
(141 KB, 1461x1100, malmalloy-f86fdc991ec16424a2e979d557203a26-imagejpeg.jpg) (55 KB, 610x814, malmalloy-0F4ED4B4-A8DA-4409-B14A-469B2C0289BE-21012-000007119BD45116.jpg) (2.2 MB, 3264x2448, 20180606_214441.jpg)
Old thread is dead. Long live the new thread.

>>100721 (OP)
I've been a fan of hers for a long time but honestly I'm just not feeling it now that she's lost so much weight.
Like a deflated balloon :/
It might not be over yet. She's yo-yo'd before and my wallet will be ready for that day
when did she lose weight? her last post was like in august
Her last post was a couple weeks ago and there was a bunch in sept. But she's been in a steady decline since last spring.
I know you feeder fetish guys want her to just keep growing but she was just getting too big IMHO. I love huge asses and tits too, but it's really not healthy.
She's very pretty but the weight was starting to take away from it, again IMHO.
opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one and they spread it on the internet.
Agreed. I wish Mal would show us hers more often.
I don’t think she likes to because she think it’s ugly. It a little darker and bumpy than most. Her sisters is really dark. Think of a big tree with a hole for an owl or squirrel.
Anybody got a drop of her at her heaviest?
>>100721 (OP)
Is there a way to tell what her most recently filmed video is? The c.p stuff just seems like reposts of old videos, instead of new recordings after losing weight
I want to see evidence of her weight loss that's being claimed here. She's never going to gain to 500lbs anyway so it seems more like someone is mad that she didn't gain during her time away and is now saying she's losing weight.

Her privates are kind of dark. Probably one of only a couple of things that isnt perfect about her. But the darkness is in no way a deal breaker, she's still one of the hottest women I've seen.
She ever got hiccup in a stuffing video?

>>I don’t think she likes to because she think it’s ugly.

I don't think most humans would find an asshole to be a thing of beauty. Especially when you have to deal with several on a daily basis.
>>100961 I think most people would consider you to be an asshole. Most people like buttholes. On the contrary they probably wouldn't like you if they knew you. My advice is that you first learn to love yourself, and then you learn to be yourself
(1.4 MB, 4906x2892, malmalloy-lGwMGYMjy-rvccBrMn1uZpv1OF_JlNg9ZhhnS_QyAA.jpg) (54 KB, 800x562, malmalloy-cad6dc2e-6283-4404-b207-30dfbd3129b3.jpg) (35 KB, 604x402, HxsZmx3.jpg)

Nope. I'm just shoving as many files as will fit into an upload with no regard for logic.

Can anyone make an update of that first pic?
(122 KB, 865x1923, MalOct22.jpg)
She posted this Oct 19, 2022 but of the few pics she's been posting since she started being flaky again, she's looked progressively slimmer & slimmer and boring.
I mean the not healthy part isn’t an opinion but point taken. Honestly I think I liked mal when she was a tad bit smaller, so it doesn’t really bother me much. Now that is definitely an opinion
If that is a recent ( I could swear I've seen her in that dress before but am not taking the time to dig through the gigs I've got of her to find it) it doesn't look like a major weight loss to me.
She is a curvy woman with an hourglass shape.
So when she gains a few lbs she'll keep that hourglass shape. She's not a gainer.
Ah yes I guess I'm just really toxic and inconsiderate for prefering girts that big. Not like you fine gentleman: You're all so reasonable concerned about her health, so you don't mind her losing some of that terrible unhealthy belly fat as long as her chest and butt stay massive, am I right?

Ugh you guys, I swear....Here, let me bring in some Doctors and Fitness Coaches to come whittle down all your favorite curvy models down to 100 lbs because that's "healthier.". Come guys, line your girlfriends up. All those curves need to come off so that they can live to age 95. It's for your own good!
Oh and by the way, I'm calling out everybody who comes her to police others for liking women "too big," not just 100892. U guys always act like you're protecting these forums from some crazy fringe feedist mob, but in reality you're making the majority of people lurking the forum feel bad about themselves.
> you're making the majority of people lurking the forum feel bad about themselves.
As they should.
No we should not. We did literally nothing fucking wrong by liking fat girls. Burn in hell.
I know these posts will get deleted out. But here's the thing with fat women and the guys who want them to gain.
There's nothing wrong with having a like for women who are fat, and fat can be many sizes. It's the guys who want them to gain to the point of immobility or worse. Those are the ones who should feel bad.
Someone like Mal is NEVER going to gain a lot. She has gained more than I ever imagined she would but she isn't going to keep on gaining so some guys can jack it to her. It's her life and her body. No guy has any say, no matter how much $$$ he spends on her content, of how fat she should let herself be.
It's ok to fantasize that she might gain to 400 lbs or whatever but when she doesn't make ones fantasy into reality it's fucked up to get mad at her and bad mouth her online saying she's this or that and her content is awful etc etc.
We don't own these women. There's plenty of fat models out there to jack it to if you need someone fatter than Mal to get off on. ( BoBerry, Roxxie, Jackie)
If Mal wants to remain a reasonable weight so she can live her life doing whatever she wants comfortably she's going to do it. Whether some guys like it or not. She can quit modeling whenever she wants. It's all her choice.
She is not obligated to fulfill someones fantasy.

Lol, did I touch a nerve? Go back to looking at assholes ya pansy.
>>101060 Yucki. Only gaylords like buttholes.

Uh, that woman looks gorgeous to me. Huge hips and tits with some belly fat too. What's the fucking complaint here?
I agree. Buttholes are gross. Especially hairy ones. I'm not too fond of ass in general
all this shit posting about size should be dead.

that's why /ssbbw/ was created

or at least that's the argument I used to help it get created.

all the "this woman who is a bbw superstar is too small" shitposts should just go to /ssbbw/ and be happy instead
Gain 400 lbs? Immobile? Lol what are you talking about? I liked mal the way she was the past few years. I see girls bigger than her walking around fine every day. But as usual, I come here and see the guilt trip squad being like: „Na bruh it was unhealthy come to your senses.“
Doctors are all Bad Dads who support the vaccination of unborn newborns by pedophiles elites. Good Dads hunt the jewish doctors and do away with the pedophiles.
Keep seething you mentally ill coomer.
>>101112 How does Analphobia make me a pussy? I just don't like anuses. It's okay to be straight.
>>101113 Okay but what does that mean?
Than keep it for yourself, Virgo. Don't understand people hier.... Brave dude's like OP sharing material for free, and just complaining all the time, She's too fat, bla bla, she gotta be on Ssbbw. Jesus!
He’s just jealous that I can embrace who I am. I like run of the mill fat girls, i.e. 200s-300s. This isn’t some fetish to me, it’s the kind of woman I want to date and eventually marry. So I am insanely fed up with people here moralizing about how that’s „too big and unhealthy.“

I lost my shit last night and went to bed furious at like 4 in the morning. People call me mentally ill, but how is a sane person supposed to react to having his preferences in women put in the chopping block every damn night by self-hating assholes still stuck in the fat closet? I want so badly to just not comment on this site but I literally can’t handle this shit. I swear, if the bbw porn on spankbang weren’t such garbage, I would never subject myself to this site, curvage, or stufferdb ever again.

Least mentally I'll bbwchan user
found the maga doofus
Wow I knew their is a lot of pieces of shit around here, but but your def the biggest of them all

>>I swear, if the bbw porn on spankbang weren’t such garbage

Nigga, I just got all 10 of Reiina's videos from over there. You're just not searching good enough. Fuck this site and fuck all of these cum stains and wasted abortions.

I hope BananaMan fucks up and nukes this site again.
I will agree that spankbang evidently changed their compression algorithm and it is much better now than it was before, however they still have trackers and sell data so if you don't mind literally the whole world knowing what movies you watch on there and your neighbor starts looking at yoj funny and the old lady next door stops doesn't flirt with you anymore like she used to... because I noticed even with javascript off they still do tracking of movies you watch (although I am not sure how). If that doesn't matter to you then spankbang is way better than pornhub of today. spankbang in a way is like the old pornhub used to be although maybe not as good but it's better than nothing. I can not stand people keeping track of rhe movies I download so I stopped using that place since like 2017 around when covid was about to start.
Thought I'd share this before wiping everything


It's her first dvd thing
Dear, lord! She is the perfect woman wife. Who could not love a face like that? That body she has is perfection. Please drop her pee drinking video where she drank her own piss from a cup. Women from Texas will always be the best women, and for good reason.
You're thinking of her sister and who may live in Texas but is from Washington.
Maybe lay off porn for a while and find a real fat girl so you won't sperg out and lose sleep over a bunch of randos on a message board

>>I stopped using that place since like 2017 around when covid was about to start.

>>First known case was identified in late 2019

Also, if you cared so much about being tracked, you wouldn't be on here. And who gives a fuck about neighbors knowing what you watch? How paranoid can you be? You don't think you're the only person in your neighborhood that watches porn? Afraid that the elderly couple down the street will show up to your door and condemn you?
>>101196 What are you, a nut? Read what I wrote and then read what you wrote. Why and how is this site bad for human rights and good for tracking?
You let it get to you that much?
Someone just shared vids of her from over 10 yrs ago. She's not a gainer. Pretty obvious. 10 + yrs and she's not a blob. She's gotten older, had a kid, and she packed on a few extra pounds along the way. So just accept who she is and if she's not fat enough for you, find some other model.

There's a lot hanging around this site that need to take a break.

Thanks for the share! A couple of vids I hadn't seen before.
First, I've done wrong by looking at porn forums a couple nights a week. Second, stop trying to make this about Mal specifically: this is about people commenting „Bruh fat is unhealthy she needs to lose weight“ practically every 5 seconds on a BBW porn forum. That’s not ok. That would be like a gay porn forum filled with comments like „Repent your sins and turn the light of Jesus Christ.“ It is self-hating toxic sludge and all you fucking know it.
Yes, i recall that machine gun video 🤣
And dude I also literally wrote *multiple times* that I liked mal at the size she was the past few years. But no matter what I say, you guys keep pretending im some sort of ssbbw-loving death feedist.
But know what? I give up. No matter what I say, the next response to me will ignore the issue I‘m complaining about, accuse me of being one of the guys that wants Mal to be 500 lbs and immobile, and call me insane. That’s what you guys have done on every single topic where I say „stop shitting on guys for liking average fat women.“ You‘re dishonest assholes and literally incapable of engaging with this topic fairly.
Edit: I’ve done Nothing* wrong
Absolutely agree, they all sound like closeted gay priests "no...its wrong..."
They’ll definitely delete all this. Mods probably hate me at this point but glad to see someone agree with me
>>101183 Many many thanks , I ordered that and it never arrived , so finally I get to see what I got my money back for.
Y’know what man, I agree. I’m growing weary of seeing people constantly kink-shaming on all these sites. Like why tf are you even here? We all know the average man would be too disgusted to visit this site, so you’re obviously here for the same reason as everyone else. Glad someone is finally speaking up about it
woman taking care of her health and not looking like a shapeless blob = boring

Don't be sad that it's over be happy that it happened
Yeah, where do you think you are?
>>100721 (OP)
anyone want to inform me on how to view this stuff? Pretty confused
Just posted some old Mal content in the begging thread along with stuff from a bunch of different models
Above video is unseen
not obesechan, bbwchan
A 5‘4 woman is technically obese at 175 lbs. Face it, everyone here is obese. Almost everyone who is visibly chubby is obese. Get used to liking obese girls, son.
im wheezing bro

Could you post the gray bodysuit vid you posted in the beggin thread here i cant open it
Checking in to ask if Mal has gotten around to doing a video walking around in a tight leather skirt?
There’s a video on her Reddit posted a week ago like that.
go back to your /booty/ containment board

Where did you find that video because I need the full one lol doing what I can to find it now
It is in the beginning of this thread
I agree with this guy, the fuck is wrong you people? You just can't like pussy like a normal man?
Just get married and stay away from the porn my dude

I am in the same boat as you.
Amazing how on a thread devoted to women how many faggots post here.
hopefully this bump will save the thread

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