
She has a coomer under godbritt already, shit content though she is so deflated.
And crazy as a shithouse rat on top of that.
>>107722 (OP)
I, for one, could care less. #1 case of mental instability out there - yes, she beats Azismiss, imo. In addition, her looks have deteriorated to the point of God awful f ugly over the years.
she used to be so cute. looks like an old used up meth addict or something now. and fuckin' out of her damn mind crazy.

she needs therapy asap but if she's going to be just some crazy bitch, she needs to be doing hardcore instead of topless rants about her being god
>her looks have deteriorated
Fucking nutters
We all thank you for the grammar lesson. Do you now have something relevant to add to the discussion?
>>107837 I could say something but I have readon to believe that staying quite and letting yime run its course on you fools will make it that much sweeter.
I met up with her on a date when she was living in Tucson a few years ago. She said after her dad passed away she hasn't been the same since. She definitely lost her looks somehow and looks totally different. She's mentally unstable and losing a family member can probably do that to you đź’€
Yup.... People die eventually. Some people die without ever having children. It's a sad thing, but I think it's even more sad to live the life of a fuck up. We're all going to die most likely, but living life properly is good. If you die without having a wife, or family, or home of your own you can always blame an incompetent nation of people. But if you're a fuck up then you get nothing. You don't get the full life or the fun.

That is why I always say whatever you decide to do you have to commit to it, because doing only part of it guess what you won't have fun or do things right neither. So I try not to fuck up no matter what even if things are going bad for me or if I'm not having fun. It's a waste of time to not commit. If you want to persue a life of pleasure then do it because you know what science and logic will tell you that most likely you will be alive in 20 years time but you know what? No, that's not true for everybody. There's many people that die young or can not live life fully for one reason or another maybe they can't visit the places they want, can't have children because of health problems. Bro, the future is not something you're supposed to be waiting for, it's something that you plan for incase it arrives. You're supposed to be living in the present. So I hope for you that you make the right mistakes much like I did.
>>107846 That was oddly poetic and I, a stranger, needed to hear that after my ex dumped me for my former best friend. Not the right place or time for it, but it was a nice surprise nonetheless :)
Yep, She came on here a few months back and was ranting about being God. It was quite the interaction she was having with people.
I don't normally read the shit on here when I come to smack my meat but your post about life was dead ass speaking to me. Thanks for that.
(1.0 MB, 2574x1548, 0251f3720720935d9a7f99d1a9b9e6ccfb48c25cf32b45efcedc8a1979b90544.png)
Yeah it was this pinned OFans review thread on the General Discussion board, and you've got to scroll down to Aug of last yr. Came here and just wrote out her crazy ramblings.
According to her... She is god and it's YOU who is crazy, not her.
Girl needs help, meds, therapy, whatever. No more hallucinogenic shit, drugs of any kind. That brain went full crazy.
The amount of “this means” makes me want to commit crimes

>That was oddly poetic and I, a stranger, needed to hear that after my ex dumped me for my former best friend.

She never loved you. You still have hope. It would've been different say you were married 15+ years and the marriage fell apart. Things got angry. Love wasn't nourished. Until the day that in a fit of rage somebody said something that they possibly didn't even mean to say. Just like that it's over. The only hope then is of forgiveness and reconciliation. This is what happened to me but it's a famous pastor's sermon.

You made a mistake in your mind. You relied on your judgement but she wasn't right for you, and yet you still wanted to make her yours. You can easily find another. That isn't the difficult part.

The difficult part is not allowing temptation to slowly lead you down the path to divorce and staying together until death do you part. It's the right thing to do anyways not many are able to get there. Temptation and sin are too much and if your spirit is weak the flesh will take over in your life. The enemy knows all about you and your weaknesses.

Anon you are very wise. Are you reformed/Presbyterian Christian? Because you seem to know what you’re talking about with genuine forgiveness/reconciliation. It fills the darkness of degenerates around here with genuine Godly wisdom; light that penetrates the darkest crevices. I’m a reformed Christian too. I know I shouldn’t be on here… but I study my Bible, go to church, share the gospel of Christ crucified with as many people as I can with the little time I have on this Earth. And most importantly I am saved by Christ’s undying grace and has called me out of the darkness.

But sometimes I wonder, how many here are Christians?

Calling all Baptists, Catholics, Orthodox, Reformed, Anglican/Episcopal, Lutheran, Methodist/Wesleyan, Pentecostal, Congretionalists, Plymouth brethren, anabaptists, for the heck of it even Jehovah’s Witnesses, Mormons and other non Trinitarian heretics and you non conforming non-denominational brothers.

Say I if you’re praying God sends a hot fat girl to your home church that you can wife up and share life together!

Sorry if I forgot someone (I’m not gonna mention quakers or puritans, I don’t think a single member of those churches know this chan exist)

But I’m pretty certain there’s bound to be BBW admirers representing each denomination in an edifying ecumenical nature. At the end of the day, most parishioners and even pastors and elders are porn addicts. Let’s be real here…
If that is her then she needs help. It scares me to think people like this walk amongst us.
surely she's just playing a role right?
Ok ex Christian here, ya’ll are hypocrites to be on here and lusting after fat women because you’re dumb ass Christ tells you that lusting is sinful, so fuck off.
>>108074 You're an idiot for not knowing that I would be here expecting your post. I did not know what you were going to say but I knew it was going to be stupid.

Stop before I rebuke you and let all the little girls free to rain thunder and fire upon all of your HYPOCRIT, single, American mothers. Then you shall know true fear like never before, and you will know what it's like to grow old without slaves at your beck and call. Try me.
what the fuck is happening here
These threads generally descend into madness and weird tangents, but I never would have put my money on it turning into someone trying to start the next holy crusade.
>>108119 You're a nutter on the inside and it shows by the way you post. It's pretentious. You're trying to make sarcasm about something that you're unsure of and isn't likely to happen.
It's just crazy babbling. When I first read it back then I wondered if someone was doing a perfect imitation of her. But why bother to write all that nonsense out and be fake? So it had to be/ was her doing it. Watch her youtube and it's sad to see someone lose their mind tbh.

Sadly no it's no role.

Well then...for those interested a lot of her old content is on coomer
she also put out some books. they were on amazon for something like $10 for 20 pages. I can't find them now. I assume they got pulled offline.
Old content
i see she started to post on instagram again with no captions. so i thought she might be coming back down to earth. however her last few post there looks like shes still in the mindset. saying stuff like shes jesus' wife. account is @godbrittney

most of the stuff i think is old vids and pics. might be a fake account but i think its her for real.
Nice to see she's gained some weight back but, yea she seems to have totally left the reservation which makes it hard to enjoy.
books? like, she's a writer, or she's selling used books?
either one of those is kinda funny.

shes a writer if ya want to call her that. she wrote books about all her "god" stuff. we had a link in another thread a while back. think anyone bought them?
>>110149 A "model" who was a "bbw" adult model all the while writing religious notes? I'm going to say no, Jim. I don't think they were bought.
Can we pls get a re-up of the OG stuff posted on MAB please or if anyone has any new stuff would appreciate it
She still looks pretty good when she actually puts effort into her appearance like doing her hair and makeup.

It's honestly embarrassing that she gets any subscribers when she looks like that. People have absolutely no taste. Why buy her content when there are other women with the exact same or even better bodies?

Maybe her subscribers are into the humiliation? That would make sense, at least. She puts no effort into her content it just doesn't make sense.
Sad thing is she may not have even been religious before. Schizophrenia and Bipolar I can cause psychotic delusions of grandeur.
She's still big and beautiful, and yes saggy but she still gets a rise out of me, if you don't know what I mean, the blood flows to the tissue in my penis and makes it bigger because my brain wants my body to ejaculate into her because she's built as fuck for continued breeding. I hope that clears it up.

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