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Don’t think she gets enough appreciation on here! She’s been great over the years and always tries to gain weight despite some of her health issues! She’s super cute as well!
Here is some content to get the thread going! https://we.tl/t-EiOxnOLJSF
does anyone have some of her earlier videos from when she first started out? theyre so hard to find these days
She gets plenty of appreciation for a mf who disappears every few months lmao
She's mid tbh. Kinda busted face and cringe reddit humor even for a woman. Also she has now no gallbladder. She better pork up further to blob level or whatever before her health really starts to plummet. Enjoy it while you can
>>101203 I've never disagreed with anything more. To each their own I guess.
The gall bladder is an ultimately unnecessary organ and its removal is relatively common.

If anything, as a weight gain fetish model, it's beneficial to have it removed as in the long term, it'll lead to easier weight gain.

Also, I find her to be among the cuter models, but that's my opinion.
Does anyone have her recent family reactions video? Or want to update the coomer? I hate to beg but it sounds so hot
gall bladder moron

She's another one who ended up being dumped by her BF/feeder and had to move back home and go into a hiatus. Last I check she finally got her own place, so HOPEFULLY she can start back up before the holidays.


She has 4 free videos on her Manyvids page. Two of which are from 2019 when she was still small.
>If anything, as a weight gain fetish model, it's beneficial to have it removed as in the long term, it'll lead to easier weight gain.

Can you expand on this? Doesn't gallbladder removal necessarily mean dietary restrictions and less metabolic regulation?

I have a friend who got hers removed possibly linked to years of bulimia
*woman more than doubles her weight*
People on we fetish sites: “WhY iS sHe So PoPuLaR?”
Yeah, but she didn't TRIPLE her weight. So, these types cannot be pleased.
Mary is the Quisatz Haderech.
That would be true if your body didn't upregulate lipase synthesis at the upper GI level once it was removed, alongside the fact that your liver will supply the bile you need into the small intestines in place of the gall bladder. Outside of the first 90 days of cholecystectomy, there are generally no to very modest changes in metabolism.
I honestly just did a brief scan of some quick google results, but the gall bladder stores bile produced by the liver, which is primarily used to aid in the digestion of fatty foods. A cursory glance suggests though initially there's typically some weight loss post-removal, an overall gain in BMI in the long-run is not un common.

... in retrospect, while one is likely to gain weight overall with the loss of a gallbladder, it might honestly make eating those sorts of foods en masse less pleasant, so I don't know.

What I really meant is overall it'll likely make it easier to gain weight metabolically-speaking.
... yeah, see reply below, but I'm no dietician or anything. My initial post is worded poorly - "beneficial" ... meh.

Point is the the guy I was replying to knew as little or less as to what he was talking about. xD
You're right. I had mine removed in my twenties after I got gallstones from drinking too much milk. All it's changed for me is I get nauseous if I have too much dairy. Like I can have a pizza without issue and things like that but if I have a very creamy based dessert it can make my stomach feel like shit.
someone should ask her on her tumblr how her gallbladder removal has affected what she eats (or she'll directly respond because she reads this thread)
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Found on stufferdb
i’ve been a fan of hers since she started, oh man she has got a lot bigger
sure that’s a morph. her boobs look enormous in that pic lol
The only good morph I've ever seen. Tits that size really suit her!
Her Onlyfans has a video of her playing around with a tranny.

I get never get a boner again looking at this girl.

Nothing is more offensive than slipping a tranny into a straight man’s porn
>>101857 Do you mean the recent collab with Enchantress? She's not a tranny lol
paranoid retard alert
enchantress isn't trans lol, what a schizo. I will say I didn't really like their collab though, it just didn't feel focused enough imo. Maybe the other part of it where they measure each other is better but I haven't seen it.
>>101863 He's not paranoid retard. He is repeating the thoughts of somebody else. Like echos from a secret recording. In other words he is relaying a message. Hidden in plain sight. These words are not his own. They were first spoken about 4 to 5 days ago. There appears to be a latency and that is usually how long it takes for them.
>>101866 Oh and by "them" I mean the ants and the cockaroaches
can u give us the video
Yes, I fully agree with this opinion. This boob size suits her perfectly, absolutely perfect proportions, hopefully that will become reality.
Do you or anyone have this video?

this may be the greatest morph i've ever seen. i'm an (extremely talented) artist, so i have the credentials to make this claim.

the man who created this has the supernatural ability to turn beauty into deity, and i kneel in awe at his ability.
Wow, good work. Could you please give her another 50-80 pounds on the other pic, that would certainly harmonize even better with the great breasts .
I think, the four should make a massive gluttony together.
it's not the same as the donuts vid? I watched it a few times and man the dialogue between these two was awful. basically had to turn the sound off cause the skinny girl was so new to the whole concept she just kept repeating herself... anyway I imagine this is similar
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Does anyone have more pics/vids of this session of her?
Try again in English.
anyone have the new milkshake video?
Learn English, retard.
>>104209 fuck English, I only speak american
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Does anyone have her "100lb pounds gained" or weight gain anniversary video?
who the hell is that??? Looks like her twin
Only 320 now…but she’s promising to get back to basics with the calorie counting stuff for ‘23.
Bruh she keeps losing weight wtf 😒
Anyone able to update coomer?
mary is literally the greatest of all time, cutest face, best attitude, love her.
>best attitude
lmao even

go away.

nobody likes you and anybody who has ever told you they loved you was lying.
what's with the toxicity in this sub? If you don't like the model get TF out their thread, and why are we having full scale internet verbal brawls instead of posting content?
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Says the hypocrite not posting any content. shut the fuck up bitch
...so you didn't post anything either?
Woow, these great udders really suit her absolute perfectly.
She once mentioned on her website that she would like to have bigger breasts, has she ever thought about doing it like Demora and get own fat injections into her breasts? That would certainly be better than silicone-implants.
I want to see her with Femalefeederheaven
in her most recent update, she was crying at the end. it was, uncomfortable.
No she wasn't what are you talking about
did you mean to post this in another model's thread? I double checked and she was definitely not crying in her latest video
If there is a video with a model crying at the end, can you please upload? For….science?
why is her metabolism so fast …she should be 430 by now.
Has she actually crack the 400lbs mark, she wasn't that far away from it?
Right now she’s at 316 but getting back into it
What, has she lost so much.
Too bad, i would have really wished for her 400 this year, she really deserved it after having had so much bad luck the last few months.
Hopefully things will go better for her in the new year, it would be nice if she could gain weight again as quickly as she started.
Broo wtf man why does she keep on losing weight like wtf man it's so sad I predicted she was gonna reach 400 lbs after getting to 345 at the heart attack grill but she lost weight????
Man this sucks, there's women out there not even feedee that gain faster than this
>why does she keep losing weight
well, the organ removal and getting abruptly kicked out by her feeder probably had something to do with it
gall bladder
I mean, she is still super cute and posts. I wouldn't say this sucks by any means lol
You know women who have gained more than negative 30 pounds in the past year? And they're not even feedees? Wow, incredible if true, but I don't think I believe you.

Even despite her difficulties gaining in the past year or so, she's gained like 150 lbs over the 3 or 4 years. That's still pretty insane. Maybe calm down?
permaretards like you ruin this fucking fetish. who tf cares if a model drops some weight, this chick went from under 180 to over 300 and you wanna start crying when she looses 20?? stay a virgin forever.
pretty much everything she's ever made is on coomer, why do we even bother having this thread if it always turns into retardation anyway
She's been "getting back into it" for the past year or so lmao. 316, lol, she will never get above 320 again.
Back up to 321 and optimistic about 2023! Our Mary is getting fat again🥰
just posted her new year’s resolution. Her goal is to “ gain some serious weight” . Great way to start 2023
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>muh family
>muh stress
>muh missing gallbladder

She has a convenient excuse for a very long time now for how she always manages to miss the coveted 400. 300-tier Mexican women are a dime a dozen in America
Yeah I mean at this point if there’s another roadblock it’s safe to say nothing will ever really progress. We can see she has the ability to gain very quickly so if she isn’t closing in on 375+ at the end of the year it’s a lost cause

>muh family
>muh stress
>muh missing gallbladder
>She has a convenient excuse for a very long time now for how she always manages to miss the coveted 400. 300-tier Mexican women are a dime a dozen in America

Leave this girl alone. She's American...
"... getting fat again"

poor girl got so skinny, she's practically nothing but skin and bones right now 😏
>>107040 Do you think she's lying about having her gallbladder taken out? That permanently messes up some peoples stomachs forever, I'm surprised she's even trying to gain anymore at this point
I'm not gonna call her a grifter per se, but I think she's tempted a bit to squeeze out more and more coombux now that she's properly fat enough while still pretty (and not morbidly obese enough where there's diminishing returns and people lose interest). Along with the aforementioned physical factors, there's a "carrot and stick" paradigm for her to not pursue her dreamed goals as much as she should.
The pictures hot
lmao you people are fucking weird, she’s one of the most dedicated (and legitimately likeable) gainers out there, she more than doubled her weight already. i’m literally begging you to talk to a woman
actually i changed my mind most of y’all shouldn’t interact with anybody especially not women
Did anyone get the vid she sent out in DMs a few weeks back?
Sure she will, she's done more stop/starts than GGG at this point
She already put on more then 100 pounds since she first started, she is just putting her health as her priority. and unlike GGG she actually is cute and has gained more then 30 pounds

Calm it schizo
Honestly I don't even need her to get up to 400 or whatever. She is hot as hell where she is rn. And she got here from being rail thin too. One of the best out there.
yeah but she thinks she needs to be 400 and thats hot as fuck because she's already really fucking fat.
She’ll get there. She needs that notch on her belt.
Seconding this, does anyone have?
The only thing I see about the video there is a post saying she sent it out in the DMs
its been almost 5 years of gaining and shes back to where she almost started! one of the slowest and worst gains of all time!!!
You are actually retarded aren't you?
I mean, she’s lost weight since her peak, but she’s still twice the size she was before she started gaining lmao
wow the single worst opinion anyone has ever shared on this board. congrats
Found this morph on DeviantArt.
it’s not very good, they talk all the way through it but have no chemistry so it feels really awkward to watch. maybe it’s hot on mute but idk. I think it could’ve worked with a script or something, the main appeal was having a secondary person who could give contrast to chubbychiquita but you can get the same thing from images, video didn’t really add anything to it. most of their improvised dialogue falls flat and doesn’t add to the sexiness, just feels like two people nervous and struggling to get through a session.
What you say kinda makes sense cause they do seem kinda nervous at times when doing videos… well if you’d like to share it that would still be cool but if not I understand
idk what enchantress's normal content is like but I still enjoy mary's solo stuff and I think collaborations from her would still be really hot *if they're not awkward*. It was her first collab so it being bad doesn't mean she's incapable of making good ones. this one's not worth sharing imo, I'm not going through the hassle of ripping it. I think there's another one her and enchantress did where they measured themselves. it might be better since they actually have something they can talk about whilst doing their activity but I haven't seen it since it was released on enchantress's socials iirc.

(I'm the guy you replied to btw, on a different device)
Bro stop posting essays and upload the video

I know I'm probably alone in this, but I mute every single video no matter who it is. Purely visual stimulus for me here.

If the video is good aside from the audio, then that'd be cool
I like her because she had gotten cuter as she’s gotten fatter. When she started she was just a skinny and not particularly hot latina…but now that she’s gotten big she’s improved in every way…that’s her appeal.
You must find fat chat videos kinda dull with sound off then.
Anyone have any vids of her standing for the majority of it?
my brother! fat latinas are golden, love them to death. she's like a dream come true to me
shes not latina lmao
She’s latina I tell ya.
Oh lord, okay i take back what i said, she's definitely getting bigger!
OMG what a blue ribbon pig
What a glorious piglet.
I think her biggest days are over... She lost 19lbs in a WEEK due to her stomach issues. She's regained some back again but fool me once. 350lbs was her plateau which is sad because just imagine her at 400-500lbs
Shes literally made a spreadsheet breaking down her road and plans to reach 400 this year...
She keeps gaining and losing the same 25 pounds it’s true but she’s still a cute fat pig.
True, but she has good reasons for it, which is why I think most of us accept it more. It’s less like she’s lying and pretending, and more that she does have genuine health issues.
Not to mention that she put on a seriously huge amount of weight to start off.
You can find them all on her coomer. I think might have to dig around a bit.
Anyone have her recent Dm videos??
they aren't on her coomer
here's middle left, if anyone can please upload the others

mary if you're reading this, you're cute as a button and i definitely believe you can become a juliet summers-sized blob eventually :')
thanks for making me cum

>mary if you're reading this, you're cute as a button

My people, I have failed you. Forgive me.
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mary if you're reading this, you're probably top three fave models of all time. ilysm bby doll sorry for pirating your content hopefully there's something we can do to make it up besides stop pirating your content
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>>114657 white knighting for me on anonymous forums is good enough <3
329…on the upswing.
Criminally underrated thighs
do you need a boyfriend, I'd like to be your boyfriend
This is a weird thing to be excited about cause this is more or less a porn site, but in her latest Insta post she had a new haircut which was really cute
She is almost a week behind in updating her spreadsheet. That can’t be a good sign.
Anyone know where to find her coomer? I can’t find it for the life of me
Where can I get this video?
she’s back in the 330s
Don’t think it was a vid, just pics on her Insta
pnly 330 lbs? she was 345 like a year ago like bruh this is the worst and slowest weught gain ever
She got her gallbladder removed and has other health issues now like failing to as orb many nutrients. If she wasn't a sincere lunatic fat fetishist, well, many models disappeared or even became skinny over much less. She dreams about being a blob like a true autist even though it's currently a pipe dream. Eventually her Mexican DNA will kick in anyway as she ages I'm sure and she'll blow up.
Excellent, I will contribute whatever funds I can to ensure she gets fatter & fatter forever
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I will continue to simp and white knight this fat fuck because you dipshits can’t remember where she started. She was skinnier than this before and after. Now she is prime braphog. Shows you never actually fed or helped someone gain. Shit ain’t linear and life happens. But the fact she is on the upswing and looking fatter is a miracle. Count your blessings fuckos.
she’s also much cuter now that she’s fat. Her face looks better now.

Seriously. she’s such a legend and i can’t commend her enough for sticking with this considering the bad treatment she’s received. She’s blown up so much, i just consider myself lucky she chooses to share her progress.
Of course most of us didn’t fed her. Because most us don’t fucking care. Which site you think you’re on? A charity site?

Lmao, this guy is acting like he rescued her off the streets or something. She doesn't even know you exist. I doubt your even bought a single video from her.

I don't know whether to call you a broke ass simp or a Beta Knight.
na, thats a picture from the future bro
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Those delicious big fat hips. What a wide load
love hearing her talk about wanting to be adelines size, I bet she can get pretty high up there in weight/size.
Is there a Mega link?
I feel like you should be arrested for the term "braphog" being typed by your unholy fingers. Goddamn heretic created a new word I already want un-created.
I love our Mary and I’m so sad to see her being lapped by girls who aren’t into it like her.
geez so fat that it's a 1 piece now I wonder if it ripped
Sup guys - I run the BBW/SSBBW bracket over in /gen/. Looks like your girl made it to the finals of this little competition we have going on. I was running this on Google Forms, but unfortunately the fans over in the Udderly Adorable fanbase took advantage of the fact that you could vote as many times as you wanted. So, we're doing the final round over on Reddit.

Go on and decode this link to vote in the finals and show support for your waifu over here. Poll closes in a week.

REPORT MY POSTLmNvbS91c2VyL1Rocm93YXdheUJsb2JMb3Zlci9jb21tZW50cy8xM2QxMnNkL2Jid3NzYmJ3X2JyYWNrZXRfYmJ3X2RpdmlzaW9uX2ZpbmFscy8=

Thanks yo
Forgot there's a filter here - I'm usually on /ssbbw/ so I forget you run a tighter ship over here. Head over to /gen/ to find the link and show some support.
That's so weird, I could have sworn there was a comment here earlier about Chubby Chiquita being involved in that bracket in /gen/. She's up against Udderly Adorable in the finals.

Go vote for her - show those UA fans up
of course the CC thread gets pruned while the UA guys call her a spic and start a campaign against her
Definitely a jannie or mod pulling some strings.
looks like jannies are censoring all talk of the poll on this thread but allowing UA's to continue
Nah, all of the threads that had the link got pruned. Even UA's.

The thread is still up in /gen/ and you can vote if you want, but I think calling them out on the favoritism might have lit a fire. The Lieutenant doesn't like when there's obvious policing.
UAs only got partially pruned but there's no trace of it in the other 3 girls threads
hi non paying chubbychiquita fans! hope you've been enjoying the recent coomer updates.

i was originally going to let this go because im aware that it literally doesnt matter at all, but as the resident Goofy bitch with a folded belly and a bad attitude, i'm a little tired of putting up with a coordinated campaign

theres a bracket going on in /gen/, and the BBW finals have gotten down to me and udderlyadorable. her fans started a little campaign against me roasting the shit out of me and spamming 300 votes for her, destroying the entire poll. the creator had to remake it on reddit just to get them to play fair.

and when the poll creator posted a link in all the girls threads to make it fair, the moderators deleted it in every thread except for hers. thankfully enough, they deleted her fans calling me racial slurs <3

anyway, tbh im butthurt that it seems like her racist fans, the moderators, and now UA herself are supporting and endorsing fucking up a fun little hot fat girl poll at my expense.

anyway, please go vote for me HERE: REPORT MY POSTLmNvbS91c2VyL1Rocm93YXdheUJsb2JMb3Zlci9jb21tZW50cy8xM2QxMnNkL2Jid3NzYmJ3X2JyYWNrZXRfYmJ3X2RpdmlzaW9uX2ZpbmFscy8=

and if coomer just isnt cutting it, heres a few free trial links on me

Yeah you without a doubt the greatest
Will you marry me?
Is it just more or is she fatter than before?
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Not quite, but she’s getting close. Slow and steady wins the race in her case
We need more of her
don't let this thread die

unbelievable you retards exist
google "decoder" and figure it out
Tbh there’s not much to post she hasn’t been making much content recently
she did make a couple of new posts to her OF but they weren't substantial, wish her health issues would clear up and she could go full hog since she's really meant for it
is she a million pounds yet or what?
I'm getting tired of waiting
Then stop waiting and move on with your life
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Anyone got an update on her Coomer?
Anyone update her Coomer? Apparently she’s gaining again
here last recorded weight was 331 . where is she at now?
1.1 lb gain .... damn i remember when she was 345 at the heart attack grill scale :/
nothing she can do about it sadly, she pushed her body too hard and now her digestive system hates her lol. I hope she gets her health issues fixed but I think it's unlikely she ever returns to the pace of gaining she had when she first started. especially as at that point she was largely regaining weight she'd lost previously whereas now she's trying to push beyond her highest weight and is confronting chronic health problems.

I've accepted she'll probably never get as big as she and all of us want but I wish she'd pivot her videos to be more interesting. I could accept samesy videos when it was accompanied by her gaining weight but currently when her weight is static it's just more of the same. idk what I want her to do though, I'm not good with video ideas. I get that her 'style' is kind of casual content at her own pace though so I don't expect her to become like, say, couchqueen whose every video is more slickly produced and centered around varying themes/scenarios with the aid of her partner (that I pay for mary's and not couchqueen's content despite thinking couchqueen's stuff is better on a per video basis says something about mary's inherent appeal I guess)
She got her gallbladder removed and apparently has trouble absorbing nutrients from food now. Honestly the fact she's still at it is proof she's an autistic retard (affectionate) genuinely into the fetish. I'm sure she is frustrated she is not a blob yet.
I'm sure 4Chan's /b/ and /fit/ boards can put her in check to end her delusions if they wanted to (kinda like what they almost did with MochiiBabii, but failed because it turned into a PR stunt).
I didn't hear about this please enlighten me to this story I'm interested
Do not listen to schizo posters.
Do listen to schizo posters.
what did /fit/ and /b/ do with mochii lmao first time im hearing of this
Some fat phobers found her content bizarre and stuff and tried to rat her out for harming herself to the extreme. It was all during her Stuffing Challenge days, and one of the most prominent people to cover her was a Youtuber (a possible /fit/ bro) going by the name of Swolenormous (also known as the Daily Swole): who also reacted to Nickocado Avocado, Hungry Fat Chick, and Mama Horker. His videos are still up (both on the main channel and the Daily Swole) if you want to look them up. All you have to search for is "Swolenormous Mochii Babii"
Rat her out? To who? The cops? Lmao eating junk food isn’t a felony
They just meant harass her enough to make her go off the web. That swolenormous tool did a followup vid where he claimed to have 'cancelled' mochi cuz she took down a video shortly after.

No cancellation ever happened obviously, if anything mochi's gone on hiatus a few times by her own will. The whole thing barely lasted a week in June 2020, until the fleeting attention span of 4chan drifted away to other pointless stuff.
Whenever I see her it’s crazy but the thing that stands out the most is how damn long her legs are.
Girl is amazing. Overall incredibly beautiful.
watched the video, he is the most retarded self righteous nigger dog. no criticism of the subject just him making gagging sounds while being a chud
That dude kept tabs on her for so long till people started calling him obsessive and secretly liking it since he had so many vids lmao
I do think there’s some vocal fat haters on the internet who have a repressed fat fetish. Like, why do they spend so much time looking at pictures and videos of fat women eating with their bellies out? Kinda sus.
I used to go to the fat people hate Voat. For such haters, they posted the occasional gem. Kiwi Farms was decent too for getting an archive of a loose history of models, they seemed very dedicated to documenting in their own way.
After many fits and starts I think this is finally the time that Mary blows up to her proper size. She’s going to give vanilla hippo a run for her money.
Can someone please upload the Collab with enchantress video?
shes hanging out with the girls who fake their weigh ins, i hope they don't convert her
saying they gained but look the same or even lose weight but lie on the scale holding extra 20 lbs
you must be new, she's always been a huge liberal well before her onlyfans days. her tumblr was a massive feminist and body pos place
This is the dumbest and most pointless complaint I've seen on this site in a long time

conservatives are such faggots jesus christ
mods spend more time here defending fat e-girls than deleting literal pedo bait threads. I know you've deleted at least 3 recent posts here
Imagine taking the piss out of one of the rare models that are actually into this whole thing, reason why half of them bail because all you fucking retards bitch and whine about the stupidest things
good, mods should keep making retarded faggots like you mad

If they're still making money not sure why it matters. They already know the best thing for their mental health is to *not* pay attention to anon boards. If they do, it's literally on them.

They'll still get their bag and we'll get to armchair analyze. Errbody wins.
I assume you weren't here when this board posted her family's info then

Is anyone doxxing her rn??? No

Literal apples and oranges.
only chubby chiquita and reina are hot and fat but i wish she didnt want to lose weight it will be super sad seeing her lose her beautiful size, wish she stays fatter and changes her mind.
Cece looks too skinny wtf her content not even worth it shes not a true bbw and the 4th girl idek who that is
Just don’t look at the website that posted your personal details in the past, you’re so far removed from being normal its shocking.
Can’t wait for the money to run out and this place gets nuked lmfao

If she's so concerned about it and if it was that traumatic why is she posting content again?

Why are you trying to take the moral highground on an anonymous gossip rag that steals content?? Calm down, Chungus.
Because the cat's out of the bag now. All her friends and family know, might as well keep going. It's not like she's doing anything else with her life.

That doesn't mean she shouldn't make sure people aren't continuing to doxx her.

I think the point that I'm making is if making this kind of content leaves her open to criticism from anonymous c00mers, why is she paying attention to it. At the end of the day it doesn't mean anything unless she decides to respond to it.
Oh I completely agree in that case. No need for her to respond to criticism here other than to receive validation from her fanboys.

Yeah, like, unless she's looking for validation or a reason to spike her blood pressure idgi.

The girl went through a completely unnecessary emotional rollercoaster and is now WORN OUT.
reiina’s also friends with goddessisabelly who’s one of the shittiest people around and a notorious scammer as well btw, doesn’t surprise me there
We've all done unforgivable things.We are all terrible people. Just try and have a good time while you have time.

Just chiming in to say I had no idea she scammed people when I met her but someone let me know during the collab and I had a talk with her to let her know I can’t have a professional relationship with anyone who’s scamming people. I don’t shout out scammers on my page either. The reason I haven’t had a big weigh in for awhile is because my weight has been fluctuating and I want my next one to be big, id rather wait & put effort in than fake anything. Anyway chubbychiquita is hot!
Fair, but if you were a real one you would publicly call isabel out on your social media, and encourage other models to do the same.

Customers (or victims in this case) trying to expose scammers never works because models always circle the wagons trying to look out for their own. And often the customer gets soft-blacklisted by a bunch of models cause he’s “anti sex worker,” or whatever bullshit they come up with to protect said scammer.

I get where you’re coming from - it’s not a matter of wanting to “protect our own” because scamming is one of the worst things a model can do in my opinion, it weakens the trust placed in us and affects the community negatively on both sides. I’ve taken immediate action to not promote scammers as soon as I know about it, but I can’t let my image be associated with any negativity because that’ll stick with me forever. I’ve never bullied anyone and I think “cancelling” someone even for factual events could be taken out of context and made to make me out to be a bad guy, and I try to avoid drama at all costs. If there’s a post going around warning the community about a problematic behavior I’ll share it on tweeter/tumblr but I’m not gonna start anything.
oh god she's making sense, time to get thrown under the bus for being reasonable!!
genuinely being into this fetish has given me more disdain for irl fat people. like, all these models make a big deal out of their huge 100 dollar mcdonalds orders just to get huge and some people do that every day without even any sexual gratification
Why do you disdain fat people though? Because they eat a lot? I never understood what there is to dislike about a fat person, eating fast food and not exercising isn’t doing anything to effect you, so who cares
i hated you for giving isabel a platform to show herself off, she fucking scams a new person every week just look at her board on here.
Even i got scammmed, research people before collabing with them, you made that scamming bitch a place to show off
honestly a good way to go about it, i know you get a lot of hate here which you may or may not deserve but i dont think anyone sane would disagree with this
I don't believe that any of these girls are weight fakers - Mary (chubbychiquita) is probably the model most into feederism I've ever seen - if she didn't have the health issues she does - she'd be over 500lbs now - I have no doubt
I seriously don't care if she is (allegedly) autistic either, the girl can eat like a mf, and we love that.
Hub? Where did the autistic part come fron?
She said on her tumblr that she was diagnosed with autism recently
>133727 I’m not surprised especially with her massive knowledge of Greek mythology.
That’s kinda sad to hear considering your following and your politics. You pretty much just explained how you won’t warn others about this factually wrong behavior to save your image. You are a figure head in this community who all the content girls trust and everyone knows you or of you, but you can’t call out or warn others to protect your best interest. Which I’ll have to say “silence is compliance”
What do you expect it's reiina lmao
Is there just one "she/they fake their weigh ins /lie about gaining" fuckwit and if so can we get him shot in the chin asap
I don’t see how that’s sad - I want people to associate me with positive things around feedism not policing others in the community even if what they’re doing is wrong. I fully agree with you that it’s not okay, but I didn’t volunteer to be the feedism cop - I wish everyone could have the same sense of responsibility to do the right thing and never rip anyone off, but there are folks with way more followers than me (tiana for example, or lauren, or ggg) so i don’t understand why y’all want me who’s shadowbanned to oblivion to be the one to speak out.

Is this a real discussion? It’s content man. Who gives a shit what their personal lives are about: Does anyone care what Brad and Angie’s marriage was really like. You like the movie or your don’t. Unless you’re sleeping with any of these girls and let’s face it, 99% of y’all are virgins, it just doesn’t matter if they’re real feedees or not. As long as they’re fat and hot and the content works that’s all that matters

Aren't you being a bit... *reasonable* for this community? It's pretty much what folks here hate most.
Everyone and their cat has fucking autism these days
I blame fluoride in the drinking water
The microplastic in my blood poisoned my neurons
I don't think they have autism as much as they want to pathologize their interests and literally do not touch grass.
Rumor has it you’re trying to lose weight so you can get pregnant. Is this true? Are you actively losing weight to become a mom?
the problem is that the bitch is scamming a new loser everyday and still is making posts with people. Shes desperate and has even dmed me to send her money like 3 times. From other users here shes never even made the vids and just sends 10 second shitty clips

more people would respect you if you at least made a warning about it, really gonna turn a blind eye to someone who is shameless in scamming. At least delete the photos w/ her to take away her credability.
No respectable person likes isabel
can anyone update the coomer?
Mary, why do you make it so easy for people to get under your skin? Especially anon fetish weirdos.

It's not worth it, boo. They're literal nobodies.
That's the goal tho right?
There are two kinda of self proclaimed chubby chasers
>Those who are just coping that they have normal standards and at most may enjoy slightly plump thighs and big breadts
>people like us who are shielding that we're obsessed with morbidly obese women who can't stand up without catching their breath and have a stomach the size of a beach ball

What about those of us who just like fat women?
Chubby chasing philosophy aside who has the new vids?
Or different people have different sizes they find most attractive. There's a reason why we have two different boards for BBWs and SSBBWs. People are allowed to have standards that aren't the polar opposites of each other,
I hope her ex sees this.

You two can ride off into the sunset and give each other blowies.
God she’s as smart as she is plump and beautiful… I hope you’re well pampered and loved for the rest of your life. (Belly pats)
anyone have any of her recent OF content? Like not even the most recent stuff since I know she asked people not to share that, but the stuff that’s a few days old. Even just the pics tbh
Pls she is so fat and I need to see it in motion but there is no way in hell Im paying for anything
360…is it time to move her onto the other board?
Too fat is not fat enough. Keep eating you gorgeous pig. 💖

Officially it’s 350 and has always been 350. Bbw wiki goes with 350. Maybe there’s some BMI number but either way she’s close to it using the standard definition
Where has she said she's 360 ?
wait until she's 400+ that'd be a hot as fuck goal tbh
post the vid or u lying

She says it on tumblr. Read her little notes under some of the posts. She says she blew past her highest weight (which was in the 350s) and then said something about being one stuffing short of 360. The girl is on a mission.

the official rule last I checked on bbw-chan was, shut up and stop ruining porn with your OCD.

in practice this means you're free to create a thread for her on either sub-board /bbw/ or /ssbbw/ the only requirement being the normal requirement, that you share some links to porn in the OP

the drawback of choosing incorrectly is less people who are fans of hers will find her thread, that thread will be less active, and will die faster :P
I feel like the ssbbw label is like pornography in that it’s tough to define but you know it when you see it. One flat weight limit doesn’t work because 350 pounds looks vastly different on people of different heights. To me, Mary’s not quite there yet. She’s tall, so 350 isn’t as big on her as a shorter woman. For taller women I think 400 is a better limit.
nah she's fucking fat. ssbbw for sure
Too tall. 360 on 5'7 or 5'8 whatever she is, is still BBW. She needs to hit 400 before ssbbw
does anyone have the donuts + masturbating vid or her collab with reiina?
then upload it my brother
Stop using OCD to describe something that isn’t OCD, moron.
This looks like a morph holy shit
Fat girls are so fucking hot
please, does anyone have the latest stuff off her manyvids? especially milkshakes and masturbation? i have a pretty big collection of stuff ill happily share in return. thanks in advance :)
filling out like a champ
Her weight chart is insane. She put on like 19lb last month
Jesus, that was sudden. Guess she’s in a good place with her digestive issues or whatever it was that holding her back? Awesome
Imagine one random viewer being baffled about her almost doubling in size in just two years
Anyone have the donut masturbation vid from last month?
Anyone got any of her recent pics from like the last week or so
>first post in two fucking years
Yeah bro, I wonder why nobody found this, especially since it's only been a week since she posted it. It's a real puzzler.
(47 KB, 1000x750, gm.jpg)
Starvin'? Lady, you look like the bane of sub-saharan Africa
She's a glitch in the Matrix. The fatter she gets, the prettier she is. Fuck I wish I had a chance to hang out with her. She's single right?
Does anyone have her newest videos ? She looks huge in the pictures …almost makes me doubt its a morph
underappreciated reply
keep up the good work
hello..request you guys to share the link of her vide please
She’s put on a good 15 pounds since those collabs were filmed. Her plan to fully blobify is gaining steam.
can share the video file to us
or drop any link
Does anyone have any of her recent videos ?
She is gaining rapidly 😍
ill drop a ton of content if someone has these vids
Guys someone updated coomer! Early Christmas!
nice one..but those short vid

appricaite if some drop a ton of her video
on this chritsmas..it would be great if someone drop any link of file of her
Hey can re-upload this please
can someone drop any file of her

much appricte
she's up nearly 40lb since September, if her spreadsheet is accurate. No particular reason to think it isn't because she's BLOWING UP rn.
Holy shit she's gonna be 400 in no time
if it does not slow down, it will exceed 500 pounds by the end of 2024
so hard to find her content

anyone who has some hoppefully will drop something
If "it"...
"It" will...

Man, if that's some fetish that you prefer to fuck non-human things or dehumanizing thing...I'm glad I don't have that one...
Most likely using a translator, dude
“Most likely” a guy whose language uses “it” to refer to one or someone.
"It" presumably refers to the weight gain, not the person
Великий и могучий РУССКИЙ язык
(16 KB, 179x281, IMG_3598.jpeg)
Shut up with your white knighting.
It will gain as much weight as we want it to. It will become an “it” to all who behold its glory. When it’s outgrown it’s body the firefighters who knock down her wall will all describe “it” as a “it” as they load her into the back of a moving truck.
Oh lord around sperg out
(32 KB, 348x360, IMG_3600.jpeg)
>around [sic] sperg out
I love how the fragile suburban feminists they defend ChubbyC think neurotypical ableist comments like this make you the good guys here.
Fucking golddiggers and eugenicists acting like they got some moral high ground.
да, русский язык вна2ре велик и могуч. скоро на нем весь мир будет говорить
(20 KB, 275x183, IMG_3603.jpeg)
Чем русские освещали свои дома до появления свечей? - Электричество.
Rock bottom? More like rock hard.
Just imagine it locked up in a cage, deficating down the shower drain and getting hosed off before TLC arrives to document it.
“It puts the lotion on its skin or the else it gets the hose again”
any drop anyone ?
Is it really a Zionist?
we want moreeeeeee
I don’t want to be masturbating to no Zionist.
The way she talks about that stuff in the Middle east

>>My dick has left this galaxy.
We’re not just talking small stuff tho buddy.
This is the single biggest stuff happening the the holy land since the man walked there himself.

I’ll take all the zionists then. You can have the beekeeper suit chicks.
Honestly makes me want more of her stuff to be pirated so she can't donate anything to them
It’s free advertising.
Don’t think these shysters aren’t also posting their own threads here to cheap out in marketing.

She ain’t donating anything…keeping up that gain is expensive.
What did she say about zionism?
Can this thread be moved to /gen/ if nobody is going to share anything?

Leave the retarded political arguing over there.
any onther chubbychiquita video ?
this thread died
because we live in 2003 and you can get viruses from clicking links. just use an adblocker and you'll be fine
Don't listen to this guy. If you don't trust a link, don't click on it. There is tons of bad shit out there that won't get caught by an ad blocker.
jesus wtf happened to her? she looks like she's living in poverty compared to a little while ago, did she break up with her bf
In what world does that apartment look poverty-grade?
Maybe when you move out your parent’s house you’ll learn what living in poverty looks like.
her house looks perfectly normal lol, are you rich?
If love to come home to that house with our girl chained to the bed and the only thing near enough to reach is the double with fridge.
Bros just casually rich lmao
She’s probably just paying for her own digs and shooting there. Most models are gold diggers or rent a spot to shoot.

Really question is, what happened to her ass. It’s getting so flat.
It’s not flat, but more the pose in combination with her hips and lovehandles
>Encodes a d00d link

Genuine go fuck yourself
Do0od fucking sucks, mind uploading that to somewhere not infested with pop up porn where downloading is actually possible?
remember she spends OBSCENE amounts of money on food
Anyone have her recent “what I eat in a day” video? Dying to see that one.
>remember she spends OBSCENE amounts of money on food

People greatly underestimate the profitability of internet whoredom and extorting gifts from desperate simps.
Her cognitive dissonance is hilarious
Didn't she nuke these because she looked old and sweaty in them or something

I remember a while back on tumblr she was complaining that we are misogynistic cus we dont try to be friends with her and give her money. The post is buried there if you wanna find it.
To be honest though I don't give a fuck about her personality as long as she consistently continued to get fat. lol
Y’all who have something bad to say about Mary better STFU. She’s in the running for feedee of the year.

It's going to be ok man. Keep it together.
> Incel has arrived.
Ok buddy. I bet you’re one of the simps paying for her shower scat porn
>>144207 Isn't it a video? I think you can find it really easily on one of the fattywank accounts from Tumbex. Never watched it though.
Shut the fuck up.
Amazing before and after.. the journey is not yet
Could someone reup?
Have been searching for a good beat... The search just ended.
Anyone got the chlorite waffle video?
Big booty women naturally usually nicer. Bbl bitches and late in life weight gains usually assholes for females.
Take your meds schizo poster.
He’s a poser. Hes not even real natural skitzo.
Anyone able to update the CocoWaffo video?
Top 5 hottest feedee videos of all time.
Bumping for the CocoWafo video.
I’ll make it worth it for youz.
(3.4 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_5741.png)
Looking enormous and cute AF.
>>144971 sorry not interested in adultery or getting shot lol
Why is all of her hair migrating to her arms. Does she have PCOS?
>>145175 kill yourself your wife is fucking her lpn.
I'll try not to be offensive here - but have you not observed hair on arms of women in real life?
Shh, he doesn't actually know what women look like
you do realize she's latina, right?
The idea that the fudgie pie waffle video is floating around the Chan space is the only thing keeping me alive at this point

I'm sorry, do the women you know start balding and get harrier elsewhere? Sounds like you're more into men than women.
Tell us you've never been with a woman, without telling us you've never been with a woman.
Who is that bald white woman with the huge ass. Something society.
This is a completely normal thing. most women it's pretty thin hairs but it's definitely there.
??? Sorry no I can't say that I've been with women with thinning head hair and hairy arms lmao

In what world? Y'all need to get with some bitches who are not dying or have bizarre hormones imbalances
She looks like one of the thumbs from Spy Kids
Anybody have her recent “what I eat in a day” video? I’m dying to see it

Here’s some random videos I had on my phone to make up for the begging

I'd guess the phone reclaimed the ram during the upload, memory on a phone isn't reserved for background apps, if it was the phone wouldn't be able to function on such low battery power
She’s the fattest she’s ever been.
>>But, she's sad and lonely. At what cost does any of this have a good ending and not another night alone without a purpose, I don't know anymore man. This sucks.
Can you go be schizo somewhere else?
Kisame here: How many models attract the crazies better than her. Anti-anti-fascists hate her, pro-fascists Zionists love her. And it’s sad because if Genocide Joe were the pick a bbw model as his next running mate; you’d struggle to find a more marketable set of political opinions.
thx bur you uploaded the wrong file
>if Genocide Joe were the pick a bbw model as his next running mate
Literally laughing so hard at this idea omg
"My fellow Americans... for my Vice President I have selected FattyFeedeeCupcake3 from Tumblr. She is a true patriot and will her ideas of prosperity are just what this administration needs"
This isn't the place for political bullshit. There's plenty of other sites for that.
nah geno joey would pick an older basic bitch like caitidee to appeal to the boomers who can't handle young fat people because it reminds them of the lgbtq+ demographic
do you ever go outside Kisame?
I am the real Kisame17 and I don't know what you guys are talking about. I stopped following the news ages ago since I am working six days a week
Like I said in /gen/ I am not really active. I am going outside
Truly the Zionist Darling the internet needed. She does kinda look like that fat IDF soldier, lmao.
Chill fella I'm poking fun at the idea. I'm not the one shitting up the thread
Jeezus, some of you fuckwits have really gone off the rails.
Archer: “Do you want bumplock?! Because this is how get bumplock”
this is her dildo video
it's real and my brother saw it (my cousin has it) but he said he'd only release it if the kisame impersonators didn't post anywhere on the chan for an entire day.
Can you post the other video your cousin has?
damn already expired :(
could you reup please?
Already taken down damn

That expired incredibly fast, what the heck?!
mary found out the poster was the CEO of OnlyFans who donated to Palestine so, being the zionist she is, she put in the effort to DMCA it.
thanks for the warning.
she goes on my personal shitlist.
Damn didn’t get a chance to grab it, any chance for a reup?
don't apply for Sherlock, you're wrong.
Did you guys see hee Tumblr post? The schizos got to her :(
Kisame claims another victim. Mods should just autoban "Kisame" "Israel" "Palestine" and all related terms
she deleted them, was it just the three she made last night? or was there more before she scrubbed them. tbh whilst it was funny at first when people randomly called her a zionist and pretended she had whacky political beliefs I think some people actually believed it 💀

The retards harassing her need to neck themselves, if you freaks drive her off again you deserve to be turned into dogfood

For someone who's chronically online she's laughably easy to derail, idgi. You immediately lose when you start paying attention to dorks saying nonsensical shit. I feel kinda bad, but she does it to herself.
Personally I would blame the online community that encourages the retarded behavior but I’m just normal ig
She doesn't have to take it so seriously though? Like someone calling her a Zionist is doing it to rustle her jimmies. I don't think she has a thick enough skin to be in this sort of industry.

She lets people pick on her, and that just makes it easier to dogpile. It sucks, but at a certain point if someone keeps getting hurt by repeated behavior you have to recognize that something isn't working.
You realize this is the same community that doxxed her, harassed her, and outed her to her family? It’s a miracle she even came back. Fuck off with this shit. You’re a pissbaby that wouldn’t dare show your real face here lmao. You have to muster up courage to go to the grocery store like a fucking goon
>Like someone calling her a Zionist is doing it to rustle her jimmies.

Okay but that's still fucking fatherless behavior and the people who do it should be shamed. I genuinely do not understand what some people get out of being malicious cunts online.

The worst part is they act blameless, like being harassed and made to feel like shit is just part of posting on the internet. Okay, then don't fucking bitch and complain when people stop posting content like TCG did.

Also it's fucking gay and catty to just shittalk people behind their back and make fun of them. Either say it to their face in a position where they can respond in kind or acknowledge you are a fundamentally weak individual.

Like I said, either get a hobby or go buy some rope, this shit is pathetic
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>>101140 (OP)
>Don’t think she gets enough appreciation on here!

looking at all the chuckling going on i fully agree!
I feel like what I'm saying isn't crazy. All I'm saying is if you play with fire, the fire that mutilated you, you're bound to get burned. I'm not defending the people who make fun of her. I just think it's bizarre that she keeps coming back to the same people who hurt her feelings so much.

Yeah, well, welcome to the cum dungeons of the internet. I wouldn't be surprised if she did stop posting. For as much as she gets worked up I don't know why she continues to participate. Even keeping anon off on Tumblr would probably be much better for her mental health. I'm pretty sure GGG does that.

Did you even read what I said lmao
(3.0 MB, 450x346, why-are-you-booing-me-im-right.gif)
Lmao, what the fuck? I'm being censored for being sensible??

Anyway, obviously I'm not defending the people who are messing with her. But at some point she's gotta take some accountability. It's like watching a battered wife go back to her piece of shit husband.
>>146711 You realize in this scenario, that makes you the abusive piece of shit husband right? Doesn't matter anymore, seems like we ran her off tumblr.
Kinda weird to be this adamant that she go away. Why would you want that?
>Got doxxed
>Got her porn sent to her family members
>Came back in spite of it.
>Even cool enough to give free memberships here for no benefit
>Gets accused of shitting in the shower and being a Zionist, Things that clearly upset her
>"Well she shouldn't take it so seriously"

It's honestly BAFFLING how much people on here will commit to being pieces of shit and then act clueless once the model makes it clear it's not OK.
Fuck off man, she's been resilient enough. Fuckers will just find new ways to provoke her and push her buttons; there's no endgame for the people that want to upset her other than to drive her away completely. You're not a hero for telling her to be tough, you're condoning harassment.
honestly I participated in the waffle stomping zionist jokes because I thought they were satirising the ridiculous accusations directed against models and were too silly/obviously false to cause offence. I'll cease doing that now ._. (I never DM'd her to kill herself or anything heinous though).
i guess we need a little break with this.
i guess we need a little break with this.

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