
>>108455 (OP)
10:30, 22:07, 22:15, 22:19 (tiny), 27:40 for burps.
Is she really that fat now?
Yup. She fat. There really hasn't been much change in the past year, though. I haven't seen a vid from this year yet, but she might actually be a few pounds down from her 2022 heaviest right now. Perhaps some nice bloke has a new vid to share.
Anyone have vids of her standing?
We hablas como si estuvieras en un porno JAJA k pedo crack

She’s got but her vids r kinda mid from what I’ve seen ngl
>>108455 (OP)
How do I decode that/enter the string somewhere, still haven't figured it out
anyone has her new burpcomp?
She released a burp comp??
Can anyone share when she was at her fattest 🤤
She’s at her biggest right now
I've seen her irl, she really is a dumplin, much shorter and rounder than she looks in vids
I hope you asked for a date!
My dude out here close to god when he should be asking her out.
Anyone have that video

No I took some photos from far away like a true creep
>I took some photos
Jesus Christ.
You shoulda asked for a selfie with her
I always forget just how massive ggg's chest is
That's not all That's getting massive
Her wandering eye disturbs me
Is that from a PPV video? My subscription just ended so I missed this!
>>108455 (OP)
It’s not it’s just a few pics, you’re not missing anything right now.
Is it just me or does she look fatter in the latest kemono update
idk, she looked the safe if not bigger around the end of the pandemic
lol when even was "the end" of the pandemic

Boy stop, “end of the pandemic” my ass

Her peak weight in 2020 ish was pretty rad
it also started "around the 2020" lol
we have a fan here folks
I meant the end of lockdown in her city. And of the videos around that time she looked bigger than she does now, hoping she gains back to that point
Whose got her vid with ShortNSweet?
New ppv stuffing vid 👀
New stuffing ppv vid looks good
What about uploading the vid :)
Does she do custom videos?
stufferdb has multiple angles from this pov, dont think its a morph lol now we just need a hero to upload da vid
Vid is on her coomer bro
She’s just fat
can confirm this is a morph
It’s just the angle. She is not at her heaviest.
jesus, that disproportionate lower belly paunch is so hot. love how it looks so separate from her frame and heavy. Just stuffed with fat
do you have the original vid?
(554 KB, 1722x1722, wp8711035.jpg)
There's a skin tag on the inside of her left ass cheek
The second photo is a vid?
what is her heaviest
I believe it can be difficult to tell when you get this big, but what do folks know/think - is she at her biggest now, or sometime in the last half of 2022 when she was looking mighty huge too?
Off the top of my head I wanna say the pizza stuffing video but it’s just a guess
her belly was just massive looking in this vid, but she also knows very well how to play the camera angles to her advantage
Just fyi she did that when she started and in the low 200’s lol

yeah, she's much bigger than that now. she looks huge in her recent vid she did in front of the bathroom mirror, and that's not one thats down to angles.

she was exactly 300 in the doctor video she did with Kittypiggy, and she's definitely a lot bigger than then
This, it's like she's wearing a giant heavy pillow at all times when it's just pure blubber from overeating constantly.
>>108455 (OP)
She has a thin singer friend that seriously looks like she is trying to get to the fat side folks, she always goes to dine with her and now she is even bringing her out with her other gainer friends from the community. They are even going on vacations together and the photos of Aliss looking stuffed and showing her belly at the table from those latest vacations were taken by her friend. Not only that but her friend constantly posts about food and has even disguised herself as a fat Winnie the Pooh for Halloween. She is thin but her weight seems to fluctuate.
You got a source for this? Sounds hot
i mean her and said friend post each other regularly on their Instagram accounts. Natalie Shae or something like that.

Mans might be exaggerating a bit though, or I'm just oblivious to any of the evidence he's pointing to.
For example photos such as the first one here were definitely taken by her so she knows about this fetish. They are close friends after all, here's hoping. I've seen plus size models pushing their fat habits to once skinny friends so Aliss can do it too
i don't know if taking a casual picture of your fat friend eating constitutes "knowing about the fetish". even if it does, i don't know that that means she'd try getting into it herself.
I was showing a previous post as evidence, she literally has a photo form that vacation where she's with her showing showing and her pants unzipped after diner
post the pic sounds hot
Her friends definitely know about the fetish. There's an old video of her doing some baking in her underwear that one of her hot (skinny) uni mates appears in.
Is she still doing stuffings on her onlyfans?
If so I might have to resub to her.
Also could somebody post a screenshot of a newish stuffing?
See that shes with goodgirlgrow in miami *eyeball emoji
She needs to move to the US she clearly fits right in
Does anyone have any of her collabs with Casey?
was surprised to see this. I hope Aliss didn't pick up any of GGG's crazy while together... the crazy eye ruins it for me
someone update coomer
Here have this
did she make a video with goodgirlgrow?
2vids , 1 curvage 1 onlyfans
can someone update coomer?
There isn’t really much to update… she makes every good video as PPV. In her coomer are only two vids missing and they are not very interesting :/
>>116135who is the lovely cowgirl in the 3rd photo?
Didnt she have a new stuffing vid something like 2 months ago? I havent seen it here. Does it have good burps?
It is also ppv and costs 15$
She's gone kinda quiet lately

Who cares what your friends are jealous of?
Me encanta lo feliz que está ahora. Ella es absolutamente hermosa.
Is she still gaining? Because she looks very small now
Those are the old pictures

you might be retarded
Why the fuck are you here if that size is your favourite
Can someone renovate the coomer
can someone update coomer?
There is a new ppv McDons stuffing vid out that look pretty good! Please let me know if it’s worth $25!!
No video is worth that much
You sound like Han Solo
Where can I find her stuffing vids? Anyone have a mega link with her vids?
His favorite size is below average weight for a woman.. yet he's on a bbw chan.
That’s definitely not below average… that’s probably in the range of “overweight” (~25-30 bmi) but it’s definitely not going to be in the bbw range
shut the fuck up and share vids. no one cares about your personal analyses
Chubby Aliss is hot don’t listen to the haters
Aliss at any size is hot. People are delusional
>>108455 (OP)
I never watch videos of this brit with the sound on. Im worried of I did she'd end up having some awful manchester accent and my boner would be killed forever

Probably one of the less obnoxious accents tbh, I’d take her over KittyPiggy or BBWLayla (she’s Australian or something but whatever) any day. Just kind of a nothing voice
I'd listen to Aliss over both of them, too, but in KP's case, it's not her accent but her voice and the way she talks. Same with Layla, her manner of speaking is just annoying. But I don't mind either of their accents in and of themselves.
y'all seem pretentious and xenophobic tbh
xenophobic lol, shouldn't you be outside counting genders
While far from my favorite, there are far worse accents out there than English and Australian lolol. It really depends what region and class too. I think the only English bbw I find irritating in voice is Bonnie. "muh belll-aeyyy"

KP is autistic I think, hence her genuine fat fetish for fat's sake (neural perversion, posted on feabie about wanting to be like a blob and was/is already gargantuan) and her goofiness and even facial features and wanting to "mask" with heavy makeup. And that tied into her voice and body language that may annoy some. I was told by a model friend with this fetish autism is more common among that industry than you'd guess, despite thinking it's for social butterflies

Mate people speak different, don't call our voices awful/obnoxious and you might seem like less of a prick. Though youse treat the Midwest like the centre of the universe anyway so that might be a lost cause. A fatty's a fatty whatever they sound like
oh bloody hell , whos gone about and pist in the Brit’s wheaties mate
I actually like her accent, but a lot of KP’s heavy makeup is related to social class too.

Obviously doing fat fetish shit for pay isn’t exactly what an upper middle class person has in mind. In the US the majority pretend they middle class no matter what, and pretend class mobility is directly related to money. People like Kayla show that isn’t true, you could give her any amount of money and the fact she’s lower class is obvious. The UK owns that fact better and doesn’t even pretend it’s true though.
mentioned twice it had nothing to do with their accents, but sure, yes, i'm a certified xenophobe
Can we get back to posting aliss info and forget this bickering
Yeah, it would be nice to get content for a change.
If only she got fatter
Anyone got the mcdons stuffing?
Whose got that video??

I’ve uploaded 3 PPV vids. Someone else can step up
Aliss comes across as super middle class to be fair. One of the few UK models that do.
Lol Idk if KittyPiggy was autistic but she definitely has a lisp
Aliss is from Nottingham I believe.
Those in the middle class around my parts do not drive new Mercedes Benz like Aliss.
>>119680 is the stuffing worth it before I buy it?

I personally haven’t seen it, but 2 of the 3 I bought were worth it yeah
in the UK, middle class means something different (posher) to what it means in the US - this may be the cause of some confusion

Getting a A170 on monthlies is super common in the UK even in poor areas. They're ok hatchbacks but not particularly fancy. It's not exactly a E400 or whatever.

Class is complicated in the UK, rich people drive 20 year old volvos
This is true. Poor(ish) people will do whatever they can to appear not poor. Loads of people will spend more than they can afford to lease a base-model German car. Actually rich people don't care.

The car market is also different to the US. We get much lower-end models from the German brands that never make it to the US.
Yes, class in the UK is only flexible in the lower/working to middle. Upper classes are hereditary and until ‘98 held not only titles but the capability to directly affect governance from the house of Lords. The upper middle terminology seems to mostly be used to describe those who are of independent means but from a family without a title. Further to this: I was always corrected by a friend of mine in my mistaken use of aristocrat and noble. To this day I still have no idea which is which.

But to the point: it is common in both the working classes and to an extent the lower middle classes to associate advertised purchase value with true value and therefore they seem to derive status from brands rather than resale value of items.

The upper classes dont believe in “new money” as there is usually a concept of inheritance instilled from young. “No wealth is new: it is accumulated and grown”: if a new merc loses 50% of its value in a year then it isn't worth purchasing as you cannot realise the invested capital back by either sale or as a line of credit.

All this aside: anyone got anything to share?
anyone have the latest one?
(2.0 MB, 828x1792, 43C576F8-B6B9-40F9-B7AD-C84C118030BE.png) (3.3 MB, 828x1792, 5AFA295D-11F9-4E7D-8773-ECF58718B57A.png)
before my of sub ended the tip total was only $25 bucks. Only one person has bought it thus far so it’s safe to say we won’t see it as I’m not buying ever again as I’m the only person who has and shared in the last 6 + months

Plus I can’t anyways because she blocked dms after I commented one time so the vid never got sent to me 😂

But here is proof of the 3 I did buy
I have zero self control when it comes to Aliss Bonython
Anyone have recent stuffing vids?

Just to add to this, Aliss also went to a global top 100 university (I know as I also studied there). Although not as prestigious as Oxford or Cambridge, you could (for example sake) compare it to an Ivy League (it’s part of the Russel group of UK univerities). So I’d say her ‘classyness’ largely comes from being intelligent, and hanging around in social circles of other intelligent and driven individuals, who are likely in pretty solid professions in London at this point.

I doubt the car is an attempt to socially mobilise as much as something she likes and can afford.
So you're saying is she's filthy rich and so are you. Got it
Not at all. In the UK, all universities cost the same amount (a lot less than in the US), and loans are provided by the government, so people get to go based on whether they have the grades for a particular institution rather than if their family can afford to send them. I just used the ivy league example to give reference of the academic standard.
Out of all the retarded things I've seen wasting time on this stupid website over the years, comparing the Russell Group to the Ivy League might take the cake. Truly delusional.
Oh my god shut up!! I don’t care what social class she belongs to I just want to fap!!
>t. low IQ nigga who doesn't know what coomer party is
My IQ is 150-odd-something but I also just want to fap

Not ascribing any other importance to IQ, only because you brought it up
Porn causes brain damage btw look up semen retention. I'm only on here as a crutch as I see softcore paraphilia as a temporary nanny to wean me off.

Also if you're ~150 then you're almost Ted K level genius, which means you probably have mental issues (no offense I do too). I wonder if you have a very cerebral career or just a savant NEET
You're all great people. And girls love all ofyou and will succeed with girls
Ignore girls and you will get pu***
Lmfao wtf has this thread devolved into? Someone throw us a picture please
Softcore or hardcore, I imagine both have the same effect on the brain. You're coping here. Go be better if you want to be better. Don't delude yourself and ask us to indulge you.

pretty much. Best advice I've had about women is to treat them like a horse you want to ride. Don't spook em. Sometimes it's better to leave it a few days between tries.
Gonna have to link something. And I'm sure it won't be great. The entire first page of google ranges from "Semen Retention is just something a reddit community seems to think will do something but really won't" all the way to "many techniques to practice semen retention can damage the prostate."
Mate u alright?
Any kind soul got the McDonalds stuffing vid by any chance?
When was her last weigh in.. how much was she?
İt was more than 7 month ago and it was 320 pounds
Does anyone have new PPV

"When I go to the gym and do a workout..."

Suuuuuure you do!
Truly a shame how lazy her content has gotten as of late
She does, wish she didn't tho so she'd gain again but honestly that seems unlikely at this point. She hasn't gotten fatter since covid lockdown, if anything the end of lockdown was her biggest
Are there any videos where she does sexy talk or fat chat?
shxt content sadly
Pains me to say but aliss is fucking useless now, just another model full of wasted potential, i would be okay with her not gaining if the content was good, and vice versa, but it isn't it is the most boring basic bitch shit I have ever seen, like ooh check out my new asos haul, no we don't fucking care, its like she thinks she's a fucking vlogger and not an obese pornstar for a niche community. She needs to do something about it or the people who pay her OF should just boycott it.
She's trying to cope. Imagine living the 24/7 reality of being a niche fetish porn model while most people think you're a disgusting pig with that giant hanging belly roll and double chin occupying half her facial real estate. Yes she's making lots of money but that doesn't melt insecurity.
Her forehead makes me uncomfortable
She needs a boyfriend
She has a boyfriend…
Criticize her content not her looks basement dwellers, you guys probably look like rats in comparison. She's one of the hottest gainers, just her content is a bit meh as of late
from one of her most recent instagram posts she’s clearly with a guy
This here. I’d add she codes as pretty middle class for the UK (which is more like saying upper middle in the us), which is probably the least fatfuck-friendly or sex work-friendly group you could find. Also it’s not like Nottingham is tiny, but it’s not that big either so she probably runs into people a lot who see what she ballooned into.

She was supposed to be a “real” model which is acceptable enough around your white collar peers, but to maintain that body had an eating disorder. So to keep it from spiraling had to accept becoming obese, find the body positivity movement, and occupy the awkward space between camgirl and Instagram model. There’s layers of cope required for all of that.

Her content doesn’t really know what it wants to be because she doesn’t. I’m fine with her bad content as long as she pulls that flopper of a lower belly out though.
You're all over analyzing this.

She makes money doing very, very little work. She basically gets paid to be a doddering consumer. As long as she takes care of her health by staying active and lifting weights, takes care of her appearance, and maintains her mental health via aforementioned doddering and consumerism she makes more money than most people here will see in a year.

She is simply not in any position where she needs to do more work. She's being lazy, it's as simple as that. She has two lucrative streams of income that require virtually no effort outside of taking care of her mind and body. She has exactly what she wants; she gets paid to exist and show us glimpses of it for a price, and to use glimpses of it on instagram to get paid to promote products and other influences.
I take back what I said about being lazy. She's doing the same thing anyone would do; maximizing time put in for return gotten out. She's had it all balanced for a few years now.
Agreed. I'm jealous, I'd love a passive income stream
I think I'd go into a coma if bbwchan had a face reveal section. we are amongst some ugly mfs

How the feck does living in some rented/mortgaged (appears to be) terraced house in the north with a car I’d assume is on PCP finance, living in the North, code as pretty middle class to you?

The overwhelming majority of people in the SE of England live like that, except the houses cost nearly twice as much lol.

Probably a better bet that she spends most of the money she makes travelling etc. otherwise if she had the money you think she has, why would you choose to live in the North besides it being largely cheaper to live. The lifestyle she leads would be far more aligned to places like London and the surrounds than Nottingham.

Fair play to her living how she wants, but I wouldn’t say she was particularly middle class. I feel people hear the accent and see the car and go straight to middle class, so dumb.
Having lived in the south / all over London. And across the north - I can confidently say the lifestyle in the north is much better than London in particular
She lives in Manchester now I think
>>122952 Americans are the best intelligent nerds and they're also humble, hard-working, decent human beings that're well behaved
I’d agree for the gen pop that the north can be better, not least because it’s cheaper and more affordable from experience. However if you want to live in a more vibrant/lively/social/youthful place then you’re better off in the South and/or London (with the exception of like Manchester/Liverpool which have a bit more going on).

As my Nigerian ex said about her experiences studying up North, “it’s very white up there” lol…
Your Nigerian ex should stay the fuck away from the North, then, and let it stay that way
Anyone mind uploading with something other than MAB? Can never get it to work properly.
Going by her Insta she has a fella, could be getting real fat the next couple of months
@natalieshaymusic on instagram
Has she lost weight or is her stomach in?
Looks Like she lost some weight on her insta and coomer but could be the Angles. But Looks Like she has a Boyfriend again
Seems to me that she needs to continually consume an enormous amount of calories to maintain her weight, let alone gain. Her life situation at any moment appears to dictate her appetite and thus her weight fluctuations and inability to get over around 320 lbs.

Influence of the new boy toy will be interesting. Is he into this scene? Or looking to exercise Aliss into a slimmer version?
Reup pls ?
Does somebody have her last stuffing?
Portuguese propaganda, viva la Yugoslavia
>>125492 Thief. Liar. Clone. Murderer.
>>125492 You wish you were great. You pretend to be God when all you can do is copy work you buy from hackers. You're pathetic. Pitiful. Barely a man. You're like a woman.
>>125492 Go ahead and try to pass it off as your own. I'll be waiting.
anyone have the original?
which one are u talking abt
Anyone update the coomer?
Anyone have the reup of the vids she did with softshortnsweet thanks
Anyone have more of the girl on the left?
Is she still gaining becouse om her last fotos she looks small
Dam she's cute
anybody got her mc stuffing?
anyone have vids of her when she was smaller
Anyone know what her weight goal is?
Its content shows that she has gained a little weight since the beginning of the year, do you think she will continue to gain?
I really like her but her ppv prices getting out of hand she is getting to gready… 8 dollar for 58 sec video cmon
Especially since she charges $16.99 a month for the sub in the first place.
Exactly… A reason to
cancel the subscription. Prices to high and the updates quality not the same anymore.
Its a shame because for me she is one of the mvps of the game…
Sucks as well because its her only platform that shes posts content on. She put 2 clips on Curvage last year but dropped that so that would have been better if she insisted on doing PPV for actual clips rather than the double dipping she does on OF.
Stop giving money to these girls, use ur money for better things
anyone have pics from when she was skinny?
can someone update coomer?
can someone update coomer
Damn she really was attractive. So hot that she became such a hog.
Can someone plz update the you know what
bump for overpriced content drop
Bump for the possibility of uploading recent overpriced content
For anyone who wants to know, I posted a video of Alyss that cuts to Jonas Zavimbe's speech in BOII halfway through LMAO
uh ok thanks for posting bait in a porn thread I suppose?
lol yeah i love how mans came back here to say that like he did something
Plz does any1 have any ppvs from her
No one buys them because they’re too expensive for 3 - 4 mins of average content. Stuffing vids the only ones that are worth it and she hasn’t put one out in a while
can someone update
Okay these are the best pics I’ve ever seen of her, some models have a golden weight as opposed to just looking better when they’re constantly growing and this was hers
Is Aliss still making content?
Bro can’t appreciate a bbw unless their belly makes up half their body weight you’re tweaking
she looked better smaller. Her chin doesn't look good all bloated like that ( I know theres some weirdos who get off on fat chins)
She was hot with a little bit of extra weight, chubby look.
I think she is beautiful
Her chin alone makes my dick turn to granite
can someone update the website
What a dumb comment
There are swathes of society who say a woman looks terrible if they're 1lb overweight. You happen to think she looks best "with a little bit of extra weight - chubby look" she's almost 350 lbs - when exactly was her chubby phase ? One thing we all know here is that attraction is subjective and they can look good at any weight - even if she gains 100lbs more she will have a hoard of fans - so- if she's to big for you, jog on.
She let herself go in the best way possible, if you can’t see that you’re a low-T numale who’s bloodline will end with you
Some kind soul able to update her coomer?
Aliss still has the build of a little girl. It’s time for her to grow up and out already.
Her chubby phase was when she was chubby maybe?? What kinda dumbass question is that
I think she looks best at the smaller sporty size and when she started moving past conventional bbw territory into her highest weights. The inbetween was the weakest look for me. Belly dominated frames do it for me though, and she developed a chonking huge gut. Big fan of her current look.
I can't disagree more. I think her fatter face is very beautiful and the way she carries her weight the bigger she gets is damn sexy. Maybe one day you will like double chins though. i wasn't always into double chins either.
People argue about this sort of thing because even in this fetish there are different ideals. Some people get off on how added weight accentuates the female form. Some people get off on females adding so much weight they become shapeless.
Yeah, I wasn't trying to argue, so much as trying to show it's all a matter of preference. People who are attracted to slim women aren't attracted to every slim woman out there just because they're slim. There's no reason to expect those attracted to fat women to be attracted to every fat woman either just because she's fat, unless they literally have a fetish for fat itself. I'm attracted to most fat women, but I'm not into "blobs" or obesity related skin conditions like lymphedema. But those are just my preferences. Others will have different ones and that's okay.
anything new?
It's hard to know if there's been anything new - her coomer hasn't been updated for months
Nothing new her recent content has been poor!
Can we just all ask her for more stuffings?
She needs to do a weigh in
someone should still update it
Anyone know how much she weighs?
How do you have screencaps of this? On her OF?

I'd pay for this video, but I'm not gonna pay $17 for the opportunity to pay for this video.
those pics were from Stufferdb, but the video is unfortunately not there.

I'd love to see it, would be great if someone maybe has it by any chance?
can someone update coomer please
Could anyone kindly put that on something other than MAB?
Thanks for sharing. Unsubbed a while ago because her PPV prices got ridiculous.
(222 KB, 1290x1267, IMG_0180.jpeg)
Anyone know what vid the right-sided pic is from?
Anyone have content from when she was at her biggest?
Is this recent? She looks huge :o
When was she at her biggest? Ish
Can someone update her coomer?
Wow shes getting massive
By far, the best in the business...
This explanation is perfect honestly, I consider myself to be the former
>>131788 would anyone be so kind and reup this please?
Can someone reup the last ones?
Can someone update her coomer?
Guys at least encode your shit so it doesn’t get nuked so fast I beg
Honestly encryption does fuck all - it's pointless
MAB lasts 3 days nothing here was DMCA’d
Someone plz renovate the “you know the thing” for viewing purposes
Any updates on her weight? Is she still doing stuffings?
The thing hasn’t been updated since July can someone update it
Someone plz update the you know what it’s been since July since it was last fixed.

Shitty mods taking down a simple favor. Come on now there is other people asking the same stuff and you don’t take them down. Wtf is that about? Look at Shar for an example. Someone asked they get the favor you don’t take them down. Wtf is that?
This is why beggars are a blight. They beg constantly, then get mad when nobody wants to indulge their pathetic behavior.

Fucking leeches.
can someone please update the thing
Could we possibly get a re-up of this? Thanks!
Has she stopped gaining weight?
Her OF with a 50% sale right now? But does this just give you the ability to pay additional for her overpriced ppv vids?
What kind of PPVs is she doing right now?
Yes that's how it used to be at least. Been a while since I've been subscribed but the best and longer vids were behind a paywall
Want want want... She stinks of privilege.
Where is this pic from?
Someone's fragile. She just mentioned how she's helping out her sister who's wedding is in Greece. You don't want to give her shit so why are u complaining. 😭😭
Can someone uh… you know… take the old dog for a walk?
Wow is there a video to it? :o
could someone update her coomer?
No there is nothing to update… only four 30-60s vids are not on her coomer
Her OF is 50% in sale… sub then
Anyone able to re-up any of the recent drops?? Or update the you-know-what?

Her content is fucking good
Don't use emojis on imageboards fag
Vid published 2023-08-26 13:21:43 on coomer
Does anyone have any recent PPVs?
anyone have the recent cheeseburger stuffing
No it’s 24$ bro… she got insane pricing…
Someone updated coomer - she's looking massive - incredibly hot - wish she'd do a weigh in on curvage - I'd buy it

jesus christ. she's getting fucking massive, outgrowing more clothes. i feel like it isn't super obvious because she's just getting more and more round but she's *huge*. Her gut sticks out so far now
reup of the mcdonald's stuffing pls?
God that’s hot. There really is nothing better than seeing a legit 10/10 smokeshow let themselves blow up into 350 pound whales
yeah lol personally that scenario alone is a huge turn on for me

big girls in general are hot but hot girls letting themselves go is friggin sweet and rare too
Anyone got the candy stuffing video? I’ll try to work out how to share the latest burger stuffing vid tomorrow.
There was a candy stuffing video?
can someone make a mega of recent ppv’s?
Sure master, I'll get right on that for you! Want me to rub your feet and get your groceries too?
Anyone jas any new ppv?
$20 for a 4 min weight in video 👀 anyone want to take the hit and share the number for all of us haha
I’d think she’s pushing 350 at this point
Time to throw this thread into /SSBBW where hogs like this belong
Has this whale ever done any nude videos? In the shower etc? She is insanely hot. Thanks in advance if anyone knows
Yes, she goes topless fairly often. Pretty sure she does have shower videos too. Check out her coomer
She’s 354

Shes went from 320 to 354 in 8 months. Wild
holy shit. any chance you could upload the vid?
If you have trouble getting the video as a file just use ODS.
I used it to the Udderly Donut vid.
Sorry misspelled that OBS
Wow someone has her nude videos? She is enormous
I'd pay the 20 for her weigh in ... But I have to sign up to her OF too - it's just too many hoops
34lbs in 8 months isn't particularly wild

If I gained 34 pounds since March I think it'd be a lot.

Yeah, that's quite a lot of weight. I know this community tends to skew your views on shit but that's not insignificant.
For regular people it definitely is a shit ton of weight to gain in 8 months, but for people who make an income on purposely becoming as fat as possible it ain't that crazy
That’s a daily caloric surplus of ~500 cals. Nothing too crazy
Gaining that much weight in that timeframe is super rare even in this community lmao. Get some fuckin sunlight
b-b-but Mochii Babii!!

nigga she almost died from a cold shut the fuck up
You seem very passionate about this subject matter
anyone got that new weigh in vid ?
That's like a pound a week. That's nothing. Normal people gain more than that on accident. Insulting people to defend your goofy opinions on a fetish board is so weird.
It’s basically the freshman fifteen times two.
It’s a normal amount of gain for once or twice in a lifetime. Some failed dieters regularly cycle that much weight and gain quicker.
But let’s not pretend doing it every year would make a person phenomenally fat, like 600 pounds in a decade.
It's no shock - she's into the fetish - she has a feeder boyfriend - he's American - she visits the US regularly and samples all the foods - we've seen her eat 2 large pizzas to herself before now
I think she was 360 at one point and then rapidly lost…. So 2 years later she is back at 350? Will this be a repeat?
is the video of the 2 pizza stuffing on her coomer?
What do you want though? Someone to be over the top unhealthy to gain a trillion lbs in a year and then quickly disspear for health reasons?

I’ve enjoyed following many of the same women for years. They started in the 200s when I was a teenager and some have have gotten well into the 300s by now. That process has helped me learn more about myself and let go of my inhibitions. It’s more rewarding than just endlessly cycling through random girls who are painfully sexy for like 5 minutes and then lose the weight.
I definitely agree /bbw/ needs to chillax on trying to rules lawyer porn, it's porn, you like it or you don't,

but yo, a "scam" is when a girl sells you a custom for 200$ then ghosts you, not when a girl gains 40lbs when you hoped she'd gain 80

if people dilute the word scam it's gonna just make harder to warn each other about models who are actually stealing money from people
She'll end up fatter than ever. They almost always do.
someone saw the recent Burger Stuffing?
Did she live in the US at one point? I wouldn't have expected a girl from the UK to have that cowboy boot tattoo on her arm. I would have guessed she was from AZ until I saw that she isnt American.
She is UK. She was dating/visiting a guy from Texas (she must be rich to afford regular flights from uk to us) but he cheated on her. Or at least he dumped her. She tweeted that he broke her heart
I wonder what the thought process is behind cheating on a rich fat girl who's willing to not only travel constantly to your location, but also to gain weight for you
are these real links? is ds2play a file sharing site? never seen it until recently
He met a fatter woman with a fatter wallet
how do I access these links, its blocked for me
She's rich because she had quarter of a million followers on insta and then opened an OF. That she pays the rent and flights wherever - fair play to the girl
Reup of weigh in plzzzzz ty
keep in mind that most feedees actually have weak mental health and/or trauma that makes it a real challenge in everyday life. Sprinkle that with insecurities and you have their partner looking somewhere else after some time.
Who cares about the reason, this is a wg board. He was helping her put on noticeable weight for the first time in well over a year. Wouldn't be surprised if she plateaus or loses again now.
of course cheating isn't an act of weakness and poor character

y'know all of you are completely unfuckable so you don't have defend infidelity like it's an option for you in the future
We have no idea why. We don’t know that she’s actually nice in real life, or that their relationship was a two way street. Sometimes people with tons of fans treat their partner as easily replaceable.

Or maybe they guy is just an asshole who knows
I mean she seems nice from what I’ve seen but, like I said, can’t know for sure
reup of the weigh in please?
I can't believe shes over 350 shes so close to becoming an SSBBW shits so hot
She will never be an ssbbw and your crazy if you think she’s gaining weight after the break up
Reup or the weight in please 🙏🙏
She was over 360 during Covid so she is 10 down. Sick of the game going back down to 300 taking 2 years to get to 350 to repeat.
If the past is an indication of the future…350 for a month then loss over 4 months to 300 all the while trying to look fat. It’s so strategic. Even plump p. Claiming to absolutely love the extra weight and wanting to gain then the scale shows a loss. I just wish they would be honest and not gas light us.
Agree and agree. She'll likely stay fat the rest of her life, but we've likely already seen her approximate peak (several times). Further gains will bring on increased health and mobility issues and I don't see her ever being willing to deal with those. In the meantime, she'll continue to milk the $$$ from this community for as long as she can.
How can she even be considered a "feedee" when she won't even literally kill herself on camera for free?

#FakeGainerGirl #NotMyGOAT
The hell yall want her to do? Gain a crazy amount of weight like Mochii Babii? Didn't yall see how that turned out for her? Yall are fucking sick...
How did that turn out for mochi?
wait yeah what happened? just a break
didn't she loose a leg from diabetus and vanished ?
jesus christ talk about a rumor. She got covid and its been very hard for her to recover (not a shock, she wasn’t the most healthy person ever)
Does anybody know which video the pic on the right is from - always see screenshots but never seen the vid anywhere
Reup of latest weigh in?
Her hottest (non-stuffing) video. If you disagree prove me wrong and post a better one

Does anyone have the bedroom babes video with KittyPiggy?
Any chance for a re up?

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