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criminally underrated model and collabs often with reina. shes gone from 115 to 260 in a few years, absolutely ridiculous stretch marks and soft fat body. anyone got any curv@ge/only fats content or coomer update?

heres a vid to get the ball rolling
jesus her gain is so sexy surprised i only just heard of her
>>108762 (OP)
You don't know how id's work and she's not very attractive. Hopefully you're not her or that would be really embarassing.
>>108762 (OP)
Her hair is horrific, but everything else (sans that voice) is pretty great
idgaf but this bitch is obviously trans
Is she trans?
If you don't eventually feel something in the pit of your stomach like maybe something is wrong then don't worry about it.
I don't think she is trans, the starting weight is really low even for a femboy, and in those pictures of her when she was skinny she has a fairly typically proportioned female physique
Do you know how I know you're a virgin? you unironically think she's trans.

bumping for more content please. she actively posts on reddit u/HeftyDoggy
i don’t think so, some real women just have a lower voice and broad shoulders. very convincing fake pussy if she is trans.
Just scroll through her twitter you nitwits. She’s not trans (even if she was it wouldn’t matter, she’s fat and her gain is hot). But she has stated she was born intersex. So more likely than not she leans heavily into the female side of intersex, but due to it she has some of these more “masc” features y’all have pointed out.
do you know what intersex means
thats not what intersex means lmao
come on bros any content?
I didn't think it was possible but this girl is genuinely becoming uglier and uglier with every pound she gains. Makes me cringe every time I see her
say what you want about her face but her body is fucking hot (excluding the tattoos) and she can eat a lot
You guys are fools, this is a sexy petite woman who became a goddess, her hair is excellent, so is her face, so is her body, her only problem is bad tattoos
Cute punky girl gains weight and of course you gobshites whinge and gurn about it. If you don't like the model, don't click on the thread, capiche?
Her tats aren't even that bad. Coomers have this weird beef with tattoos
>beef with tattoos
Most people, especially women have terrible taste in art. Skulls, flowers, & weeb shit are kitschy as fuck. Even if the art is tasteful, they just look like bruises. For millions of years, we selected women with clear skin so we know they aren't diseased. If women looked better with a butterfly on their ass then they'd have already evolved butterflies on their asses. These days it's next to impossible to find a woman who isn't riddled with tattoos because women are such fucking NPCs that they will blindly follow almost any stupid fashion trend, Like cinching their waist in Victorian times, tattoos are permanent. If you ask a woman would she want to be stuck with the haircut or shoes she had 15 years ago she'd say no fucking way but then rush out to get some shitty Roy Lichtenstein knock off plastered across their tits forever.

Shit bro that’s the most based but correct rant I’ve heard all year
>For millions of years, we selected women with clear skin so we know they aren't diseased

You are on a fat fetish forum.
At the most basic level we're attracted to what will pass on our genes. Who's more likely to do that? a fat woman who would survive a famine or a woman who looks like she's covered in bruises because she may die tomorrow from a vitamin deficiency or cancer?
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Dude does it really have to be genetic destiny or do you just not like her shitty tats?
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Malding incels pretending they have anything other than a pop culture understanding of evolutionary biology will never not be sad yet simultaneously entertaining. Dunning kreuger at its highest level of cringe inducement
I don't like that practically EVERY woman has shitty tats now. It would be easier to ignore otherwise. That's the problem. Women are a hivemind. But the difference between tattoos is that they can change or discard their meme clothes & haircuts, even piercings but tattoos are fucking there always & forever.
Getting a tattoo in general regardless of who it is is a pretty brash decision, it is a permanent alteration to the skin of the body and laser removal wont always work to remove it completely. If people really took much more time into considering whether or not to get the tattoo, much less people would probably have them in general. In the end, a woman who is willing to whore herself on the internet is probably not the kind of person to consider the future too heavily anyway.
yo any content drops at all or is this a tattoo discussion thread ?

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