
(103 KB, 1280x720, ChubbyVanessa.jpg)
Thoughts on her? It feels like she's relatively unknown but at the same time has a fairly large following. Her content is also cheap as fuck so I don't mind buying it or relying on leaks
Pretty sure “she” is a dude of some sort
What makes you think that? Most Tranny bbws tend to just have a giant ass belly and nothing else tbh
(310 KB, 787x355, Screenshot 2021-12-29 205003.png)
"She" is "relatively unknown" because it is generally known that "she" is really a dude wearing prosthetic breasts and belly. Only the dumbest of coomers (yourself) think they are real. All the videos are just showing off their suit, doing repetitive jiggle tests, etc. They are also deranged and will threaten to sue anyone who says this, so lmao. Here is a pic from an earlier video before they spent thousands on their suit.
Before anyone threatens to sue me, I'm just laying out the reputation of "ChubbyVanessa," I'm not sure if they are really a dude or not, but I've read rumors online.
I could see it realistically, where'd you read the rumors? Might as well get all the sources compared tbh
"her" belly botton looks fake as hell

>>never shows face or ever speaks
>>broad ass shoulders
>>obviously fake belly/boob prostetic piece. Seriously, that belly button is the size of a bullet hole.

Yeah, that's a dude
Oh god, I didn't even see those hands. Yeah, that's definetly an old ass man that you're jerking off too.
(627 KB, 720x720, cG-PFeV6YoR5wS9i.mp4)
holy shit is it really a man?
the belly looks fake but the tits look real
I can't unsee that fucking hand now though
holy shit I busted so many loads to that video of her walking up and down stairs
God knows, like the hand thing is a maybe but I honestly don't really know, I probably saw too many "This person is clearly male" posts about bonafide women on twitter so I'm not 100% on believing anything one way or the other. Major thing with the tits though is with befores and afters her tits have gotten bigger so if they're real but the belly isn't something isn't adding up.
>>100122 (OP)
Pretty sure "she" is a man as others have said
it's come up in the past and that's the common go to.
(132 KB, 191x656, 84068c34aa5571d53a6887ccd5517752dab1ad83f38396c7a7f9163bfd66b53c.png) (105 KB, 158x559, 0043ffcb6212a52d3701d13a8745c3b3c911b1e1d6367f1e7ac28e099d43c04a.png)
You guys can't be serious. Like, someone with breasts that size would not need to wear a fake belly. Check these pics from the side. Besides the huge hands, muscular limbs, shitty wig, unnatural hang, but most importantly, LOOK AT THE FUCKING CLOWN SHOES!
And even if she was really a chick, why risk it and not just jack it to any of the thousands of both hotter and more convincingly female gainers lol
(131 KB, 512x856, hungrylilkitty.jpg)
Sorry for hijacking the thread, but what about Hungrylilkitty on Curvage?

She reminds me of Chubbyvanessa. Not quite as obvious but man there's something offputting with her. Her face just looks odd
lol why risk it.. what are you risking my friend?? no matter what you do you are alone and pretending to fuck a person you will never meet, there's very little at stake
digital retouching is a hell of a drug.

I'm pretty sure she's legit, she just facetunes the hell out of her pics now which is really unfortunate. She's actually pretty hot judging by her older vids where she didn't put as many filters on, but now her stuff is borderline uncanny valley lol

Wasn't she notorious/banned from the weight lifting community for the same type of shit she's doing now in this community? It's already suspicious how she went from being a health nut to bbw and shuts down anyone who tries to bring up her past.
>>100122 (OP)
Their videos feel like a fucking fever dream. There's just something about the presentation of them that just feels so bizarre.
fever dream's the perfect description. Very unsettling and bizarre

Imagine being so coomerish that you'll beat off to any man wearing a wig.

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