
(160 KB, 803x750, 0D8F68BA-DAE0-4505-AAE1-07D6957639D8.jpeg) (903 KB, 2406x3714, 33B1FDF7-C109-4EC5-ADD5-3B574CA64166.jpeg) (108 KB, 1210x1100, D3D838B3-7D72-4FB3-ACB1-1C35178AC6D1.jpeg) (504 KB, 2018x2015, 6A018314-B7E1-423D-9315-BB8729A6F114.jpeg)
Looks like she’s back to posting… maybe. There are 5 new posts on her OF from the first week of Jan. 2023. Videos and pics. Any hero’s currently subbed please bless us with the goods! Thanks in advance!
...Or, update the Coomer, if'n you's really go the extra mile...
She lost major weight, sucks
Yeah that was the majority of her content so what else does she even do to post now?
She looks huge in these pictures!
Not surprised, I figured she would have done that in 2021 when she spent most of the year M.I.A.
what was her heaviest weight
>Approximately 245lbs
something wrong with that?
I considered subscribing but 25 bucks a month for her to LOSE weight? nothanks.jpg
Yeah punk anything wrong with that? Fellas asking for a knuckle sandwich

Calm down spergs. I laughed too since there's no way she was only 245lbs at her biggest.
she never crossed 250 so this is pretty much accurate
Remember, she's only 5ft2

Ehh, still doesn't call for the tough guy who's trying to give out knuckle sandwiches. Like the dude just laughed, calm down.
i personally thought it was tongue-in-cheek, and found it funny in a ridiculous sort of way lol
The only thing I see are videos that are a year old…less graphic stuff and she looks like she is losing weight. What’s good?
Not for us who prefer BBW over SSBBW.
Oh fuck off. She was nowhere near supersized.
She was never supersized nor was she ever going to become supersized. Anyone who thought she was or would become was high on something.
I don't know if she's lost 5lbs and I don't give a shit if she has. She's hot, always has been and always will be.
>always will be
The Wall comes for them all.
She's live on IG right now.
Said she weights 204 lbs currently.
She looks amazing.
she also said she had lost 45 lbs
She said her weight loss just happened randomly and she isn't actively dieting.
She such a coward. She need to gain with no end goal in mind unlike failing health then death. I want to see her sitting in bed with her legs blobbing around her like puddle.
did anybody record it?
I don’t say this often, but you need to die.
I have witnessed you are also such a coward. IMHO, woman should give birth to 2 babies (Mal has done the) for replacement rate birthrate and then eat until failed health and death.
Calm down Immortan Joe.
anyway, I'm over this boring bipolar bitch

she's washed
if mal was ever too big for you, let's just say there's way better options in your range than her

she and her content are awful
You nutters love to ruin a gorgeous model's thread with your corny g-ness. Why don't you go to one of the many failed booty threads with your stupidness.
What do you expect? There’s no content to keep the thread on the rails. She hasn’t made any real commitment to return because she’s a fuckin flake.
>>108087 I thought this was her sis? The girl who drinks her own pee on live streams. She still makes content last I heard. Plus she may not be as cute, but she looks sexiet in my opinion. Something about her eyes is provocative. Hairy armpits and pussy. The thing Mal has over her is cheeks and body, but with that last pregnancy the sister sort of super saiyan 4, so I'd say right now in body they are pretty evenly matched. She only needs puffier cheeks then. She had the milk spouting out droplets and a hella hairy pussy. Blonde hair. She looked like a mythical creature almost. All she needs is to drink pee more often in my humble opinion.
She’s currently live on OFs of anyone’s interested.
Didn't read,lol. So anyone can post the new stuff ?
She didn't fulfill your fantasy of her becoming immobile? Now she's a washed up bitch who's content was always boring, right?

Those nipples. My god those nipples! Incredible set of tits on her and people whine about 10lbs here and there. Look at those nipples you fuckups!
My brother in christ, you're on a fetish site for fat bitches. I wanna see fat bitches fatten up into huge piles of fat blubber. I don't care about no nipples.
Hyperbolic statements aside, it's her choice but I'm gonna think twice before buying anything from her.
Yes she was always overrated and overpriced. Please keep paying more for much less though. I’m sure she will let you hit
This is BBW-chan not USSBBW-chan
> She didn't fulfill your fantasy of her becoming immobile?
Not him but I’m just saying how mal was briefly the fat sister when it was historically val, and how disappointing it was that Val so quickly passed her off again (for mal, for Val it was HOT ASFUCK)
[spoiler]but it should be

Sometimes it can be too much especially when I can't tell the difference between a human and a bean bag chair. The video quality also drops cause they can't even fucking move just look at how echo turned out.

Mals at a good weight right now maybe a few more pounds but not ssbbw level
>[spoiler]but it should be
No it shouldn't you death feedist retard. Blobs are not attractive
They can take it to the /SSBBW/ board. USSBBWs are welcome there.
Jesus I loved mal but this shit is getting old

Val is where it's at

Jesus himself woulda turned his back on his father for a chance to latch onto them nipples.

She got just a little bigger than I ever thought she would but it's her life and body.

I've got over 200gbs of her content and have never paid a dime for it. Clearly you're one of those fuckups who is pissed a model didn't do what you wanted. Loser.

Right and there is a board for the SSBBW's which can include the USSBBWS. Mal was not one or going to become one.

No one should have ever expected Mal to get huge. Its ok for a fantasy but guys have to stay in touch with reality that those fantasies aren't going to happen. Don't get all pissed and go on some boards saying she's a bitch etc because she didn't do what they wanted.

Some need to remember she was wanting to lose weight when she started years ago. We were lucky she gained what she did.
No one cares if she doesn't want to gain weight, everyone's just sick of the bullshit, the (lack of) content, and her annoying neurosis. I'm glad you keep 200 gigs of that trash though. You seem def smart and def aren't a loser at all.
Not sure why poverty fags think anyone wants their to hear their two cents about anything.
Yeah I know right? I wish I wasn't poor but even if I was rich I would still most likely be a loser because without a wife and without kids plus working everyday soooooooo.... Hmm. I don't know what to tell you. I'm going to be a loser eithrr way, I guess
Val hasn’t updated in like 8 months.
JFC just post the new stuff, I haven't fapped for a year
Indeed. Really I think she just gets off on seeing so many men scramble everytime she disappears then reappears. The best thing to make her release better content is by keeping our mouths shut so she has to put in effort for attention.
Plenty of us liked her how she was. That wasn’t a wild fantasy, that was reality.
I don' t know if ti was already posted
well I'll be god damned!
Thanks for posting a mal vid that’s 4 years old and has been seen by everyone and wasting my time.
she was high tier in 2012 before turning into a hairy marine mammal. great shes going back to pawg
A fellow nipple lover.
Mal always has and had amazing nips.
I once asked her how big they were - 2cm thick, 2cm long, and 3.5” areolas.

she def peaked at her fattest but this is funny af
motherfucker, now i have to convert inch to cm
>she def peaked at her fattest
...her entire career started because of her ridiculous/dextersmom hip ratio. The more she gained the less her hips became prominent. she turned into a generic sbbw instead of the fat pawg with enormous hips.
(1.4 MB, 640x898, 9892F066-C1ED-4B9C-A695-685AE5EFE404.png)
Hip-waist ratio looks the same to me, her massive tits just obscure her waist now. 28” waist 48” ass before vs 36” waist 57” ass after.

I don’t see any other BBWs with an hourglass shape like this. Generic BBWs, like Aliss Bonython has a 47” waist and 57” ass, Goodgirlgrows has a 41” waist and 47” ass.
Remember when mal “returned”…. Lol
wow, i'm surprised aliss's ratio is that big considering how massive her belly is
any news? is Mal still alive? damn I really miss her
Just waiting on a hero to drop the new stuff
If it’s like her content right before her absence, it’s just old bottom tier crap that she never bothered uploading til now. I wouldn’t get excited.
is there a video for this?
Jesus Christ, I can only dream of that.

Get a ruler dude, 3.5" = ~9cm
(91 KB, 480x480, 5C4F20455CBDA64FE0AD25EE321639B9.jpg)
Did Mal do a full live in this outfit?
If she did and you have it would you be kind enough to upload it or any others not available in her instagram reels?
To any and all interested, the Coomer has been updated...
Interest is at an all time low and that update shows why.
I’m just glad she lost some weight so that she can fleece the annoying “slim-thick” contingency and not me
Need an excel spreadsheet to show how much time these faggots waste on making spreadsheets dedicated to this woman
OMG It's so boring! I never thought I'd say that about new Mal content.
What do you mean? Did she loose weight from when shd took this pic?
Because she looks pretty huge.
I mean her clips are short and devoid of personality outside of generic "oh yeah" "you wanna touch this" etc. and they (as well as her pics) are poorly lit & framed. And she's made very little since her "return". Hey, she didn't want to make weightgain content anymore then fair enough, we can judge her on the quality on what else she makes. Which is kinda crap as she's ridden on her looks her whole life like any hot girl who starfishes because they never had t put in any effort.
I just think she looks deflated until she puts the weight back on. And in the meantime my wallet is closed.
Looks like she bruised a titty. Gonna take a while to get that to go away. Probably a reason why she hadn't done much lately.
Any thoughts on the possibility that there was a third pregnancy while she was missing?

Would explain the weight loss and the return of her milk.
I thought I saw a drop of milk but I think after watching again it's actually water, her being in the shower in that vid. She used to produce gallons of milk and I'd love to see that again.
I don't think your thought of a pregnancy being a reason for her missing is a crazy idea. But I don't think it was why.
What's this from? Looks amazing
probably something recent. she had the same marks on her tits in the latest coomer update. not sure if they're hickeys or bruises or what.
Was from one of her recent live shows I believe
(158 KB, 1080x1920, jr944komgmja1.jpg)
DOn't know if it's a recent pic or not.
The hottest thing I've ever seen is a sexy fatass nearly bursting out of garter and stockings. Best thing she did when she was bigger.
That’s her, it was a custom video but the guy can’t post it on Reddit.

Take it
I guess this is a big day for the niche of retards that loves women who hate themselves and hate sex
That’s my bread and butter right there fam
awesome, you got any more?
>paywall behind another paywall
>content sucks on top of it

Can’t believe I ever simped for this bitch. She’s so bad now that I can’t even fuck with her peak fat phase. It’s like the lucas prequel saga ruining the original trilogy 🤢
What's new on her OF rn?
Did she disappear again or does just nobody care aboutb posting her content now that she's lost so much weight?
I think it's the fact that sometimes she is so bad at recording her self and this is one those times, the angles are too close you can barely see anything because she's holding the phone with her hand or instead of getting up the bed she just lays or sit there and do nothing she doesn't show her ass or tits enough or at least puts the camera on place where we can see her whole body

The way I see it if she does 8 videos 2 of those videos are "good" (the doggystyle one with the dildo was great)

But yeah in short after 10 years of making content she's not completely good at it and this was one of those times when her content was not really good
It was better when she used a laptop camera because her whole body was in frame, steady, focused and not in portrait mode.
there's like a hundred women that are more charismatic, update more, hotter, cheaper, better quality, not neurotic as fuck, genuine fat fetishists, etc.
All the other thing you've said are true but Mal's tied with Karina Hart for hottest woman I've ever seen.
She used to be top tier for me but I think both her body and face look significantly worse than they used to. And it's not just an aging thing either. She's not ugly but she fell off pretty hard imo
Nothing that getting her weight on the rise again wouldn't fix.

So much this. Speaking personally, a lot of her allure (outside of someone who I thought was incredibly hot) was that she started out as a “watch me lose weight” girl all those years ago. Then she just kept growing and growing, eventually created FA focused content and just embraced it. That to me was unbelievable… literally a fantasy come true.

Unfortunately, I don’t really care about her riding a dildo. I want to see her squeezing into increasingly tighter outfits as she packs on the pounds (yeah, I know, that’s the fantasy talking, spare me the objectification speech, I’m already aware). It looks like that ship sailed though.
Not necessarily, she lost weight before then came back fatter than ever. Thing is after a lifetime of guys fetishiziing her ass she likes making her tits & belly just as big but pretends it's only for the fans.
Overrated.. too busy trying to crop her face out. Definitely here for the cash grab
That's right. She gained 100lbs for the cash grab.
she said she only gained weight for money on a livestream recently....
>believing what a woman says
She said that as an obvious cope
>trade mainstream for niche
Does anyone have any vids of when she was in her biggest?
^ There's a few videos where she was peak weight that I'd love to see again
Anyone have those 2013 nudes she recently posted?
Are they previously unseen or just recycling stuff freely available a decade ago?
(953 KB, 2153x3024, mmal2022art.jpg)
Sketch of Mal from last year.
She is losing weight huh? :/
anyone know when she was at her heaviest?
Like a year ago. But it's over for now. Mal can't even generate enough interest to get replies here anymore
anyone get a screenshot of Mal sucking a (real) dick on her twitter from the 23rd. she posted it and quickly deleted it. a bunch of people saw it and responded to it on twitter but I guess they were to awestruck to screenshot or press save smh.
That's the stuff, thanks!
are these 2023 pictures???? what the fuck happened to her?
yes, these are clearly pics from 2023
they are from 2013. Judging from recent pics, she has lost weight ok but her thighs and boobs are still huge
Her onlyfans is free now would appreciate if somebody could upload the vids
Glad she got rid of the double paywall but I’m still never buying anything
It would be extremely foolish to buy PPVs or Customs from a known flake like Mal who disappears for long periods at random.
Terrible numbers for the feeders so far
Like she gives a shit. She’s only doing this to drum up commotion for her OF. She has no intention of gaining more.
she'll never gain 100lbs more. I would hope she doesn't lose, maintain what she is because she's old enough now that any weight loss will result in saggy Mal. Can't let those full titties droop

If she wants or needs to change her content then more pussy play, close ups, joi or find some dude she's comfortable making content with and finally fuck on video. People will pay to see her get dicked
Alhamdulillah. Mal has been my favorite bbw bimbo for over ten years. I would not be able to live with the knowledge that she had bbc.
I hope she uploads more old pics and vids. They were amazing..
where and when was this taken? because its not on her OF nor twitter (at least recently)
Well she certainly seems to be pumping out the content at the moment.

Yeah, she does, but she also seems to go through posting spurts like this before disappearing again.

If she keeps this up though AND listens to the poll she made... Well now that would be interesting. But I'm also not holding my breath for it either.
majority of it is still old shit everyone's seen
ay man who is impregnating this woman??? she gotta have like 2 or 3 kids by now... how does she never posted a video getting fucked she been getting kids by randoms???
Idk maybe the person who's fucking her doesn't want to be on camera???
i wonder how many fathers there are and how many of the kids are half black lol
I would answer these questions but I think it's funny that you're seething over your own imagination
making a joke = seething ? i dont think that means what you think it means lol.
No, that’s the cope aspect that accompanies the seething.
It's free because she hit the Wall lmao
This' a free onlyfans worth checking out. 1 of the few models that I would fuck IRL. If given the chance I would make love to this woman.
A day left and the feeders don’t even have a supermajority

It’s joever
(142 KB, 828x843, IMG_4016.jpeg)
Obviously not really worth it if its just audio but none the less this is extremely exciting… we are nearing the end game. Mal doing hardcore…
Anyone unlocked that preggo content
the end game is she leaves and never releases any b/g stuff
She will like all whores
(103 KB, 1128x511, 41546587.png)
I hate coomer.party

this is actually a new upgraded feature.
it ALWAYS had this flaw, the upgrade is that the red text now exists, whereas before there was no indication other than common sense that coomer was missing content.

TLDR: hate onlyfans
So despite the vote overwhelmingly saying we want to see her get fat again, there's not even a new stuffing video?
what is the final count?
Gain Weight = 1114
Lose Weight = 444
Stay The Same = 603
go pay for the ppv yourself then
LOL Yeah right, trusting her to follow through with anything cash upfront.
>I hate this website that gives me loads of free content because it doesn't have one specific file available
Fascinating behavior
Can some kind person please share some of her lastest videos?🙏
Does her sister still post stuff?
(77 KB, 960x720, (((((((((((((00hb5a5.jpg)
*insert obligatory begging for literally any of Momo's new content*
(The fact that she basically doesn't do non-paid stuff anymore is a little sad. Even just some 5 second previews would be nice every now and then)

Winning comment. Loss of weight = Loss of interest.

As someone who's lived through many a fat 304 career, I am ready to give up on this one. She is old, shrinking, gatekeeping and never touches a dick on camera with a 6' pole.
Coom on da booba
Post the image you piece of shit
From reddit

You got the two other ones?
Gentlemen, this is your brain on modern porn
Post her content, please.
I don’t think she’s even implying this is current
You might be right but her wording was definitely not clear
I miss extra chubby Mal, bros.
same, i think she has been thickening up a lil more lately tho
She literally said
“ At my fattest! For those who liked me extra chubby…”

Clearly past tense

Interpreting it any other way is just copium
She didn’t loose 40 pounds without really really wanting to be thin. Just to keep from gaining it takes discipline. To loose 10 pound is suffering.
40 pounds is really difficult. She acts like the loss
Just happened like it’s 4 pounds.
She just posted a new stuffing vid to her FA Tier on Patreon.
Awesome news but I let my sub lapse a long time ago and she'll have to update that tier regularly for it to be worth spending the cash on again.
Probably is awfully recorded from a bad angle
That's pretty much guaranteed.
Of course its some chubby hairless manlet that lands her
I would jack of so much harder to this picture of a woman if she was standing beside a hot guy witha suckable dick
Hell yeah brother I love coming onto a bbw board to talk about dicks. This is a very sane and normal thing to do.
That's just not the kind of thing I'm into her for. I'd be happier just seeing her frolicking in sexy outfits like the good ol' days if she's not going to be doing as many stuffings or weigh-ins & measurements which she's also done since the beginning.
100% on that.
Ps. The hand looks female.
Soy redditfag detected
Not surprisingly this ended up being dull and poorly filmed lmao
>>124267 The man arms look good though. Surely you must be able to appreciate the man arms with manicure and shave.
Naturally, it‘s what got me to finish.
Same but she's probably not getting views and also being bombarded by WAY more people demanding hardcore shit. :/
easy on that insecurity there, bud
Does anyone know what her doing four weigh-ins has been about? Has she been doing some kind of a challenge?
(335 KB, 549x382, Screen Shot 2023-07-07 at 8.47.39 PM.png)
I love how she 's openly disdainful to her simps and yet they still hang on to every update. Hoping for b/g or a weight gain. She's doing a weigh in like every day and is probably just mumbling something incoherent, being like "alright whatever here you go dumbasses.. this what you assholes want? alright whatever then bye.." and ends the video.

She does not give a single fuck and I'm kinda rooting for her.
The cringe obliging sexworker versus the based indifferent exhibitionist
Can someone update her kemono ?
Lmfao that's halarious...it makes so much sense cause mfs have been obsessed with her for a decade. I don't blame her... milk that shit and get as much money as you can form these people.
Fucking Sherlock Holmes over here lmao
The Mexican partner? She doesn’t say if it’s a male or female. The hand I saw in the photo was hairless and smooth and pointy fingers. Looked like a woman’s hand to me.

I swear to god people are so fucking retarded. Imagine focusing this much on something with 0% relevance to anything in your actual life to post something like that on the internet.
> The Mexican partner? She doesn’t say if it’s a male or female. The hand I saw in the photo was hairless and smooth and pointy fingers. Looked like a woman’s hand to me.

> every single one of them is like this

1.So she is a lesbian
2.I just a Latin girl who is just squeezing her tits.
3. She is with Latin male lover who is shaves his arms doesn’t work out and grows his nails long.

My best guess is it’s number 2.
sorry if this was unclear but it's time for you to take your schizo shit elsewhere
They indeed look like "very well prepared tacos"
lmao, people are retarded as you said
ah yes tacos a food unavailable to the american consumer due to its origin in mexico
I don’t know why she needs to say my Mexican partner? Is that she introduces him or her to other people? This my Mexican partner, he has brown skin and he or she makes me Tacos. I think it’s very offensive. If it was a guy saying it he would be me tooed.
>fat white woman ends up fed and bred by Latinx master race whole twiggy cuck whiteboi faps alone
>legon of Nick Fuentes Anglo-Castizo supersoldiers bred from fertile FUPAs to truly heal and consolidate the American Empire to new heights

Many such cases!
Delusional. She's obviously lost a lot of weight.
It's really not that snug. It's obvious she's losing weight.

"food that is not typical of her coutnry"

Doesn't she live in Texas?
it's a screenshot from a random redditor post, how are you this fucking stupid?
Val lives in Texas. I think Mal said one time she lived “up north” but that could be anywhere from Maine to Seattle
They are quite believably stupid. Most of the posts over on Reddit are morons replying to every post as though she posted it herself.
Most of the posts here are legit but I still should have looked at the names and been more careful before I ran my mouth…my apologies.
My guess would actually be #3

She seems to have a knack for creating fatherless children, and this go around she's wanting an exotic one
You can see palm trees and cacti in some of her videos outside so she's definitely not up north.
moron that's her own hand
>>124849 It's a manly, muscular arm.
>>124923 Hmm. What a strangely cryptic meme poc. I wonder what this could mean.
plot twist, she bought them
Why the fuck are you guys so hung up about who/what her partner is?
they've got nothing better to do with their time unfortunately.
those aren't even fucking tacos they're burritos
someone reupload all her latest content so i can download them please
Finally a sensible post
Same. Immersion ruined. I wanted Mal to stay pure.
Wait, why did my post get removed?
Same thing happened to one of my sensible and factual posts. Seems to be some new mods here that can't handle certain ideas being spoken

Maybe a review of the recent (over)moderation practices needs to be in order? This is a chan board after all...
>why did my post get removed
Are you a racist? Did you use cultural appropriation in your post?

Perhaps you failed to acknowledge the fact that in the US changes are being made where society's the new arbiter of godly correctness, and that money's the new Bible.
Mal is a lot of things but she is the Platonic ideal of the roastie MILF. :/ In no timeline is she pure unless she decides to become a nun but for now she's riding the literal and figurative gravy train.
(289 KB, 1280x710, DanceBreak-7.png)
Now she's posted SEVEN weigh-ins, ah ah ah
I’m not sure I get what this daily weigh-in is about. I think weight and measurement videos are hot but I’m not sure how much meaningful change we are/she is expecting to see day to day? I’d have thought weekly would be enough, and even then I can’t imagine a person would be able to gain more than a few lbs a week.

Is there something I’m missing about them? Is she going whole hog or something with weight-gain shakes or thousands calorie stuffings trying to see how fast she can gain or something?
This is just what someone who wants nothing to do with this community does to make money off of us with zero effort and not actually gaining. Whipping out your cameraphone every day for 2 seconds is nothing. She hasn’t set a goal or said if she wants to gain at all. It’s a scam, stay away. She becomes more cynical with each passing day.
Tbh this comunity is too shitty to not become cynical. I would do the same tbh.
Sure, but just say you don’t want to gain or do fat fetish stuff. Just be transparent.

Swindling folks puts you on about the same level as the freaks trying to sleuth out where she‘s from so they can cum harder knowing that she lives within a 100 mile radius of them.
There is no floor for stupidity on this site
But didn't a subscriber say on Curvage that she has been gaining according to the weigh-ins? Regardless, you all need to settle down and just enjoy the content.
Whats Mals ethnicity? Has she mentioned before?
Nooo. She was supposed to be mine. Im sure im better looking than her partner.
She’s weighed herself every day, sometimes twice a day for like a week. Any change in that span is going to be unremarkable.
she only does this to grab a quick cash and then disappear again. but she will come back. imagine how pathetic one must be to do something they hate just because they CANNOT do something else.
Cynical or not she's so obvious about hating this, is not even hot anymore. I will stay awaaay from her, at least until I will see serious results.
Many such cases in the world unfortunately. Most people justifiably hate their jobs. She makes a lot of money doing this. Unfortunately she’s running it into the ground like a lot of companies are doing lately. The law of enshittification is undefeated.
Why does this thread always reek of cringey boomer vibes
I wish there was a sextape out there movie, my dream to see her get pounded hard and bad
If there was it would be terribly framed so you see nothing and filmed in 240p with most of the lights off.
>>125827 Sounds about right lol

Yeah she made it clear she doesn't enjoy it. To be honest I think a lot of models do this as a cash grab and don't enjoy it. Least she was honest about it
no I think most women that have been around a while enjoy it overall even if the bad can outweigh the good at times.

Mal just has psychological issues and hates herself and everyone that's giving her money. I don't really get why people won't let let go of her when there's plenty more women that actually like doing this even though it can seem like a chore.
That might be part of her appeal. Good girl is doing this for money but would rather be with a good guy. If she truly loved this the girl next door appeal might be less. Could be wrong, just a guess.
Everyone on this site is a fucking armchair psychologist, I swear. You don't know what she has going on behind the scenes. You don't know her. Speculation like this is fucking pointless. Focus on content or just move on.
It’s like people who seek out terrible japanese porn for some reason.

They like when the sex is awkward, unpleasant, and heavily censored lol.
Bro she can’t stop from crying in almost every vid where she actually tries talking in it for more than a minute. Any video that is “muted” is where she intentionally deletes the audio track. Her weight fluctuations are the result of her bipolar disorder. Just because you don’t know shit doesn’t mean everyone else doesn’t.
Start of 2022 and 247lbs I think.
Busted the fattest nut to this. Cheers, man
Finally someone delivers
I've seen better content on YouTube. She needs to take a cock.
nah, that's not what I'm here for. Hearing her cute whines when her ass gets smacked or her nipples get tweaked is super hot. I don't care to watch her get fucked, seeing her body in sexy outfits or getting played with is hotter than seeing some other guy's dick pounding her.
She's changing her of back to 25 amo
Someone make sure to grab her ppv vids before she locks her OF behind a paywall
The beautiful thing about when they change from free to paid is that all the locked posts also go free for the subs :D importing them now, hopefully the importer doesn't crash
If you could really import them to here would be amazing!
The coomer importer is just skipping the previous locked posts because it already has the preview of them lol, I'll try installing a scraper and do it myself

Make sure you have both before extracting
I tried extracting out on iPad and I also tried izip on pad all say unsupported.97
How about this

Both worked fine for me! Thanks
Thank you, the second one worked for me.
Why use this weird ass site? Just use of the usual ones. I don't trust this shit.
Just a stupid question, but I'm old school. How do you download vids from OF? What program are people using for this?
Thanks, Ive been waiting for this.
Get Firefox on your computer and download the right clicker extension. That's how I do it.
Meh. only a few where worth collecting
Amazing post. Some great ones I hadn't gotten yet in here. Ty


Reup with a couple more.
am I stupid and missing something? I got both before extracting. Am I supposed to somehow combine them?

I see an audio file of what sounds like her sucking dick. Is there a video of that or is it just audio?

Your upload is greatly appreciated
yeah I'm not actually sure, which is why I just uploaded them as 2 normal zip files in the post right below it, so just use that one

And yeah it's just an audio file, no video sadly
Why do you hate the dude.
Because, same as the rest of us, he actually wishes that he was the dude...
its bc mal's dude black :/
I think a lot white girls seek out black guys because it’s the cool thing like Kim Kard sisters. Like a person for what they are and not be drawn to skin color white or black. If you had tall sisters whose boyfriends were always Dwarves its just makes it a fetish or something. It’s not what love is supposed to be.
why are these pics so grainy and low res
She is using an iPhone 3GS.
because they aren't pics, he screenshotted them from a video
(73 KB, 1210x248, 5.png)
That message is just to lure us. I don't she will ever do hardcore. I saw she posted some new videos. I bet they are not worth it.
That message is just to lure us horny men to get a subscription of her OF. I saw she posted some 2 new vid. I bet they are not worth it.
i'm sorry, but does this kind of video do anything for anyone? I wouldn't be able to get off to this shit seeing some random dude's chin / lips / tongue taking up half the screen
For what content. I'm unsubscribed and I mean it this time.
I think Mal would be pretty disappointed in us for doubting her ability to make some bomb-ass tacos all by herself. You really think this fat chick can't cook?
I don't this she thinks about 'Us' at all.
I don't think she thinks about 'Us' at all.
From everything I read in this thread it seems like her sister is the one we should be watching instead for fat content? Lol

I don't even know if Val still has an active OF. She was a lot wilder than Mal in many ways, but maybe it wasn't her thing anymore.
New vids available on her OF. Who got 'em?
Who cares? I've been a die-hard fan of Mal since the beginning but ths had been her worst content ever. Poorly lit, too tightly framed, weird angles, no talking, she looks deflated after losing so much weight. It's just not sexy.
I agree. I’ve liked all of Mal’s content for 12 years, even the stuff others were critical of, but this recent content feels pretty lacking somehow.

No talking, you don’t see her face, has some random dude in. It all feels very impersonal, like this new guy is controlling the content she can and can’t do.

Like what was that thing with 10+ weighins in a row over a week? That felt so out of touch, like they didn’t know what they were doing, like a first time novice creator, which Mal obviously isn’t.

It reminds of when a new studio takes over a popular tv/film series but they don’t know why it’s popular so the design by committee and shove a load of garbage ideas in.
Yea, her new content sucks. What happened? Its dropped off a cliff.
for real tho, is this guy forcing her to do shit?
Well nobody knows that. For all we know he's been there the whole time.

Yeah I think that’s a really good analogy. I was cautiously excited after the overwhelming “Gain Weight” vote in that poll a few months back. Then the regular weigh-ins started. They weren’t totally what I was looking for, but I was pumped to see her jumping back into the gaining scene so willingly. Signed up for her Patreon and then… crickets. One video in like 2 months. So I guess you can all blame me — I signed up and she stopped.

I obviously didn’t resubscribe, but I don’t understand what happened. It’s like she started doing her FA stuff again, was really into it, then got a partner and did a complete 180. She seems to be putting out regular OF content, but honestly, I’m here for fat Mal. I couldn’t care less about some nipple play or whatever for 2 mins. But I guess there are people really into that with her? I don’t know.

I just really wanted to see 300 pound Mal. C’est la vie.
It’s not the guy’s fault you simps holy shit 🤦‍♂️

She’s been a cynical cunt for years back when she was single!! She’s trash… move on already!!
Someone post that new doggy sex machine video that she just dropped an hour ago!
How would it be any different than the one she already released? Which was poorly lit, tightly framed, weirdly angled?
Can we stop complaining and post wins?

She put out a new doggystyle fuck Machine video today.
You can only post L’s when it comes to mal
It is on spankbang...if u know how to search
I saw it got my dick hard for a second, then I switched over to VikingAstryr OF to get the job done. Mal purposes puts out lackluster material mixed with the occasionally good content. She trying to be as lazy as she can but after 12 years in and out the game she's gained a bad rep. Hard teach an old new tricks when they just don't give a fuck.
great, just what chan needed, more CP
great, just what this board needed, more CP
Her face sitting vid?
Ew. I'd rather see her figure fully clothed than fucking this faggot
anyone got the face sitting video? Can't find that one anywhere
Anything new ?
Any updates
I'm afraid she's finally lost all credibility with her wider customer base this time and the super simps still shelling out aren't gonna share.
tbf it's probably not even worth the taking the time (a few minutes) to share it
Lmao. She hasn't changed a bit. She's always been a lazy cunt
Val was the exact same way, arguably worse

Peak val had way better camera angles and acting, Mal just is and always has been "hotter"
We appreciate you taking one for the team. Please >>134293 before your month is up but if you forget then we know we aren't missing anything that great anyway.

Not so sure. At their peaks, Val had slightly better, maybe bigger tits, while Mal had slightly bigger and better ass.

Val was always a little less pretty. But she comes across as more trashy to me. Lots of too short hairdos, the chest tattoo.

However, Val was always open to a lot more fetish friendly content. If you check her clip stores out, she did a wide range of fetishes for her fans, and with better camera work.

Not sure about laziness, but it seems like Val was putting at least a bit more effort into her work.
Thank you for the crumbs sir. I couldn't have bare to pay that sub fee for a surprise. I don't like surprises.
Apparently her latest onlyfans mentions a butt plug. Can anyone say whether it's worth getting excited for?
Me too, want to know what's she's doing on the new but plug vid. Is it hot or just another bad angle no pussy showing bad lighting video
What do you honestly think? Don't be a sucker forever
Honestly it’s all depressing - woman first gets attention for being improbably proportioned and trying to lose weight, gets attention from horned up internet dudes, puts on some weight because they’re throwing money at her, fades away into legend, comes back fatter after having kids, and struggles with her mental health and trying to profit from web stans while visibly hating what’s happened to her body. This isn’t some mystery to me, it’s obvious.
I would feel bad for her if she wasn't so blatantly contemptuous of her fans.

She still hates the people that pay her bills more than she hates herself. Cunty grifter.
My dude, if you only knew how often the outlines of this statement applied to the porn business…
Don't feel bad for these women, they choose this lifestyle. Nah they hate themselves and deflect onto their Johns.
Who fucking cares about this hoes
Dont be a simp dude
Does anyone have the video of the butt plug?
some of the worst porn acting I've ever seen, and her face is out of frame the whole time... Who is this for?
This boyfriend sucks. He doesn’t know how to film. Has her trim her vagina and lose weight. What next have her shave her head and get a tummy tuck? Plump princess new and Chloe fiancé before she broke up with him are good boyfriends. I never realized how a bad boyfriend can ruin a girls content.
same thing happened with cremepuff. previous boyfriend she was making all kinds of different good videos then she fucked up their relationship bad and now since the new guy she made 30 of the same boring video over and over again
Sad state of affairs that this thread is ten pages deep. How the mighty have fallen.
ya'll need human connection and stat
Anyone able to update the coomer?
Thanks to whoever did it!
yes thank you anon

I try not to complain about free bbw porn but goddamn.

How can someone like Mal be so hot and yet so unsexy at the same time? Such a shame
Also it's pretty funny how mal obviously read this curvage post and discovered a new way to fleece her simps. OOTD wow that's def worth 25 dollars a month!
All of these dumb bitches want to be controlled so as long as this guy makes her work and I can see more of her I don’t care if her pussy is bald
Have we been seeing more of her? We've been getting a couple blurry, dark, badly framed extreme close up pics & maybe a short clip per month since this guy came into the picture.

And she looks terrible. Tired, beat up, deflated & dressed down. Thanks to our benefactor but I wouldn't pay for such low effort scraps shit out by an entitled, over the hill, has-been.
She has a plug in but the quality of the video has been to be like 75 DPi. Why? All but cracks shots are altered so it’s all just black if she spreads.

Her new boyfriend gives me the creeps. His hands look like a woman’s hands with pointy fingers.

His head they show while she on top of him looks
Like face transplant. Very wide and the hair looks like straw.

I could be ok with his deformities if he was like plump prin new boyfriend. This guy has O talent and you can tell he doesn’t like fat girls. Having her shave and lose weight no feeding and shooting her so so poorly.

Like you know they say guys that are not that good looking are good for porn because it shows the an average joe could get it.
This goes too far like not the average joe but more like homeless deformed guy on testosterone blockers. Like you can’t relate he is just horrible. Am I the only one who gets the creeps from this new partner?
this is the creepiest post I have seen this week which is saying a lot

please see a psychiatrist
Dude. You need to be on a watch list.
Definitely prefer her unshaved, but one saving grace of the shaved look is that she has a cute mole right above her pussy
Did you even look at the clips I am talking about? My humor missed the mark big time with me exaggerating his flaws. Look at the video showing her new boyfriend his hands on coomer and see the face siting video his head looks very wide. Maybe it’s the angle? That aside since he has been in the picture her clips have become pretty bad. I just wish someone with knowledge of the clips could agree or disagree.
Can someone update the kemono.
Idk what people are making fun of you for, I completely agree with you. Boyfriends can make or brake girls’s videos and this guy is ruining it. Needs to be dumped by mal and replaced
I literally can’t cum when there isn’t a strong hairy man front and center, standing overhead with their big fat veiny cock in hand, throbbing with anticipation.

I know y’all can relate 😎
I’ve simped for Mal for years but I agree, ever since this guy has appeared her content is pretty lame, you’d expect the quality to go up with someone else controlling the camera not down - I can think of loads of things I’d do and they’re just common sense.

It feels like he is controlling what Mal puts out and what she can and can’t do, like he wants to make money but has literally no idea what made her popular, but won’t just let her do it either.

I can’t think of another explanation as to why there is such a difference in style and quality between the videos Mal clearly made herself vs her recent ones.

To be more specific - remember when she was allowed to speak? Remember when everything wasn’t mostly close up body shots that hide her face? Remember when she fucked herself to squirting orgasms? Remember when her measurement/weigh-ins were exciting not just “here are my feet on some scales and the number is the same as yesterday”?

To me it’s like her OFs has suddenly become a guy’s OFs who’s pimping out his unwilling reluctant controlled GF. It gives me the creeps too.
interesting how you let this pointless banter go on and on, yet you delete my post asking for the kemono to be updated.
interesting how you let this pointless banter go on and on, yet you delete my post asking for the kemono to be updated.

You are not listening, we’re saying the new stuff is crap. This boyfriend wants his hands and back of his head in every scene. From what I can see he looks like genghis khan. No offense to Mongols just saying that’s why everyone is saying he is strange. In the past she went along with what fans wanted reluctantly. Now she wants only to please a guy who is no bbw lover.
Begging goes in the beg thread

Mods that openly edit other people's comments to respond to them are so based
Excellent. Thanks. More?

impossible to watch. I click play and get hundreds of extra pages but the video never starts
please upload the videos to gofile
Do none of you have an adblocker??
Do you not know there are better sites than this shit?
it's some bot or something farming us for clicks to their shitty website

none of these are unique from coomer party
Maybe that's why I've never used it. I only use AirBridge or Google drive. If you have any better suggestions, please share them.
How tf are yall using the internet in 2023 to pirate content and not using an adblocker? Like you make the effort to come on here looking for shit but can't be bothered to take 30 seconds to install a free add-on.
jUsT gEt aN aDbLoCkEr

How 'bout you just use literally any other host you fucking faggot

Ad blockers don't work on phones or requires extra effort and custom lists for a single AIDS-ridden website

The shilling has become sus as hell. 100% of the time this website has been linked it's been a couple useless reposts from fucking coomer. Get outta here with that shit
You're right but
> Ad blockers don't work on phones
You should not be using a phone for file sharing or multi-gigabyte downloads.
>not using an adblocker
I want NopeGuy (if he is actually the guy who reuploads constantly on the Lady Sublime or Juicy Angel threads) to know that I love the work you do. Stick to Mabto imho. It sucks that you have to download EACH on that site, but its better than nothing.
I root for you
Don't use a phone, you fucking retard
There’s this browser that I’m using called brave, it should be on the App Store or play store whatever you’re on , it’s pretty good give it a go
Brave is an amazing browser on mobile
(14 KB, 1280x1024, download.png)
don't use shitty filehosts

especially when those files are already hosted here:
and here:

now why would someone upload them again? 🧐

Thanks but I've already seen the files and have always been able to access them on desktop mode. That's how I know they're worthless!

ds2play is owned by doodstream, a known scam site with malware and bullshit, also a site that pays you for generating traffic for them. Seems like you dumbfucks are getting farmed idk!
I think she should quit already if she going to make videos that that suck like this. She must read the fan mail and see dipping numbers? Maybe she has made enough that she doesn’t have to worry but then again why not just quit?
Passive income, isnt that the dream?
God, I admit her boyfriend isn't quite as annoying as Katie Cummings' with having to be the focal point of every single video, but at least KC had a good fucking camera and camerawork

We finally get a fuck machine video of mal and it's at an insane high angle with no resolution so you can't even see her pussy? Jesus christ.
Katie has porn industry experience, so someone in that relationship has some idea how to work a camera and, to her credit, having the boyfriend is smart because that's an actor you don't have to pay, even if he is fucking terrible at it. Mal's camera work and lighting is bad, the boyfriend doesn't really add shit to the videos, and it's not like hardcore is where her audience is either. KC has always been about hardcore, whereas with Mal, it was always softcore or, hell, even just pinup shit. It's just a really weird direction to take her content that I don't think is paying off at all.
Exactly. I’d have paid to see quality pinup photos of Mal these past 14 years. I’m into arty shit so got coffee table books on erotic art, Bettie Page, Gil Elvgren, etc. Mal Malloy is an icon really, been thinking I’d like a similar art book on her but what could you even fill it with? “The History of PAWGs” or sth? lol idk.

I remember like a decade ago saying Mal should work with professional photographers, like Corwin Prescott or even Nadine Jansen’s site.

That said, I’ve always liked the amateur candid girl-next-door nature of Mal’s content that she made herself, but this latest direction with this guy, who doesn’t seem to know what he’s doing, doesn’t do anything for me.
Does she have fans telling her they are unhappy?
Or is she inside some shell were she puts stuff out without any feedback? She can’t correct if she doesn’t know.
Yeah but that would require effort. Despite being gorgeous, bright, charming, etc, Mal is and always was a shiftless whore.
I draw a lot of pinups and Mallory was a massive inspiration for me for the last 13 years. I didn't know women, especially white women, could be built like her when I found her in high school and it absolutely changed my sexual and "artistic" preference in women permanently.

She's still the hottest girl I've ever seen in my life but this kind of hardcore stuff is not what I came to see personally.
Same. I don't like hardcore stuff, and even in the early 2010s, that's most of what you'd find anywhere. Mal was one of the best of the early internet pinup girls. She didn't *only* do thirst-traps or OOTDs. She made porn, but it was wasn't her getting run-through by nameless dirty chuds. She's built like Aphrodite. Teenage me felt like a cleric worshipping my goddess (pathetic, I know).
That influences me to this day. My art, my sexuality, my romantic life, was all partly inspired and shaped by her.
I don't like her new content, but I'm happy there are other models carrying the torch
Jesus Christ some of you lads need to tune into sanity FM.
You're right lol. Finals week sleep deprivation does things to your mind
Shut up! These videos are the best thing she did in the last 15 years! Sad she wasn't at her fattest!
Shut up! These videos are the best thing she did in the last 15 years! Sad she wasn't at her fattest!

The only one who like her new stuff is her boyfriend and you.a5fab8
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Thread was about to drop off. 2nd to last from the bottom. Keeping it alive if anyone cares.
Kemeno update???
was about to drop because she doesnt make anything anymore. let it die so that good new threads can come.
meh. honestly It was a good run but all good things need to end. She's nowhere near as big as she was.
um no she fucks now i wish it wasnt so cuz i could sleep before i new it i mean there were sines but i still dont think she fucked until now by sines i mean preggos with babies most say that takes dick and cum but not jesus dad in god was still virgin so was i hopping mal but i think she mite have fucked back then im stil hoping not but now she fucks cause i saw her sitting on mans face and geting fucked with his cum on the butt in the pic some people like cucks like that shit s this is stil relevent topic until guys stop liking girls to be fucked
BUT ALSO that i hope it ai and she stil is virgin like jesus mom she my dream mom i wish my mom her and virgin with dat ass lmao
i do wish for all that food to go to her ass bust pussy belly thighs an even face, also arms and even fingers n toes especially if it sugared fat like super syrup lard or somethn she does need get fatter
Nothing to add. Just here to get this thread to 400
Don't be sad. The site is up for another whole year for her to lurk and get turned back on by our feeder fantasies of her.
No she won’t, she has boyfriend who likes her thinner and worse he is directing and editing her clips. When some girls love any guy becomes Mr great even if he couldn’t direct a puppet show. Unfortunately it will take years for the fairy dust to settle for her to see him as he really is.

Buddy... this is some psycho shit. Have you considered going outside?
Have you even seen her videos since his arrival?
1.She lost 50 pounds, so he isn’t a feeder and I would say the opposite.
2. He is holding the camera in a bad position putting his hands in too many videos.
3. No more stuffing full frame tight clothes without a filter.
This little segment is on Mal but you want to make fun of me rather than talk about the points I bring up.
She'll get tired of him soon.
You know from experience women getting tired of you?

I dunno, Mal in her Maebh17 pregnancy days was a force to be reckoned with - easily the sexiest pregnant model I've seen online, with milk to match.

I don't see the two apples falling too far from the tree, though. Both sisters squirt, that's a given, although I think Val may be into watersports more, but again it's only what we see online.

My only turnoff with Val was the smoking, the short hair and ink I was fine with. When she was pregnant, however, she was massive. Venus of Willendorf massive. I was just happy to be privy to both of them in their day.
Literally or physically.
So she remover all material with that guy from her of page?
So you're saying she's single?
I wanna be optimistic and hope for a positive change.
But interesting nonetheless that the B/G section from her OF is completely gone.
Someone have her new videos?

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