
(131 KB, 602x929, tumblr_nkruz1Q4pd1rx4viwo1_640.jpg)
I decided to create a special thread for AWD's adorable rabbit "Pixels Bunni". Notable for her big boobs and downright adorable.
A heartwarming comic
Many loves of Pixels Bunni
Many loves of Pixels Bunni>>918
Beautiful. Really wish someone would draw her more chubby though.
At least she's still adorable.
Does anyone have Pixel's 3D model for downlaod?
Any more drawings of Bunni?
bumping this thread for the cutie.
That's a good question.
Pixels Bunni is so cute! Hope a future fan animation of the character is created with voice acting.
One of my favorite bunny OFs
I see people like kisseff and speedoru doing models like that all the time. Forgive my ignorance but what program do they make those with?
Still curious on those 3d models too.
Hot Anniversary Gift of Pixels Bunni
She's so dang adorable!

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