
(1.3 MB, 800x1200, markup_2133838489.png)
Last chain has locked. You can get newest set here:
no it didn't? but thanks
Does anyone have this set?
Reupload please?
Hey Guys! Any reups on anything?
God i wanna see her get bigger and bigger she is so amazing
What would be people's fantasy set from her?
(176 KB, 864x1152, 148skylar_all.jpg)
Skylar had a blast at a NYE party, but she definitely had to leave the room when everyone started talking about resolutions! This fat babe has no plans on shedding any pounds, and she'd rather get a jump on her gains, so maybe you can help hand her these cookies to eat?
She has not gained any weight in a year and probably lost or she would have done another weigh in. So I don’t know why you are so optimistic. Look at what you see not what they say.
I don't think she's gained or lost but why do you think she would do a weigh-in every time she gains? She didn't even do that when she slowly got to 300
We better enjoy your content, could you share your latest sets please
Anyone got any recent vids?
She is such a fat bloated babe
Her face looks so elegant, just great.
definitely one of the hottest BBWs out there, for sure
chloe's kinda mid w/o makeup on
Seconded, I absolutely love her pear shape as well
Would someone share her new sets and also where she weighed 300lbs please?
Nah skylar is more attractive than chloe sorry
def being serious, she's a totally diff person w/ makeup. body's on point, don't get me wrong, but skylar's got a way cuter face
I wonder if someone can make a weigh in compilation from her very smallest to now, just really drive how big she's gotten
does anyone have 120?
Bro powerscales BBWs (Skylar low-diffs the entire BigCuties verse)
Feats/scans? Skylar is Skyfather tier at absolute highest. Chloe is multiversal (BigCuties/ManyVids/OnlyFans), no-sells.
Skylar once ate the camera man so that scales her to outerversal sorry bro
Cameraman feats include invisibility, omnipotence, super speed, and time travel to name a few
Skylar speed-blitzes Chloe bro I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this
(190 KB, 864x1152, 149skylar_all.jpg)
Skylar has had a long day of errands, and she’s home now and ready to crash! There’s just one thing left to do, and that’s stuff her belly full of delicious fried chicken before bed so she has tasty dreams!...
I feel like she or Heather realized her burping videos are way more popular because it seems she's done stuffing- and burping-focused stuff way more frequently in the last 3 months
anyone got the last few updates
please share your new sets she is the best and most beautiful
I see that mods have totally given up on deleting begging posts, fuck man what a cesspool this is.
Skylar and Candii are the most attractive in the game rn
How to open the coded links? Which platform to use? Please help
Stop base 64 encoding your links - it's no longer necessary and just slows down content sharing
Agreed; Skylar's always been one of my faves, and now Candii's climbing the ranks with how big she's getting
She looks so fat and sexy
Yeah there was Chloe aswell. And a Jeniffer, and a Katherine
is a bump really needed after 2 days? how about bumping with content?
This, it's getting annoying how many threads are just people bumping or asking for reups of things like holy shit
agree, would be great if people could just share content instead of just bumping or replying
She lost weight that’s what sucks.
Anybody have dressed for dinner, the giantess vid or stuffed to capacity?
>>110233 really?She does look thinner than before.
Did anyone save her 300lv weigh in ?
She is S tier who cares
She must have been faking loving being 300 when she did the weigh in. After that gaining was never talked about with the scale never again. She looks like she is 270 to 290.
Do you have a pic/vid of her at 300?
is the really shocking, she hasnt exactly seemed in love with the idea of getting huge
>woman gains 100 pounds on purpose
>anons still call her fake gainer girl

why do I even come here
i mean shes def not a fake gainer but not everyone whos comfortable being 250-300 wants to be a 600lb blob who can barely get around
If you thought Skyler was ever gonna get really big then it’s on you when you’re disappointed. She’s definitely not into the fetish all that much, just a girl who has an eating problem but not an eating addiction. So many girls who do these videos just would be eating slightly more than you’re average girl, just wanting to feel good about themselves and make a few extra bucks.

I think that you might be stupid, And we love that. We better enjoy the content. She looks so fat and sexy my man. bump
Any chances to get this one?
Here is her latest stuffing vid:

does anybody got her latest soda chug called „christmas coke chug“?
What about her newest one to put out? Any legend?
wish she'd get pregnant
Thanks dude. Missing sets 146, 147, 148 and 150 if anyone has them?
Set 150 looks incredible anyone care to share?
are we sure she's lost weight? her belly looks huge in those bottom two screenshots.
Yee seems to be cap we shall see tho

Wtf are you going to do? You're a pussy.
>>112044 dammmm, can't wait to see it, this has to be a banger video, hopefully someone shares it
>>112044 this one looks like a banger video, hopefully someone shares it soon🔥
lmaoo touch grass faggot

Touch grass, right? You're a joke.
Calling someone a pussy on a fucking porn board is a joke. Gtfo lmao. People are way too confident behind the safety of their screen.

I would fuck you up. shut up. I hope you get stabbed or shot walking around your hood.
lmao getting this pressed on a fetish porn board

It's been a long day.
Bro unless you're posting a link to a video of this hot fat woman playing with her belly i dont wanna hear it
What’s the story behind Skylar? Is she like a crazy psychopath like the rest of the models or is she normal? Is she a drama starter or fun to be around?
oh yeah because everyone here hangs out with her on the regular
here’s re ups of vids 117, 132, 135, 137, 138 and 142
if anyone could share some new vids that would be great
(294 KB, 800x1191, FhqIzmrXgAA7oa7.jpg)
Anyone mind sending this video? All the previous uploads have been taken down or are privated (to my knowledge)
can someone repost the weigh in?
Can someone upload 150-51?
Does anyone have the video where she does measurements with Sadie by any chance?
Thank you I really appreciate it!!
anyone have the weigh in or recent videos?
Hot damn!!! Some legend has to upload 150,151, and 152
anyone got the weigh in
Can I get a reup on this I unfortunately missed it
i miss that guy who would come in here periodically to upload the last like 5 sets of hers... hope he's doing alright
Imagine if skylar did onlyfans or curvage.......
afterwards I really have the impression that what is no longer making an effort to gain weight, it is only stagnating, I would prefer what is absent for a long time to come back suddenly, there would be an interest in buying its content
(19 KB, 600x450, 1200AA7B-4ADD-47AE-AEEB-BC0CEDA1E90D.webp)
The legend has been absent for quite a while. Some may say he’s blessing other threads like it’s waking up for Christmas. Where ever he is I hope you’re doing well but need a hero for 150-52
We actually need 146-152. It's been a long drought period.
I think you'll find that the godfather of the Skylar archive is Zephyr
Plz bless this thread it’s feel Good Friday
If it's feel good Friday, go grapple your cock
I guess good Friday never came
I guess good Friday never came
Seems like good Saturday is not coming either
I have a good feeling about good Sunday
Does anyone have any videos? I don’t care how old I just have to see something
Seems like good Sunday is not coming either
Buy the sets and make it a good “Sunday” then, otherwise, just shut the fuck up
Common L. Don’t need you patrolling.
Nah I kinda agree with him, the amount of jackasses on this board that keep more or less necrobumping threads just to beg for shit is gettingfucking obnoxious, like if somebody was going to post content they'd have done it by now, stop asking
Beggars keep this thread alive. Can’t have the good models on the thread disappear on the bottom of the list. Yeah it can get annoying but what are others suppose to put on here
how about you fucking buy it?
did anyone upload this in the first place? don't know what set that other guy left off on
(271 KB, 825x1200, 3F9E3D9F-7B0E-487C-967C-7639BF2FF2F8.jpeg) (279 KB, 800x1200, C9FAFCB5-062D-4809-BE5C-191F88BA7803.jpeg) (285 KB, 800x1200, 233E53C6-0D64-4C0F-BD2C-4C41558ABDAA.jpeg) (285 KB, 800x1200, AE02F434-03E6-45C6-BD7A-53DA6F0E31B5.jpeg) (265 KB, 800x1200, 946A004A-4AEB-4012-A172-3161523975C4.jpeg) (298 KB, 800x1200, 9E7F30A9-C83F-4658-A413-E4CCEB18B067.jpeg)
If anyone tells me how to download Bigcutie a videos without screen recording the whole thing I’ll upload to new one and a few more.

How to download many vids when it’s set to stream only would be very helpful too.

With a video downloader Chrome extension
No all you have to do is right click on the video and click 'save as'. Unless something has changed.

It's either that or the above
Don't click this link, virus-ridden!
She’s no where near 300 anymore
On iPhone use the aloha browser app and click download and it will save it. Plz if you could upload sets 148-153
Can vouch on aloha. Has a built in VPN, and a very nice player as well.

Seconding the newer sets, I’ll put them in a mega if they’re uploaded
And what do you think she’s at
still looking pretty fat if you ask me

who the fuck cares? she's obviously still fat, stop sperging on the number
She definitely ballooned compared to her previous sets.
I don’t think the blessing is happening lads. Chin up.
New vid
Any recent uploads would be appreciated
Can we please have this vid?
Legend! Would you plz upload the remaining sets 150, 151?
Reup? Pretty please with a cherry on top?
Seconding this. Belly play in a dress has me considering buying a subscription
If you do send some vids our way
Hate to bump the thread, but did u purchase a subscription, anon?
Can i ask for a re-up please?
Anybody got vids? Particularly of belly play or in a bikini?
Does anyone have any of the new stuff between set 142 - 154?
We just need the sets in 150’s
Does anyone have set 137?
Those are sets 142,143 and 149 if that helps
Amy chance on 146 and 151? They might be amazing material to continue her burp compilation
Plz share 152, 154
If you are ok with weight never changing she is the best.
anyone have her most recent weigh in?
Share the sets from 137 to 154 please or where you exercise and eat cake and your last two weigh-ins <3
„where you exercise“
yeah dude she is sharing her vids herself… keep dreaming
Anyone saved mega folder of her from last tgread?
Anyone got 138 to 140?

So far, I'm missing 144 to 148, and then the most recent videos. I'm quite sure I have every other video besides those.
anyone have set 148?
can someone upload her 300lb weigh in?
Please someone has set 137?

Includes all requested but 148, which I don't have.
Plz share 150-154
Does anyone have 151?
Pinging to see if there's a king out there with access to 151-155..
Any legend here to bless the thread

I have now blessed the thread
Anybody able to re up any of these
anybody have the vids of her being fed in a dress
U got a link to her of cause when I look her up I get nothing
anyone able to do a full re-up of the recent stuff that's been posted?
bump for this, just found this thread
anyone have any of the recents?
Re up of anything?
Can a hero put an end to the dry spell?
Cant wait to see it, hopefully someone shares it 🙏😭
Can someone share sets 146 147 148 150 151 152 154 155 156?
She hasn’t grown she has lost… it’s the camera.
I don't think she's gained or lost... I think she's still maybe a shade above 300 like in her last weigh in
Anybody got a full or near full set collection?
Well, let's start it all again.
Here are all the files, including the pics.
Thanks to wget.
Stuck at 35%. Maybe try a MEGA folder
Still at 35%. Could you re-up or use Mega, perhaps?
So close
It doesn't even decode for me it's like glitched or bugged idk

Delete what’s in ( ). Make sure you delete the parentheses as well.
Still stuck at 35%. Would you be willing to please try again or maybe another host?

btw I'd be very happy just with the pics
maybe try uploading the videos individually?
Not working
We’ve might’ve been had
Anyone have striped and stuffed, much bigger in PJs or the vid of her on top?
Got as in no vids/pics or got as in if you decoded and put in the link you now have a virus
As in no re-up of vids/pics. Could also just be being dramatic and the guy who uploaded just hasn't checked the board since
Now?: WVVoU01HTklUVFpNS0ZOcmVXeGhjaUJ2ZFhJZ1ptRjBJSEYodGFsbCBhbmQgZmF0IHdoYXQgYSBjb21iaW5hdGlvbikxWldWdUtYazVkRmxYU1hWa1J6aDJaRU01TlZSclJsQlZibWd5VlRGT2RscFRPV3hrVkVVOQ==
It works thank u but 37 GB is abusrd
How tall is she?
Includes not only the vids, but also the pics.
>>118923 who gaf, a zip file that big is genuinely so fucking retarded
Did you pay for it ? Fuck up and get better internet 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Seems my connection is too slow.... more than 10 hours.

Would you mind uploading the pics seperately?
It's a pretty big download, so could you remind me again, what is this? Everything up through her most current sets with all pictures and videos?
Everytime I download it the zip says it has 0kb of data. Someone help me
Anyone willing to drop just the vids in a mega? You get 25 GB of storage, and the files won’t extract for me and apparently for >>118941 either
yeah MAB is brutal for something like this. FIles download extra slow unless the file is under 2 GB or you pay them money
You are a king for this. She is looking fine in the newer sets
37gb? who has that type of space lmao
right! I hate to ask for it to be broken up into smaller files. I have like 30 gbs of her stuff anyway. Just not the most recent.
It's awesome that someone was will to upload that much, but MAB won't last but a couple of days then the thread will be begging for reups.
Wow 37gb is a lot can someone plz share all sets in the 150’s so I can download them to mobile
Can you not download it on mobile?
you can choose which videos you want to download, just click the arrow to open it up and click which titles you want to download
It’s a zip so at least for me it shows up as one file. I can only download the entire zip
it was showing zip for me too
zip file includes a folder with sets from 150-200 but only goes up to 156?
is it different on phone vs. computer maybe? But anyway, if you or someone else could upload using another file site or compressed using .7z or .rar that would be great...Thanks so much to the og uploader
>>119005 does it not work for you? Are you on an iPhone?
I'm on a laptop and I guess it just doesn't have enough space
that's because she only has 156 sets, lol.

took a long ass fucking time, but it works for me. thanks, you legend.
(31 KB, 430x498, big-brain.gif)

Yes, you can download it on mobile. I am on an iPhone and was able to download the whole drop. As others have stated, it is almost 38 GB so it'll take a long time depending on your download speeds.

I use the Documents app on iPhone. It has a built-in web browser so I can download straight from the source. It will work for WeTransfer and MAB (though you have to request the desktop site to download on MAB, no idea why). It either won't work or I haven't figured out yet how to download from MEGA or GoFile links.

>>118915 Also, big W for this drop, can't thank you enough
Can someone who downloaded them alr just drop the newest ones
uploading a zip file to myairbridge that is so gigantic is an incorrect strategy, you can just upload the unzipped folder, then myairbridge offers it's downloaders the choice to download a zip myairbridge makes OR to choose the specific files they want.

TLDR: 99% of this is a reup, if it wasn't a zip I could easily download it. instead as is the link is likely to die before the download can complete
Thanks, I’ll try it. Does it work in the background? Like can I turn my phone off while the file is downloading
>>119068 Yes, as long as you don’t close out the app
can someone tell me why i can't doc this it just doesn't come out with a link
Delete what’s in parentheses, paste results into the top text box until you get a link
Can someone just share all the sets in the 150’s 37gb’s is too much for me on android
If/once mine finishes I’ll put the videos in a MEGA
has anyone put it into a mega yet? i dont have 37gbs for the zip sadly
you da man!!!
Maaaan thank you, the last Christmas video didn't download in the big ZIP for me, can you put it right there please, you are awesome
You're a generous man. Thank you! Much appreciated!

You are the GOAT! For someone with limited time and storage space are there certain videos that are better than others that you’d recommend downloading?
Does anyone have the sets 120 and 130 pls?
Really appreciate it
Hi, how code like WVVoU01HTklUVFpNS0ZOcmVXeGhjaUJ2ZFhJZ1ptRjBJSEYodGFsbCBhbmQgZmF0IHdoYXQgYSBjb21iaW5hdGlvbikxWldWdUtYazVkRmxYU1hWa1J6aDJaRU01TlZSclJsQlZibWd5VlRGT2RscFRPV3hrVkVVOQ works? What should I have to do?
you have to do some system manip to get it to work with your OS. First, go into your Windows folder under your hard drive and find a file named System32. You wanna delete that to enable other codecs, such as that one, to be decrypted. It also frees up a lot of space on the disk as well. It may warn you against this because if you don't know what you're doing it can really mess things up. But if you only delete System32 you should be alright. Hope this helps!
Go to "base64" its a website that allows you to decode the link so you’ll get a link that’s working!
does anyone have the 120?
I see zephyr is still lurking here
new set is out btw
can someone put the pics of this >>118915 on mega pls
I'm missing 144, 145, 146, 148, and 155.

I have every other video besides the two new ones.
Need some burps from this Goddess
Bump for new sets
I bought a 30 day membership to her BigCuties, but the username or password (or both) that I got from CCBill to access the members page doesn’t fucking work. I emailed their customer service and they said they’re working on a solution, and to give them 48 hours. Has this ever happened to any of you guys? Any solution besides waiting? Already tried clearing my cache and restarting my PC and that didn’t work.

Can we get a reup for 130 please?
Had something similar happen back years ago with them. They got it sorted in a few hours.
Huh. Mine still isn’t working. Who resolved your issue, CCBill or whatever payment system they were using at the time, or did you go through BigCuties themself? I reached out to CCBill but not BigCuties, since CCBill said they’d work with BigCuties on it.

Did you pay on credit card? I'd just get the bank to refund that shit and try again, fuck waiting around for CCBill
Never mind it's working now. Here's set 158

Thanks anon, I appreciate you! The screens looked good
Can you also upload 157?
you're the fucking best bro. do you have the pic set that came with it (158)?

wait shit i just opened it all the way and all the images are tiny af :( like less than 100 px wide
Can’t anybody reup strip and stuffed?
^ Please share this?? or some recent picture sets
Does anyone still have the mega? Mods removed it
Nvm, I’m an idiot. Apologies for bumping the thread
Anyone know her weight?
She was just over 300 a few months ago. Some here seem to think she's lost some; personally I disagree with that
does anyone have the latest video or a recent pic set? will happily return the favor

Thanks king, you got the photo set to go with it?
What an awful, low-effort video. She's looks great though
Anyone got 159?
Thanks so much for the vid. But yeah, the amount of effort she puts into these vids is so low it's sad. Every video is literally the same thing. She eats, she rubs her belly, repeat.
(1.8 MB, 4000x3572, IMG_2112.jpeg)
What an Impressive BBW
Imagine if she gained like lily and put more effort in videos. Had onlyfans and curvage , I am sure she would be making alot of money.
She is easily one of the best looking girls out there making content. Hell of a gain, just wish that it was faster and more, she would look incredible at 350+
anyone still need it ?
i just missed it. could you please reup?
i'll take a reupload, too, pls
(184 KB, 800x1191, 161skylar_all.jpg)
Does anyone have the new set to share?

Awesome belly. If somebody has this set, please post the picture, too!
Does anybody have the pics from sets 66 & 68? If so, would you mind uploading them? Would be much appreciated.
where the FUCK are our updates BigCuties?!!!!
Bro that is no way to ask somebody to give you free drops… gonna piss off the 1 or 2 people on here that actually buy her stuff and ruin it for all of us
I apologize for his rude behavior, he was raised by wolves and then grew up on the streets. He only knows how to bark and howl orders, we have to feel sorry for him.
Same dude here, never mind, I don't want them anymore. Can a mod delete that message and this one?
Someone care to share the latest set 👀
Any reups please?
Why hasn't there been a set for almost 20 fucking days? What is the monthly membership even for at this point?
Definitely not worth the sub anyone share the latest or reup?
Any reups pls?
(177 KB, 800x1191, IMG_3967.jpeg)
Damn she looks smaller 😔
Doesn't look any smaller in the vid itself
So uhh, can you post the vid?
I might be the hero you need. But not the one you deserve
Then why say you saw the vid? You know this site is meant for sharing right?
I was simply doing a deed and informing she does in fact not look smaller in the actual video. Now kindly fuck off and take your anger out somewhere else you incels

Lol says the one who made a cringe batman quote when talking about himself. Fuck outta here with your fake video
I'm subbed until the end of this month so if y'all want the last several updates I need some tech support. Any good scripts that can automatically crawl the page and save the pictures? I'm not gonna do it manually.
this is what got me to unsub actually, the "monthly" subscription gets you an update at the beginning and end of 30 days, I think either she or BigCuties times it that way.
Can you post the last 2 videos?
On the Bigcuties site, it seems like once you sub to a model you become a 'member' and you have to enter a username and password to see the content. Maybe someone who's already subbed could leak their username and password so anybody can log in to the site and get access to Skylar's stuff while the subscription is active? It doesn't seem like emails or any personal info is involved, unless when you log in you can see the card information. So literally anyone with the name and pw can just log in and boom. This sounds dumb I know, but it's just a thought. I've never been subbed on the site so could anyone confirm if this could work?
The password is random, I forget abt the user. You might be able to pull that off, granted if someone is willing to risk you deleting their acc
Thnx for the response, so when you become a member the password given to you is random or does it change every time you long in, so like it says "This will be the password the next time you login" or something like that?
Nope, it doesn’t change. It’s just a random string of characters that is assigned to you via email upon signing up.
Ok, is the email showed when you log in?
Because my idea is that if there's no personal info showed when someone logs in, someone can just leak their username and pw
This 100% works i still have 3 logins from different people back in the day befor bbw-chan. but they dont work anymore, i had Jae for nearly 2 years this way :)
it's always "someone" with you guys. if a password is posted here bigcuties can see it too, likewise if tens of people are accessing the site from different locations (at the same time) they see it. swallow your pride for once and dish out $20 yourself.

how are the coomer people doing it? there's so much content there, they must be using a chrome extension or another script. And it seems to be literally everything, including the duplicates posted by the people who spam invites to pay for premium content.
The vids are the most important stuff
Try downthemall for the pics and manually saving the vids.
The easiest way for the Pictures is Bulk Image Downloader. You can just insert the link of the Set and it downlaods it all. There is even an option for multiple links, where you insert them one by one and then press download. Takes a few minutes, but it download them all, meanhwile you can download the videos.
For Videos its just "right klick" and "save".
With her 162 Updates you should be done in less than an hour with the Pics, and depends on how fast ur Internet is max. 2 hours for the videos.
How do you get to the video with the link you are posting
How do you down’od the video fron the link you guys are posting
Came back and saw my whole discussion about someone leaking their username and password for the site got deleted... why? Did an argument start or something?
I feel like the dude's gon bail on us ngl
How to use those link you post to download video?
Do you mean how to create a download link? If so you can use wetransfer.com. Pretty much drag and drop operation.
*it, fuck I keep making that mistake lol
Dies anyone have set 135 plz?
This is just show preparing files for me. Anyone else having the same issue?
Thanks a bunch brother!!
(33 KB, 720x543, f59cc414cbe55b0a44e85a87d9202cb7.jpg)
Just realized that she's filmed a few of her sets in hotels and I'm sure as we all know a lot hotels have hidden cameras in them. So the hotel staff has been seeing her strip naked and film her self eat, playing with her stomach and then come down into the lobby like nothing's happened...
Dude nobody at the front desk is watching anyone undress in their room
The words "front desk" never appeared in what I said. Plus it was a joke, I don't really know how hotel monitoring works lol.
Hello anybody have 121 and 124?
Can anyone upload these sets?

88, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 131, 132, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 148, 155, 159,

oh shit, it's Zephyr!
Picture Sets anyone (her vids are really boring and take a lot of space...)
Yeah I tend to just look at her photos as well. The videos are always such letdowns.
where tf are the latest BigCuties updates?! what's taking them so damn long??
I swear Skylar is the only thing keeping that site alive lol, looks like half of their models 'retired'.
And lily to bro
I only know who that is because you mentioned her, Skylar is literally the only model who's content I collect from that site
some sets are missing
Could anyone reup the videos please?
Anyone has her vore video?
is BigCuties completely toast? none of their sites get updated for like over a motnth
I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Skylar is the only model keeping that site alive lol.
>>127436 Beccabae and Sadie have SSBBW appeal, but the site is hanging on by a thread. Probably living off legacy content at this point.
Does anyone got the big mega folder?
Can someone explain me how to download the link that are outdated?
Change your computer’s time and date to the same date as the upload
Holy shit it worked!! Thanks comrade 🫡
No fucking way this works. If it does then that means i can get all content ever posted on here?
>he just now found out about the time trick

did you just find this site last week? You know about base64 decode too, right?
Tried it, doesn’t work on an iPhone. I get an error prompting me to fix my incorrect date
What is that base64 decode??
Only works on desktop, sorry bro 🫤
I changed my time and date and tried to go to basecode to decode a link but the tab failed and it said 'Clock error' and also any site I tried to go to said my connection wasn't private and wouldn't load so I had to change my time back and restart my computer.
If you have an older or newer computer you’ll need to change the t&d in BIOS

If that doesn’t work delete system32 in cmd
Yeah... I'm not doing all of that😭. One, I don't even know what you just said. Two porn isn't worth enough to me to fuck up my own computer because I'm sure that'll happen if I try to do whatever the fuck you said lol. But thank you though😭.
Anyone reup this?
She deff looks smaller, wish she would keep gaining.
Don't know wtf you guys are talking about lol. Because she doesn't look smaller to me. If anything I actually think she looks a little bit bigger. You guys always complain when someone isn't 700lbs and immobile. I bet she's still over 285lbs. How about you just be grateful for the content she makes?
Where did her belly go lol
Y’all are tripping her size at 230-300+ is amazing even let’s say she lost weight that’s good for her, so she could live a healthier lifestyle like who cares.
Dont get me wrong she is sexy af at this size but imagine her at 350+ 😍
Does anyone have her last 3 sets to share?
You know there’s a limit on some people and they just don’t look good anymore
wym? she still looks the same, if anything she lost weight
A new annoying thing anons keep screeching is "IMMOBILE BLOB 700 POUNDS" whenever someone is disappointed when a gainer starts dropping weight.

Yes those are the only two options you fuckin dipshits.
Personally I don't think she looks smaller.

But yeah the dudes here complaining about her supposedly losing weight really need to go touch grass. Like who cares. There's plenty of other models who have what they're looking for. God forbid one of them decides to shed a few pounds
No dumbass they’re saying it’s annoying when people act like if someone wants a woman to keep gaining then they’re automatically blob fetishists when that’s stupid and it’s become a thought terminating cliche at this point. Maybe people want someone to maintain or gain a meager fifty pounds. Skylar could handle that easily& in said as much in the past (I realize she’s probably just a phony tease atp but nevertheless)…
Haven't checked in on Skylar all year. Used to be obsessed with her at one point.
Does anyone have the vids that these pics are from? She's lookin really fine. Love it when she wears her panties low like that.
New videos?
Can someone who’s subbed share her newer videos please? Would be much appreciated.
Anyone got her 3 latest sets?
(177 KB, 864x1152, 137skylar_all.jpg)
I would kill for a reup on this. One of my favorites of all time.
You would kill, but you wouldn't spend €23?
Dumbass, it’s an exaggeration to demonstrate a strong emotion. You must never leave the house
Someone new video?
Is that a fart at 3:25?
anybody have 83, 96, 9?
she's not, just asked her and she made a new clean account in case insta decides to ban her explicit one

We can say whatever we want on the internet.
She turned 30 today btw
Why is new content so slow now
Heather the bigcuties site owner releases updates every month and a half or so, so no one can possibly get two updates because she’s fucking carny jew piece of shit
(171 KB, 800x1191, IMG_4292.jpeg)
What a goddess ugh 😳😍

So incredibly hot!
We need recent picsets!!!!
can anyone upload this?
0 bytes? Thats malware?
Can we get the latest vids?
Somone has any new burp videos of her? Has she burp in any of the new videos of her?
Anyone have her newest sets?
New video someone?
The thread is dead. Pls if someone is subbed to her site and is willing, could they upload her recent videos and pictures?
Someone has a new video?
It’s been dinosaur years since we’ve seen some stuff that’s new.
Anyone got skylarks latest vid?
God damn, I won't spoil what happens, but 164 was really freakin hot. Normally Skylar's stuff is pretty boring (though she is very pretty), but shit, 164 may be one of her best videos on that one thing alone. Thanks for uploading.
Don't talk silly, she hasn't had a good set since the summer of '93
agreed. i know a lot of guys here have commented on the slowness or stagnation of her gain, but she looks like she's at her fattest rn. the lack of definition in that face tells the whole story. it might be happening slowly, but it's still happening for sure.
Someone the new video?
Legend!!! Can you also share cherry bombshell?
Anyone got skylar most recent set?
Hey guys. Does anyone have skylars last 2 videos?
Thnx for the upload. Is it me or does it seem like her videos keep getting shorter and shorter and fewer in between?
Newest vid is on spankbang, enjoy

Hello guys. Does anyone have pre lunch pigout?
She is getting so out of shape
How much she gained?

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