
best thread
Holy shit anon that loona wg greentext was insanely good please more
Where did that second pic come from?
>>980 (OP)
What can i say?
Like Mae Borowski, People have the hots for mean girls
Who drew this?
MadNEvil just posted a loona weight gain on his patreon
More fat Loona fam
Hell yeah, bring anything else you find, also, if you find any other characters from Hazbin or Helluva, go check out the Hazbin thread in alt and post that there too
“Millie, these edibles ain’t sh---“

At that moment, Moxxie noticed a rather large Loona enter the office. Millie and Blitzø just stood there in utter stupor, as this was the reason they hadn’t seen Loona in over a week, even though Loona still lives with her adoptive father. They then realized that Moxxie was given fake edibles, containing no cannabis whatsoever. They decided to hold off on telling him that... for now.

Excerpt written by @WeekapaugAl and @Cy_chan_666 on Twitter.
Sauce for the first and last pics?
It’s on MaboCorescant’s kemonoparty page now
Does anyone want to do a loona rp on discord?
i honestly don't know the original, i just found a repost on da
It looks like shit. Thanks for nothing retard.
sauces on these?
(326 KB, 1491x2048, FFfZs7pVkAgusD_.jpeg)
First one is an edit of this (Original done by SlasheySmiley on Twitter). Not sure about the 2nd one.
We’ll then who did the edit?
(435 KB, 1920x1680, FH8KaymXoBsWH9H.jpg) (456 KB, 1920x1680, FIGh4nJWQAU2Eed.jpg)
Come all Loona lovers to support the artist Mad'N Evil in thier WG drive featuring a bonus Roxanne Wolf
Bumping this, come on fellas
If any1 does have that they surely have access to at least some of the other FLC pics, so should post em in Viro's category too ^^
Again, does anyone have this?
try asking in viro's category there was a leak they might have it?
Yes, someone already posted it
Do you believe verosika mayday would inflate loons infront of blitzo?
Dayum, do you have the Moxxie and the Millie to go with this too?
Unfortunately not yet but if I do get them I will post them to the Hazbin Thread 2
This post single-handedly helped me find the treasure trove of hella good art. like, god damn.
>>15109 This was very well made, a fantastic sequence with personality and a really good art. ¿Do you have the source? I want to give my comments to the artist who made this
@yetanotherart on twitter
First rule of finding an image source: read the file name.
Just a bunch of numvers and text? Sorry, I'm a dumbass.
Oh this is nice and wacky! Who did this?

Personally I'm not a big fan of this piece (I'm not trying to hate on the artist at all) but I'll sing for Octavia getting crushed by lard ass Loona:

"Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die, and she ain't gonna jump no more"

Reply if you get that reference or if you're confused to what I mean.

This is probably the best Loona fat art I've ever seen, I like this one way too much...
Hey, no matter how much I searched for it on Furafinity, I couldn't find this piece if art.

Description: Features a round, fat Loona sitting on a yoga mat smiling, and if I'm correct, there is a speech/thought bubble above her saying "fat fuck".
(33 KB, 1564x1184, Loona in Mexico.png)
Why Mexico? well, there was a funny hashtag on twitter that was attacked by a namesake
(1.8 MB, 6040x3106, blourna_fourna__the_bloona_ing__1_6__by_mirrorg_delvv9r.png) (816 KB, 4000x2760, blourna_fourna__the_bloona_ing__2_6__by_mirrorg_delvv9v.png) (721 KB, 2758x2755, blourna_fourna__the_bloona_ing__3_6__by_mirrorg_delvv9y.png) (822 KB, 3904x3455, _comm__blourna_fourna__the_bloona_ing__4_6__by_mirrorg_demn07a.png) (1.1 MB, 4000x3680, _comm__blourna_fourna__the_bloona_ing__5_6__by_mirrorg_demn07f.png) (2.3 MB, 4000x4000, _comm__blourna_fourna__the_bloona_ing__6_6__by_mirrorg_demn07n.png)
Either I'm blind or too tired (or both), but I believe I saw an expanding Loona, holding some type of fat anthro doll or totem... Does anyone have it?
heh, nice commercial reference
What's the reference?
(247 KB, 1280x1097, BD963D6C-918D-48F3-869D-3F42E0D4B62B.jpeg)
After reading from virgins in the last post(Edit post, not this post btw) let’s try this again.

Think anyone can do an edit of this, but with an even bigger, gurgling and fuller belly? ;)
there's an edit thread just a couple scrolls under if you had any brain cells to work with and also I saw your autistic ass tantrum over in /bbwdrawn/ and all I can say is that they're in the right and you're a bloody coomer typing with dick in hand rn, fucking twat
Lol okay, just trying to make myself feel part of this website, that’s fine, I’m not sharing anymore pics, especially the kind of exclusives I received.
nah shut up get lost bozo, go get a new ip
What just happened
I know a raid just happened but seeing what happened in the edit thread, I have to ask why you responded the way you did.
I'm genuinely curious, what happens when the site gets Raided, and does that automatically Bumplock pages?

Does it also delete pages?
since image boards run on limited space, there's only ever a finite amount of threads you can make for each board and so once you reach the limit of threads you can make, whatever thread was least bumped, aka the bottom of the fishbowl, is gonna be eradicated for when a new thread gets created and then so on and so forth

Oh I see, thank you for explaining. There was/were some threats for edits on furry pics but some of the have been removed (404). Any way I can see those old threads again? Would the Wayback Machine work?

Huh, interesting. I'll check it out when I can.
Is There A Higher RES?
Anyone have the new madnevil loona comic with her in a blueberry dress?
cute, who drew it?
Has anyone gotten the new madnevil loona comic yet or have it be updated on kemono?
chopchel on Twitter
You mean Loona and the Chocolate Factory?
Loona my bloated beloved
someone have some more with health issue ? i see one with overgrow hearth and i want more

Who made that? I love it.
(29 KB, 800x634, b4b0023c764375f7313325bf0fa42381c63306c4b28c3eb315fd82cffb8e2208.png) (43 KB, 800x773, 6a621400e50a1b9e92a712eadf3e180de9f407ce317adf50d8690cb500e98d45.png) (829 KB, 2048x1536, 1665940945.batspid2_art_trade_222__3_.png) (1.7 MB, 2320x1588, 1670229528.joe-anthro_e2224f42-71e4-4314-bd28-f3fa3458ce4f.png) (2.1 MB, 3054x1944, 1638607972.necrofeline_lorgeloona1.png) (2.5 MB, 2345x1571, 1670216327.joe-anthro_f1b24d42-5fef-4fbc-b809-68057d3f0b57.png)
>>27045 who drew the second image?
File mentioned story. Is it just the images or is there a text file of dialogue and writing?
Yeah, Glizzo70 did great lineart while i put the colors.
I don't know why that artist is so averse to drawing "fat" woman with actual bellies.
hot damn, I wonder how many hours was spent in the making of this beauty
Can I get a source on this one
Milk-Knight. It was a commission I got
Comm more chief
Is there any fat or inflation animations of Loona?
I haven’t watched this show, so, can someone tell me why this wolf furry is so popular? I’m not hating on her, just genuinely curious.
cute goth/punk wolf who could probably kick our asses and is blatant yet respected furrybait.
Sheesh these pics go hard
(449 KB, 2048x1792, IMG_4443.JPG)
I've always liked this one. Self-bound and rounding from her own mis-spell. oo-la-la
Bumping, so this thread does not die.
>>eedd51 You, sir or mama, are a legendary for finding this. I spent the last three hours with it, and it's just, wow
I’d love to see the conversation
(585 KB, 1920x1080, 4a.png) (1.2 MB, 1920x1080, 2.png) (585 KB, 1920x1080, 4.png) (554 KB, 1920x1080, 3.png) (686 KB, 1920x1080, 1.png) (677 KB, 1920x1080, 5.png)
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Saving the thread with bump
Bump to keep this thread alive
Update! now you can play as millie
Tip: in order to play as millie you need go to 2nd stage (the beer) once you near the end, go to the bottom of it & and you will get a note from bee (be warned if you game over you will have to start over again on 1st stage.
Anymore loona slobs??
if your going to be subbed to the patreon at least submit it to kemono
I hope he draws loona in different sizes, slightly plump to even fatter.
What was the original?
Any more by this artist? They seemed to nuke their deviantart page and their new one only has 7 deviations, and doesn't include this one.
Well I’m trying to get back into it, just give me time
That's YOUR stuff?! Nice! I'm sure your stuff would be welcome here. Keep it up.
Appreciate it, and I will when I finish my next piece
Third pic's source?
(31 KB, 500x600, 8321BC44-EF7B-4749-887E-527273B7A3DF.webp)
Does anyone have this full image? I recognize the art I just don’t know the artist if anyone knows the artist that would be helpful I’m trying to find a full image.
God, ProfessorDoctorC’s art quality declines every time I see it.

However, knowing kemonoparty, this shit merchant gets updated immediately while Azsola(Regil)’s kemono has been rotting for a year.
>>47605 The guy’s also a shit person to be with from what I’ve heard also
she always fitted better as a fat fuck than a stick bitch
(6 KB, 394x420, 2930287.png) (464 KB, 1280x984, large.jpg)
I actually want someone to make a Buttershy edit of this (second pic).
Wrong thread buddy!
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Queen Bee thread is gone and I found this on FA. I even hid the padded alt so the people who only like furry and fat porn don’t get triggered, while still giving 0.01% of consideration for the people that like other stuff. Merry Christmas, you horny animals.
(71 KB, 720x720, r63GlCcXqODaUE6V.jpg)
Anybody have sauce for this animation here? I guess I accidentally saved the thumbnail instead of the animation and I’m looking for it. It’s just a quick belly expansion animation, think I remember finding it on twitter.
Ok who is the artist behind this
It literally says JohnDraw54 at the bottom right corner.
Beezlebub really let herself go
(284 KB, 637x609, image (2).png)
It's hard to find fat JayJay

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