
We need fat noelle, she is the best character
Seconding that notion
(68 KB, 332x597, chubbyedit.png)
I just gave you some. I can't post the other ones until the other thread dies. Go find your own and post them. You people always do this.
Can we have a source where you find these?
Wheee did fawxen post these these look new
Maybe fawxen is in this thread posting it themselves, I know people were annoyed due to noelles age but fawxen seems to love her design and would most likely make private art
Gotta come clean, yeah. I wanted to lay low about it.
It's really stupid that there's so much going for the fact that she and the others are most likely 18 and in their senior year of high-school
But shitheads forget that "teenager" also includes 18 and 19 in the definition.
Same person as earler but different id due to vpn. You shouldn't let the online community put you down, your art is really cute and I adore the character. You should start posting noelle art publicly again, if not please keep posting her here. One artwork I'd love to see would be obese noelle eating a sandwich at her desk. Also I'd like to add you on discord as I've 3d sculpted one of your noelle pieces before
(262 KB, 1568x979, 20211214_085919.png)
This is the art I referenced when sculpting, if you want to see it I'd love to have your discord or you can add me telegrm F34447
Just cause I prefer not to make a telegram wnd don't wanna share my tag here; my discord can be found on my furaffinity front page in the user profile section.
I tried it before and I think you might need to update it
Completely forgot I changed my tag number for some reason

Try again
Ayyy the real Fawx? What else you got in terms of Deltarune and Undertale stuff?
Mostly tasque Manager and queen art
Been burnt out on drawing Toriel for a while now due to a certain artist oversaturating the "market" with their art of her.
How about Undyne or Alphys?
Also more Suzie
Jesus, get over yourself.
Also, aren't you literally the EXACT SAME GUY who gave others shit for drawing an entirely separate version of Link in fetish art, even though they were a different interpretation of Zelda 1 Link or something, and clearly didn't look the same, and you used some stupid logic to give other people shit? Who the hell are you to get upset about others morally grandstanding. You aren't him, I don't buy it, unless you really are as much of a manipulative sociopath as people have said you are.
(82 KB, 750x774, 82A2584B-B3D8-4E9A-B7B9-E0EDFB035689.jpeg) (61 KB, 700x244, 2957F7A9-871F-4C6B-9DD4-FACA51D87EC1.jpeg)
Let me be real with you fren. People are trying to masturbate to cartoon animals here and you’re really bumming the mood. Nobody gives a shit about your discord tranny drama here so take it to kiwi farms and far away from the Pierce Brosnan fan club forum. For me personally I can’t wait to see more of Fawxen’s take on a fat cyber-queen. Captcha A Fad 69
Please send us more Fawx, drop all you got, also if I can throw in a request, could we get a fat Susie sprite?
(34 KB, 875x636, Capture.PNG)
I've had one made for a good while now so i guess this counts.
These are all great but this one in particular is excellent, thanks for sharing.
Don't mean to bother but I would love to see some more fat queen art! Thank you for everything!
>that Bratty with all those chins
If only I hadn't already dumped all the Bratty I had in the other thread.
Dew it again
>>9677 (OP)
oh that’s weird, i made these three

sorry they don’t look great, i’m trying to improve
>thought this poster had found lossless variants of those images, like the second one which is a Twitter jpeg only
>they were just resaved as png and still artifacted
Gosh darnit.
Oh hey Blaz, nah it looks good, keep up the good work, also, will you do more Kris and Susie in the future?
What's the sauce for the Susie pic?
I take it that certain artist is named after a peice of sporting equipment/ a flying mammal.
yeah sure thing

i’m working on a remake of a noelle picture i did a little while back but i can do kris and susie later down the road
In the meantime Fawx, can you make more Noelle and Susie for us? Maybe even Alphys?
I'll see what I can do but I'm not making promises
Thx, you are a true homie to us
Specifically queen and berdly for me please!
I second the Berdley prompt.
Maybe him being really thicc and being embarrassed due to his choice of undies being shown due to ripping his pants
Or fem! Berdly. Like A Female Girl Berdly. Berdette?
Also Fawx, do you think you’ll end up uploading any of your 3D models to Vrchat?
Who did the spoilered weight gain drive? Link?
Could you make some fat teacher Alphys and Noelle?
Yooo, can we get more fat doe mom?
found from https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/366250328/#q366256905
>It's just like any other day in class becuase Kris and Susie are harassing Catti again
>They can't physically attack her over her weight in fear of being suspended (and therefore not being able to mock Catti) so they have to resort to verbal name-calling
>Catti just takes it though there is noticable contempt between the hand licking and purring
>Greenie and Purple somehow rope the stupid doe into it
>Noelle at first is sincerely scared of the occultic cat but is groomer into riffen on her vast mass
>Berdly awkwardly weasles himself into the bully cabal like the slimy skeptic he is
>Actually gains respect from the quartet die to his encyclopedic knowledge of /fph/ threads
>Slowly starts at "cat rhymes with fat" and Garfield jokes into more complex ridicule like referencing children love the Meat Tank
>This goes on for weeks under teacher mchotrock's yellow gunt
>All of a sudden Catti Snaps
>Not even like on her phone she just actually shows emotion for once
>whole class,Even Susie and Kris the sociopathic autists they are skip a beat
>Catti,claws out starts mumbling unintelligently
>Either some ancient aramic in a bad gollum impression or she's coughing an ambergris hairball
>Just slaps the four dipshits stooges style
>Just sits down
>She's smiling
>She never smiles
>but she's smiling
>This is the part where you boogie
>This is the part where you Prosneed
Pt.2 cont...
different story from https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/359486625/#359488073 >Asriel and December return to Hometown
>but significantly fatter, like, heavier and wider then Asgore despite both being a foot or so shorter
>turns out Asriel actually went to a culinary arts college around the same area where Dess was sent to juvenile detention
>when she got out she hooked up with him, first offering to help with taste testing to forget about the lock-up food but soon getting a knack for cooking herself
>Kris launches themself into Asriel for a bearhug, barely moving him, and Asriel returns the hug, covering Kris’s entire torso with his fluffy arms
>Noelle’s hug practically takes Dess off her feet, knocking her onto her rear-end.
>Somewhat sinking into her, Noelle’s almost smothering herself in the corpulence of her lost sister, but still keeps hold of her
>Dess then surprises everyone by effortlessly rising to her feet, despite the “additional” weight
>both the Dremurs and Holidays are a little overwhelmed by the change in their children but glad to have them back
>they both suggest that their family’s have a little celebration, to which they happily oblige and ask what they had in mind
>they flash each other a devious smile
>Kris watched on with their usual stone face, a stark contrast to everyone else around them
>when Asriel and Dess had asked for a celebration, he already knew their was going to be a commotion
>but this, was more like a celebration to gluttony
>they didn’t really mind how tight of a squeeze it was when they and Noelle made the ill fated decision to sit on the inside of Asriel and Dess’s booth
>on their third course, they had started to feel a little cramped, with Asriels fuzzy love handles now rubbing against their side no matter how much they pressed against the wall
>Noelle didn’t seem to mind how her sisters thighs were always touching hers, and surprisingly even obliged, her face growing redder, when Dess jokingly asked for a belly rub to aid digestion
>on their fifth course Kris was beginning to worry for their own safety, they could barely move their arm with all of the plush white fuzz enveloping it and the walls on both sides of them were starting to fell like a pillowy trash compressor
>not to mention the heat Asriel was giving off
>all that fuzz and blubber pressing into them did a good job at insulating Kris, only aided by Kris’s signature sweater, leading them to breaking out into a hot sweat
>Noelle wasn’t fairing much better
>she couldn’t reach Dess’s stomach to rub it on account of it now pressing up and into the table
>not to mention how much more of Dess she’d have to reach over in order to do so
>so instead she opted to rub (grope) the bulging muffin top Dess’s shrinking outfit provided (it was more of a souffle top at this point)
>she didn’t even bother to catch the sultry glances Dess shot her when she jostled a love handle a bit too roughly
>it had been two hours since the family's arrived at QC’s and the deserting duo were now on their seventh’s
>Kris was practically entombed in their brothers mass,
>it was like sentient a fur coat that managed to wobble and wrap itself around them, it would almost be pleasant if not for the fact that it was July
>they could only look straight ahead at the antlers, exposed over Dess’s shoulder and the wrist rubbing and jostling whatever it could reach of Dess’s deep, chocolaty coat
>Noelle was grabbing whatever she could with reckless abandon
>the heat of her sister was making her sweat like she’d just finish a cross country run in the dog days of summer but she didn’t even care
>she was currently being enveloped in dark, yet darker dream she secretly wished would never end
>on the bright side, from what Kris could see, they were actually slowing down
>on the notso bright side, he could hear whispers over chewing and gulps about desert
>Toriel stood across from the booth, cheering on her son and his good friend (who was a girl but not his girlfriend that he’d gotten intimate with yet, she hoped) happily helping QC and Catti carry in more meals
>Asgore had a slightly worried smile, wondering if his son might up and explode, revealing this all to be some strange dream caused by those boiled eggs he ate yesterday night
>Mrs. Holiday could only cover her mouth in awe as she tried to calculate how much this “little” celebration of theirs would cost and watch as her youngest daughter performed a disappearing act of her own thanks to that damn Dreemur child
>after the towers of plates and been taken away, and they had finished feeding each other spoons of the largest sundae Kris had ever seen, the hunger of the two black holes had finally been quelled
>Asgore offered to help them up, but they both declined
>they both struggled for a second before rising from their roost with a loud clang
>together, they had managed to uproot the table by its bolts
>Mrs. Holiday clutched her head as she reached for her checkbook
>after setting the table back down where it should have been, Kris slid out of the corner they were pressed into and tried to shake some feeling back into their numb limbs
>Noelle was thankfully still breathing, heavily, but she wasn’t moving from the silhouette in the wall she was pressed into
>Kris had to take the initiative and tugged on her shoulder
>audibly peeling off the wall Noelle was soon on her feet but delirious
>she hung off of Kris’s arm and asked what had happened
>they simply said not to worry about it
>Asriel and December open a bakery called Azzy’s
>Catti finally loses all that extra weight running jobs for both QC’s and Azzy’s only to gain it all back and then some once she starts trying more of the menu
>Susie manages to get the cake recipe from Top Chef, and after bringing it to Asriel and Dess, create a new best seller, along with some spade shaped cookies
>Susie and Noelle bring some of the recipes from Azzy’s to the Dark World for Ralsei to modify more to their liking
>Rudy is still sick, but is overjoyed that his lost daughter is finally back after seeing what two weeks of Azzy’s confections did to his wife’s figure, he mysteriously makes a full recovery only to end up back in the hospital two months later for a fractured pelvis
>both family’s go to church together, but Asriel and Dess have to have their own individual pews because when they sat with their respective family’s they managed to splinter the wooden pews and when they sat together in one, it snapped clean in two and their impact left a slight dip in the church’s tile floor
>Berdly can only stand back with Kris and watch this madness unfold as he is restricted to only water and celery sticks to avoid residue on his gaming peripherals
Third for Berdly. I'd very much prefer him male though. Thick sounds good
(32 KB, 571x574, noelle_butterlegs.png)
Unsure about the berdley requests.
Don't really like him in that way, yknow?
Damn, Berdley remains the characters that will need commissions to get him fat.
(We need a rich savior XD)

Well then I request some embarrassed chonky thicc Alphys in panties
Yo, so I got a prompt, obese Susie and Noelle at the beach.
Aigh society innit! Don't wanna bug you with jabber of filth. How bout a female Berdly love? Don't have to do it but give it a ponder or two. Mad ups friend.
I don't have any requests to blather, just wanna say that's a very good Noelle and all her lil' stretch marks and dimples are almost as hot as those cheeks. Love the way you do her chunky cheeks and chin with her naturally long face.
I don't really have request besides "keep it up", these Noells are fuckin GOOD.
We’ll I hope you come around soon!
Honestly, would love to see such a fat and hungry Noelle, that she HONESTLY considers eating Temmie's egg, just because her supply of eggnog ran out, and there some egg, right there.
More Noelle and Susie
Keep it up, the more Susie the better, also, if Fawx is reading this, please make more Susie
Who is the artist for the first and second drawings in this post?
(147 KB, 772x1280, 029005208d124fda73a41288bebf6b0dee0d5e084a856d3a175f894d817c0734.jpg) (281 KB, 960x1280, a6bffbb64748f18d14c3aab620f92a70d8093c19aed6e230657bfbe47d0d0f7e.jpg) (313 KB, 2491x2933, f8e4765734a879e13d5612adff93ad9ea1c02dfb9fe7281dc3fbdde5c7b14841.jpg) (4.2 MB, 3600x2900, 7900df8ca1356cecda1a6015428b2f619d79c2938beb982896f5471a966ace68.png)

begging without even posting anything is the most annoying shit, at least include a pic if youre going to be worthless
(54 KB, 614x673, 90kF3ba.jpg)
anyone know the source of this art? mind thwe reddit watermark it was posted as cringe there.
You gotta do some more Susie Fawx
Does anyone know the artist?
Man that one is always a classic.
(738 KB, 2268x1569, 20220222_110535.jpg)
God these pics are so good imagining it with like a reality shifting idea where they all shift to training for some heavyweight thing
Related doodle to make up for ramble
Keep the Susie coming
I know she’s kinda not furry but we should get more queen in here
ok this is just more uncomfortable looking than anything.
Source? I tried looking up the name from the filename but couldtn't find anything like your pic.
Very very VERY nice
source on this batch????
SilmDym, it's in the file name
I’m curious if anyone here has a certain black and white image of Catti with a couch-sized ass. Saw it on /trash/ once.
This is good, I especially like that it validates my Kris x Berdly ship :D
>>12903 Who made these Noelle and Susie comics?
Man I wish I had translations for that fourth one.
Who's the artist that made the Susie gif?
Neigh and whinny, mainly posts stuff on their furaffinity? Though I've seen them post some stuff on servers n'such.
Yes, that's right- but I got the gif from their Twitter. There isn't much stuff on there, but there's a little sequence of Mae from Night in the Woods squeezing into a car.
More of this.
Susie will never be fat enough
Can we get more Susie in here? There just isn’t enough, and if you can’t find any, create or commission some, I plead to you
Commission it yourself. Be the change you wish to see in the world
I’m literally just above the poverty line
Also, did you make this? I can’t find it anywhere else
(461 KB, 1250x1500, Untitled104_202001201248412.png)
Then it is time to learn to draw, be the change you wish to see in the world and become the Susie art guy.
I drew this on a free drawing app with my finger on an old phone, there are means to make art for free. I'm sure you can make something much better if you try
Someone make a sound edit of this, I'd do it myself, but my computer can't run audio editing software
Fr, I need this
If you made these, please make more, you make beautiful Susie art
Thank you anons, every time a Susie pic is posted, an angel gets its wings
Are you making these?
(4.1 MB, 4224x4800, Sus.png)
POV: Your lunch money is about to be squeezed out of you
Please keep making more anon
(221 KB, 1930x1320, ed6ec2d7a00b07a544891f6da76615eb5dc7d904555b1b0e002fb3a8aaa762cb.jpg) (122 KB, 1018x1280, a16e189e1ae5ebb3d1dcf0d13bf145c4101c98c52bb8cd96553be4609fe52365.jpg) (105 KB, 1200x1200, a9a8075ab714f13c03487547969b86fe78f67c7ed339a30387be548af088f305.jpg) (4.7 MB, 4096x3484, 74638189aff331ef93c103ec52b4ccc935add8d622822d4dd1a4213bf6b31bfc.png)
the thread would be better without this fucking begging. please shut the fuck up. at least post a pic with your whining or don't make a post at all
Imagine complaining about encouraging artists lmao
Fr, this guy is doing good art, that guy is just bitchy
If you just want to send praise to the artist, go tell them directly. T0rjen on twitter. It's more likely that its just someone reposting than it is the actual artist anyway
You really aren't helping anyone by begging and contributing nothing else. Do some actual leg work yourself
Y'know it's a lot more annoying to see someone scream and whine for a paragraph than it is to see someone go "I like this, I'd like more like this" sometimes.

It's harmless. Maybe a tiny bit autistic but harmless. All you're doing is bringing down the mood.
(4.6 MB, 1500x2250, catti.png)
Sure, it could be more annoying. I wouldn't exactly call it sometimes if its after every single post though. What they're doing isn't exactly helping the mood either, or we wouldn't be talking about it.
Source? I feel like I need more context to appreciate this.
Bumping for Super Sized Susie
(251 KB, 887x745, unknown-4002.png)
Some jumbo queen

I have tasque Manager art on the way
Probably not what some of you want but I currently have brainrot for them.
Very well done!
>those fucking JOWLS
Hell yes I want that, very nice. Love the underboobage, too.
>You Want This
>BIG jowls
>BIG bottom lip
>BIG quadruple chins
Anyone got any Alphys stuff?
More Alphys fam
More please Fawx
I require more Susie
Hey can someone help me find this one inflation piece? I saw it days ago and now I'm unable to find it anywhere, can't remember if it was either FurAffinity or DeviantArt but I remember an inflation piece of Noelle in a white dress being anchored by string with two of the allies you have in game and the one of the things she said that stood out was "undergarments", can anyone help me find it?
Yeah she does kinda look like her in the 1st and 3rd, but I personally think she's hot as fuck and want her to park that massive ass on top me.
(58 KB, 769x975, unknown-2731.png)
I've been repurposing some art I've done of noelle to be Lynn so everyone can enjoy what they've been denied. She's 20 so there's no need to hide it all.

She's from a game I've been working on, been in concept since 2016 but has gone through a few changes. (The Noelle likeness being one of them)

Really flattered you think she's hot, whoever you are.
We definitely need more Noelle in here
Very good, keep it coming
By the way, isn't there a Noelle version of that last pic?
Thanks, also if Fawxen is reading, do some Susie and Noelle!
More please and thank you
Also please send sauce
I need some SSBBW Susie

…Um, is that… Catti?
Got more Alphys?
as long as they don't put anything on the colorize thread. Well, no ;-)
I'll take Susie and Noelle too
I still don't know who made this
Cleverfoxman released an Undertale inflation anthology on Payhip. Does anyone have it?
More Susie if you have any please
No Susie?
And sauce on the Undyne?
Cute! Did you make this?
Oh neat, that's my sketch
Hi utg friend
Also side note, can you make Susie too?
Also more SSBBW Susie too
We need more noelle in here
Please someone make her topless.
No love for Susie?
Can we get Draffeillene's Alphys sequence in her?
Also, can we get some Asgore? I haven't seen much of him here, I mean, he's literally nicknamed King Fluffybuns
Yesss, finally some Susie stuff, please, post more anon before the thread gets buried by people with trash tastes again
(219 KB, 1667x1298, 3dae64dff1ce703b211d9ccc8fe5a9f0.jpg)
Why don't you contribute and post something rather than complain about what other people like? Or better yet make a thread about one character. It's not like we have dozens of those already now.
can you shut the fuck up? post shit bastard
It is beginning to grate. People probably wanna post her even less nos, just cause you're annoying.
I have stuff I could post, but I deliberately refuse to post here just because I cannot stand you constantly begging and never contributing anything. No one gets Susie because I hate you.
Shut the fuck up or stop being a complete waste of space and post stuff yourself
I knew this was happening- people being actively discouraged to share cause of your asking too much. (Not you, 64475d, I of course mean 268e07)

Do you like, not know how to post pictures or something? You've been yelled at about this same thing before and you still do it. What's going through your head?

(To all the people just here for the art, sorry for contributing to all this. I'd post a picture included in this to make up for it but I don't have any on hand, maybe later)
(3.0 MB, 1440x2500, fat_noelle_f.png)
I just wanted art and that goon probably ruined it for us. He'll just brush it off and continue anyways.
I posted art :)
We see! That's good!

Now just be careful not to ask for Susie stuff again, and everything can go back to normal around here.
anyone have the Titanic Toriel pic from MaboCorescant's Patreon?
Sauce on that first Toriel?
They need to do the r9k thing over here like with the other boards because it gets annoying not being able to figure out what images have been posted already if they are in other threads.
there's so many redundant threads flooding the catalog too, because people can't use the search tool for some reason yet the mods don't seem to care at all
Yeah. I don't want this to be another scat/loli/shota board. We already got that.
at one point there were like 12 fucking inflation threads (nothing against that sort of thing btw) there are so many threads that could just be condensed into similar topics instead of wasting catalog space and potentially bumping other, developed threads (that actually have content) off the catalog
at one point there were like 12 fucking inflation threads (nothing against inflation btw) there are so many threads that could just be condensed into similar topics instead of wasting catalog space and potentially bumping other, developed threads (that actually have content) off the catalog
Also these character specific threads are flooding things too. I'd understand if it was a series that had males and females so they make two separate threads for each gender.
yeah that's another issue too. some people don't seem to get chans aren't really suited to hyper specific sorting so broader organization is more effective, since the alternative just results in flooding the catalog which is destructive on slow boards like this one. it's refreshing to see someone else here sees the issue
Yep. Been here for awhile and it gets annoying seeing certain threads die because of these reasons. Usually you wouldn't get much of a response if you speak out like this here. I just want to post Catti and Noelle here, but I can't since I don't know which images were posted already.
that sounds irritating. how does r9k work on other boards? does it just compare the image hash with images in the thread, or across the entire board to see if they've been posted already? it'd be nice if those changes were implemented along with more structured posting guidelines, but mods don't seem to care. i wonder if a board feedback thread would do anything, but like you said, no one really responds to that sort of stuff so it'd probably just contribute to the unnecessary clutter
Sauce on the 3rd Toriel image?
(2 KB, 600x600, DoughFace.png)
I made a dougelle talksprite
Aww that's actually pretty cute.
Woah! That's amazing! Do you plan to make more tho? Maybe not only Deltarune but also Undertale
thank you, noelle is just an overall cute character <3
thanks, i'm currently working on alphys edit and then toriel and the other girls that have a talksprite so expect a little batch of fat sprite edits coming!
I think it’s T0rjen
@T0rjen on twitter
Why aren't these posts on their twitter?
(540 KB, 1260x892, 1660788498514254.png)
I guess he didn't post them there, they are older drawings it could also be very deep in his Twitter too. That is Torj's art 100%, I remember when he first drew them, it's not being mistaken for another artist.
Well, considering he drew that Susie for the last thread, maybe he browses here if this is your actual account, and you are reading this, can you confirm this?
I'm not torj I'm just an old friend of his from before he was well known. I'll tell him people are talking about his Deltarune drawings tho
Haha Torj is a smelly stinky

(5.5 MB, 4000x4000, Sus2.png)
Return of the king
Can we see more of your amazing Susie work? And do you have a discord I can add?
(85 KB, 720x950, 20201230_151913.jpg)
Does anyone have the images of deltarune from Bitterbosc?
(528 KB, 1153x700, sisters.png)
Had a weird dream that all of Hometown was crumbling everywhere and I went in and saved the cat sisters from dying. Catti was naked and too scared to leave so I had to carry her out. Pretty strange. We all made it because alphys saved us and some other people
Wonder how's this anon going
The X mark of death is upon us, save all you can gentlemen
What's going on?

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