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My friend Noelle has been gaining weight since quarantine. She believes she is no longer attractive and wants to lose weight. Any advice? Send her encouragement and positivity @nunz33
>>108903 (OP)
Lol probably wrong place to post this even if its true and youre not just a freak
this is definitely bait , poor girl probably doesn’t even know she’s been posted on here
Mannn, this is crappy and weird. I doubt anyone would want their real name posted on this trash heap.
>>108903 (OP)
I think I have to break this down for you. Since your brain is probably rotted. Making a post that includes your friends picture on a fat fetish website is weird/wrong. It is also wrong to drop some from of contact that anyone can use to get in touch with your friend. Especially without her permission. I don't think your friend will learn to love her big body if she's getting comments from a bunch of randos from a fat fetish website. Also if she ever finds out that it was you then she's not going to be friends with you anymore. Now you'll end up as a cautionary tale she tells to people about the creepy friends she's had in the past.
>>108903 (OP)

Jesus fucking Christ man what makes you think this is remotely ok? Mods please delete/ possibly ban this user
getting in here to dunk on OP, who is probably doing this as some weird thing to fuck with her. If not that then wow you gotta get off the messageboards this second dude
If she somehow finds this thread (which isn't impossible) you're in deep doodoo OP. Seriously, delete this. It ain't worth it.
Wtf, this site seriously makes no sense. 1 minute you guys go from being crazy to suddenly being a white knights LOL
Noelleee, Noelle. Noelle, Noelle. Born is the King of Israel.
Lmao yeah “candids” and such are pretty well accepted. What crossed the line here is @ing her social media. That’s opening up a whole world of creeping… Which I have no idea why the mods haven’t deleted yet. I’ve seen way less as far as comments go get randomly deleted yet some girl that has no clue her socials have been dropped essentially doxed by this idiot doesn’t?

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