
What about sequences?
anymore like the first pic ?

The artist did a similar pic where they transformed a male knight into a pig orc too.
(3.2 MB, 1800x2400, Ludmilla 1.png) (3.7 MB, 2400x2100, Ludmilla 2.png)
I did this little sequence last year of my own take on Ludmilla, the villain from the Bartok movie, turning into a dragon. It's maybe a little more inflation-y than specifically WG, but I figured y'all might still like it well enough. Haha
PLEASE give a source for that miltank
sauce on that pikachu?
Posted by Redbow on FA, but drawn by JouigiDragon
Source on that Snivy?

Source of the last 3 pics?
who's the artist? having trouble reverse image searching.
Tha's a good one. Hope there is more.
What sort of things do you like emphasized in a WG+TF scenario? Doing something friends into this, but not into TF myself so I don't really know what buttons to press.
anymore like the last 2?
Oldies but goldies
Again does anyone have this?
All it shows is just the cover, it’s not showing a link already downloaded on kemono or pdf installed that contains the set
Who did the Gourgeist picture?
Hey... Is it okay if we may create a TitsuneKitsune thread? Here are some of their works on e621:


I tried to create this thread earlier but... The files I placed just couldn't upload :( ...

I really dislike the fact you can't just copy and paste pics on this site, and you have to actually download files and drop em...
May we please make a new edit thread? The others were deleted or bumplocked...

Also, would anyone be interested in turning this into a Female?

(96 KB, 850x746, lg.jpg)
You’re saying it subjectively, like as if, guys aren’t allowed, despite there’s nothing saying a guy can’t be in tf thread

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