
who is this
Is it just me or does that line of text decode to a wetransfer link that doesn’t work
just you, i got them just fine
>>102245 (OP)
wtf how have I not seen this chick before. she's hot af. We really are living in the zeitgeist of hot fat chicks

Too tight video and swimsuit facetime
already gone, she must be in this thread, Hi Chubbiebunnie!
thankfully i got it before it got zapped aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXRKVDd1WTNSdG4=
>>102319 missed this, could someone reup?
Anyone huge e horny or weight in?
How tf do I decode this stuff, fff please help me
Look up at the top of the page. See that help tab?
i managed to grab everything so far, so i'll upload them if they go down. seconding the request for huge & horny and the fit to fat follow up, but fat girl bikini wax would also be great
please do... got nada
merry Christmas lads it's what you've all been waiting for
would be nice if I could get something good in return, preferably "horny in lingerie" or "is butter a carb"
Maybe it needs to be said, but if you're uploading something USE MAB or some other service. WeTransfer is dogshit
alright, I got everything that came before, but I missed Weight In III and the Christmas gift. If someone could reupload those that would be great.


Thank you all you kings who have uploaded stuff so far
yes reup of weigh in 3 and the gift drop would be godsent
How is this gone before op?
Yeah. She just looks inflated. Neck disappearing into that double chin. What a gut. Hotter than Casey, similar belly without the obnoxiousness and fanfic stories she claims happens to her
where is the second pic from?
Latest vid, i want to buy it but i’m a minor and don’t have thing for purchasing it and sharing it with u guys, so sorry:/
lmao get out of the mine and go buy some bbw porn
sooo....any heroes gonna reupload weigh in 3 and the christmas gift, considering as of me posting this everything else has been re-uped?
Savage but somebody need to say it
Didn't get the last video but here's everything else
Thank you
Does someone have the fit to fat followup?
Thanks King,

Seconding the fit to fat followup, but also huge and horny would be great
need some new content now
huge & horny:
Ikr she's so fucking hot its insane. Like one of the most slept on models out here
Ok I'm going to reupload this in the hope that people stop actually using wetransfer. USE MYAIRBRIDGE WETRANSFER WILL AUTOMATICALLY RESPOND TO DMCA TAKEDOWN REQUESTS. USE MAB YOU FUCKS.

Uploader has the right to decide where the fuck he wants to upload to. Wetransfers on average stays up longer as well because MAB expires in like what, 3 days?
Wetransfer staying up 4 more days doesn’t matter when the download gets DMCA’d within the first hour. People can upload however they want but I think it’s reasonable to recommend MAB when stuff is getting taken down that fast

90-95% of threads never even see dmca issues so it makes sense to use wetransfer in every thread.

until a link gets dmca'd then stop using wetransfer ever again in that thread.

that way you get both average length 7days normally and average length 1-2 days in hot spots.

tldr you're both right
Re-upping the OP clips.

fat girl bikini wax, or fit to fat followup would be appreciated

anything new?
Could someone please reup the posted clips?
Maybe in a mega folder so that it only has to be done once
Can anyone reup anything ?
can't be bothered with mega, but here's everything that was ever uploaded here. if any kings could upload "fit to fat followup" in exchange that'd be great.
Anyone have burritos part 2?
that burrito vid is an all-timer for me. she's so hot, man.
Any hero with burrito vid 2?
>>107977 Fuck you. You've already heard what I think. If you know what's good for you you would shut the fuck up this instant and never speak again.
Oooo, that's tough talk anon.
>>107993 Is it? That'd how I normally talk. Maybe you're a loser
Hahaha I'm cringing, anon
I’m seconding for the burrito vid part 2, any hero have it?
sunburnt stuffing was posted here a bit ago, anyone willing to reup?
or anyone with her videos doing a mega file on her? would be very convenient
Oooo, now we're all afraid.
Anyone have the burrito part 2?
okay, i've done it like three times now, but i have burritos for big girl 1, shower time 2, fit to fat 1, fat in heels, huge and horny, swimsuit facetime, too tight for tubs, and weigh in and measurements 3.

if a king out there is willing to trade "fit to fat followup," i'll upload them all again.
This isn't a trading site. Either post content or don't. It's in the rules. That being said, I will upload swimsuit facetime, shower time, too tight for tubs, fit to fat 1, heels, and burritos for big girl 1. I would appreciate it if you could upload huge and horny, weigh in and measurements 3, and if anyone with it could upload fit to fat followup I would greatly appreciate it. But you're under no obligation to do so. I hope people start sharing more content of her in this thread because she is a dime.

Also, because links in this thread have been taken down quickly in the past, I am uploading this via MAB instead of wetransfer. They dont stay up as long but MAB doesnt respond to DMCA takedown requests automatically so it should stay up for a couple of days instead of being taken down within a few hours.

link doesn't work or files already deleted.
Did you remove (CALIFORNIALOVE) from the string or did you not look close enough?
have it your way.


i am once again asking anyone out there for fit to fat followup. your service will be greatly appreciated.
No takers? Ok I'll up the ante. I'm reupping everything previously put up plus Tipsy and Turned On.

Anyone know why her curvage account went private?
I was just wondering that too
because she is paranoid trust me
Does anyone have the new ssbbw emma video?

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