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We need a thread for her.
share a fucking link you fuck
I heard her OF is basically Instagram but you pay for it, not surprising considering her religion
Never heard of her tbh but she is hot asl. perfect face and her bod is near perfect too. Need some vids of her
(10.0 MB, 720x900, 91295732_1119188965085287_2360180846719453252_n.mp4)

Dropping some of what I have. She's my all-time favorite second only to Lucy Vixen (red hair just a dealmaker what can I say).

I can say with certainly she will never intentionally publish anything showing her having sex, and even showing a nipple is probably off the table. Doesn't really bother me, though. Frankly I don't understand the obsession and necessity of hardcore videos...I'd rather see a chick like this and use my imagination rather than some 6/10 doing a BBC gangbang in a clown costume. To each their own I guess.
Please don’t take the bait
Is she even a feedee? Looked her up and she’s just a plus size model. Does she show belly?
Tbh plus size models are the highest tier within the bigger-women preference
we don't need another candii kayn. i hate you faggots who hype girls up who are under 200lbs.
Stfu and speak for yourself, this girl hot asf.

That’s crazy, never seen a model showing belly and actually eating on camera. Good sign

Honestly I think Chloe had the best bod in this community when she was at her peak weight. However, I’d never be caught in a relationship (feederism or dating) with a girl that size. Honestly, that would be an embarrassment for me in public, even though I think she’s hot asf. This girl is like the perfect balance between fat and thin enough to the point she can hide her weight in public, and still have a belly and big thighs. But that’s just my opinion.
we dont need more 350 pound obese bitches who barely even look like a bitch anymore. At least these girls still got curves n aint just a blob
I think we there's room for both types of bitches :)


Yeah,, I'm conflicted but I ultimately agree. I've considered getting in a relationship with a girl thats truly huge cause it turns me on when I'm in coomer brain but the one time I did go on a date with a girl that size, it was just too much. There's a difference between horny brain and living real life and after I nutted I just felt shame and revulsion. Like I cant go on a fuckin hike with this girl, I can't take this girl home to parents, shit she barely fit in the fuckin car. The hit on the gas mileage alone makes it not worth it. Idk I'm all for body posi and shit, and I have no problem dating a fat chick of course, but there is a limit.
What size was this girl? Peak Chloe could hike/fit in a car just fine, assuming that you're not doing a class 3/whipping a Fiat 131...
Chloe was 350 bro. She was a whale

This exactly. At that weight she can’t do anything or go anywhere. Feederism becomes the center of our relationship. She’d prob be lazy asf too and not work or anything. Would be shunned from my family if they knew I loved a 300+ lbs woman, and was actively trying to make her fatter. This fetish sucks, honestly wish i could get out of it, even if it were only for like 200 lbs girls. At least then she’d be fat but it’s not unconventional or embarrassing. The world is fat these days anyway. Honestly, I’d probably be too horny to say no to a 400 pound tub of lard though. I’m hopeless anyway.
I can relate to you on a spiritual level, I hate this fetish but it just keeps pulling me back in
You self flagellating losers need to man up or get out of our fetish
Seriously, it’s embarrassing that these people are still embarrassed about liking fat women. Nobody cares if you date consenting adult women who just happen to be fat. Personally, I’m glad I just like conventionally pretty young adult fat women instead of like, being a furry or having a piss fetish or something.

And these guys might just need to get out more, because I’ve met plenty of confident, active, completely normal 300+ pound girls.
„tub of lard“? Bro your real problem is that you don‘t even respect women over a certain size limit and you have mean prejudices against them, Women that size want to have a real relationship too. You’re the one making up this idea that they’re just gluttonous fetish objects for you to control and stow away at your convenience.
Just wanna say I fit a 350 pound girl into my Honda Accord just fine. I’m so glad I’m not like you guys, this shit is so sad
I'm asking how big the girl he went out with was, not how big Chloe was. Again, Chloe and other 350 lb women can fit in cars and go hiking.
So glad there's others that face the same inner conflict I feel coming to this site. I can get it up just fine to skinny girls IRL. But for some reason when it comes to porn, I always default to feederism and bbws, women I would be embarrassed to be seen with in the real world. Girls like Ellana can get it in real life though, don't get me wrong. I'm not disrespecting bigger girls in general, but there's a limit. Feederism is something that should always just be a fantasy. I would never want a girl I actually care about to actively put her health at risk and do long term damage to her body just for my busting benefit. If she gains some relationship weight cool, but I would never encourage it.

Anyway, props to you guys with no shame that can wear this fetish on your sleeves. But a lot of us just want something weird to jerk off to on DL.

Idk her weight, and perhaps I am being hyperbolic, she fit into the car but it was kinda a struggle, especially with the seat belt. Definitely a case where she was bigger irl than tinder pics, probably 400+ pounds, but she was also tall so it's difficult to estimate. Regardless, I date big girls irl, but there is a limit and that is somewhere in the low 300lbs range for me. Doesn't make me a mysogynist or weakling or shit.
Absolute spoiled thicc wife vibes. Such a type, and I love it. Her face is unique enough to be interesting (she's the hottest Who in Whoville) but symmetrical enough be traditionally gorgeous, and with an absolute banger of a soft body that seems to be destined to balloon up bigger. Absolute California dream of a girl.
Everyone here has orgasmed to something and felt conflicted about it afterwards, but you can‘t draw any concrete conclusions from that. You have to discover an organic measure of what you really want, not an arbitrary limit imposed by your unresolved feelings of shame.

You immediately started off with complaining about the logistics of her size and what other people will think of you; I haven‘t heard you say anything doubting your own attraction to that woman, or thinking she‘s not pretty. Shouldn‘t that tell you something?

The most important question you have to ask yourself is, taking everybody else’s judgement out of the equation, what kind of woman would you actually enjoy being around? What size women do you look at in porn most of the time? Because something may be „exciting on screen but not in real life“ if you’re looking at it a few times a month, but if it‘s every day…
ngl, definitely a lot of truth to this. As much i like fapping to bbws online, dating a chick so large irl would just be impractical. I want someone who I can enjoy physical activities with and realistically it's simply not possible for a person to become 300lbs+ without living a largely sedentary lifestyle .
Ngl if you miss out on dating/hooking up with a fat girl and/or getting to actually try feedism stuff because you’re too afraid of what others think; you are missing out and should grow up.
Fuck those losers. If theyre to much of a pussy to date without being embarassed their loss not mine. Less competition as far as I'm concerned
Bro. I couldnt put my finger on it but I never liked her face. She's pretty but it always seemed a little off. You had to go an say she looked like a fucking WHO and now thats all I can see. Omg I hate it lol
Gotcha. That tracks pretty closely with my experience. Around 400-425 shit starts to spiral quickly in terms of mobility and accessibility and their world starts to shrink pretty rapidly. There's an odd tendency that I don't understand on this chan to think that the low- to mid-300s is when that starts to happen. It would be a lot cooler if that was the case, but it's not!
The craziest part is that they think a relationship with a girl half the size of what they really want will somehow work out. It will not lol. .
I just like plus size and bbw nothing wrong with that
Fat girls are for short term flings, not for long term relationships. Of course, most people in this fetish are delusional retards or outright autistic, so they take this fetish too far and judge others for not wanting to be seen with a fatty. Such is fate being one of the few rational ones in this fetish I suppose
you don’t get to have the heir of superiority when you are one of us fetish untermensch. But I agree with you that fat girls are quite shit relationships, and every single fat girl I see in public is typically a rude piece of shit compared to a normal person. Every fat girl i’ve ever met or spoken to generally has that similar entitled piece of shit aura to them, the uglier the fat girl is, the worse it is.
Ayo can someone delete this thread yall acting like children instead of posting content its embarrassing
the only one making sense here ngl
You don’t say? I have autism and I am certain that I must be one of most proud fat admirers on this website. Because look how pathetically low the bar is; your attitude towards fat women is disgusting piggish misogyny. You think fat women aren‘t good enough for you, so that entitles you to deliberately play with their feelings, take advantage of them and then drop them for someone more „presentable,“ is that it? I can‘t imagine where you got the idea that that is okay, but what‘s even sadder is that you clearly expected people on this site to just casually tolerate you taking a big nasty shit on fat women. Absurd. Go rethink your life.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. What you have said is such obviously bigoted, ridiculous, mean-spirited, logistically impossible nonsense that it doesn’t even deserve a real counterargument.
Dude if you've seen her insta youveseen the content there's no nudity from what I've heard. Maybe someone is willing to bite the bullet and do a coomer import to prove it but who knows when that's gonna happen
Oh wonderful, here come the high minded centrists to keep the peace. Yeah I get it, BBW Chan is supposed to be nice, quiet, raging fatphobic cesspool where people talk about fat girls like they’re subhuman trash and make guys feel like shit for wanting to date them. That‘s the acceptable default, and we’re all supposed to skim through that, low-key internalize it, have it in the back of our mind as we jack off to whatever we found posted in the mix. If anyone pushes back on that rhetoric, then suddenly the conversation s „a dumpsterfire“ and we‘re all „acting childish.“ Well, good. I‘d rather be „childish“ than accept this crap. Everyone who is comfortable with it deserves to feel disrupted and uncomfortable.
Thanks for letting me know you don‘t have any real counterargument
Bro no one is here to argue. This isnt twitter. We’re here to jack off.
So when you guys are saying that fat girls are just for pump and dump and shouldn’t be treated like real women, that was „jacking off“? But when I say that you should respect them like human beings, that‘s „twitter“? This is unbelievable gaslighting.
I would like to jack off without people writing mean, bigoted bullshit about the kind of women I‘m jacking off to. Is that too much to ask? Is that too woke for you?
Dude I'm just trying to get my nut off.
Dude, honestly 75% of this board is made up of manchildren who get upset at not getting everything they want instantly, have no idea how to interact with women respectfully in real life, and then wonder why they have to frequent a porn board as a sexual outlet.
I don’t give a flying fuck about this vague, meaningless idea that the people here are „manchildren“ or whatever that means. I have a problem with the *fatphobia*. When I come here looking for links and updates for porn, I should not have to trudge through these paragraphs of text saying that fat women are inferior, unhealthy, or not relationship material. And there’s also this annoying bullshit coded language of „you can‘t control women‘s bodies“ that actually means „you need to be ashamed of your preferences and encourage weight loss.“ I feel attacked by these people, they are bigots, they make the forum toxic. I make no apologies for arguing with them.
Bro, chill. Everyone here knows this place is a toxic dumpster fire. Always has been, always will be. You’re not gonna change the world by posting here. If you don’t like it, no one’s forcing you to be here. Just leave us incels and degenerates in peace.
Equally you don’t have to be here if controlling your emotional response to anon internet goobers is such a problem for you…

I respect your autistic white knighting of fat chicks anon. Good on you for defending the honor of fatties we all love. Fatphobia is wrong, mean and wack especially from this forum lol.
>And there’s also this annoying bullshit coded language of „you can‘t control women‘s bodies“ that actually means „you need to be ashamed of your preferences and encourage weight loss.“

Honestly just trying to help, it feels a little like you're subconsciously looking for reasons to be ashamed. Do you think an anonymous forum like BBW Chan would use coded language when it would be way easier to say "you need to be ashamed"? There's way nastier shit said around here. I find it really easy to use this site while dating fat women.
no one on this website has ever been laid
Listen idrc about this debate going on all I know is I’m attracted to this woman bc she has a big belly and thick thighs
And for some reason the thought of her eating food and that food becoming more fat on her body makes my heart beat fast

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