
(948 KB, 2316x3088, 1f680fa9-14b9-4b56-8a28-38d6e996c187.jpg) (82 KB, 597x1100, dc8e7a17485f9e33604f99d5a678d33adb1a23cad207802e6ee94935425b9fa8.jpg) (82 KB, 597x1100, 8f779015df6b982fc68573f48409d7c1c69a1d5a0b6dd3cc0f5079d75556e52c.jpg) (1.1 MB, 2316x3088, 5df2e752-6877-4949-872c-c4f58ffb6561.jpg) (1.9 MB, 3024x4032, 70ba7b72-3650-4e6f-898a-47a1ef6c828e.jpg)
Here's some of her vids to start off
anyone have something new??
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How old is she?
>>105720 Yeah and her fave color is transexual
21 or 22, I believe
if its not true, call me an idiot and move on with your day, but wasn't there the whole thing that her mother was in the BBW scene too? if so does anyone have her name?

Merry Christmas, here's her recent hot dog stuffing vid

If anyone has other belching-heavy videos by her or other curvage models I'd love to see them
Looks like a damn good video but for whatever reason my sound wasn’t working.
Try a different program. Works 4 me
Checked it. Audio is mp3 (not the official standard), so some players refuse the audio track. Here's a version with aac audio (video is untouched) https://we.tl/t-4uE2PGzlDR
First I've ever heard of this. Doubt it's true but would love to be proven wrong. Where did you hear about it?
Could someone update her cooper please 🥺
She is so hot. Incredible gain.
Why did all the videos on her coomer stop working
They work fine for me
Are you on iPhone? I had that same issue but I fixed it because I'm not retarded. If you reply "I'm retarded my bad" to this post I'll tell you how
I'll post it as soon as you tell me what being retarded has to do with not knowing the iPhone doesn't work with coomer software
post it regardless, don't hold out just because this dude is a buttwipe throwing around terms he dosen't fully know the meaning of
(231 KB, 600x600, 20230121_175518.jpg)
>coomer software
thats fucking video player ya half brain retard go outside and get bullied some more like you should
Fair enough.

I've been using iPhone with coomer since I discovered coomer. I can't recall any issues at all.

What did you do?
can someone update her coomer please?
its her of worht ?

not imo, she very rarely updates. if you get it then just do one month
found on instagram. can anyone update her coomer?
seconding, it hasn't been updated since october

Read the rules. NO TRADES. Post content or go fuck yourself.
>>105695 (OP)
Seriously these goobers need to fuck off and stop posting or contribute, shit is getting out of control
I will literally show up to your house and rape your face. Fuck you and fuck off from any -chan if you seriously think trading works here.
Actual mouth breathing retard, holy shit
most mentally sound -chan user
Damn dude, are you working through some stuff right now?
bump to politely ask for a coomer update

as for content provided with this bump, have a reiina vid.

bump for new content
alright you filthy animals i got it for you, but i cant really get it to play. if anyone knows why could you tell me or if it works for you could you upload it back here so i can try and see if it works then? thanks gang, until next time.

Upload to spankbang and it will likely work
we need new vid
What’s with so many fat women give coming covered with sores and splotches after getting to a certain size. Is it a hygiene thing? Like wtf
>>114846 you are stupid or mean? or both?
High carb diet - the carbs turn into sugar and that feeds yeasts causing sores.
Are you broke or retarded, or both? Bumping just to beg brings nothing to the thread.
Does anyone else think she looks like she has lost weight since the 2022 videos?
cool story bro

>>Post more content
She posted back in January on her personals that she is pregnant and expecting in July so if she disappears for a bit that’s probably why
No fucking way that's real. She's HUGE
She's def arching her back in the last photo, but yeah, her gain is amazing. Lilmamakay86 I think. Slept on and a genuine hog.
Shit if I was that fat I’d arch my back too
The last one is a morph, can confirm
So then confirm, you can't just say it.
she’s slightly wider in the photo and there’s distortion around her hips/thighs. It’s almost unnoticeable but this girl has a history of shady tactics
You're thinking of FeedistDani.
Anything new?
Anyone able to update her coomer?
Cooler update?
When the belly spills out of frame? New fetish angle unlocked.
makes sense, I was wondering why in her latest curvage video she is so fucking round. also am I the only one that thinks her whole face looks so different in the latest two uploads.
She's also been using some slight morphing by the looks. Watch her hands when they get close to her belly button. Could just be the camera though.
I know this girl’s FB… yes, she’s pregnant and does also use morphing to make herself look bigger than she actually is. It’s well-known she’s only in this for the $.
No mate you are not the only one, I myself think she has been losing eeight for ages and trying to cover it up by morphing and stuffing herself before photos, if you look at her old vids and pictures like the classic cow one where she is huge, she is so clearly bigger in every way, you can tell by her arms, legs and face being way fatter then, also explains why she won't ever do a fucking weigh in.
>stuffing herself before photos
Nothing wrong with that. In fact it's common practice. Y'all wring your hands at the sight of a woman who's lost a couple pounds but then act surprised when they treat this fetish like it's a side gig or job.
My post about her being a well known grifter who will literally lie about family members passing away just to get money seemed to get deleted

thanks anon, holy shit she is big!

you're the goat for this
She gotta be close to having her kid now
I have her on FB. She is absolutely pregnant and just had a baby shower.
Nice words, nigger
Hmm. She told me otherwise.
>>122887 it'll be obvious before long that she is pregnant when she comes back looking way smaller. she's a well known grifter
Have you seen her nipples holy shit are you blind
She is due in July it’s not hard to find her personal socials where she says she’s pregnant, I literally just searched lilmamakay and found them immediately
can anybody update her coomer?
Would anyone mind reupping this

That's because she got a younger living in that belly!
Is she pregnat???
Fuck, I hate to be that guy - reup? Pregnant fatties are specifically my thing
You like jacking off to unborn babies inside of women?? Fuck what is wrong with people.
I agree with you but how you gonna kink shame when on bbwchan dawg
She had her baby a couple days ago
Yeah. Expect her to go radio silent for a while and come back skinny ;)
They’re lying. Asked her myself on OF. She said she is not pregnant nor has a baby.
I’m literally looking at her FB right now, and she’s had her baby.
Gonna have to back that up
If they have to "back that up," shouldn't you too? I say no to sharing both though. I get off either way plus it's her private Facebook and your private messages. Real or not on either end, it's her call to share that info. Do unto others and all that jazz
>>125279 Ok.. Wtf are uou talking about and now tell me why do you care enough to post this comment?
I’m not posting a photo of her private FB so she can be doxxed
>>125285 Why not? Because it's illegal?

i’m assuming it’s because most of you retards don’t know how to be normal
That's a fave joke of mine aswell, it's incorrect and inaccurate though because it fails to acknowledge that we live in an unjust and unfair world governed by societies that have built systems of justice per their own benefits leading them not only to take selfish actions against their brethren, but to enstate judgement upon populations based on the judgement of the few, and worse, to punish the innocent for the actions of the decreed guilty.

In fact, this has happened across countries countless of times and to all manner of different people simply due to wars, immigration, political biases, and even something as silly as the King sleeping with a cute princess from France.

I'll tell you my secret for how I sleep at night. I know I'm not going to end up in hell like the rest of those scum, and so I let God's will be done. It's not easy, and sometimes it can be painfully emotionally exhausting, but I prefer reality over fantasy, and I desire their death and eternal damnation for what they've done not just to me but to millions of others like me, using the law towards never allowing them to love joyously, and so I wait patiently and abide in God's perfection.
Any OF updates from her?
Has she gotten fatter or has she continued losing weight and scamming people?
Update coomer pls
dumb cum whore is always scamming me for stuff
But why does it keep working on you? Think carefully. You may learn something about yourself you hadn't considered! These moments of self discovery are as precious as they are profound.

It is my sincere hope that you realize that you are an interminable idiot for letting these things happen to you. Now march forth, wisened and strengthened with the knowledge that you are a dumb cumhead.
Ever heard that saying fool me once shame on you, fool me…

Eh, it doesn’t matter. You’re probably too retarded and gay to get the meaning.
sounds like you're the dumb whore in this situation.
I shouldn't be suprised that one of you weirdos somehow found her non fetish social accounts and unironically flaun that info in threads lol
Thanks! I think the video cut off early for some reason though
Was she actually pregnant
Anyone have any vids?
Motherfucker are you blind?
decent fartbox
This girl looks like she smells like mayonnaise
Nah she looks like she smells like marijuana
Bitch be smellin like rotten mayo and skunk weed
No she's wasn't. You people still spreading this lie
she very obviously was....
She was pregnant and had a little girl, I have her on FB. Touch some grass man
That poor child has no fucking future.
things can only go 1 of 2 ways now:
1. she actually cares about her kids future life and drops this whole thing entirely and loses a shitload of weight.
2. she keeps making content despite the massive drawbacks it will bring later on for both persons.
Anyone that doesn’t believe she was pregnant still despite the fact that she obviously got a little smaller than she was earlier this year can literally just search lilmamakay on Facebook because she has that as her nickname on there and you’ll find it all
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uhhhh, I think sharing the username was a bad idea
Lost some and still scamming
yo can we can a reupload please my dudes

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