
your content is the best!

sell content by cafecito.app or DM....I think onlyfans coming soon
>>103336 (OP)
So we can see you put a different name for each post (Latingeishabbw and serx91) in order to appear to be two different posters. But we can also see the poster ID (989bdc) which shows that you are indeed op and a faggot. I don't buy porn by or from stupid people, please reflect and come back better.
bro you have no idea what you are talking about clearly chatting nonsense bruv
hey retard your fucking dumb we can clearly see she posted both those comments
>>103336 (OP)
Si bien, te intentaste hacer la viva, tratando de promocionarte, la verdad eso no va a funcionar, la mejor forma de hacerlo, (sobretodo aca), es ofrecer buen contenido, publica contenido gratis de calidad, asi los demas desearan mas, y ahi puedes ofrecer el extra como contenido pago(only fans o lo que sea), si solo tratas de sacarles dolares a la gente aca, te van a detestar.
Si pasas buen contenido por aca, sos cordial e interactuas en el foro podes hacerte de un buen publico, pero nada concejo de un paja de este foro, saludos
go be a spick somewhere else, we're not buying your pics you esl whore
...cuántos argentinos hay acá?

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