
(23 KB, 400x400, kp 3.jpg) (18 KB, 245x155, kp 2.jpg) (101 KB, 540x960, kp 1.jpg) (8 KB, 275x155, kp 6.jpg) (21 KB, 280x155, kp 5.jpg) (175 KB, 825x1100, kp 8.jpg)
Since she mentioned how shes going to delete vids that center around gaining and stuff. I decided to make this thread since the old one got deleted or moved to gen because of all the arguing.

Can we just UPLOAD content and NOT ARGUE.

Anyone who has a parasocial relationship with Kayla , can you guys/gals keep it to yourself. We dont want to hear how she "scammed' you or how much hate her for having control over her own body.

Also if your reading this Kayla since you sometimes pop up on threads please get off this website its obviously not good for your mental health lol. Wish you the best tho

Here's all I have on her. Upload stuff that you have also. Fill in the gaps please.

(It only last three days btw)
Here's 9 videos. Includes a multi-part stuffing, a vid where she breaks a chair, and another where she gets stuck in a bathtub.
Absolute king thanks for the upload
>>101739 (OP)
Lol you say u want no arguing but then put all this inflammatory shit at the very top about all the people you don’t like.
(180 KB, 633x758, Seething.jpg)
>>101739 (OP)
BOOM… let’s keep ‘em coming!

Thank you gentlemen for the initiative and your contributions. We need to preserve Kayla's legacy for the good of our future generations. Godspeed anons.
Bro imagine spending 49k on a porn star lmfao. I wouldn't wish that level of porn addiction or financial irresponsibility on anyone.

>>We need to preserve Kayla's legacy for the good of our future generations.

Since when have people cared about preserving porn? Not like there's a dozen other women who'll take her place within the next year.
>>101834 Why do you talk like that?
Now that she's over 350 potentially almost 380 pounds, has anyone thought about making a weight gain compilation of her, from back when she was making vids on youtube and was under 200lbs to now.
She's 5'1, she's absolutely not 350lbs lmao
(35 KB, 529x759, 356.JPG)
In one of her last weigh ins she's clearly over 350, she had gotten even fatter latter on but I never got that vid. She's wide and fat as hell. People on here just have a warped image of weight for some reason
This woman is absolutely disgusting I have no idea what the appeal is. I look forward to your incorrect opinions.
(75 KB, 1376x922, 367.JPG)
She's even heavier actually. Probably around 370. She did a weigh in not long ago, but don't have the video of it

ps - Ignore the above comment, not worth the attention
speaking as a bottom heavy lady, big thighs and ass weigh more than you would think.
woah which one was this.
But yeah people understimate just how fat she has gotten.
She definitely crept up in the weight department recently. Maybe you haven't seen anything recent from her but she's gotten huge. I'd be shocked if she was under 350 even with her short height

im not deleting my videos... ?? and i just recently posted new content... so umm? what lmfao XD
follow me on REPORT MY POST kaybearcuite95 #0976 and u guys can talk to me one on one
thank you very much for the upload
Kayla. It's for your own good. We need to protect your content from yourself, just in case. You are too fine woman and we cannot risk losing your content if onr day your change your mind. Our future generations would never forgive us if we do not preserve your sexy content.

Next time I speak with Elon Musk I'll try to convince him to buy curvage. For the good of humanity.
>I'll try to convince him to buy curvage
nigga, he's gonna make us pay a subscription fee for a functioning play-button on his proprietary video player
(1.7 MB, 480x270, giphy.gif)
This gave me second hand embarrassment. Please don't do this again.
You are posting this on a pornography pirating website. Take a step back and consider your like.
(77 KB, 616x499, Silence Idiot.jpg)
Ultimate cringe dude, please never post on here again. It's people like you that make models wanna quit. Go get a life
Now this is mental illness.
I wish her as a Christmas present that she breaks the 400lbs wall.
If she gets to 400 I wouldn't care if she lost weight after tbh. I just want to see what 400lbs looks on her, after that she can get as skinny as she wants
This is like buying your gf lingerie. It's really for you.
But I agree, she's going to be hot af at 400
If she hits 400 I would want to see her at 450lbs, whether she hits 450 or not.

She is very beautiful and has an amazingly built fat body.
Wish she would show her tits n ass more
She's definitely going to be gaining again if she's posting that she's back with that dude. On her rant last month she said he was upset when she wasn't gaining 😬
you got the post or something id love to see it cant find shit
Here ya go! aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vdC9lUDZkNXNLeEIxZw
Tha one obviously not asian girl is fucking hilarious
Shes got amazing tits, hell everything on her looks good. Her OF content looks real good, can't tell if the price is worth it though
Wow dont get mad at me just cause Your dumb ass was fooled. When twitter finds out that white girl is doing an asian cosplay they gonna be Pissed.
Any chance of a reup of her latest weigh in (or any recent weigh in) please?
lmao gotta love it when the soft-brained among us double down on their antics. that chick has her own thread here titled "Littlesquishbaby", also goes by nekobbw and cece. she most certainly is partly asian and has gone in detail about it before because chuds kept accusing her of not really being asian. sound familiar?
a general tip for life: pls contain discussions to objective reality and refrain from believing your speculations to be fact without bothering to look up anything lulz
>>105509 You sound way too invested in whatever the hell it is you're talking about..... My advice for you is to get married and start a family instead of having sex with your aunt, raping your grandmother, doing a circle jerk with your friends, fucking a ts prostitute, or whatever it is that you are clearly so passionately into.
I'm probably not the only one that likes her for the second B in bbw. She has a really nice face and it goes real well with the body. Hope she stays off here cause she takes too much of this stuff too seriously, but yeah there's likely gonna be an interest in her for a very long time cause she's actually cute as fuck
Any heroes down for dropping a re-up of her recent stuff? Merry christmas lads
Agree with you bro but that “second B” thing was corny asl lmfao
new weigh in video bump for 2023
Does anyone have some krystle, pretty please?
Bump for the new weigh in?
Anyone know the number for her latest weigh in?
Anyone got her new weigh in?
Anyone have her new vid outgrown clothes
Bump for the new weigh in?
Where exactly did she say she was going to delete gaining videos?
Anyone has new vids?
Anyone has the video of the picnic?
How tf can you correct someone's opinion? Lmao
Here's the newest outgrown clothes video. Does anyone have the stuck in a tub remake?

King thank you!
who cares. its mid at best.
Kaybear keeps getting hotter she is hot af
I'm sorry the soft brained who
She is so wide and sexy it makes me weak
The soft brained imposters
I dunno what it is about Kayla and like Udderly adorable chick but my favourite vids of theirs is when theyre just walking around in their normal clothes. I just love the way clothes fit around their bodies.
>>109234 You almost NEVER see girls with bodies like that in public, but when they're in videos all by themselves and at least half naked, their extreme bottom heavy curves make them look less fat and huge than they actually are.
Kayla will always be my favorite fat model of all time. She’s soo fucking hot 🥵

reup pls?
Here’s the dominos stuffing video. Looking for the new one dropped today YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WVdJdWRHOHZkQzlHUWtKaFNVcFNkamRIVWc9PQ==
She is on fire lately Kayla is awesome!
Seeing lots of vids posted as codes. How to view?
Reading is very crucial. It's in the rules...use base64 decode to get the links
Anyone has the picnic video ?
is anybody else annoyed, when she starts talking about how we should buy more videos in almost every video.

But you don’t buy the videos. Follow me you fucking retards
Imagine spending $20 on a video of an overweight woman eating a pizza or walking through Walmart clothes shopping and then she advertises that you give her more money…
Tell me about it. I mean ... her figure is uniquely curvy and attractively feminine to no end, but for the price she's charging for these fucking videos she needs to at least take off her clothes. Like the whole time I was scrolling through a couple of her leaked MV videos I was thinking ... this is the price to see her eat _in clothing??_ I love BBWs, don't get me wrong, but it's such a huge turnoff when people like her overrate their own value so highly that they don't even get naked in a video that's 20 bucks a pop. Save that shit for TikTok.
Literally why this site exists. Really though every video you buy could be a scam or not depending on its quality. She is just one of those models that has a track record of repeatedly not making content that justifies its price. A majority of her pay probably comes from select few who think they are her online bf or whatever. Same thing where casinos profit off a handful of addicts. Theres no ethical consumption under something something whatever
Anyone got her waking up fat video?
I wish she would do more chugging videos. like a keg stand video would be cool
Yeah like a college girl who’s drinking and gets a beer belly that would be hot.
no shot she's got the dexterity for a keg stand at this weight lol, I'd love to see her try though
Her gains keep me buying she’s the best!
Can you upload the stuff that you brought?
She still crazy?

Ya know, I used to think she was. But I think she's just in a bad spot, with a kid and partners that could probably be more supportive. She has to rely on family for help and they are less than supportive.

Does this mean she isn't crazy? Not at all. But stress is a motherfucker. Can make you act crackers at time.

I've chosen to think she's fucking hot as hell and what goes on in her personal life affects me none.

Sorry to post positive sensical things. I'll go back to shitposting ASAP.
Re-up of anything at all recent would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
I thought she was doing wonderful, bought a house and had moved on her own?
On stream last night she said she was living with her grandparents
She’s unstable but at least she doesn’t deny it.
I remember her saying that awhile ago like maybe over a year ago and that her grandparents wouldnt let her work. I dont think they meant that as in getting a job.
I’m sure whatever she said about her grandparents was a lie. She is a pathological liar after all and crazy. Girl likes chaos give her a month she’ll be back at it again going crazy.
Nothing is more bourgeois than to be afraid to look bourgeois.
She never really talks well of anyone
It's funny to read that so many people actually listen to what she says.
I wanked so many times to her videos but never listened to anything she says, pretty much like any other girl tbh.
Their personal life make them look less hot to me...
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It's funny how common it is to notice this in some people. Like there's this fat giant ass tiktoker Lynn Rodriguez literally almost always posting with some "clap back to da haters". And it's like ... where are all these haters and why? And why not just ignore them. Legit commented once at her "Just ignore them, they're dumb and you don't need to give them your attention", and I meant that shit. She just says "poh thanks sweety" and still every post every post about them "haters" lol
It's because girls like that think being abrasive is an attractive personality trait. If everyone suddenly started being 100% supportive and no negative comments were ever put towards them, they wouldn't know what to do. She like having "haters" because she gets to do two of her favorite things, tout herself while also complaining.
These girls always find something to complain about to be a victim.
I don’t care to listen to her drama as long as she keeps posting her good content honestly
not to mention kayla doesn't strike me as the brightest. she do be sayin some dumb stuff sometimes lol.

>>How many fucking facemasks does your bathroom need
her content is good?

bro why does she stay wearing black? how hard is it to get an outgrown clothing video, workout video, dancing video, in good lighting, a burping video? she was talking so much smack about that last year on tiktok and never produced. theres always an issue with her and there are too many models out here for her to be coming on here "clapping back". produce or don't produce. enough with the excuses.
can we get a coomer update? Its been a few months
Someone have the 2023 weigb in or just the number ?
Has she ever made drunk content? Anybody know?
I did the last one, but wasn't bout to resub b/c it was too expensive for what you get, and the posts were too few/far between.

She got her tits out maybe one or twice in new posts during the time I was subbed, and one of them was blurry/close-up/short.

It was supposed to have B/G according to the description, but none to be found.

If it makes the FOMO better, I doubt there's much new worth seeing since my sub expired on Dec 15.

That said, here's the MEGA I made of a full rip of her OF:

(374 KB, 1242x2208, 207_1242x2208_fb36f181ffa6fbbd579194a627766577.jpg) (163 KB, 1170x2208, 100_1170x2208_5c5af6765224a6dc22811aa20a7bf782.jpg) (178 KB, 1170x2208, 101_1170x2208_840167ee27ce136db5f04fdf9fe5151d.jpg) (177 KB, 1170x2208, 102_1170x2208_66fadb29e8b7aed5d9d56eef63bc4a41.jpg) (175 KB, 1170x2208, 103_1170x2208_9472fd00cee208924e5a7d5bca9a98fb.jpg)
And as someone who had her OF, my two cents on all the critiques of her updates and the price she charged for them:

I'd pay maximum like $15 for a high def video of her BF (or whoever) stripping her nude, groping/spanking/jiggling her, and playing with her fat EVEN if there was no PiV. SO few BBWs like this have any content with men just fondling them/enjoying playing with their tits/ass/belly, and the few who do aren't that big. Kinda sucks, because: "That's my fetish!"
Bro Mega link is not working
OK WTAF, it's working totally fine in my own Mega, no issues visible, doesn't show as copyright-striked or anything. But the same exact link I'm pulling from the portal isn't working for me either.

Let me play around with things and if I can't get it to work on Mega I'll try Bunkr.
I would pay top dollar to watch her down a 12 pack of beer along with food and have her talk about and show how bloated and drunk she felt after. That would be a hot video 🥵
I just think we need a beer belly bloat video
because people who are insecure about their self percieved flaws over compensate by adopting an abrasive attitude and saying that its being self confident, when in reality if a person was confident they wouldn't care in the first place what people think and as such wouldn't feel the need to "clap back" in the first place. The most appropiate response to "haters" is just to move on with life and not care
These girls can’t help but “clap back” they don’t want a better life they want drama. They would die without it.

I try to be a generous gal (outing myself as a very horny chauvinist lesbian lol), what can I say.

I'm too slim and flat to be generous in other ways here, but given I'm into very large girls, it's good if one person in a couple is more ... useful.

Hope y'all enjoy!
Where can I find some soda bloating videos of Kayla?

With or without the burps? I guess you can always commision a video and tell her to drink maximum dosage of antigas medicatio everyday for a week. She may do it if the money is adequate.
Does she have any funnel videos?
Anyone got her Twerking/Jiggling playtime & Birthday Mash vids from Curvage?
Kayla’s my favorite 😍

She's cute, and sometimes I wonder how good her cute butt stinks. I like cute butts.
Nah you nasty for that one

I don't like stinky butts. I like good smelling butts. I like cute butts. I haven't had s cute butt in my face a la "anal only" porno in what seems like forever. They make for the best memories. My only regret is that I didn't have a lot more sex with a lot more women. Isn't life funny?

I'm not underage. I'm actually mature for my age, as I have been told my entire life.
Didn’t say that you were underaged lmao

Fuck you, nutter. That is the worse thing about living in a nation of nutters is that they start thinking everybody is always lying. They start accusing you of being a liar.

Not everybody is like you, bro. In fact, people like me that hate liars sometimes wish THAT THEY COULD HANG LIARS LIKE YOU.

Yeahhhh nutters think everybody is like them and shit. Wtf? I'm excellence. I was created and designed to love and be loved.
Can someone reup some stuffing/burping videos ?
Can someone reup the dominoes vid please.
I want to see her do messy eating stuffing with the biggest belly bloat
She’s crazy hot and a crazy person
What happened to Kaylas other thread?
It's Deleted people started arguing because Kayla made a insta story threatening to quit because people harassed her for going to the gym.
That’s funny but it was for way more than just that. She was losing her marbles and being a crazy person all over social media. The girl has severe mental issues. She’s probably on crack or something.

She'd be the fattest crackhead ever. Just in a bad spot and does not have the tools to deal with it properly, so she just flips shit on folks.
Yeah I didn't really wanna get into that casue that's what made people argue even more. She even popped in the thread to mention how she's not crazy if I remember correctly. Lol
>>112783 I think that is only because she seems to enjoy the posting. She had a blog during highschool and for many years of which she recieved no money off of. I don't know her personally, but I think I understand the type of bbw she is. Just a normal girl with a slightly above average IQ.
>>112790 I do wish I could so fuck her like you wouldn't believe. Sometimes when I see her in a bikini my hairs stand on end.
It's like when women put in their profiles that they are 'smart'. Could be the case, but if you spend all day watching netflix and getting high. Junk in = junk out.
>>112792 I couldn't agree more. Netflix is a good example, although most that watch Netflix are statistically elderly women, also Netflix is hardly what I would call a "junk in" problem, but the shows do stink. But then again so does female ass. That's a good stink though and very different.
The way I see it Kayla is just another bbw psycho that can’t help but create problems for herself and everyone else in her life. Aside from that I do enjoy the porn she makes.
she cool af tho...i like that she kinda crazy. lol

it would be fun to check her... like

" yo shut yo dumb ass up..... you fuckin pretty lil sexy fat bitch"
Lol you would be playing with fire

Playing with fire? Wtf is that even supposed to mean?
its sometimes fun to try to figure out the age or demographic of people who say shit like that. Widely known phrase in the west but speaks perfect english, younger people still in school tend to use better grammar on random chatboards...hmmm...this is a tough one.
Kayla is just an agent of chaos
Kayla is a joke seriously
her new video is so bad i heard
Kayla, Kayla, Kayla..... What more can be said about this frambocious young lady? She's 1 of a kind.
As someone who has actually met Kayla in the past I can confirm she does nothing but stir the pot. She is a complete drama starter and I feel someone to avoid at all cost if you want peace in your life.

Sounds like..... most young girls I've met in the streets that loved BBC, so I believe you.
Wtf does BBC have to do with this lol. Man's got dick on his mind
How did we go from actively posting content to…. this…. I promise you retards 90% of people here do not care about the mentality stability or behavior of this girl, so either shut the fuck up post something or leave. Enough with this shit this isnt the lisa lou thread
Word fuck off with your discussions and upload
To understand Kayla 1 must first understand that BBC is a way of life. The love of BBC is a lifestyle choice that she has made and 1 that we should respect. The love of drama and reality tv is simply part of that BBC love. It's part of the lifestyle.
Her Bf is a white dude and her kids are white...stop being weird about this ffs.
Ikr...I knew this was going to happen when someone mentioned how crazy she is. Like mfs have a hate boner for her.
Recent videos if possible. She’s great. Thank you in advance. Agreed crazy but great bod/content sometimes
I agree she is hot and all but this bitch is a danger to society honestly. I think she should get locked up the next time she has another freak out seriously
Whether or not Kayla is a nut job makes no difference to me…as long as she keeps on chunking up and filming it I’m onboard HMS Kayla
Does anyone have the video of her doing exercises and then being too tired to stand up and having to crawl around on the floor?
Bottom line is Kayla is not someone you should get to know personally. Keep her at a far distance and just enjoy her porn privately don’t interact with her about anything but her porn or you’ll be sorry
(31 KB, 480x292, L12.jpg)
Clearly the mods have better things to do.
Anyone has the video of the picnic?
Does she do drunk content?
Drunk content would be cool
I want to see her chug down multiple packs of beer and see the beer belly form
Anyone the picnic date or the newest video reaction? Plsss
It's probably your computer...it's not bright for me
The pool video is so awkward lol. Imagine being a non porn addict in a public place seeing an almost naked whale being followed around with a video camera.
The picnic vídeo inflation? Anyone?
Wish she made funnel videos
Imagine going to Vegas, of all places on Earth, and batting one fuckin' eye about all the weird shit you see, much less a fat chick kissing a girlfriend while someone else enjoys the #1 American national pastime of filming said shit for the sake of premium live freshwater clickbait
I don’t agree about it being awkward. I think she is a weirdo as a person not for her looks. >>113907
is it a video camera or cell phone? if it was a cell phone I would think "somebody, somewhere, is enjoying this. she probably has her man on the other end fapping to her".
$30 for her newest weigh-in video! How much do you guys want to best show the game like 5 lb too?! I hate how desperate for money she has become. On top of all that she openly says how much she hates me being fat. I can't deny how gorgeous she is but it's really hard to support her sometimes.
I’m still waiting for her to do a chugging bloat video of her drinking beer or at least a lot of soda
dude, she openly stated she makes six figures a year - something some of us broke ass niggas only dream of smh
she openly said that and yet she's living with her grandparents. come on bruh. seriously? think about this for a minute. if she was making six figures a year she wouldn't have time to be on here arguing with people about her videos as she so often does.

btw, layla just put a video on her Instagram with her and kayla eating in a buffet. that ought to be an interesting video.
Not only that but she is known for being a compulsive liar. It’s just an ego thing she has. she says and does whatever she can to make herself sound more superior to others. Aside from her pointless bs and drama I am also looking forward to seeing her buffet video with Layla
When/where did she say she hated being fat?
Pretty sure it was when she went on SEVERAL rants following her story posts of her at the gym. The backlash made her lose her marbles for a few days …
Not gonna lie, that sounds really hot. Would love to see it.
You will just stay tuned. She’ll lose her god damn mind any minute now. She’s a ticking time bomb of crazy
Public service announcement:

Some dickhole(s) been on a kitty-porn posting rampage, so think twice before clicking any no-context shady links. Y'all been warned...
Do you have her "waking up fat" video? Wish more girls did these
Thanks wish I saw this sooner. Wtf is wrong with people?
(385 KB, 2688x1242, KPCC1.jpg) (446 KB, 2688x1242, KPCC2.jpg) (378 KB, 2688x1242, KPCC3.jpg) (6.2 MB, 536x960, Snack&Smack.mp4)
Damn, been following her threads here for about a year now, had her OF one month in late 2022 and got it updated on Coomer for the first time in months, and I love her shape (but only wish her pregnancy had made her tits a little fatter...)

I gotta say though she's like the definition of unfulfilled potential in terms of her content. I think there's a consensus that its stale too. Two of my fave videos of hers I can recall IMO were the one where Curvage Casey jostles Kayla's thigh and exclaims "OMG, *everything* jiggles!" and this short one I attached where a dude (I think her guy at the time) manhandles her belly then SMACK! and she does this Pillsbury laugh with fries stuffed in her mouth.
(268 KB, 1242x2208, 2B71876C-C904-467F-8BFD-D6BFE0CBBB06.jpeg) (210 KB, 1242x2208, 5C0221BD-0DC0-43C2-B4E6-AF6FDFC4AEA7.jpeg) (300 KB, 1242x2208, CBDCFD98-CF4E-4FAF-9B8C-6EB707FCB85D.jpeg)
Not broke I just wanna save, why would I want to spend all my money when I can live with my grandparents. I got a 5 year old and I'm trying to get thru school and make myself successful first, and yes I did mention loosing weight during my
Mental break down! People are allowed to break down. From all the shit u guys talk I still
Making bank and to be quite honest it's actually a turn on to me to see u all talk shit about me and two min later talk about how great my figure is! Unlike a lot of these models I've gained we'll over 100 pounds especially in the last year! My tits are huge my belly is huge my ass is huge and I keep eating like a pig! I charge my content high cuz unlike all these other models that record for ten min and don't even edit or shit I make 1/2 hour films and I edit and take a lot of time! I don't use a camera stick I have a camera man so I get great angles. I work hard on the quality of my content and body! I want to get fatter my Feabie bf is helping me get fatter so I'm only gonna keep getting hotter and it's gonna be hard for u not want to cum to me
My body is well-proportioned I'm fat all over, some only get fat in one area! I'm learning to appreciate my body more and more
(235 KB, 1242x1077, 8C02F5E3-2768-4397-A906-47B098F34223.jpeg) (457 KB, 1242x2208, 4F5F640A-7AB9-498B-97AD-E67929394662.jpeg) (368 KB, 1242x2208, EBCBB943-BB41-4F23-8DC5-F169EC5C2A5F.jpeg) (343 KB, 1242x2208, 212FA967-E57E-47A1-848C-5A8D532D4C9E.jpeg) (564 KB, 1242x2208, AFCB837C-5259-4377-8999-CFBDF5522B12.jpeg) (640 KB, 1536x2048, 025A3D35-7D2B-4BB7-B2CF-8448F6E419E5.jpeg)
Enjoy some samples from my OF <3 I'm a chunky bitch! And ya I'm crazy but the hot ones always are
she thinks one guy has been posting on this thread bitching about her one second and praising her the next.
Just enjoy your free nudes haha it's what ur on this site for anyway u guys want free content and nudes I'm actually helping XD
Thanks for the share! Congrats on the success. Your body is fantastic.

Obviously, post more nudes.
I'm really not a fan of the whole paying for a vlog thing. I'd rather the old, park yourself on a couch and gorge. Or fat chat etc.
In my vlogs I do the whole hogging like a pig overeating and stuff I include fat fetish into my daily life that why I don't post my blogs on youtube
Hey Kayla i actually really enjoyed your vlog where you react to your old skinny self, keep up the good work
Yeah but you can't see your body in the ones I've watched. Literally search it for screen caps I can make it to. I don't wanna criticize the artist but.. the d don't lie
Reup on that mega? Would appreciate it
I'm so lost at this point! Anyways if y'all watch my twitch stream or msg me directaaaly on inssta or Feabie I give away free content and u can get to know me
You post your vlogs on twitch ? What is it
dont click this link guys it can be dangerous
I want to message you but I am shy
least socially inept bbw chan user
Man u gay or something gay gay gay
If she keeps gaining i’ll keep paying
Reup on the mega?
I don’t trust random links with no context to it on this site anymore.
Why would somebody take the time to put things up nobody wants to see? I don’t see what the payoff is for them is?
stupid idiot they posting illegal cheese peporioni so the fbi can get you
Do the FBI even care?? they get their paychecks from CP addicts
This site is starting to suck almost as much as Kayla does as an individual
God Damnit FBI I just want to obsesse over, masturbate to, then laugh about this hot fatty in that order!
Sooo... mega? Lol
In her defense, she seems to not be able to efficiently deal with a lot of pressure.. I assume she took to stress eating a long time ago, and now managed to turn her fault into something she can use to get money.

She's too soft for a lot of people to respect, and not intimidating enough to be scary, so she falls in the middle and subsequently any communication is gonna be riddled with the fact that she's having difficulty coming to terms with her situation.

I'm not an expert, just an armchair psychologist -- but I've learnt to read people over the years.. Women seem to get a lot of free passes in life as far as society is concerned, and many use that to their advantage instead of going through a potential breakthrough by enduring struggle and hardship, alone.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. PLUS she's not getting any younger. If you want to know what I think? I believe that she's a woman scorned, but not by an exboyfriend. I've seen that look on her face before. She's not a girl in love. She's a woman with a vendetta. If I had to guess I'd say that she either has a family that loves and supports her no matter what she chooses to do, or she got her hands on a truckload of money at a young age and because of the money she feels safe.
You think you can buy $10000 dollar perfume to wash away the stink of your inner struggle?
>or she got her hands on a truckload of money at a young age and because of the money she feels safe.
Some people are just afraid of any other outcome but the one they're already heading towards.
She lives with her grandparents out of the dubious reason of 'not wanting to spend money'.. We've reached past the point of acceptance, this is just an avenue of self hatred or fear of change.. It's a damn shame, because at one point I genuinely did feel as though she had some potential. Now I feel something like this is a cautionary tale not a show of strength.
It's the exact opposite but you're so close. This is just a very rudimentary case of a person with a rough childhood who probably didnt get much support at home/was neglected.

She's been doing sw since she was 18 and she does a lot of stuff over the years she didnt want to. i know there was a time when she lived in hotels.

women with sexual capital have a strange existence. they are abused and worshiped. some are mostly abused, some mostly worshiped, but that sort of hot cold treatment really messes with people. The ideal is to be ugly and awkward as a kid, and then glow up as a mature adult. Those formative years require boundaries and accountability and when a teens only source of consistent care and validation is tied to their sexual capital, it messes with people.
What you're seeing re: the money- as long as she can commodify her sexuality using her body, she will have a source of income. in the 21st century being a woman with a commodifiable body is almost the same as having an inheritance.
nah shes pretty young it makes sense. if she split with an ex its common to live with family. tbh im glad she has somewhere safe where she can go. living with her grandparents will give her some stability and hopefully a source of care that isnt tied to her sexual value. saving money instead of pouring it away is also healthy. tbh i get where youre coming from but this is actually a responsible move and shows some maturity. its a cautionary tale if you want a specific type of lifestyle but most of those people will burn out the party doesnt last forever.
>>116408 Na. One look she's just a piece of ass. She would literally die of hunger if it wasn't for the internet making things easy for her. As a prostitute she would fail. As a pornstar she would fail. As a mother she probably already failed depending who you ask. We all know that she's excited to get her vote in, but when she votes who do you think she will vote for? The worst candidate.

Meanwhile she's banking more money than anybody browsing this site. Possibly the second easiest job in America with the first easiest being a nurse. I honestly believe that stay at home wives work their asses off because I've seen them and respect them for choosing to do what's right. It's too difficult for these types. They need a maid. Half the time they're dirty or stinky. I would respect it if it was by choice because I love a woman that doesn't care what others think and does what she wants. What they want is Netflix on a tiny screen. They should be living in Japan, imho. That's where modern western women belong. Not in the land of the free.

Then they want to change the laws of the country they move to so that it can be more like the countries they're running from. It's a game to them. They don't respect Jesus. It's all a by-product of greed. Their loyalty is to their own selves.
There is no real punishment for greed though besides spiritual and emotional stagnation though, that's the real issue. And a lot of nebulous people don't really give a shit so the cycle just perpetuates itself. All of these problems were enabled by a fractious society which rewards such behaviours. But anyway, this is a serious digression on the original subject, I don't blame Kayla entirely because she got dealt the hand she's been playing with but the tables are askew and she doesn't seem to mind even if it seems to cost a little bit of her soul.
Fundamentally I agree, a lot of people lack strength in this age because they fear degradation and adaptation. A fresh perspective offers a lot of insight, so I have to be thankful to you for that honestly.
>There is no real punishment for greed

Perhaps you live in a bubble, but give it some time and it will multiply before your eyes.
"People aren't living the way I think they should, therefore I don't think they deserve freedoms, because I don't actually support freedom, I support people living the way I think they should."
Incorrect assumption. You're not smart. Did you even read? I don't care what you do. Knock yourself out. If it involves me, you better be prepared for the consequences.
I already know the penalties of living with greed society is ran on it. It’s the carrot on the stick analogy, necessity, etc. I mean the IMMEDIATE penalties of greed are practically invisible to the short sighted. And that’s most people alive now.
.......You'renotsmart, and your wealth won't help you this time. Catch you on the flip side.
… Who are you talking to?
>>116423 no clue. I think this was meant to go somewhere else. Anyways, got to hit the hay.
Just remember, don't bat against your own side outside of practice anon. Sweet dreams
Isn’t her personal life all over the internet as a fetish object enough?
I think we can all agree she is just another ticking time bomb who will walk over anyone to get what she wants and will blame everyone else for her unhappiness before ever looking within. The only good she is doing for herself from what I can see is saving her money for her child by living at her grandparents place. If she wasn’t saving and just spending it all on whatever she would be a complete lost cause and a total psycho.
>>116434 What, you mean like pot? Kek. It's Canada.
where is the video i need video

Don’t respect Jesus? Bro you are posting on a fetish porn thread that promotes gluttony
lol fucking for real my man. shit is hilarious
gotdang all this reading is straining my coom-brain. yall should fugoff and write a book or something. dipshittery like this is what makes models get tired of the scene.
real and true, most autistic thread ive seen in a long time
what the hell is this thread with all the moral judgment? ya'll got any porn or what?
Fr, half the people on this thread are just as crazy as they claim kayla is.
Literally anyone involved in this fetish has something not right with them, me included of course. There's nothing normal about watching a chick gorge herself into a landwhale
Speak for yourself. It's natural and healthy
It's actually not, though. You're just mentally ill to even think this
What's her weight at now ?
She's actually far more likely to have some sort of breakdown or 'scam people' if she's not in a good place *mentally* so all you people covering for her fucking mental faculties are really just allowing her to draw into her own disabilities more and more.
Unemployed niggas on a monday:
Yall really lurk on this site just to speak on the mental state of a person you have not nor never will meet instead of taking care of your own lives. The fact that yall been arguing about this for months now just shows you all got nothing going in your lives. Go get some fresh air and retire the keyboard warrior title. Shit is sad as fuck this tread atp is one dude talking to himself about how much he hates kayla.

>>116415 you need some serious help honestly your essays have just been painful to read and you just sound retarded + youre flooding + NO ONE GIVES A FUCK !!! God damn. Come here to check for content and everytime i look its a fucking mess cant go a week without hating on this girl we fucking get it. Mods getyour heads out of your asses or turn over the role to someone else ffs idk how yall can keep letting this happen. Site is in the worst state ive ever seen it in and niggas are spamming cp again smh.
And before one of you retards go apeshit on me for white knighting, i dont give a fuck about kayla i just come here for porn, not to read your abstinence driven hate essays so shut the fuck up, kill your self or both. Im tired of fucking seeing this shit every time i open the goddamn thread.
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Wtf is going on man...The Bbw Real thread has truly gone down hill.
This whole site has gone to shit because we have brainless MODS that encourage this kind of behavior and barclay been afk for years.
They definitely do enable this shit casue what's going on man. So many useless rants and so many people treating this shit like a shopping cart. Hell I can't fucking stand the one off threads of people asking for shit..one dude at the audacity to upload tik toks as content. I love how they're so quick to delete my "I'm not reading all of that " comment but won't delete them sus as fucking links.
Seeing that they don't post content here, there I drop some somewhat long videos of KP, for my part I'm looking for some of these videos:




or at least some new video of your Curvage or your OF. Here is the content that I share: https://mab.to/t/M72VOObllaA/us2
Im not going to share with you. Buy your own
Wish she would film more soda chugging bloat videos or do an alcohol keg stand one
I want to see her do an all you can eat buffet challenge!
That’s fucking hot!! I would love to see her do a major stuffing belly bloat and do a before and after comparison to that after photo!
Can someone reupload some of the latest videos, please?
It’s frankly, really hot how quickly she 360’d on the gym.

Started working out, public meltdown about gaining weight/community pressure/ability to raise her kid while fat.

To just PACKING on the weight. Stuffing herself constantly. What a piggie!
Kinda hot not gunna lie
To be blunt, we got her now.

For years she's been in and out. But now she's full steam ahead, even if she claims she doesn't want to be.

Kayla if you're reading this should really start to like gaining weight and being as fat as you are. I know you do it for the money, we all know you do it for the money. Still your bank account isn't the only thing getting larger and you're going to have to live with that body so you might as well love it.
Why so adversarial?
She's listening to her fans and giving us what we want. She's becoming an awesome model who is developing an enthusiastic fanbase for the future. She's on a winning course and I couldn't be happier.
Oi gostosa
Let’s pray she doesn’t go on another psychopath rant on everyone like she did in the past this time. She seems to be getting better. I just pray she doesn’t go back to being crazy again.
She's already crazy there's no fixing that
Why are the photos upside down?
Photos are hot as fuck dude thank you
any burping vid?, please
She is so hot! I would like to see her dunk her face in a big bowl of rice and watch her binge on a lot of rice eating it all fast and for as long as possible is that weird?
I Skyped with her last night, guys she’s so huge, she got on the scale for me I about came . She’s planning to gain another 60 pounds this year if she can.
Number one on our surveyed list of things that never happened.
I mean as much as she goes crazy she is
Gaining whether she likes it or not. I’m not shocked if she does gain 60 pounds because while she was acting crazy she gained more then 60 then.
It´s the lastest vid
yeees; tnks
Love that she’s busting out new content. She’s so fucking hot I want to see more of her and hope she keeps making more!
bless her lineage and whatever genes give her such an amazing body shape.
I would love to see her doing and eating binge stuffing in her lingerie or underwear and bra showing a hot before and after showing her stuffed belly 🤤
I'd would love to see her do a real good funneling where she's hella stuffed and then get the vibrator going.
Fuck yeah that would be the best!!!
Bro do you have her recent vids
Thank you for this. She’s such a sexy girl her new stuff is amazing and she keeps getting sexier the bigger she gets!!!
Dude yes! That needs to happen! Hot!
New weigh in posted on curvage. Anyone have it or at least the number?
I’d love to see kayla have an eating competition with another model and see who bloats and fills out the most!
What's her weight now ?
She posted her newest weigh in on curvage that’s all I know
anybody can update her new stuffs
Shit… she’s looking fucking huge. Must be on the doorstep of 400


You tell me
how do I use those codes?
I have always liked Kayla and found her attractive. But now I‘m obsessed with her and her new size!!! God she has gotten sooooo much hotter I can’t help but notice! Super fucking hot 🥵 she keeps gaining i’m going to be hooked for life! 😍😍😍
What do I Do with the decoded string?

after you decode, copy and paste and put in search bar.

some codes need to be decoded twice
I saw her do a pov vid on coomer, I hope she does one but turns around and shows her butt
Does anyone have her video with enchantress?
That would be hot I love her butt
Gotdayum! She's looking like a certified meatball as she approaches 400. Those plump thighs... jesus. Thanks for the win
Delightful. It gets more and more beautiful the thicker it gets. She's stunning. I would love to see more of her but unfortunately saw this board too late.
Always liked Kayla before. But seeing how she looks I want to fuck the shit out of her! Holy fucking hell she has gotten sooo much hotter!! Her new weight really suits her! Hopes she keeps it up!
As the person who posted this I want to add a seed of doubt. She transitions to the scale in a weird way and it's framed in such a way that it could easily have been faked. I'm not saying she didn't gain weight, she's definitely thicker. This is just such a large jump from her last way in and it's just blow what everyone truly wants so it's more believable. I'm not directly saying it's faked but I just want the seed of doubt defester in the members of this board.

I feel like she's looking less meatball and more gourd/squash. She's rounding outward amazingly in the center. She's definitely getting hotter the fatter she gets, I just wish there wasn't such a dearth of nude content. I know she's been more active on her Onlyfans, but is that where all of it is? Curvage has their whole thing with nudity being frowned on, but is there somewhere else she's posting at this size with ... less clothes on? All the content I have of her from a month on her OF last year where she's nude is some of the best shit ever, but every time I see her now she's always almost fully clothed and it just doesn't do it for me.
Bottom line kayla looks hotter than she ever has before.
No doubt. Like I said before she has definitely gained weight. She looks larger and fuller and definitely way sexier. I love her new positive attitude towards her weight gain and overall attitude and physique has added up to her being a lot sexier than she used to be.
I would pay to see Kayla do the eating 10,000 calories in one day challenge!
(7.2 MB, 1280x720, kaylaedit.mp4)
Here's an old clip with 98% less epilepsy.
she looks so wide; it's really hot lol
Comparing the sizes in these two it looks like she ate her old self
Clip can be beat if she was to ever reenact the video the exact same way in the same clothes or at least clothes similar to it.
She’s always been hot but she definitely has gotten a whole lot hotter now! Would love to see her redo that clip with her newer sexier size she is now.
Soon she will be a SSBBW. She gets more and more beautiful the more she gains weight! 😍
This just happens when you're trying to balance an enormous wide body on two unfortunate feet.
Any videos of her shaking that fat ass?
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Looks like I'm still the last one who updated it lol. That'd be nice if anyone else is subscribed. I did an import Dec. 15, and have a couple files from then until June 4 I will upload to WeTransfer right now
Her onlyfans is surprisingly cheap
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I mean... compared to whose? $20 is very much on the high end in my own experience.

When people like Cassie0pia, who has tits the size of literal ripe watermelons, does tittyfucks weekly and who's grown IMMENSELY through two pregnancies is charging $10, it's hard to see a $19.99 OF as surprisingly cheap.

I'd bet if KayBear charged no more than $11, or even $9 and had good, regular, nude or at least topless content in addition to weekly PPVs ranging from $3 to $8 (and maybe an occasional $9 or $10 if even just a man's *hands* were in it/on her), she'd make 2 to 3 times as much income from her Onlyfans by sheer virtue of the audience of people used to cheaper, who just like extremely shapely BBWs and don't give a crap about the gainer aspect.

She has an insanely well-built body for her curves and wouldn't need to rely on the Curvage/Feeder audience IMO if she was more "accessible"
I never cared to pay for her onlyfans until I saw her last post on curvage. She’s gotten so much hotter over time! She is the type who looks hotter the fatter she gets!!
She does send pics and videos through private messages and makes sure to post things different from curvage so your getting a better variety
Is the summer clothes try on , on her only fans?
cassie's content was way better before she took the onlyfans pill, now it's always the same old same old :(
I’m hoping she does a live stuffing for her onlyfans sometime
surprisingly cheap? that's on the high end of price ranges in of
Her OF Is cheap for what you get. And she mentioned showing a different version of the try on . Apparently it’s the same video but uncensored and uncut so it shows the parts of her getting naked. Sure I can get other bbw models for cheaper but they’re not as hot as Kaybear and they’re not showing proof of actual gaining. I’ve been scammed so much from women saying they’re into it and they’re not. Atleast Kayla as shown recently a huge gain and I’m for that.
Agreed, she has a much more banging body now than before.
i havent checked her out for a while and damn, she has grown a ton.
Yeah same she looks fucking hottt

this is the flaw in OF's design, "for what you get" is top secret, so onlyfans range from 10$'s to get an instagram feed to 20$ for top quality porn.

I much preferred things pre-onlyfans existing
I want to say too hot for this summer!!! 🔥🔥🔥
Bad new dudes she's single. She's notoriously really bad at gaining weight on her own and the only reason she was blowing up in size was because of her boyfriend.

Kayla if you see this I'm not trying to belittle your breakup, they're always tough, just being real with the degenerates on here, myself included of course.

how do you know she's single?
yeah, when did she break up? tf?
Hey guys I’m not single me and my bf got in a fight yesturday and we broke up and instantly were able to make up last night ! And I’m sorry but I gain just fine on my own I gained a lot of weight myself u know I was only with my bf the last two years how about the other 8 years he wasn’t around in my career ?
As a fan, I’ll say Kayla will continue to gain just fine on her own. She’s shown that is more than capable of packing on MASSIVE amounts of fat with her own willpower and motivation. She is a stellar model and will continue to drop our jaws as she balloons!
How brave of you to take that stance immediately after she said so herself.
(112 KB, 1080x1078, e2555a132581ac5a4e386b20d3d0ad32.jpg)
>Never did I say your boyfriend forced you to do anything, he's just a feeder And clearly a good enabler
>You yo yo back and forth on whether you want to be fat or not
>You invite drama into your life and then get mad when people acknowledge it
>It took you the better part of a decade to put on a 150 lbs
God y'all do anything but upload or update coomer
Stop your crying cum brain.

There I'm also updating Coomer as we speak
Oh great… Kayla is back at it with starting drama again? Wish she would stop and just be professional for once and not bring her personal drama to us all 🙄 hate how crazy these models are with their bs drama
What kind of retarded bait is this? >>120151 was the one who posted about her boyfriend; all she did was clarify that it was just a fight and that they’re already over it.
Thanks dude, I had her coomer open in a tab when you said it and I f5'd and watched it fill out.

Real hero shit, my guy.
She’s too much. She needs mental help
So let me get this straight I’m too much because me and my bf got into a argument and broke up and I went to my friends on my own REPORT MY POST to vent to them and then someone takes that information brings it here and later that day me and my bf worked things out ? That makes me a mental case got it. How bought just worry about my porn and gaining instead of my personal life
>be retarded
>act out
>expect people to not call you on your shit
How "bought" you go be an ugly slow cow somewhere else?
>Model appears in her own thread
>Boss music starts
No, I have been watching you and your work for years and it’s because it’s been a pattern with you. Just calm your tits and do better
I’m clearly not ugly if you’re here in the thread waiting for someone to post some of my content XD
You guys are crazy trash talking Kayla when she shows up HERE of all places where her stolen content has been spread around. Pretty tough when you're anonymous, huh?

But I do agree with Kayla: don't worry about her personal life. Worry about the content she puts out.

BTW, Kayla, you are looking amazing. Keep up the great content please.
these girls live on social media and pay their rent with money emailed to them by strangers and you guys are always so suprized that they arent perfectly well adjusted humans.
Thank you. Like why do you care so much
Also it's crazy to voluntarily go on a REPORT MY POST server that I assume reloves around a porn star and then bitch and moan when she brings up her personal life. My god get a grip a little.
Oh I didn't no BizzCord is a forbidden word lmfao. Rip my comment then
Best thing you can do is ignore these bbw chan idiots Kayla, it is always better to never respond on here. Keep being beautiful ❤️
Since clearly there are so many upstanding simps here I imagine absolutely no one will dare look at this STOLEN content‽


Kayla, by all means have all the emotions you want. Take it easy some of your size shouldn't have that much stress. ❤️❤️
Not a simp for not giving a shit about a porn stars problem. Just wanna download content and jack off. Simple as that.
I cater to all audiences 。⁠.゚⁠+⁠ ⁠⟵⁠(⁠。⁠・⁠ω⁠・⁠)
We all know she is just another mentally unstable person at this point. I just hope she gets help so she can stop being a crazy woman.
kayla with a bush ? dear god yes
She gives a while new meaning to crazy hot

You're wack. I love crazy, beautiful sluts. These "women" are the worst there is. They're not even artists. They're liberals and pseudo intellectuals who hold no values or morals and their beliefs are based on scientific theory. They're busy waiting for aliens to come take them back to their home planet. I sure wouldn't touch these 2. Not without gloves. I'd rather fuck a local prostitute. These holes are international.

Btw, that's not a bush, and that painting with the cotton pickers in theback of their photos is highly disrespectful and unnecessary, and I say that as a biological racist. Go to school and learn microbiology/dna, and stop being an "intellectual" who makes mediocre nude art on the internet then cries about getting divorced. You're not as young as you used to be anymore. Those crocodile tears aren't fooling anybody.

Never in my life have i seen more obvious bait
Post content or shut the fuck up
They’re mentally unstable women who make their own drama and chaos in their life. They’d probably have less problems in life if they just shut up and stop shit posting and stick to being professionals. I think they’re both hot and a hot mess.
Okay this is obviously bait, but that isn’t cotton. It’s some kind of cereal crop. The style and scenery looks vaguely like a print from an old Dutch oil painting maybe.
>>120469 I understand bots can't tell, but when he said cotton he clearly meant cereal. You're just stupid. The post was clearly touching on the dubious dealings that many of these internet models make with underground criminal groups. Watch the news every once in a while, bonehead.
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She’s doing live stuffings on her onlyfans!!! Im so down for this! Definitely worth subscribing to her onlyfans for live stuffing sessions!!
she looks fucking gigantic on that recent live stream on her coomer
Dude her doing that live stuffing on her onlyfans was fucking hot!!! I would love to see her do a 12pack beer bloat live on her onlyfans. I want to see how she looks with a full beer belly
I love her binge eating buffet stuffing videos. Would be cool to see her try stuffing beyond her limits in a future video.
Anybody know when she will be doing another live stuffing on her onlyfans? I’d love to just watch her stuff her face with a lot of food and watch her get full as fuck.
Kayla has gotten waaaaay hotter than she was before! Her boobs are so full now it’s unbelievable. She was good before sure but this Kayla we have now is such a major upgrade! She looks soooo much hotter at her new size!
Any news on her next live stuffing?
She said on her live feed today that she is in Washington and going to do a live feed with Lauren lush , cece , and dumpling on her only fans
Would be hot if they all had a eating stuffing session together! I would love to see who can eat the most on camera out of all of them! That would be a hott ass video. The greatest all you can eat eating competition! I’d pay to see that seriously
Anybody on here been keeping up with all her live streams on onlyfans? What have I been missing out on?
>>121300 (Cross-thread)
Hmm..to subscribe now or to wait and subscribe later when there's more and fatter content, the eternal conundrum.
Can anyone link me to the OP pic? Never seen that vid
No offense but isn't it obvious that he (or she) was being hyperbolic. Like I don't understand your need to constantly defend yourself in this thread. Especially when its a website where people go on to download your content for free. You shouldn't be surprised that they don't respect you enough to tell the truth. Unless its drastically effecting your life or the profit you make from your videos its better to ignore it. You have nothing to prove unless your actually lying.
anyone have her most recent weigh in?
Anybody know why Dumplin did content and supports Kaybearcutie95 while she basically talked mad trash on her on onlyfans live?
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Yeah I don’t think she’s a gainer or even into the fetish. Just capitalizing off of being fat and accidental weight gain. Still hot though, and I think too hooked on booze to quit.
>>121554 (Cross-thread)
For reference, a lot of her old C4S clips (ones dating as far back to 2015) are still available for purchase.
>>121597 (Cross-thread)
Its due to filters. Almost all women who are into social media use filters these days. Just take a causal scroll on your phone apps for filters and you'll see just how much they can change about their appearance.
Any updates on her next big stuffing?
Can anyone who’s on her onlyfans be a hero and take some screenshots from her live stuffing she’s doing today? Like a good before and after picture of her belly when she gets super stuffed?
When is she going to do an honest all day stuffing every hour on the hour on her live feed? I want to see that kind of dedication.
I would honestly just pay to join her only fans to just see her do a live all day stuffing and give up on wait for someone to post on here.
So then do it instead of samefagging

begging people to screenshot a live is pretty sad. If you're that desperate then just join her OF
How’s it any different than you guys begging for free videos on here?
How about stop begging period? That would be nice
Begging goes in the beg thread so it doesn't shit up every thread
I mean considering youre the only one thats kept this thread in the bump feed for the past week id say its pretty different. Go buy her of.
I had a weird crush on her; I think it was the tsundere-ish personality.
One of the best looking bbws
How to I upload the encoded files
Maybe try reading the rules post. It's all explained
Use this site called base64 sir
When is she going to come out with a new all you can eat buffet video? Or at least another live stuffing on onlyfans or something fattening like that? I want to see her fat sexy ass stuffed.
She said she was going to do an online stuffing earlier today. But then again that was hours ago…
Over 17 hours to be exact. I know this because i’ve been waiting for this promised stuffing myself…
Eh she did the same thing on June 12th saying she was going to go live in a bit on onlyfans and never did. Her word doesn’t mean shit honestly. Her words don’t match her actions.
If she hadn’t got as fat and sexy as she has gotten I would have given up on her a long time ago.
She’s an inconsiderate person who we all tolerate only because she’s hot. She does what she wants, and doesn’t care who she lets down or hurts. No empathy for her fans waiting to see her.
I just want to see a live of Kayla stuffing her sexy face eating endless potato chips, burgers, sweets, desserts, and large amounts of soda that will make her bloat, and burp. That’s why I joined her onlyfans. I hope she hasn’t stopped doing live stuffings. I’ll just unsubscribe if thats the case…
(1.8 MB, 1179x2379, BD7A8470-DA62-46C8-82C9-48679EEFDFC7.jpeg)
I would love to see this chick wearing this outfit and just getting stuffed on a lot of food for a sexy after of her with a full belly! Would be sooo hottt to see that! Or even since she says she drinks whole cartons of half and half just watch her down as much half and half container to get her to fill up that sexy gut and burst through that outfit!
(1.8 MB, 1179x2379, 65741233-2345-49F9-BB64-3BB99B11356B.jpeg)
I would love to see this chick wearing this outfit and just getting stuffed on a lot of food for a sexy after of her with a full belly! Would be sooo hottt to see that! Or even since she says she drinks whole cartons of half and half just watch her down as much half and half container to get her to fill up that sexy gut and burst through that outfit!
Man i just want to see her shaking that ass
I want to see her shake her ass while shot gunning booze.
So is she back to not updating her onlyfans anymore? She hasn’t been on since June 20 but has hardly posted anything before then as well. I thought she was going to be posting live stuffings and other hot content daily? What happened?
What is it with her never keeping to her word? She said she was doing a live on onlyfans at 6pm it’s already 8:41pm. You never can believe anything this women says.
I’m mad that she’s just an inconsiderate asshole. She should have just posted she was canceling her live and not going to do it. But instead she got me to waste my entire day because of her lying ass. She is beautiful don’t get me wrong but she is the most unprofessional child minded model in the business. She needs to get the act together.

Wait until you see what she's like in 20 years, brother. Good luck grtting a boner then, much less orgasmz
Anyone the date night video or the picnic video? Pls
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You guys Kayla was on Stefans live and omfg dude! She looked sooo fucking fine in her tiny bikini and she was so obviously drunk it was soo fucking hot! She said she was doing an instagram live and I hate myself for missing it! Stefan is a lucky bastard having her there and she wants to move in with him if he would allow it!! Fucker would be crazy to say no! I would let her live with me for free in a heart beat!!! What I wouldn’t give to see Kayla and her whole body hardly fitting in that small tight bathing suit! I would love to see her out grow it sooo bad!!!
Seeing Kayla drunk was such a turn on! I hope she starts doing drunk content now that she’s drinking again 😍
She needs to do stuffing video in that outfit!
That's just what I wished for some Gay pride shit on her videos.
She ever going to do another live stuffing again or what?
Has she done the half and half challenge she mentioned a while back yet? I remember her saying she could down half and half like nothing and was going to test her limits? Anybody know?
>>124026 I've seen a 10/10 European 17 year old babe put coke into some half and half before inserting it into her anus using a beer bottle that she recently ooened and was drinking. You Americans think you're so tough. Big and bad. You're prudes.
The ugly retard she let rid her back is a lucky ugly son of a bitch!
If she is willing to let that ugly dude ride her back maybe I have a chance with her?
The real winner here is Pearadise he always has the house full of beautiful BBW and SSBBW. How does he do it???
Who is the fattest between Layla and Kayla ? Recent pics make me doubt. Layla definitely has a bigger belly but Kayla has big hips and a bigger chest
Kayla just need to get her belly bigger than Layla and she would be hands down the best bbw out there! I mean she already is one of the best but if she could get a belly bigger than Layla’s omg that would be amazing!
Kayla with a bigger belly than Layla is my wet dream! 🤤😍🥰
>>124044 This' your country on feminism.

Less success. More drugs. Less babies. More manchildren. Less money. Higher prices. Less Christians. More (illegal) immigrants. Less marriages. More homosexuality. Less sex. More perversion. Less love. More virgins.
Kayla needs to do a beer drinking belly bloat challenge with Layla! I want to see that!
I don't bother saying shit anymore, the 'based mods' just delete everything remotely positive and let the shit simmer. You reap what you sow. That's it. Make of that what you will, and remember, chaos is what chaos does. Peace
Did I miss something? Is there new chaos from Kaybearcutie95 that I’m unaware of? What crazy psycho shit did she do this time?

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