskate that you only lurk here for the free stuff. I've paid more than $10 for many single ppv vids and others on curvage, c4s, etc. that turned out to be trash.
Then you’re a moron getting ripped off lmao, compare that to the upload schedule of Reiinapop or Tianastummy. 6 videos a month for 10 bucks is fucking ridiculous, especially when all of those videos got the same awful close up angle and are boring af. If you wanna waste 10 bucks for a chick doing the bare minimum go ahead.
Mr. Know-it-all here must have ESP. He knows the schedule of a model, AND the content before it's made! lmfao.
Reinapop is an over tattooed, f ugly, goth-like, blimp who's been stuck in the same weight range for two years now. I guess it takes a vid when her feeder is pumping her to get your interest. Otherwise, her stuff is repetitive as hell. Not all models in the fetish go hard-core and still can be watchable.
How about AlissB, brainchild? Gorgeous face and fat as fuck, but her content is a crap-shoot. Charges $17 for a sub which usually gets you only short clips and a few pics a month. Longer stuff is behind a paywall for $15 plus each with no preview ability. So you know the worthwhile from the trash ahead of time? Go away joker.
Yeah, Tiana's regular car stuffings are creative and original. lol And speaking of "awful close up angle" - vids in a car? Hilarious.
>>109821 (OP)
So here is the video of the pic that started this thread. Not bad, imo. Like the accent. A bit fatter now, getting fatter.
If you think her content is reasonably priced and worth it, good for you, go for it. I just expressed that I was disappointed by it when i’ve been subscribed to it.

lmfao all four of these posts were by the same person it's so obvious. unless we're supposed to believe that 4 separate people all flamed this one guy in 20 minutes with the same faggy sarcastic writing style and perfect capitalization. it's prolly the girl too lol so fucking weird
That whore really can’t take any criticism
Someone has her last video ? Button Pop
She's got a perfect chubby body but this dumb cunt spends 90% of her videos rambling on and fidgeting with herself instead of actually stuffing. Has she ever actually finished a meal on camera, or chugged a shake without spilling half of it on herself? Thanks to whoever updated her coomer b/c i sure as hell won't support her lame bs.
Agree that her content is unimaginative and repetitive. However, she is getting fat, enjoys getting fat, and not shy showing it off. It's not all about the money for her which is not always the case in this community. For those facts, I'll toss her occasional support.
I’m pretty sure that’s just her praising herself on here once again lmao

If you're going to comment a bunch of times, at least stop using 2 spaces after each period and don't end your last sentence with a period lol. That's the dead giveaway
Why do boomers put two spaces after a period?
The habit of using two spaces is a relic from the era of typewriters, when typists spaced twice to more clearly define the end of a sentence. Nowadays, very few style guides advise using two spaces after a period. --- I'm old enough to remember using a typewriter, and you're cracked
Feedee content doesn't even need to be that creative or novel. Literally all you gotta do is document yourself overeating and getting fat. This shit isn't that difficult. We don't need a fucking plotline to get our dicks hard. We don't need 10 minutes of nonstop commentary about every fucking thing. Try shutting up for 10 fucking seconds and actually finish eating all the food you teased us with. Smearing half the food all over yourself and fat shaming yourself just makes you sound like a neurotic mental case.
bitch shut the fuck up about tiana, she is a doll
Tiana's car stuffings are hot because they don't look like staged pornstar crap, ignorantus. She has a good balance of porn and candid, that's what makes her one of the bests.
wtf, so based on your analysis of this person's punctuation, you have concluded that it is gg1617 herself that posts here? Really? Why would she call her own content "unimaginative and repetitive"? You do realize that she is from the UK? You know their grammatical conventions, do you? Next you will be telling us her accent is faked. You must have something better to do
Not only does this bitch can’t take any criticism and would rather lie on here rather than improve her content, but she’s also dumb as fuck, thinking that we don’t know it’s her lmao
Besides the fact that there is two spaces after every period, what evidence do you have it's her? Your babble is tiring and very old now. I like to see some content sharing whether it is good or bad
Please do lmao. It has smelled this thread up enough
Does anyone know why coomer is not working
Could someone update her coomer please
Does anyone know if growinggirl1617's coomer has been updated?
It is to two weeks ago, but why would you, or anyone else ask this question? !!! Just go look for yourself! It doesn't cost anything.
While I agree the post is stupid and annoying and basically a way of saying “bump”, I think he meant is it up to date with her OF or has she not posted since. Probably not a subscriber and doesn’t know what is current.
could someone update her coomer please
could someone update the coomer

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