
(225 KB, 1108x780, 24c5e096c4956189bdc4ded86a6e5f078dd83c4243afd2ac9248ed6d8e010b31.jpg) (841 KB, 2000x1761, 3d32f4a188b9cc574ed837f1687871cb942b1c83975a545f39d89b9ce1e46540.jpg) (291 KB, 1080x930, IMG_20221103_123912_297_edit_9921849239631.jpg) (247 KB, 1108x847, 17f134fce0909a4ce8c39697e73f6841b23a66b88cffb57e465b14e70429912d.jpg)
Last thread got bumplocked. You know the drill, post pics of girls getting fatter.

This is mostly just to post pics, I don't have any vids to offer
Sauce on that second pic?
Her belly looks great, a frontal view would be nice
Does she have a goal weight? Does it differ from yours?
Rosie Marie Feedee
People besleeping on her
(369 KB, 2880x2880, 20221108_063706.jpg)
Never really set a goal, it's all "relationship weight" I do keep snacks and stuff around abundant and her new job doesn't help her waistline either
>"relationship weight"
That's how it started for my wife too.

What does she think of the weight?
She's not a big fan of the tummy, but she is a fan of her new ass and tiddies, as you saw from the first post she had iddie biddie tiddies. I got stuff from almost every part of her gain tbh
I hope you're encouraging her. Looks like she could become quite bottom and middle heavy if she keeps gaining.
Cute! What does she weigh?
Left side she was sitting at about 130?
Right side was taken earlier this year she was about 200 even. As of right now she's about 230. Buying her new pants is eating hole in my pocket but werf.
>As of right now she's about 230.
Only another 150 pounds to get within striking distance of my wife.

>Buying her new pants is eating hole in my pocket but werf.
For me, it's the bras. My wallet fears her S-cups.
Just wait until she loses a button at dinner and another at dessert.
Her weight is starting to level out, she's only getting wider hips and thighs now + the ass
It's normal to stabilise at certain weights before then continuing to gain. My wife was stuck at 350 pounds for a while, for instance.
That's the price we pay for growth.

And make sure to hold onto them! Nothing better than watching your woman try to squeeze herself into something that fit her 50+ pounds ago.
But yesser if you wanna gander at some of my ladies gain I got files on files
Alright. Any questions for someone further down the journey of helping their woman gain?
(273 KB, 3840x2160, 20221108_101806.jpg)
Honestly being that she's not for or against it I'd like some info on how to plump her up more, faster but incognito. It doesn't really take much she got drunk and made me feed her cookie dough
If you've spoken to her about her gain then the next thing I would suggest is talking about purposeful meals, i.e., a stuffing session. We started with a a dessert as my wife, even before I met her, is insatiable with ice cream.
The second thing I would suggest is some small-term goal like gaining 5 pounds or adding another inch or two to her ass.
The last thing I would suggest is inspiration; your gf needs a person to model her behaviour on, and with whom to compete.
sick content I would love more pictures
do you have vids?
Jesus fucking christ she has exploded
Won't be long and that underwear you're buying her will go unseen.
Was my advice (>>101407) useful at all?
Bruv, I went through the effort of preparing a nice dinner. And all she ate was just "bullshit" sweets. I straight up told her "you're gonna get fat" she said she didn't care. So sheesh
Encouraging signs though, no? Growing out of clothes should be celebrated - this is another piece of advice I would give you.

I myself have several meals with accompanying desserts planned for my wife tomorrow.
What had you cooked? What did she have instead?
Man check this bullshit out, I had made some chicken and potatoes mixed in some bell peppers and jalapeños, seasoned it all nice and threw in some Mexican cheese. All and all it was gonna be a nice dinner, but she decided she wanted butterfingers and oreos.
U should make a profile on stufferdb if ur feelin it
You'll need a bigger tv soon enough if her ass keeps growing.
Wife's breakfast milkshakes went well.
(2.2 MB, 1320x1644, reporter.png)
Finally, a good reason to watch the news!!
Name of the blondie one? pls

I'd fucking love to see more of her stuff. She's one of my girl's friends that we see a couple times a year so I can't follow her on IG for obvious reasons and I damn sure ain't paying for anything.
How do you know her? Have you ever seen her eat irl? Is she as big as she looks? Is she clean? I follow her on Twitter and need to know more. Has she always been fat?
The findom shit all over her pages is such a huge turn-off. I can't imagine that mentioning that stuff is a net value-add for these chicks — the context of who they are makes it so nonsensical.

All I can tell you is that she looks like a normal fat person. I'm fat, my girl is fat, she is fat. We talk about normal things and have normal drinks and have normal meals like, you know - humans. She's part of a friend group. Hand out with enough people and spend enough time looking at fat chicks on the internet and paths will cross. Yes she's gained weight which is why I want to see more pics of her and I don't want it tracked back to me.
Not progression related but I just did a content drop with a few old videos of 2 of the creators in the OP pics along with a bunch of other content in the begging thread
The bridge piercing ruined it for me.
totally agreed. She has had a pretty face but now it looks awful.
The numbers in file name have no meaning, just needed to keep them together. May be some duplicates from people using different names
Can you upload content pls? she isnt on coomer, she needs one

Damn is this a morph or did both of them get fatter? Blond significantly so. I’d watch that network. Names?
(959 KB, 1051x842, reporter1.png)
Not a morph, all in the flesh. Blonde one's name is Beret Leone
I've seen her on curvage. Anyone have any of her content?
who is that in picture 1? she's hawt
They are all the same person. She goes by Chunky_Cherry on reddit and youtube
any video from her?? pls
It's 18 a month. Nevermind.
Man wtf is up with this generation of women hammering a goddamn piece of metal in their faces these days? The nose ring for example, is f*cking everywhere lol
Right? I was just thinking the same thing today after browsing TikTok, almost every decent looking girl, BBW or otherwise, had some kind of nose ring or face piercing.
Would you believe that outside of the internet, this is much less frequent than you imagine? There's a great big world out there for you to explore! Instead of looking at pictures and videos of people, I personally invite you to instead perceive them in our streets and towns!
>>104334 Some of us don't have to leave too far from home, or ever visit the zoo. Oh, and would you believe that they even willingly allow you to take photos if you ask them??? Incredible.

These hoes are outrageous these days... Young girls..together..skinny dipping in thongs? What is this, Europe? Fuck, I just got hard.
I mean if we're talking about the feederism scene specifically, I would venture a guess that the higher prevalence of body dysmorphia in these communities correlates with a greater affinity for body mods. I don't like it, but that's just how the world turns.
Can you reupload the chubbybunnywriter video, please?
Any updates on ur gfs gain?
christ i wish foreverReese made content.
Gawdamn yeah, her and Nyomi_NJ would be the dream
>>106922 Naomi is a biblical name.
I've always been fond of the name "Natasha".... It's a nice name for a girl, I think.
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I must be missing something but I don't get why this chick is so popular. The combination of exorbitant tattoos, fake tits and a lack of any real butt, breast or thigh growth just adds up to ... meh .

People like Nyomi_NJ and/or HoneyBiscuit20 weren't even trying to gain weight and just happened to end up becoming complete and utter fleshballs of excessive femininity
Damn! Pictures please!
Ha no. That Redditor was just larping as her boyfriend and by doing so scared them off from posting on Curvage ever since.
Say that without crying
>>109264 Ooh I think I know this reference. It's an anime about a girl and her lesbian sister, but I don't remember the name.
who is this and where can I find more? I found no coomer
man she is really ugly in her videos
I think she's really hot but man, this pic just hits different >>109264 it's on a whole another level
lol.. you spy on us and improve ai for free. lmao
Reina is insane from a stuffing/gaining pov precisely because she doesn't gain naturally but has still turned herself into a voracious eating machine and plumped up to almost 300lbs. She's just pure hedonism incarnate

Damn bro tell us what’s its like
(510 KB, 1704x2354, _20230204_152926.jpg)
Call me a fag, but Saturdays we used to hang out game some or watch a movie now she just stuffs herself stupid and sleeps till it's time to smoke weed.
Maybe you just start the day off right by lighting a blunt first thing in the AM.
Those bedsheets are criminal bruv do better
Aaaay man they were a gift a shitty gift but a gift can't beat free sheets
Any update on her?
She put on any more weight?
That belly is prime 🤤🤤
Damn son, she really doesn’t care is she starting to like it?
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GIF from the previous images
(535 KB, 512x848, Link to 00118-1880360044.png)
Stable diffusion (automatic1111) and Hassanblend installed on my computer

>generate one average girl
>use img2img for the average girl to make her bigger or smaller. Don't change the seed and it's best to use same prompt as for the first girl and just make one or two edits in it.
>at the end, inpaint face so that their faces would look similar. Use same prompt and seed for every girl.

Most time is spent when trying to make the growth proportional everywhere. I found it's best to change very general terms in prompts (eg. chubby) rather than specifying separately each body part (eg. thick thighs).

I spent lots of time sorting out the correct adjectives for weight, but looking back I think you could go for fewer if you adjust their weights
For example

1. (thin:1.5)
2. (thin: 0.5)
3. (chubby: 0.5)
4. (chubby: 1.5)
Can we keep this real weight gain only? AI morphs should be its own thread.
amazing. i'd love to see more of this content. 10/10
Easily the best. That's why I love this fetish. The ones who go the farthest usually are the most into it instead of looking for a quick buck
Hmm. Considering the pic name is "gordissima", that might just be a clue.
Best thread here, bump
(185 KB, 1061x856, obesity.jpg)
Is that ObesityGlorifier? Her account disappeared in 2017 and that's when this Gordissima person started posting
Wtf you need to tame your spergism. Reiß dich zusammen.
I miss this chick so much. Does ANYONE have a crumb of info where she is now?
You gotta update us bro
How does she feel about being fat? Does she prefer her new figure?
(403 KB, 849x1182, 20230317_183944.jpg)
Says she's going to try and lose some weight, she gained 5 pounds. So not sure it's working out
Nice to see she's at the phase where she will most likely give in after failing to lose weight. I wouldn't push it too much at this phase, but I could be wrong. Continue with your great work sir, the world needs more fat and obese women.

You've got a fatty for life
Damn she’s gotten fatter than I thought
Hell yeah bro make her bigger

Gotta love manipulative behavior
The trick is to do all the food shopping yourself and keep getting her favorite junk food
(2.9 MB, 500x1080, DASH_1080.mp4)
Anybody knows if she has a platform where she posts?
Her gain was amazing, now in this video is even more fatter recently
I lost all my weight gain compilations, anyone got those saved?
JFC she got up to 280? Thats insane. She must have purged all her media because I cant find her anywhere
She's on TikTok but goddamm, is she a christian crackhead in her vida lmao
Nothing wrong with a little God in the mix if shes a lardass
Got a link to her page?
Not anymore, from her latest photos she is a blue hair body positive woke moron
What’s her name? You have any vids?
Lmao doesn’t she know gluttony is a sin
That was actually hilarious
>aggressively fat
>aggressively redhead
>aggressively Christian
Impossible… the perfect woman doesn’t exist…
It's @thefoxyredhead at TikTok, and there are her other social medias
(74 KB, 612x900, angry-russian-woman-isolated-over-gray-background-47041965.jpg)
Behold two brain dead ignorant coomers. Do you know how many extremely pious plump Christian mothers and nanas have existed through history?

Literally just last week I was reading stats about Russian history. You don't get more Christian than muh based Orthodox old Russia. The Russian peasant men REALLY tended to like their women "thicc". It's all about balance.

Same goes for many similar cultures btw, I'm sure you've seen even threads and posts on here about historical feeders, which included very serious Christians.

There are countless evil people thin as rails in Hell. There are living saints even today who are a bit corpulent.

Here's a commandment for you: "Judge not, but judge with righteous Judgement." I wonder who said that!

>TLDR - fat women are based, trad, and lindy.

P. S. On a practical level in pre industrial society in colder climates women just straight up died more often if they were skinny.
This was amazing before she ruined herself with tattoos
Fucking backwards bible bashing God bothering bastards.
What would sky hippy say about being a porn addict, you LARPing zoomer FAGGOT
Can we please not devolve this thread into insulting one another, just stick to big chicks getting bigger
Hold on a minute mate…
i mean, that's what i'm here for lol, but man, does this fetish makes everyone with it more retarded
Didn’t know she was back. Thanks

Dont get your hopes up, she stopped after a while and recently too.
Now she focuses on encouragement for feedees. Shes still big though, but only audio stuff now.
Her old reybbw onlyfans is on coomer if you didn’t know.It’s been there for a while
Lol fuck that link no way am I trusting it 😂
Bro you should absolutely make your own thread, thanks for sharing the pics with us all

Yeah you could start your own
I just hate the piercings.
Fuck off nigger, piercings are disgusting.
I commented on her pic asking if she was a feedee a few months ago, she said no then blocked me 😅😅😅
oh, wonder why... this people really need some serious social skills.
That’s crazy. Her bio says she’s not a feedee and I know she doesn’t have an only fans. She also apparently isn’t a gainer and says that she has never gained on purpose. I think she’s just a regular chick. But I haven’t seen her be hostile towards us or me at least. My page is all feederism and she’s never blocked me for interacting.
She keeps posting comparison picks with captions like "shes so much happier" and "nature is healing". Like shes completely delusional lol
See I thought that was because she had an eating disorder. Do you think she’s secretly a feedee? That would be amazing. Even though I do think the whole accidental gaining thing is hot.
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>thcgummy on tumblr
GODDAMN, what a gain holy shit. Truly incredible form and super obese for someone who's actually pretty, rare combo

She's definitely NOT copesetic tho, posted a bunch of really old pics and that skeeved me out. She's over 20 in all these at least, it'd be swell if someone would compile all her 18+ pics in a stufferdb folder.
Doesn’t she have an ig?
Her ig is yourfavfatbabe and she’s on Twitter under the same name
Whoa! I've got videos of this one from when she was a bit chubby. What happened here?
Anything new from the gf of that one guy here?
Once you get fat, there's no turning back. Obesity is the next step
that's doughbabe, used to go by plumpkin
the absolute pinnacle of big ladies in my opinion
who's the girl in the second pic with the funnel?

Burstingbabe, but she hasn't done much for a few years, very stagnant and not gaining.
I wish she made videos. Her coomer only has stuff before the gain.
her gain is on coomer bro

Anyone know what happened to her, her Reddit is gone
She left the internet once again, and I say once again because she's done this before where she'll post her gain and then dip off the internet only to return a few months later.
(317 KB, 890x1100, 6.JPEG) (210 KB, 782x772, 7.JPEG) (185 KB, 720x960, 8.JPEG) (329 KB, 1080x1080, 9.JPEG) (241 KB, 905x916, 10.JPEG)
Must have found this progression on Reddit about a year or more ago and saved the pictures, but didn't bother to record a name.

No idea who she is, no results from Google image search, and seemingly no clues in any of the photos about potential location or (like, at this point) alma mater. Really wish I could see her now.

Photos uploaded out of order in last post, but the filenames indicate chronology.

Given I have no idea who she is, I have no idea if she embraced her gain. All the better as far as I'm concerned, because unintentional/unwanted growrh + especially ones that accompany efforts to NOT gain are some of the hottest things on the planet in terms of progressions IMO.

At least, based on the more vocal users around here, I know there's more than a little bit of a preference for intentional/gainee-appreciated expansion though. I can empathize and appreciate it, especially when it comes to a partner, but I don't personally comprehend it or enjoy it (on its own, if the gainer/feedee isn't otherwise top-notch figure-wise.
(259 KB, 1320x1043, 1.jpg) (457 KB, 932x2136, 2.jpg)
A person I vaguely know through anime cons. She absolutely did not plan/want this gain, but its been fun to watch from the distance
(534 KB, 551x1071, stop asking.png) (334 KB, 349x910, please.png)
Alright, fuck it. I see her asked about constantly and I'm tired of it.

This is my ex. There is nothing more to see. (Well, there are some more pictures out there but you should be able to find those. Btw, don't get too excited if you find pics where she's a lot smaller. She's underage in those.) She found out these pics were circulating, privated her socials, and lost weight. And yes, she's graduated, so there wouldn't really be shit to see anymore anyway. Big FUCK YOU to the guy who posted these, because of course she thought it was me, and was on edge for the rest of our relationship.

However, I can't say it's not validating to constantly see mfs thirsting over a gain that I contributed heavily to, so here are a couple pics from her peak. In turn, if you see people asking about her, please pass this message along: She has lost weight. You have seen her at her biggest. There is nothing more to see. Stop asking. And tell them to pass that on too.
Stop LARPing man, it's cringe.
That doesn't even look anything like her
>claims the relationship ended due to accusations of posting her pictures
>posts pictures, proving she's in the right
If you're going to make stuff up youre supposed to be the good guy
shit my bad pimp i matched wit her
Christ man, what's her weight now? Dream come true for you

No, I'm almost positive he's telling the truth. Somebody dropped her socials about a year ago on here with many of the photos you've already seen. I know because I reported the posts.

She is quite literally just some girl. Not a feedee, gainer, or any part of this fetish. Leave her alone. Especially the ex... like lmao bro why would you post about her after she accused you of doing that

Whole situation is gross. Stick to feedees and gainers.
>Whole situation is gross. Stick to feedees and gainers.

Yeah if she really doesn't wanna be posted here, or anywhere for that matter, it's not kind and there's no practical reason to keep posting her photos, so I won't ask anymore/anywhere else. Good to know she's not comfortable with it I suppose.

That said, I see no reason to stick to just feedees. and gainers, plenty of attractive models/"models", amateur or otherwise, put on weight in good places while still embracing it and posting their own content without necessarily intentionally gaining or focusing on it as a kink.

I'm not even that into feederism personally, but I'm very into large attractive women, and seeing them put on pounds in a flattering way is still awesome to see. It's a natural part of fertility/lifestyle/femininity to gain or fluctuate in weight in certain areas, and confident sexuality in overweight women doesn't absolutely necessitate also desiring to be fattened up or fed for the purpose of growth.
Lol that’s legit her. Are you blind? I know who she is and have her on social. The white knighting is fucking stupid, though. It’s messed up to post her, but look where we’re at. I’m not surprised. I personally don’t post any private pi, or handles of anybody I know so to be that much of a human scum isn’t very conceivable to me… However, the biggest rule on the Internet is whatever you post is basically fair game. I don’t make the rules,
kinda weird how two people here know this oddly specific person.

but yeah, goes without saying that people shouldn't share private pics.

it's in the file name
I posted in the hopes that people would stop asking about her because frankly it's a really strange situation to be in for me and I would like it to stop. I added pics to not get accused of lying (didn't work lol) and as sort of an olive branch to avoid the contrarian Streisand effect imageboards are prone to. "Oh you told me not to do something, now I'm gonna do it more!" I think she'd rather have a couple more pics out there that shut down people wanting more than become one of those white whales that people ask about constantly, like that Tumblr Americana girl or whoever. And they're screencaps from a public YouTube video with tens of thousands of views.

It's fair if you think that was retarded of me, but I've seen her asked about on here, Reddit, Curvage, Tumblr etc. over a dozen times over the last year and a half, so ignoring it wasn't working either.
>>121595 (Cross-thread)
Im obsessed with unintentional weight gain. The fact that she wants to stop and can’t. She already has poor mobility and says she wants to stop the gain and never wanted to gain in the first place. She looks like she’s been drinking weight gain shakes but the truth is she is just eating that much. She indulges every single craving without a second thought and wonders why she can’t stop. It’s destroying her and she can’t stop. I’m so obsessed with that shit.
(2.3 MB, 2532x860, 1685982341951549.png)
it seems perfect woman does exist.
but side note if you're a libtard there's always voice actress Jamie Marchi (Panty from Panty and Stocking).
thcgummy is her tumblr username
Yourfavfatbabe on ig and twitter
Amazing, now is the time to let her know you like her plumper, give her lots of compliments and encouragement. When she has those doubts that's when you reassure her
(1.5 MB, 2493x1419, IMG_5712.jpeg)
College Girl’s 4 Year Gain
> little
Kek, is it just me or are sorority girls total fatasses these days? I imagine constant partying in a group of enablers doesn't help
Where are these from and what’s her username? I know some stuff about her
Anyone know the name of the second girl?
Me too… what username is she going by these days? I used to feed her a bit before she upped and disappeared off everything. Her name’s Shannon but idk what her username/accounts are these days… pls help
these dont look like the same person.
Read the bottom corner of the picture mate
(895 KB, 3951x1600, IMG_6040.jpeg)
Prom Queen, High School To 5 Year Reunion
This is edited as fuck, you can see the jagged edges around her upper arm and the nose doesn't match on any of them. Fuck off with this.
tattoo on that girls gut has to be the most repulsive thing ever. tattoos are ok with me, but damn what the fuck
Hey ! I know her name and have her social. If you are really her ex because i knownhow he is looking like, id love to chat with you... do you have snapchat or something else ?
who is this? i remember her but the name is on the tip of the tongue

Name is honeybiscuit20 incase anyone needs.
I’m convinced some women have brain damage.
The retarded tattoo was something I could try to look past because she has a nice fat body... but she literally seems to want to look like that fucked up toy from toy story; buzzed hair, gross fake eyelashes.

I wouldn't doubt she's intentionally making herself look repulsive, which sucks because again, nice body... minus the tat
(439 KB, 2000x1059, Growing.jpg)
My Girlfriend's gains over the years. Never intended this much growth, but I've come to enjoy it simply by virtue of loving her no matter what. My being a gourmet chef just ended up ... making reality what it is, I guess. Luckily, my "tastes" have grown at the same pace she has b/c love.

Never specifically been into feederism, but always been attracted to larger girls. That said, huge boobs have always caught my eye the most readily, and she already had the largest breasts of any 20 year old I've ever known when we first met. Wore a 40H when we met and now measures at 48P.
Oh crap she looks spectacular. Literally like living fetish art and I'm not even mainly a boob guy, she's amazing. Is this real? What's her weight now? How does she even move around in public with those knockers? Back pain? You scored the jackpot
My God, she's incredible. Congratulations, seriously, holy shit.
(1.2 MB, 3500x1840, Growing.jpg)
>Oh crap she looks spectacular

Thank you! She's not such a big fan of how much more difficult certain things get while being so large. Ironically, when it comes to WG content, I very much prefer seeing unintentional/unwanted gains, but given it's a partner I'm more invested in her being happy and healthy in the longer term.

I'm still very much 100% attracted to her at her current weight and size, but also wish her success/want to help her with any desired weight loss however I can. She's been eating much more healthfully as of late, the biggest thing is she's a very hard working professional, and gets home late enough/wiped out enough that making time to exercise is difficult physically & mentally. She's on the path to be bringing in about 200K a year by our mid-30s.

They say diet is more important for weight loss than exercise, but I think at a certain junction of the obesity range, exercise does a lot more to shape your physique a lot quicker. Lucky for us, I'm relatively knowledgeable with strength training and do train her with weights when we get time, so she'll likely stay relatively bulky but just stronger/fitter.

>Literally like living fetish art and I'm not even mainly a boob guy, she's amazing.

Thanks again :) Also now that I got my life story out of the way we can talk about the fun stuff lol.

This progression picture I whipped up has a lot more belly focus to hopefully oblige your tastes a bit better!

I've found I'm a bit of an outlier around these parts (in /bbw) in the sense of my breast fixation haha. I love a big belly too, but for me the preference is always that either the boobs and/or the booty is dominant over the belly. That said, I've also gotten to the point where a giant pear booty and/or a massive macromastia case aren't that alluring to me if they're not also accompanied by at least a considerable amount of chub elsewhere. Nothing better IMO than a round plump tummy sitting under/squishing up against a big set of tits.

>Is this real?

Very real compadre. I definitely feel you on the living fetish art part. I think my nearly 8-year relationship with her has slightly desensitized me to the monstrousness of her mammaries, in the day-to-day sense. Sometimes, like now, I get one of those reminders that she really is an incredibly rare "specimen", shape-wise lol.

>What's her weight now?

Wish I could tell you. All I know is that she's over 300, and that was a "milestone" I learned about a couple years ago, so I know it's higher than that now. It's something I don't try to find out because I don't care as much about the numbers, measurements, cup sizes, etc. I do take some guilty pleasure during her period, when I visibly notice her those weeklong growth spurts when her tits get swollen and she's bloated all week.

>How does she even move around in public with those knockers?

Speaking of daily struggles (and the monthly kind I just mentioned), I did admit to her fairly recently that I get a bit of kinky glee when the growth of her boobs or ass prevent her from fitting in things like certain chairs or shirts, or when her tits get in her way. We've been together long enough I knew it wouldn't piss her off. She said "well... at least there's *one* plus-side to it all haha.

You mentioned public, but she tends to have a catch more grief with minor things around the house than out in public. Real estate ain't cheap these days and our apt. could be a bit more spacious.

She regularly knocks things over with her tits, and recently with her ass more often too (I'll whip up a progression pic for that too soon and share). Mostly she runs into things or knocks them over due to all-around wide/thickness, but her tits do also bump furniture, etc. on very regular, almost daily basis.

For a while I was thinking she wasn't gonna grow much if at all in the booty dept. and all the fat would just keep mostly going to her boobs and some to her belly, but I've been blown away during recent doggy sessions how much LARGER and more "dynamic" her booty is. That is, how much more squeeze and bounce it accommodates.

She has issues with my passenger-side seatbelt a lot but in public, she generally doesn't have an issue with movement. Though a year or so ago there was one incident at a grocery store when her right boob knocked over one of those big plastic jugs of water with the spout while she was checking out.

The spout broke off when the jug hit the floor and water gushed all over the walkway at the end of the checkout stands, RIGHT as a woman was scurrying toward the exit with her cart. The woman then full-on feet-in-the-air slipped and landed on her back, and started freaking out at one of the store workers asking why water was all over the floor with no sign. My GF had to calm her down by explaining that she knocked it over on accident lol.

>Back pain?

Not as much from the boobs, but she has some just because our bed isn't great for her shape/size. It's a super nice memory foam bed, but the sinkage causes some angling issues for her at night. Luckily, when we do get the chance to hit the gym, I've trained her to focus on lifts that strengthen the back, shoulders, butt/glutes, and core. Massive tits much more commonly cause shoulder and neck pain from what I've gathered -- both from her experience and from the anecdotes I've seen on r/bigboobproblems. It's because of all the weight the shoulder and neck muscles have to support in the bra. I've been on that subreddit a number of times to try and find solutions for her for things like seatbelts locking/sliding off her chest, properly sizing a bra, etc.

Honestly, the whole meme/trope of big boobs causing back pain has gotten to a point where I get the urge to be that person to comment "Ackshooully..." whenever it comes up in comment sections. If you do the research to properly size your breasts, invest in a proper supportive bra, and focus on toning/stretching those muscle groups I mentioned, the back doesn't take the brunt of the weight.

I think less people would end up getting reductions if our healthcare system actually focused on ameliorative measures like legitimate bra sizing, physical therapy/education on strength training and stretching, etc. I fully believe bras should be seen as medical devices and covered by insurance for women with abnormally large breasts.

——— ———

Anyway... I know lots of people around the chan really hate long walls of text like this, but I know that if I didn't have the partner I did I'd probably enjoy reading daily life shit like this, so I figure if you and/or a couple other people appreciate it then fuck the whiners.

The belly progression I attached goes from 2015 to last month. July 2017 was her lowest ever weight over the course of our couplehood. Right after graduating college she had a brief Weight Watchers stint because her Senior year classes/finals blew her up about 50 pounds. After that, the daily grind took back over.
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I have to sleep but I really appreciate you writing this all out. Honestly, if you were up for it consider making at least a private tumblr or blog if you think it's a good idea to share her more formally/archived. She's really beautiful though and I love the stories. And she's even a girlboss making a lot of dough (in every sense)? Blessed 100 times over dude, I'm sure even a ton of guys with "normal" taste would be very jealous. She's already definitely a living pillow (or little sofa) now and it's glorious to see those mammaries splay out, I mean it's anime girl-tier. The top category in Danbooru/gelbooru actually (gigantic_breasts).

Definitely might be a good idea to build some muscle under the chub for long-term health (plus exercise realistically would fuel hunger for her to binge more than calories burned after). Lots of air, sunshine, carrots and salad, on top of all the decadence of course. Congrats on even making an ass-guy super jelly. Appreciate and motorboat her often.
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Not sure who this is but the way her arms get so flabby
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Honestly the side by side she posted isn’t as dramatic as I thought it would be. 1.5 years according to her
Yeah everyone on curvage freaking out, herself included, saying it’s her “biggest gain in shortest time”. She looks exactly the same lmao
Out of all the feedees Casey annoys me the most by far. Her before/after pics are so cringe, always trying to emphasize what a "skinny" maladjusted workoutaholic she was. Yeah... she's always had a big face and a body type destined to gain... I look at her as just another girl that decided to wreck herself instead of getting the therapy she needed /rant
> Honestly, the whole meme/trope of big boobs causing back pain has gotten to a point where I get the urge to be that person to comment "Ackshooully..."

Do you have some pointers for me? Preferably looking like they were written by medical experts? My gf has beautiful g-cups and back issues, but I can't convince her that some targeted exercise is a better option that the knife...
This is what happens when a Girl starts to eat. It can awaken Her Deep, intense, and massive Hunger for Sweets, Candy, Cake, ice cream, and delicious Pie. When she reaches a certain size, then HER HUNGER also starts to Grow Deeper, Deeper and more intense. A lot of Food is required only to remain satisfied, while HER body Holds tightly on to any extra calories. Then She starts eating to the state of fullness, past keeping only satisfied. This Stretches Her stomach further, and Further, giveing her Wonderous feelings of fullness. From this Enormous amount of calories that she ingests Daily, HER BELLY FATTENS quickly and expands to Massive size, her very Hungery Tummy Growing Thicker, Softer, and heavier. Her Boobs also swell nice and big, laden with milk. Then the Girl's HIPS and THIGHS begin to Widen Soften and jiggle, Her BUTT becomes HUGE Growing Outwards, Thicker and Thicker, Jiggling. After this growth, her friend suddenly shoves a whole Cake in her mouth, then gently pats the Girl's Large Belly which begins to growl for more of the Tasty and delicious Cake. Then many of her friends come over to feed her.
There’s more than one health benefit to getting a reduction and exercise isn’t some panacea, that’s just bro science from stupid /bbw/ anons
I agree but for me that’s also kinda hot—a fun Feedee trope. Average body or even chunky girl gains and shows befores saying “I can’t believe I used to be skinny!!!” They’re such a natural fatty physically AND mentally, they wctually think they used to be legit skinny.
Why are you guys buying your women their clothes like they're your children?
Reduction outside literal emergencies to save life should be illegal and all cosmetic surgeons stripped of their licenses and arrested, preferably exiled.
god I stg she is one of the ugliest people in this fucking fetish. the feet shit makes me wanna barf
Her phenotype is supposed to run a barnyard school like it's the Navy
what socials username does she go by online?
queen celeste on curvage
She posted a lot of skin in a couple of shots awhile back and I lost the photos. Shot in the dark if anyone saved them.
Gotta be a morph. Where was this posted?
Nvm that’s 100% real. Her OF is free rn. Anyone able to update coomer? Her @ is reybbw

I would but I’m not able to give OF a credit card atm
I like a good fit to fat - but this is cute to fugly. No thanks.

this is very easy to do if you know how to do it

I'm happy to do it, takes me less than a minute

I would recommend posting the link though like onlyfans.com/reybbw

just because I try to skim these threads and I only read posts with pictures or links and I just happened to notice your @ symbol
nice gain, but uh who is she i don't recognize
she is @bbw_pixipix I think it's time she had her own thread here
Marigoddess is a great one. Underrated gem. Wish someone could put together a compilation of her monthly weigh ins
Wow her fingers are fat! Congratulations on your girls journey into obesity hope she's enjoying being fat
Man you live the dream with your girl. Do you have a picture of her sitting? Would Love to See that
Holy fuck
Got any in-between? The journey from fit to fat is the hottest part to me
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She kind of looks like a skinny KittyPiggy in the before
>belly tattoo
god I hate this fucking trend, and it's becoming so popular
I can't wait for the next 2 panels
jesus fuck what the hell happened here?
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IDK who. Dug deep but no luck. Hope there's more though (weight that is. ... and more photos also.)
How do you feel about the happy trail
Thankfully hers is smaller then a lot of others. Satanthiic and StuffyBunny have huge tats that basically cover their bellies, those suck ass
Ahhh not a happy trail, its where she refuses to wear clothes her size so it's making a rub rash
2 and 3 is so drastic it feels like there's a missing pic.
How did you convince someone so fit to get fat? Does she like it, or is she insecure about it?
How tall is she? How long did it take to gain that much?
Is she still on feabie? Does she go by a different username now?
That's my b heres the "missing link"
She's probably 5"6? And probs about 3 years time?
PlumpPsychologist on FF
Ditto. I've no strong feelings one way or another on tats in general. IMO I've never seen a tattoo that ever made someone's body "more" attractive than it already was/would have been without it, usually it's just kinda forgettable with no significant change to overall hotness.

It's only once the tattoo encroaches on the sexy stuff by obscuring natural curves (boobs, belly, butt or any other part of a plentiful pretty person's pleasantly plump places in particular).

Satanthiic! Thank you, that's who I was thinking of. YungFreckz was the only one I could recall right away of someone who did this. Also one of the first examples, in my memory. A huge, uninspired tattoo right under her cleavage. Not only was it off-center/lopsided, it was mostly hidden under her hangers anyway (which are also hidden... jfc).

At least for a chick whose fat is all in her tits, they help cover it up all the way if she keeps growing, but with the belly button ones and Satanthiic's it's just ... there now :/
I think this one was a weight loss but put in reverse. Look at her bellybutton on the left pic that looks like a weight loss skin flap
But again it could be a weight gain since that belly on the right would leave behind much bigger skin flaps if she were to lose it
true but why post a pic like that with their tits out to show a weight loss? seems like they might of gained weight and lost it in the first pic but then gained it back and more in the second and wanted to show it off

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