
Who is that first one?
That second pic, they look cute.
I'm 6'3" 190 and my girl is 5'7" 280
damn chiquita is real fat... really puts it into perspective
If this thread doesn't prove women have an advantage in the sexual marketplace nothing will. An overweight women can get with a muscular lean man, while a short man could never get with the baddie.
That is pretty crazy when you think about it
It’s really not. What people don’t understand is there are literally tons of women who love short/fat/bald/whatever other “detrimental” characteristics men have. You are LITERALLY on a board for people who are attracted to morbidly obese women. The pics you are posting aren’t “the average couple”, they are people who SEEK OUT fat women; obviously there is is gonna be a bias. IRL though it’s much more common for these women to be rejected socially and romantically just as much as short men and whatever have you. Go touch some grass and also a fucking woman please.
Maybe they should hold off on touching a woman until they can process that it's another human being and not just a sexual object for them to ogle...
Nah, a lot of of short men hit supermodels. The thing is they can't really rely on looks alone to get laid, so hitting on girls in bars isn't exactly effective. They need to be successful and/or charismatic.
She has a beautiful figure, you are lucky 👌🏼
Being charismatic will get a guy farther than looks or success (provided he isn't utter rubbish in those departments)
manlets shitting up yet another thread with their insecurity
Just look at >>109796.
Make a thead of fit, busty 10/10 women with obese men. I'll wait. Even as far as the fetish goes, none of the women in the OP are anything special. Why is that jacked, blonde chad with this particular fat woman? She's not particularly fat, she doesn't carry it particularly well, there's a million fat women out there like her. I would look like that if I let myself go.

>>109803 , >>109814, and you (>>109837) are coping. "Muh charisma" lol. Yeah I'm sure all the women with "don't message me if you're under 6ft" in their bio will hear a manlet out in casw ue has "charisma". Meanwhile nobody ever tells mid women that they need charisma to get with men.

Please link me the board where women gather to coom over fat and balding men. I'll wait. People who say this delusional shit love accusing people of being incels, but nothing reveals that you've never talked to a woman like unironically thinking that they're out here cooming over porn of fat bald men. They're not like you guys. They don't have depraved inexplicable fetishes for objectively unattractive qualities.

By all means, enjoy these posts. They're hot. But don't delude yourself that this is a fair world where there's some parallel board of women cooming to a "hot girls with obese men" thread.
I don’t think it’s as simple as that. The expectation in our culture(s) is that women are to be approached by men, not the other way around. A fat woman is probably more likely to be asked out than any man, regardless of his appearance. Men are the ones expected to take the initiative and risk rejection or die alone.
„Fetishes for objectively unattractive qualities“? Bro that’s the saddest, most in-denial I’ve ever read. You need to just freaking accept that you find fat girls attractive.
Why does every thread eventually turn into retards bitching about other retards - I realize calling out the retards is doing the same thing but it’s so fucking annoying I’m just looking for content not psychoanalyzing imaginary situations. God damn
If you really think if being under 6ft is a death sentence in terms of finding a partner you're delusional, no one is alone just bc they're < 6 foot
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heres my input, keep this shit going i love this thread more pictures less arguments
So posting the ridiculous hateful crap is fine, but people arguing against it is cringe? Sounds like a pro-ridiculous-hateful-crap bias to me…
>ridiculous hateful crap
>but people arguing against it is cringe? Sounds like a pro-ridiculous-hateful-crap bias to me…
he is obviously saying he doesn't want an argument at all, retarded faggot
go to /gen/
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This is something I had to understand about myself a few years ago. Most people who are alone for a long time dont realize they do this. I'm doing much better now though.
You need to learn to read
Because you've somehow come up with a nonsense interpretation of what I said.
You also need to learn to read, because I never said that everyone under 6ft dies alone.
Btw that guy is gay. It took like 5 minutes on their tiktok to find. Anyway I'll leave this thread alone now. Sorry for derailing.
Theres only a single demographic that keeps doing it. Can you guess which that is?
I see so many more thin women dating fat men in real life though. In the real world where most people don’t have a fat fetish, you almost never see a thin, conventionally hot man with a fat woman, but fat guys with hot wives are fairly common.
>>110032 I admit that this is something I've noticed, but I only ever started noticing it once I was dating more casually and visiting different cities. Amazingly, as the 2000s progressed into the 2010s (a ya yay don't remind me) there appeared to me to be less of an interest in my peers in going to the gym. It is interesting to note that the interest had the decline at about the same time that "personal fitness" was starting to be all over tv, and commercials. I know that some of the more older groups got into sports for a while. It was trending I guess, but from what I could tell most my age were either playing video games or partying, depending if they were married or not, respectively.

There were some rather bleak "changes" occuring during the start of the new decade and I was the first from my group of peers to go out on my own, but it was mt intention to party harder than ever before, to be honest. From what I gather things around here took a turn for the worse very quickly, very sudden. The influx of new neighbors, although enticing for the business owner, did not go over so well for the locals and I won't go into too much detail but by the last time I visited the most popular bar I saw that it was dead. There were people there but not the people you would expect there to be. Things only got progressively worse and it's been almost a decade since then.

I knew there wasn't ever any real hope of things going back to how they were. What I didn't know was the cause for the disruption of business as usual for us when the locals weren't ever seen as trouble makers, and we indulged in the ladies of the tourist areas just the same, and got along with everybody. It wasn't until years later that I started putting the puzzle together and realized why the girls were acting strange. Why the naked pocs weren't coming in as frequently as they used to. Why the girls were getting uglier. Thankfully by that time I had already been prepairing a lair for myself that I could call home, so I wasn't ever too bothered by the thing. It was only when I thought of others that I became upset. When I thought of those poor girls out there and how they needed me.

It is already to that point were it seems like it can't possibly get any worse. A few bad apples ruined the whole pie. Local prostitutes are too much of a risk for me and I don't think I could ever get married. I'm still waiting for that day that I see somebody that I used to know so that I can get easy pussy, but there's nothing but ugly. There aren't parties like there used to be either. The only thing that there is left is a push towards legalizing marijuana. They're lunatics.

that is just one example and I bet you would struggle to find more. Even before I checked out the tiktok you linked I knew instantly what guy it was going to be because he is the rare rare exception. You could also make the case for ssniperwolf's (ex)boyfriend who was fat and balding. These men are always tall as well and you will have to dig so deep to just find a handful of examples that run counter to this narrative.

>>109845 of course we are insecure about our height because it matters to a lot of people and it's something we can't change. You either expect us to go above and beyond to become this hyper-successful wealthy person or become this absolute master socialiser with insane game to "fix" our problem. Then we point out that those are near impossible to achieve for most people and that holding those
standards to any other regular/tall guy would be insane, we are just the same as everyone else we are just shorter. Also even if I did "just find a woman who is super short" the cycle will just continue if we have kids. My parents are short and they had a short kid.

This ties into the whole body positivity thing. The fat activist movement has been trying to promote fat bodies (mainly women) and to get it to be normalised and even desired. That we should love all body types and view plus size bodies as beautiful. Short/Balding/Fat men will never receive such love. Being fat you can actually change (for the most part, losing weight is harder for some than others due to their biology, health conditions etc I get that), balding you can kind of reverse (either through hair transplant or daily application of minoxidil with/or a derma roller, both of which will cost you a good bit) and being short you cannot change. It is a double standard but then if you bring it up you are told to shut up and cope.
>>110049 im sure mods are going to prune this thread soon but do you know why there isn't much love for short men balding men in the body positivity movement? because men don't give enough of a shit to participate and advocate for themselves in that arena. why would the fat women spearheading the body positivity movement for short bald men when the short bald men themselves aren't participating in any meaningful way except bitching on the internet
because to get a movement going you have to be vulnerable and put yourself out there. Plus hopefully once your fat and balding you got a wifey, if you dont your likely embarassed about it and not wanting to be the face of some movement to recognize the neglected and looked down upon
(744 KB, 714x1280, token.mp4)
Here is my contribution to this thread as a token of apology for derailing it. It's a screengrab from some random tiktok or something, but it took me forever to time it right.
This must depend entirely on where you live. I live in a big liberal city and I have never once in my life seen an obese man with a hot gf, but there's no shortage of fit men with obese girls. When I visit my eastern country of origin though, it's all fat ugly dudes with hot wives.
Let me correct you - fat ugly RICH dudes with hot wives
>>110132 That's incredible. Yeah, I love them both, but sexy girls with older dudes and "fat" dudes is the norm my entire life. I wouldn't say most girls like "ugly" dudes, though. That's not as common but obviously it does happen.
Confidence and learn how to talk to people. Short fat, ugly, bald, men, or women. My girl is fat and I love her cus she's the coolest chick to talk to, she's funny af, and she's confident being naked and sexy. I've met skinny bitches that call themselves fat and it makes you roll your fucking eyes. They bitch about shit all day and it just sucks the life out of you. Hotter than my girl, probably yes to most people but knowing my girl now she can crack a smile at me and my cock is rock hard.

>My girl is fat and I love her cus she's the coolest chick to talk to

>They bitch about shit all day and it just sucks the life out of you.
Oh shit. That part wasn't funny... Wasn't funny at all.
The body positivity movement is nothing to do with men, and you're gonna have a rough time as a man if you want to add yourself to that "movement". There is a narrative behind it, aimed squarely at women only.

Its part of the slow destruction of "what is a woman", by feminist ideals, which in my opinion any smart man/woman sees modern feminism is not in womens best interests at all.

Same as the rise of OnlyFans, and the destruction of the "nuclear family" by poisoning women to the idea of a committed relationship with a "regular" man. Now its all "6 figures" and "I can make my own money".

And that's fine, I support women being equal and making their own choices, but saying that it seems clear to me at least that there is significant manipulation targetted at women to either hate men, or become so unattractive to men, that it destroys any chance of a meaningful relationship until its too late.

I know for a fact that I'm no incel, I have a lot of success with women, and I'm successful in my own life, so none of this is broadcast from my moms basement. I get tail, daily, when I want it.

I've met and dated a lot of women who have literally told me "nobody told me" because a lot of women live in a bubble, and are encouraged to do so. Its also their own fault, for going along with the fantasy, ignorance is not an excuse in life. Women are unfortunately a lot more impressionable than men. Women naturally seek group approval, and social media is a great example of how seeking approval and affirmation affects women negatively, far more disproportionally than men. Depressed, suicidal, single, childless women on antidepressants is a sharply rising demographic.

Men on the other hand, many men are weak in todays world and also don't measure up to husband material, especially when considering the higher standards that women are told they need to seek (That "6 figures" thing, yeah, most guys don't make that and never will). The men out there who simp over women incessantly, are definitely part of the problem, and need to have a harder attitude towards women. Its the reason "nice guys" always suffer, its just what it is.

In the end, this society is broken.
The destruction of women is well underway, and the destruction of men is building, through the manipulation of impressionable and misguided women, turning them against men and destroying the family. Divorce by women is through the roof, and rising. I could also talk about the societal mind-altering effect of mass-hormone treatment (birth control) of women, and how it affects women, handed out like candy, relatively untested, but that's a whole other thing.

I could talk about this all day, but I'm just saying, there's agenda to have us all single, working, depressed, on medication, unable to bond, and paying taxes.
(337 KB, 1536x1673, duhr.png)
where? he is 100% absolutely right
the only reply that doesn't read like word salad written powered by the observations of a total retard (like you)
>a lot of women who have literally told me "nobody told me"
A society that values every female has more reproductive wombs.
A society that values every man has weak men unfit for work or war.
Women are just savages who can’t overlook the fact that reproduction with anyone but Chad is weakening the gene pool.
>>110167 None of that is important. Take my word for it. I've done the math in my head many times over. Nobody is perfect, and our society has slowly become corrupted because of a culture that loves money. Everybody has been busy at work for decades. Since before I was born. And it is all for what? They're all trying to prevent a war. Because that is what they want to provoke. There is no real solution. Since war is inevitable everybody is busy trying to find anoyher way to escape. Because it is clear that for now nothing will happen then things only gets worse because the "bad guys" become embolden. That is where we're at right now. I was told by an elder that their big goal this whole time has been to ruin the family because they want to stagnate birthrate population (for one reason or another). I now realize that this person may have not been just trying to scare me into getting married! She was a woman, if it matters...
Why thank you, sir. I appreciate the support.
What started as a sentence turned into a stream of consciousness, but I'm definitely speaking "the truth" as I see it, not "my truth".

I've got nothing to cope for, I can promise you that also. I consider myself a "fellow degenerate" of this community because a lot of men suffer in todays world, no fault of their own in many cases.

There are a lot of good men out there in pain, silently suffering the current relationship crisis we're all facing. OnlyFans and its copies are not a solution either.

We're not living the life and have the relationships of our parents or grandparents, I think we can all agree on that. Yet, we have not changed as people, its the world around us that has changed, and that is by design.

Something I wonder about, really confuses me even still, is how I see mothers tell their own daughters "Work hard, prioritise your career, so that you don't need a man", while they themselves preside over the family they built and brought them the greatest pride and fulfilment in their entire existence. They sit on a throne next to their loving and providing husband, and warn their daughters "Don't do what I did", it baffles me.

Speaking personally I've asked honestly my own mother why she did this to my sister (who is now one of those same resentful, depressed, single, childless women in her mid-30s) and my mother honestly doesn't know. She has no answer for her actions, but cannot deny what she sees in the world around her now.
I think the female empowerment movement, that became the latest wave of modern feminism today, encouraged her to do it even though her own experience is that her family gave her life purpose beyond anything else.
I've asked other women the same question too and it's nearly always the same response. This is why I say that women are impressionable, not that they are not intelligent or without agency, but women do seek approval from "the group" moreso than men.

How you destroy men, who are a lot more disagreeable (Just take a glance around this forum to see what I mean), is through women.
What I mean by that is ruin women (feminism), make them unstable (birth control), the family unit (city girl life now, "settle" later and no-fault divorce), make them unattractive (promescuity, high body count, OnlyFans) and men eventually fall apart and MGTOW.

Its a mad world we live in, and the reason men like Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate (For example) have risen in popularity, is because there are no male rolemodels out there with a truthful and positive message about actual masculinity. Men of today are thirsty for someone to tell them straight "clean your room" and "be a leader".
Notice how both of these figures are being torn down also, and how, their lives being stripped from them and their livelyhoods ruined, unproven allegations set at them. I'm not defending them, but it's interesting to watch for sure.

Its a mad world we live in.
Jesus Christ dude, get out of here with this incel shit. Stop being terminally on the internet, go to the gym and start cultivating an external locus of control on your life.

You're choosing to live your one and only life as a lazy crybaby victim as opposed to being a person worthy of respect. Get a grip on yourself, get the fuck out of here and do something with yourself.
I'm going to assume you're speaking to me.
You know nothing about me, and how together my life is.

But as I've said, I'm doing very well, no cope required. I'll say something else, and for other men out there to think about:
Nobody cares about your mens problems, especially not women. Get on your grind, work hard on being successful, get yourself in order and in shape, and the women will come.

Especially don't listen ANY retard who throws around the word "incel", they have no interest in helping you improve your life.
otherwise good advice to someone who actually needs it, i understand how you could attribute what he said to an incel if you didn't read what he said carefully. however the guy already mentioned in the first part of his essays that he is successful
>however the guy already mentioned in the first part of his essays that he is successful

To be honest, nobody needs to believe my claims of having my shit together, you don't know me from Adam.

But if you read carefully, AND CRITICALLY, you might see that I'm not yelling and calling people incels. This is exactly what I mean about men being thirsty for some actual fucking positive advice.

I'd be willing to bet that mister "Jesus Christ dude" over here isn't having much fun himself though.
This was such a good thread man wtf happened
"jesus christ dude" is such a faggot thing to say so i wasn't surprised to read that he was gymcel
like faggots, gymcels derive their confidence solely from their looks and they are usually one of the loudests groups on the internet because of this; their fragile ego and insecurities
there is no long term health benefit from "lifting bro", only CaRdiO for most people. spend your time on something more intelligent and stop chasing literal whores
no one gives a fuck about all you idiots ranting just post content or shut up
I gotta say, its hilarious to me seeing all the "post or shut up" comments from retards who aren't posting anything. Like zero, nada... fuckin zip.

I'm posting actual content drops all over this site every few days, and usually don't say much else.

The level of infighting on this site is too damn high, and all the weak simp leechers should actually be quiet considering the effort others put in for their pleasure.
The world is not changing, there’s plenty of people in relationships still, you just have to go out and talk to women. Also don’t say you’re not an incel because this entire weird manifesto you wrong is literally describing an incel. You are like the textbook example of one.
Literally just go out and talk to women. While you are in here writing about how sad you are about how the world is changing so you’ll never be able to get some pussy, people are out their living their normal lives. All of these people you’re talking about like they’re robots are actual human beings, like you, including women. Even if you’re ugly, just talk to women, and be charismatic and funny. All you have to do is not be a fucking loser. Charisma is the most important thing in this world. The entire world runs on communication, so if you’re good at that, you’re set.
the point is having elongated discussions is not at all what this thread was created for, nor this overall board. For those who wish to see content they a have to scroll endlessly, if I post content and say chill with the english essays I will be drowned out by other people arguing. IF the people who keep angrily replying post content, the other party in the argument will chill and the thread can return back to normal. And yes I post content all over this site too, got over 400 vids dropped

Try living in the real world man lmao, get off your computer for a while.

Copy pasting """information""" out of Hustler's University/Manosphere type cringe does not equal "getting tail, daily, when I want it." lmao nice try
>>110381 How about we make a deal? I'll "live in the real world" if you can manage to go a whole year of not fucking others around you over.

Probably prettyy fucking wrecked if your time is spent typing up novels of alpha chud cringe on a fat woman forum

I forgot to mention that I didn't type that. I have participated in the past in the brief, odd conversation of "witches" and "terraplane" only because it is something I take serious and have seen evidence of that pertains to the internet, and since I haven't been able to find good information on hackers or witches on the internet I am always looking for anyone with similar experiences/evidence or any information that could help me at least with hackers.

Other than that my posts are usually mild and (hopefully) witty.
he wasn't denying that there still are good women out there and that it is stil possible to have genuine relationships if you look hard. you can't deny that the world is changing thoughever and that its much harder, like he said
he wasnt praising or defending peterson or android tateoid, he was just explaining why they have have become so popular among young men. both are failed men btw, one has a whore for a daughter and the other one lives a totally hedonistic lifestyle with a shady cam whore operation, while pretending to be a muslim. tateoids messages are mostly just adapted common sense morals that was common 50 years ago but he clearly does not live accordingly
either way, its important to reiterate that victimizing yourself for any reason is not the right way, as a man, and i dont think anyone advocated for that
>>110402 These men of white culture are puppets for the illumibated NWO and they spend their days reading from prompts drafted by AI programs that get fed social media conversations that they then try to memorize as much of so they can regurgitate infront of an audience. Some call them "Mouth pieces". The others are called "Talking heads".
I'm not sure you're aware of what an "incel" is, because if you read what I said, its not that. I get tail when I want it, if I want it, and have no issues talking to women.


The point and the FACT is, you or I don't determine who and what gets posted or discussed, that is the mods job and I think they're doing a great job.

Posting content and discussing said content, or discussing whatever is not mutually exclusive, meaning if people are discussing it does not mean that content can't or won't be posted.
Seems like this particular thread was started about big girls with normal/skinny guys and a discussion that dichotomy formed around it.


If you want content posted, THEN POST FUCKING CONTENT. Don't bleat and bitch that nothing is being posted, because discussion does not stop posting of content. If you want to be OCD, and not see any discussion, I suggest you go sign up at a porn site.

You're hilarious.

Bro, I do this for my own enjoyment, and for the lolz, and I really don't give a shit what you think because I'm living my best life already.
It just gets me how much people front, project and beat their chests over this shit.
I've said before, I'm here because I like tits, ass and chubby girls, I'm here for fun not to beat my chest, and that is why I post and share. I notice some guys just come literally to infight and harass though, so that's a thing.
Stop trying so hard. It makes you look like an incel.
Keep baiting for a fight, nobody is impressed.
You've been impressed enough to write long replies to every post that is even tangentially related to you.

You can stomp around all day talking about how cool you are in your bizarre pontifications, but the points that people have been leveraging against you is your lack of self awareness. Why do you think people were immediately drawn to mock you? Think carefully - it may prevent this from happening to you again.
You continue to think that I give a flying shit about your rage baiting, or anyone else for that matter.
And this is where you fail, miserably.

You're also making some real jumps here, talking about "the points people are leveraging against you", which is sorely missing.
It's mainly just you, mister "Jesus Christ dude".

With all due respect, crawl in a corner and continue to eat your own feces where the rest of us cannot smell it.

It's people like you that are so pissed off with your life that you want to drag everyone else down into your miserable existence, so you can have some company.
Some of us here are trying to share and have some comradery about our shared appreciation of nice tits...

...and then there's you.

Woof, you are fucked.
Surely it would make more sense at this point to spin the debate here into a /gen/ thread instead of obstructing the innocent content consumers of /bbw/? I could create it for you, if you wanted.
No need, I've been thinking for a while now that at some point this thread will get nuked because this tard mister "Jesus Christ dude" will just drag this further down, so not worth continuing.

I'm just gonna say that if you look at other threads like I do, like the KaitieCali that were toxic af, filled with guys like this... and they got nuked.
But there's others like the Katie Cummings thread, where there's a lot of good discussion about the subject matter or model.

I don't think any discussion or debate is "bad", but its always fuckers like this that want to call everyone "incels" or whatever, and have LITERALLY ZERO to contribute to anything in the actual thread. He's here to derail everything, as I tried to say in my last comment.

I'm done with this "Jesus Christ dude" fucked up guy, there's no need for me to take this outside.

Carry on without me.

If I didn't make it clear already, fuck you.
I'm out.
here's compressed I vid I found after a google search now post content guyz!
The real contrast is the retards we met along the way
95% of the people in this argument (on the internet, not just this site) are saying different flavors of the exact same obnoxious crap.

Incels: „only ripped gym chads get girls“

Hardline feminists: „stop blaming women and work on yourself (by going to the gym)“

„Reasonable“ guys: „lol bro get out of your moms basement and go to the gym“

Has no one here even entertained the the thought that maybe the mainstream idea of how men and women should look is just propaganda? Most people buy into it but its not literally everyone.
Funny how you guys tolerate like 50 comment chain arguments between the same few toxic groups, but then whenever i post something that actually goes against the grain, somebody will—without fail—immediately jump in and say this has gone too far and needs to stop.
bro has a victim mentality on bbwchan lol
Its not a victim mentality. It‘s just that I can see I’m one of the few people here who has seriously worked self acceptance as a fat admirer, so everything I write annoys the shit out of you guys. The average mindset of the posters here is something like:

„Man that big ass is hot but this is an unhealthy/sexist/degenerate fetish, so let’s all go read Jordan Peterson‘s 12 rules for life or some other asshole who will tell us to ’man up’, get gym bods and marry a thinner girl to please our parents.“ Maybe give or take a few of those points for some people on here, but I pretty much never see anyone who isn’t at least halfway in agreement with that line of thinking.
Go to the hood and say that. We don't care here. We just want to see the fat chicks, especially the white fat chicks. They suck dick real good!

If you want to ignore the multiple posts saying to get back on topic and post pictures before your comment, sure, lol. Absolute victim mentality on bbwchan lmao
Are there any more photos of chiquita with partners? She's so fucking hot contrasted like that.
Bro you are literally the same height and weight as me, it's kind of creeping me out.
Most of my friends are big into bodybuilding but my ideal physique would be more like a soccer player.
And there's something super hot about when a girl finds out she weighs more than you, especially if there's almost a foot height difference
Like mentally? Or physically? LOL
Shes a dancer, tho.. pretty agile for her size.
(299 KB, 1394x2010, PB1.jpg) (428 KB, 2232x1998, PB2.jpg) (378 KB, 1682x2004, PB3.jpg) (375 KB, 1616x2006, PB4.jpg)
Got this whole uber-specific niche of content in my mind the last week or two and wanted to share some more of the best finds I saved. Hopefully these all bring someone here some joy haha. This is likely it for now from me though

go on youtube and look up fresh and fit..then you can figure out how to increase your value and also understand how their value is decreasing with every whoreish move they make.

palebbw / rain.mortem on phub

Who dis? She looks familiar but her name is failing me.
Hilarious that you don't even have to put censor marks over her privates because she's so fat that her belly hang covers it on its own

Except you can clearly see that her belly doesn't cover her crotch.
(280 KB, 1800x1566, chrisandjoy.jpg)
One of those couples from that TLC series.
Too bad I think they broke up lately. They were together so long.
>>109519 (OP)
Aurora is pretty great and she seems to be a rational person as a bonus.
I thought Chloe was engaged
She was until she mysteriously wasn't. She was engaged with her fiancee for like +1 year.
One day she stopped wearing the ring, moved, ditched the blonde hair, and lost 30 lbs. Sucks they broke it off, he was clearly what made Chloe what she is
I mean, her username used to literally be chubbyformyhubby so I wonder if she actually is turned on by this shit in a vacuum. But idk it looks like she peaked
Yup. She’s fried. Maybe she’ll meet somebody else who will get her to gain again but as of right now, I think she’s adept with just being fat asl. I mean, to be fair, her journey was insane, and kinda hot too. She went from a pretty average high schooler to a 340+ lbs blob at 5’4 all because some guy at her school convinced her to gain. Pretty insane imo
Ik he goes crazy with those titties once the cameras are off
shes bald now and possibly dead.
I havent heard anything from aurora in a long time, I just remember when she was first getting attention alot of people thought she had downs.
> literally tons of women who love short/fat/bald/whatever other “detrimental” characteristics

lol no there aren't "tons" of women like that all, hell one can't even say its a few without that being too much.

Men have a significantly higher sex drive than women and a wider base of what is found attractive to them. Its its laughable when women talk about men's standards, no we hardly have any meanwhile women generally like guys who are tall and muscular to a certain level. You'll see more men wanting fat men than you will women wanting fat men lol

because of supply and demand. There will always be men who will be into plus size girls, this has been the case for a while whereas there is next to no demand for short balding men. And there probably is short balding men out there promoting the narrative that being that way is super hot but you don't see it. You say it's because there aren't enough men doing it for it to become mainstream but I think there was never a demand for it in the first place. Long before Lizzo and Tess Holliday became more mainstream there was people into plus size women. It isn't a lack of media exposure that leaves those men undesirable. No amount of promotion of this type will ever get it promoted as a positive. Even if someone who was short and balding was promoted and he was viewed by some as attractive it would be because of his other qualities such as his charm or humour, not the balding and being short itself. However, being plus size as a woman can be and IS seen as a positive.

What I'm saying is that I think it is unfair to compare the two as if there was a direct counterpart to men and the standards set on them. And of course there was women who like bigger men for sure, lots do but an actual desire for balding traits and being short no, not by a long shot. These are at best seen as things that can be overlooked but never desirable. Men helped the body-positivity movement since its early inceptions even though they weren't promoting their own bodies. Men founded the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance due to discrimination faced by one of the founders’ wives and many of the numbers of that make up these plus size models' fan-bases/followers aren't just other supportive women but men who actually are attracted to them in the first place. Men help the promotion of this narrative why don't women do the same? I thought body positivity was about all bodies are beautiful? Intersectionality and all that? You say we don't participate in any meaningful way. I’m assuming you mean that when we talk about our issues, we naturally bring up the fact that being this way makes it harder for us? If so, then fat women do this shit all the time. They always say how hard it is for them to find dates but there are actually so sooo many dudes out there in the real world who are super into them because of their body type but the same does not ring true for short balding men. No women are actively looking for those men. Women who are with those types of men are with them for other reasons like I mentioned above.

Balding is not attractive in either sex, with the exception being a small bit of balding in older men can be seen as a sign of maturity, but only a small recession of the hairline. If you start balding when you are younger you look older than you are. Balding is far more common in men than women due to testosterone and male pattern baldness, which is genetic, therefore making it a predominately male problem with most men experiencing this issue either sooner or later. It is also far more acceptable for women to don a wig then it is for men.

With regards to height, height is more of an issue for men than women. Men normally don’t care about the height of the women whereas women tend to care more for a number of reasons and I don’t blame them, it just sucks when you don’t meet this standard. In short (pun intended), being short for women is neutral but for men it’s a negative.

I’m just pointing this out that I feel this is a very unfair comparison. And your response is another example of you and others not wanting to hear our grievances. But listen that being said, you probably have heard this bitching far too often and are probably sick of it at this stage, I get that. And I know there are other ways around this problem of being short and balding and that bitching online saying “Oh Woe Is Me” will get us nowhere. It just seems like this was an attempt on your behalf to debase any and all arguments that being short and balding is something worthy of being annoyed with. Basically saying, stop whining, it’s your own fault being short and balding isn’t seen as attractive when I wholeheartedly believe this not to be the case. Women didn’t force sexual attraction upon themselves to have others view them as sexy. There was already a percentage of the population who was attracted to that.

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