
Something about her makes me think she's from the stray animal belt. Like LA, MS, AL, area.
>the stray animal belt
Bravo, I will never call it “the south” again. You win today, good sir.
>>104052 (OP)
Been following her for a couple years now on Snapchat and her socials. It's so hard to find wins, the most I got is a quick twerk vid lol. So glad sometime started a thread tho
Guys we need the wins while we can. She just posted that she's getting weight loss surgery unfortunately
Who got sextapes
Any hero to bring us that 20$ fansly?
Why don't you become the hero and buy it yourself.
I would but my country band OF (blocked)
So i must use VPN
Which our banks not accept any proccess with VPN involved
Make offshore bank acc bro
>>107090 These fools are fucking up, but as that one anon likes to remind us, "That is the power of money." More accurately the power of corruption, but I agree.

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