
(93 KB, 671x961, LH2.jpg)
A taste of LHarmon from 2021 to now. Underrated and currently lonely. Show some love.
thank. can you update her coomer?
Is she still posting?
Questionable. Hasn't posted in about a week, but no word of any exit. Appears to be pausing while contemplating her future direction. She thoroughly enjoyed her gain until reaching current (220 lbs) but has recently made comments indicating doubts about what she has done to her body. Appears to be upset about thinking that she is now unattractive to men her age and will not find a partner at current weight anytime soon. Future posting could go either way, imo.
She’s a good one, very underrated
>thinking that she is now unattractive to men her age
Welcome to the club, girlfriend. Move out of America and you will find a husband in no time flat.
An early (170 lbs) and recent (220). Feabie is whalelover2922. She wants attention. Tell her there are guys in US who do like em thicc.

> Appears to be upset about thinking that she is now unattractive to men her age and will not find a partner at current weight
Don’t quite think it’s this. Was she not just posting pictures with a partner grabbing her belly while she sat in his lap? Like 2-3 weeks ago at the most
No. Must be someone else. Read her feabie and you'll see. Just posted in OF and says she had a short hospital stay for an undisclosed reason and needs a little more time to recover. Speculate it could have been either physical or mental, but says she will be back to gaining soon.
I talked to her for a few weeks on Feabie then she ghosted me.
Suspect there is some mental anguish going on here, which unfortunately is often the case with content creators in this fetish. Also the reason they are doomed and gone, sooner or later, for many of them. Hoping she gets well and continues as she is a cute, hottie.
Does she have any nude content on OF, been thinking about subbing.
Yes, but not so much recently as before. Also used to hit the bong frequently on camera, but rarely now. I hope she climbs out of her funk and begins posting frequently again because her growth in the past six months has been remarkable.
I've been around this 'community' for about 10 years and I'd say the average stay is probably about 2 weeks - month before they abruptly leave and nuke their content. Seriously, most of the sexiest bellies ; ladies I've seen never stuck around long enough to make much content or for it to be saved.

In some ways the more eager and ambitious someone is when they hit the scene the more likely they are to leave within a month or two.

Partly due to the infestation of disrespectful weirdos who harass them but also the internal conflict of 'ruining' their bodies once the initial wave of novelty and ardor wear off

The former issue could possibly be improved with better moderation but the latter issue will always exist in this space
Well appreciate her while we have her, who can update her coomer for all of us?
May all your fat girl dreams come true, hero
Wow, she's great. Seems to be really into this stuff without being a crazy lunatic like GGG. It's like we got another CGV.
A shame about her slowdown/doubts. She definitely needs a feeder to keep her going.

Thanks so much bro
>a crazy lunatic like GGG
I could fix her...
>>111183 Oh yeah I heard about children being possesed with demons by adults. I didn't know they literally put fingers on their stomachs I thought it was tattoos.
Lol GGG isn't a "crazy lunatic"
I’m honestly in shook at how massive the update was and how well documented her gain has been. You can literally compare videos and see her 50 pound growth since her move to Boston last summer, it’s insane!
>>111206 Yes, and you are a nerd and back.
(459 KB, 673x850, asylum_patient.png)
You're right, she's more of a batshit insane person who writes the newsletter for Bedlam asylum
She expressed getting up to 250, do we think she’ll make it?
I can see it
She talked about getting to 350 in a vid
can someone update her coomer please
her coomer is not worth the effort - good stuff is on patreon - her kemono is the one to update
oops. wrong model, ignore
>>113536 password to the zip folders?
Read the previous post dumbass
>>113548 doesn’t work dumbass
why even put a password to it
She’s starting to look big, it’s amazing. She looks really good frankly.

I can’t wait until we get a good “reactions” video. She seems so authentic, I feel like it would be legit 🔥
Damn. We need a hero to update the coomer.
It does work you are just retarded and cant use a pc.
Is this literally just stuff on the Coomer?
>>113619 it doesn’t and if you can get it to work, upload it again without a password
So she hasn't uploaded since February 1st?
Is there anything there that's not on coomer?
Love seeing real cuties getting real fat. LHarmon is one of them. Not, enough others around, though
Shit, dude, I just discovered the thread and her coomer, she's *amazing.* Can I get one more re-up, please?
Coomer update?
Wow she has really unfortunate tits
Well, they have developed stretchmarks so perhaps there is some potential.
Tubular breasts. Her’s are actually really nice imo. Sometimes pregnancy can help make them look more “normal”. Me personally I love ‘em, something different than just melon shapes
Any updates on this girl?
I can’t fine it, can you screenshot?>>114774
any updates on her?
Thank you, very helpful!
she's so adorable, looks good with all the weight she's put on so far, hoping only good things for her
Could somebody PLEASE UPDATE THE KEMONO OF POWERBELLY OR FATTYZADDY PLEASE I could barely see one video and the links are wrong
There's a begging thread for a reason use it
Buy it yourself problem solved.
😔 I greatly admire his content
Any updates?
Was wondering about updates too , haven't seen anything about her in ages lol
An update please!
Quite frankly, she has been a disappointment so far this year. Still big (perhaps a little bigger?) but not posting frequently like before, and not with the earlier enthusiasm she had. Hope this is temporary. A true underrated cutie.
Understandable. She’s fantastic, but she doesn’t exist for our horny needs and shouldn’t be expected to fill those needs
217.2 lbs as of today. Lost a little, but not her attitude to gain.
Any new content?
Can anybody at least say if her OF is worth it? Any good stuffing vids or does she still just post videos of herself chugging a single beer?
lil re-up

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