
Oh I've looked, anon. Thanks for remembering her. She's Jewish too and had a Hebrew name on feabie like Alayah or something like that, I think meant deer. Have Pic of her face on old pc.

Apparently some of her photos were shooped, but I miss her very much. She's just disappeared for nearly 3 years now I think.

Anyone please help!

If you are out there somewhere qdqdq, please return. Just even do a quick text post, just no more radio silence please. I regret very much being too shy to message back then. Even if you're skinny now, just clarify you're alive.
>>108433 (OP)
very kosher body my friend in faith. we need more
The Hebrew Ham. What a body though. Got something for belly and butt lovers alike.
Shalom! I'd like to taste her gefilte fish, if you fellas know what I mean.

Don’t think so. She had one called qdqdq.tumblr.com but it’s no defunct.
Her pics were shooped? I had no idea. Where did you hear this?
Yeah apparently she photoshoped herself into old photos of auschwitz saying she was a survivor. Said it was an ethnic tradition, goes back decades.
alternative universe auschwitz…they come out looking like Vanilla Hippo
Do you have any proof of this? I don't remember her ever doing that.

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