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Does anyone know of any bbws from Romania?
Lady Dimitrescu lol ?
>>108811 (OP)
Only the ones I fatten up myself. That's the hottest anyways, especially in a skinny country where it's frowned upon and everyone stares at your whale of a girlfriend
>>108811 (OP)
Wasn't that old-school S31 girl — Mikhaela I think — from Romania?
Jessielines on chaturbate
Post some pics dude
In ce orase ti-ai lasat amprenta?
Inca o intrebare cum le-ai ingrasat? Sti metode cu cost redus?
Bucharest. Mainly ordering tons of food from the offers section of delivery apps. The cheap way is learning how to cook good. It feels so good loading up her plate with much more food than I eat and spiking it with butter and carbs. Good cooking youtube channels I watch are Adam Ragusea, Babish and Internet Shaquille. This part is easy, the part that's more important is finding young innocent obedient girls that are girlfriend or even wife material and knowing how to handle them and shape them. I recomment watching what Tate has to say about relationships, he helped me a lot in making girls loyal and obedient. And also becoming financially succesful so you can show such girls a good time, feed her good, take her on trips, but that's not mandatory.
Ba poti posta ceva poze cu rezultatele?
Eu personal am mai cunoscut grase de pe tinder in general dar majoritatea ori erau ofensate ori nu ma credeau cand le spuneam ca asta ma atrage.
Do you have anything in the way of books for dealing with relationships? I prefer to read something concise than watch 30 second clips on youtube.
And if not for relationships,what about cooking?
>spiking it with butter and carbs
How much butter? Like a tea spoon?
>learning how to cook good
So the individual recipe does not matter all that much,just the quantity of food? If so,could you do so on a heavily restricted budget?
>the part that's more important is finding young innocent obedient girls that are girlfriend or even wife material
Lol,never met a single specimen
>Andrew Tate

You mean the mulatto apostate from Orthodoxy (your national faith and the true church) to coomer Islam? No thanks he's a psycho and deserves worse in jail.
Oh great you posted a thread about Romanians and now they're all scrambling out of the darkness to commune.
Pleaca naibi de aica, animale.
You are an incel sheeple if you truly believe he’s a misogynist sex trafficker. You believe whatever the corrupt media tells you to. I don’t agree with all of andrew’s opinions, however it is evident that the world lacks masculinity today.

Yes, I understand the irony of my posting about masculinity on a fat porn sharing board.
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Yes things are pretty bad for Western men, that is obvious to even normies these days. Yet Tate is not a role model, he's a caricature in the worst way.

>Yes, I understand the irony of my posting about masculinity on a fat porn sharing board.

I know this will also be so ironic it's painful, but there's nothing masculine about being a hedonist and promoting a hedonist mindset. Being aggressive, dominant and pseudo-stoic about it doesn't make it much better.

"Real" masculinity is found in real traditions, real faith, real selflessness and sacrifice.

Do you really think that if Tate was an ACTUAL threat to ZOG, the elites, "the matrix" as he calls it, or what-have-you, he wouldn't have been disappeared or even not allowed to get famous at all? His father was literally a fed, give me a break.

At absolute best, you can claim the Tate sphere wants to fight fire with fire and evil with evil, which isn't right and never has been. Western men will become upright again when they look towards God like a humble peasant, simple as.
>>108811 (OP)
They're all probably over 60 year old with smelly vaginas that have not seen the light of day since Ceausescu was in power
I saw a pregnant Romanian years back at the height of camming. On live jasmin. She was cute and probably the most attractive Romanian that I have seen but she was trashy and covered in tattoos.
Yeah. Tate's a fucking faggot.
I don't share pics sorry. Why tell girls you meet about this? Only talk fat fetish with feedee chicks not normies from tinder.
Depends on the food, cheap stuff is rice, pasta, potatoes, carbs. Just keep it varied so she doesn't get bored. And remember to eat animal protein and workout while you're turning your girls obese.

The rest of you brainwashed retards hating, listen to the shit he says about being in a relationship and keeping her in line and in love. Try your own ideas and see how that works out for you. I really recommend listening to him to anyone that has half a brain at least (is unvaccinated). All he says helps you keep girls obedient and nice and loyal. That's it
You need to introduce this fetish slowly with normie girls. Appreciate her body and tell and show her how much she turns you on, touch her gut while fucking, act real turned on about it and fuck her good. That's the bottom line of how you force a fetish onto a girl and turn her into a feedee. Fuck her rough, tell her nasty fetish shit as she cums, only let her orgasm when you allow her, dominating shit like this. She'll be an obese landwhale that gets turned on for her fatness and how you stuff her in no time. If you don't fuck her good, all this shit just repulses a normie. You must put her into her sub eager to please mode.
>remember to eat animal protein
As a part of a different meal?
>anyone that has half a brain at least (is unvaccinated)
I do not think this commorbidity of a fetish is compatible with those thoughts at all,even if I too know that is true.
I do not think a hard working man and a fat girl mix well together.
I think this fetish is a handicap for anyone which isnt a hedonist,cares about their partner and wants to build a family.
>All he says
Any books about this? And if not is there a place where all he says is organised and not just 30 second clips?
>That's the bottom line of how you force a fetish onto a girl
Where did you learn this?
Since everyone on the internet is so smart I want to ask you all this. Let's say you were a responsible parent and you had 4 children. If you got 3 out of your 4 children vaccinated and only 2 out of the 3 children died within the following two weeks, then how stupid would that make you?

As a follow up question I would like to add this. How stupid would you feel? Do you feel your children deserve death? And, Would you still think that you're a good parent? I always wanted to know the answer to the first main question because I'm not a father but it hurts my brain when I think about the stupidity that I see everyday in this country and try to make sense of others decisions, plans, goals, and thought process.

I've decided that as a rule of thumb I will not vite for anyone who favors the pharmaceutical and medical industries over the freedoms of the American people to use their brains and to do yhe right thing whenever they see fit. Vote for me and I will never let you down.
I am not even tested once,much less vaccinated
>>109050 I got vaccinated, I'm just not sure I'm all that happy to still be alive. I got vaccinated against my will basicly because of an aging grandmother and a lie that the vaccine reduced spreading the virus to others. A lie that has been disproven scientifically.

I think I got sick but I can't even be sure as the strongest symptom was the most intense headache I have possibly ever endured and a strange sensation of almost being sick which lasted almost 3 weeks when usually I'm never sick past 4 days. The doctor literally said that it was allergies and gave me something over the counter.
Watch the full format clips and podcasts, especially older ones.

Not a different meal, just have your portions be mainly or all meat.

Regarding your limiting beliefs all I can say is that's all they are. You create your reality with your mind, if that's what's you want to experience it's your choice and freedom to do so. If you want to dig deeper in this, check out the Universal Line reddit.

Personal experience

Why are you against it? It literally gets rid of all the npcs of the world that would support the zog system, the agents of the matrix. It's an iq test. It's eugenics that are helping the world move into the next stage. ww2 didn't end as they tell you it did.


It's easy to unvaccinate yourself. All one has to do is admit they were wrong and that they were fooled, apologise to friends and family if you pushed it on them and be sorry that you pushed the would be enslavement of mankind. There are plenty of doctor that are good and have the fear of God that aren't murderers and simply injected people with saline. If you are someone like you that repents and knows this was wrong it means you were vaccinated by someone like this because you are compatible with the new world, you have the potential to be a smart sovereign being that would now stand up for such attempts at enslavement. Even normie science confirms shit like this, it's quantum entaglement
>>108811 (OP)

there was this one chick posted on stufferdb under some weird random letters and numbers name (like, edc434 or something like that) that I am pretty sure is Romanian but can't find her
Eva36d? Rebel chick?
I was hoping of something more than chubby and much younger than 50yo
>Why are you against it?
Cause its evil and I was vaccinated by my parents when I was little. I do not resemble my family at all
are the mods even around anymore? why is this thread still up? cp, begging, bumping, trading, retarded bickering, and this thread is 95% nonsense. yet somehow when we want to talk about a models life the mods prune it right away.
yeah i'm trying to jerk off to landwhales, not hear how batshit insane half this board is
this is 4chan /pol/ level posting, jfc
for fucking real, can this bullshit get shut down so we can all just jerk off to these chicks like the site is designed to? there is nothing that makes me want to jerk off less than having to scroll through mountains of brainlet takes on vaccination, Tate and how to control women
How should I handle the difference in foods the man and woman need to eat?
How should the woman wash herself without anyone helping her if she cannot reach parts of her back?
you are foreign and gross, americans are more desirable, go away and never return
Ioana Chira
You just eat mainly meat and smaller portions, it's not rocket science. And you're not gonna eat 5 times a day like her. I do 2, once at noon and once at 6-7. Also don't use vegetable oils, they're poison. Cook with animal lard, butter or olive oil max

where the fuck was there cp, begging or trading? stfu brainlet

you beta coomer simps disgust me.

amerifat brainlet detected. enjoy your jewed feminist society

Here's some random content I like for the non brainlets here
If you want to identify yourself as vaccinated, have at it. It's your life. I was talking about the new gene therapy one tho, that's the important one to not have

Some more stuff
man I love it how all tate followers are just rude rabithole incells that started having more social skills and now they giving out info about conspiracy theories which make them feel superior. naive loosers that only exist to be scammed by people like tate
I translated this only to find out a broke man that wants to fatten a woman in a country where obesity is NOT a cultural norm.

boy, how about move to another country?
Psychologists call this "projection". I always had, have and will have chicks lining up to be fucked and fattened up. A conspiracy isn't a theory when it's proven. You midwit 90 iq brainlet simps love to suck dick from any authority figure while not listening to people genuinely spreading information that would improve your life a million fold. You just like to talk shit when you hate your life. And when you see someone like me or like Tate enjoying every facet of life immensely you cope and seethe instead of starting the path of improving your body, mind and relationships with girls and people in general
He's probably young you inbred mongoloid. We've all been there. The difference is that he is smart and is going on the path. He will be a rich Chad with a harem of feedee pigs unlike you. And having the feeder life in a skinny country is ten times better than somewhere where it's normal to be grossly obese. The stunned looks and comments you get as an imposing fit man walking around with a gut heavy landwhale are priceless

You're a virgin and Tate is in prison lul
Enjoy being a floormat for feminist roasties, woketard. It will be too late when you realize the truth but you'll always be too much of a beta cuck to admit it out loud. You'll just fade away with no one remembering you. Maybe just a cheating whore that divorce raped you and a single generation of ungrateful woke children that hate you, a beta boy simp and some slut roastie that always support the "current thing". All while me and other people that live in the truth enjoy absolute freedom in all realms and harems of virgin innocent obedient feedee landwhales. We all sleep exactly how we make our beds. Have fun! You'll see for yourself that you failed the test when Tate walks free and is praised while the clot shot die off ramps up. We're only at the beginning of mass awakening. Uncle Adolf fooled you into poisoning yourself, zogbot. No refunds
Get in shape. Be attractive. Have money and dress like it. Don’t be a pussy, really just stop being a bitch.
Oooooh myyyy god NOBODY CARES! All of you shut the fuck up already!

Why is this retarded thread even still here?
>>109204 *buzzword buzzword insult seethe*.
get a personality instead of acting like a bot trained on 4chan and "alpha male influencer" tweets
Tate stand are horrible. But this little dick shit isn’t convincing anyone to stop following him.
Women are superficial, money grubbing idiots who can’t stop getting drunk and taking Chads dick before setting for the type of losers posting about misogyny and shit.
No one needs Tate, most of what he says is common knowledge: Get money fuck bitches.
tate wants to rob you off your money. but I don't think tate and most men legit Hate women just as most people aren't literally afraid of transpersons(phobic). all men will have their own lived experiences with the opposite gender and it won't be alls positive, stereotypes haven't fallen out of thin air.
>Watch the full format clips and podcasts, especially older ones
Where could I find them? Internet archive?
I'm the idiot who criticized ivanna lol. This thread of conversation is very interesting. In my experience, it's better not to tell her about your fetish, you just have to secretly fatten her up and she's going to get fat and careless all by herself.
Yeah. Women aren’t all saints. Nothing could redpill a person like feabie. Massive amounts 300 pound women whose only intention is to monetize their attention.
>>109236 Thanks, western culture. Mob's a whore.
>You need to introduce this fetish slowly with normie girls. Appreciate her body and tell and show her how much she turns you on, touch her gut while fucking, act real turned on about it and fuck her good. That's the bottom line of how you force a fetish onto a girl and turn her into a feedee. Fuck her rough, tell her nasty fetish shit as she cums, only let her orgasm when you allow her, dominating shit like this.
How could this be done without premarital sex?
It's complicated without sex. You're going to have to manage much more without sex to fatten her up.
Many women are, yes. The challenge is finding cute innocent girls that haven't been with any man before to wife. Perfectly doable, don't be a doomer. Follow what >>109215 said. And never fall into the trap of monogamy if you don't want it. Men only do what the want. Your woman only wants and does what you want her to want and do. Don't listen to what girls tell you they want. Be a fucking man and lead. And apparently people do need someone like him if the things that he says that should be common knowledge are so frowned upon by the mainstream and get you banned everywhere. Look at people in this thread and at the vaccination rate (that may not be real) to make an idea of what common people actually think like.

99% of the useful knowledge you can get from him is 100% free online

Youtube and Rumble, just search around. His old deleted paid courses are also damn good, you can find those free too.

I don't know the Ivanna story either. Anyway, if you treat and fuck a girl like a man she is going to get your fetishes and fall into them herself. Hard. Fuck her good and she will become as much as a fetishist perv as yourself, if not more. Orgasms literally rewire her brain. The more innocent the girl is, the more pliable and hot her brain is. Young girls that had 0 partners are the perfect canvas for a wife. Just grab her gut, and talk nasty fat sex talk after some time of being with her while you're fucking her brains out. There's no way a deranged feeder fuck like us is fucking a girl as she's intended to be fucked and she doesn't realize what turns you on. You show it with every fiber of your being, you mindfuck her and turn her into an out of control eating machine feedee pig that cums for her gut and how obese you're forcing her to be. Girls love losing control. They want to be led and surrender, that's their ultimate fantasy. And no, I'm not talking about roasties if anyone want to reply that it's not all of them. It is all of them. Be confident, own what you like and what you don't. Speak your truth, don't beat around the bush, that's feminine as fuck

That's the sympton of a failed society where the majority of men are beta simps

I don't know what you're talking about bro, we're not in the medieval ages. Just fuck girls and learn how to fuck good and manouver around in relationships. Learn what makes girls tick and learn what you like, what you want from girls. You're probably high school age judging by this question. That's a great opportunity to get yourself a nice innocent longterm girlfriend that you can gain a shit ton of experience with. Go on every school trip they organize, organize some yourself, go ham. You're gonna have major regret if you let it slide away. Highschool is beautiful because it's kind of real life on easy mode. The majority of girls are cute innocent virgin chicks, especially in the beginning. As opposed to modern life after high school, where it's the opposite. And you don't need money, you don't need shit. Just be cool and confident. Remember, you need to wait around for virgin girls, they're not gonna fuck fast. That's cool and alluring, don't act desperate for pussy. Girls can smell it a million miles away. It's vital to always have or act like you have options. Always be prepared to walk away like Trump says in art of the deal. Even though you'll probably fall deep in love at some point and be fatally attracted to a chick, being too attached to her, "doing anything for her" and getting emotionally destroyed, it's cool. Many boys go through that in order to become men that don't give a fuck. Don't buy into retarded shit, religious or otherwise, like not having premarital sex. Always remember, you cannot fuck up and do something wrong that God does not approve of. God is everything, me, you, anything you can think of. So be bold. Anything you think is bad like premarital sex is God pranking you by whispering bullshit in your ear. You can either fall for the prank or say you know what, I'm here to have fun. Read the Bible and Neville Goddard's interpretation of it, fascinating shit. Really listen to what the Jesus story has to teach you. It's not by any means "I'm just a poor ant limited by rules I have no control over"

You don't own a girl's heart until you fuck her and it's just fucking sad man, missing out, learning to fuck good and having fun while at it. You're literally making God sad by falling for his hilarious prank. You know when you make fun of someone so bad you're laughing hard but it's a bit like hol up man this is too far, poor him
No one is going to read all of this, beta bitch
Also maybe you don't even like a girl sexually. Think about finding a wife first, not about fucking weddings. You're putting the cart before the horse. Only marry chicks you are 100% certain are perfect after a long long time of being happily together. And even then why marry? I get doing it religiously and the party but involving the state between you and your girl? That's just plain retarded if you ask me. And another major thing I discovered for myself. Don't move in with a girl, man. You need your alone time, your freedom. Not the both of you sitting on your phones bored at home. Make life exciting for her, keep the mystery alive. You will probably see for yourself if you do decide to move in at some point. Buying her a home and spending a couple days a week with her tops is fine. Moving in and spending every day together, from my experience, is just normie behaviour that is incompatible with the life of a free alpha man. Absence makes the heart grow fonder too. It really does. You just get bored otherwise. And you have your own shit to do, hanging out with your boys, business, just spending time alone, thinking
I made little incel cuckboy cry and piss his pants. I'm helping out my romanian bro and anyone else that wants to make their life better, get the fuck out worthless piece of trash

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