
Do you know the source?
Why is this sooo hot as a picture, yet in reality that would be gross(not sexually gross just super gross) in real life.
I suppose it would be the smell?
Anyone have an image from Fundesian of a dog that is obese which is making him burp,fart, and cum?
(4.6 MB, 1675x2756, 1598228843116.png) (4.2 MB, 1561x2476, 1598224201896.png)
Modified some sligar pics for practice, maybe reply with other pics you'd want modified?
Could you do more Sligar pics?
More slob fatties, again drop off any other pics you want altered
Weird angles makes it hard to convert them but you could always send more
(1.6 MB, 1740x2001, 1600792963913.png)
Managed the last one actually
Threw on a color gradient for some variety
Nice, hope these are easier to work with
(4.4 MB, 2220x2060, 1601177718095.png)
Skipped first one because I don't know how to do lineless.
Love how this came out with the huge cock looking small buried in that fupa
(1.9 MB, 1788x2532, 1601323864797.png)
Last one, really like how it came out
And again, drop off any other pics you want modified
(487 KB, 1080x1348, 20201023_011830.jpg)
I wanted to draw toriel but was also in this mood
Tbh I don't really have the edit itch rn so reply with characters and what kind of slobby situations you want them in
(391 KB, 280x1279, Neytiri ref.png)
A fat Na'vi becomes addicted to human junk food, and her digestive system vehemently disagrees with her choice.
A fox femboy letting himself go full slob
Don't think I could really do them justice but could always suggest something more furry instead
(4.1 MB, 2756x2592, 1603713412126.png)
Fucked around and drew dubmare plus sligars other OC
I feel like dubmare would be a hot as fuck feeder
I don't know about you, but I think this whole thread just Awakened something within me, all thanks to those sligarthetiger edits
Loving your stuff so far, man. Maybe you should make an account somewhere for this.
Well I've got a twitter but I don't post any of this kinda stuff there, Especially not the edit stuff since I actually do interact with sligar on there
But in the meantime, what other furries you wanna see fat n sweaty?
Hyena shemale facesitting on some poor bastard?
What better way to explore extreme hedonism than with thicc voluptuous furries getting even thicker and absolutely letting themselves go

There honestly needs to be more of this stuff, man, if you ever decide to do more fatty, slobby edits of sligarthetiger's work, or just more fatty art of his characters, I can die a happy man
(2.4 MB, 1912x2338, 1603929922859.png)
Absolutely love stuff where the feeder is dommy as hell and just wants to spread their slobby lifestyle
Ala this pic
(45 KB, 1101x965, 1608512503273.png) (98 KB, 1101x965, 1608512514067.png)
I just think the girl in the trhread banner image is cute
Included the "thin" reference figure so accidental sequence
Also those pics don't feel too "editable" so I might just draw dat dlob versions of those characters

Good to see you back again with your slobby art, fam
Welcome back man, the thread's been a bit dead without ya
Hello everyone, for those of you who don't know, this thread has been rather... dead lately, so to circumvent that, I decided to make a fanfic of everyone's favorite ghettobabe, Dubmare. Why dubmare specifically, cuz let's face it, she's pretty much this threads mascot, despite her original creator, sligarthetiger, not knowing anything about this thread, but that ain't gonna stop me, so anyway, here's the fanfic:

All characters belong to sligarthetiger

(3.3 MB, 2370x2118, 1609799469281.png)
Another edit approaches...
Also I couldn't think of a dialog/context so add one below

I imagine that they're in the middle of a conversation

Here's my idea:

G-lu: "-and then, instead of taking me to a classy restaurant, he just took me to a local burger King on our first date, he even bought me an extra large bacon whopper with a side of fries"

Rena: "sounds to me like he's husband material."

G-lu: "i didn't say he wasn't. " >:3
(3.2 MB, 1828x2633, 1609903433327.png)
And now for G-delpox
Actually found a new weird way to color with this one
And again, any caption ideas

Thanks for another glorious edit <3<3<3

My idea would be that she got some wardrobe malfunction, causing her a bit of disappointment and frustration, only to be quickly fine with it after seeing several cute, young men eyeing on her in a flustered manner.

Here's my caption idea:

G-del: really... my zipper breaks now of all places? *sigh* guess I have to go buy some new clothes before someone sees me.

*notices a couple of young men looking at her shyly, some even trying to hide their boners*

G-del: atleast the people that ARE seeing me are just a couple of cute boys, hmmmm.... maybe I can stay like this for a while longer
(1.9 MB, 2300x2370, a little conversation.jpg)

Seeing as how you wanted some captions, I decided to post my own, based on the caption ideas I posted

Here's the first one:
(277 KB, 2349x1765, 20201220_174818.jpg) (432 KB, 1700x1729, 20201220_174903.jpg.png)
Decided to draw a 6 part weight gain sequence of dubmare, (kind of, sort of, not really) based off of the weight gain/slob story i posted here sometime ago

Might color them later, but for now, enjoy

You're a god tier art editor

Thank you...
Holy shit a new challenger approaches in my place
I never even thought to try mixing pieces
You're welcome and have a good day

Honestly, mixing pieces together looks and sounds like an easy and interesting way to edit pics
Its a pretty simple process. I did it all on the android version of autodesk sketchbook on my phone. Its was just time consuming trying to recolor everything since the selection tool in that app doesn't give smooth lines. I really appreciate the feed back.

Sadly, the alts are patreon exclusives, so it's alot harder than just googling and downloading the images
I wonder, at what point do my fetishes just become nurgle worship
Yeah, that's why I asked.

Oh shit, that was fast. Thanks.
(1.6 MB, 2800x2800, lardyGabbyText.png)
Request done for a mutual. Feel free to check out my Twitter @artisticChubs
(247 KB, 800x705, burgbrap.png)
So I got a tablet

Yo, this actually looks really nice
(600 KB, 2756x2756, dubfat.png)
Kinda wanted to not draw dubmare in this stuff anymore out of respect for the artist but heres one more for the road with the new tablet

Sad to hear about that, seeing as how I was absolutely loving these sligarthetiger and dubmare edits and slobby fanarts, but it's perfectly understandable as to why you want to stop (even though he probably wouldn't mind much)
(3.8 MB, 2378x3490, 20210324_192307 8.jpg)
I've decided to post some edits of sligarthetiger's work, why? Cuz why not? Half of the posts in this board are edits of sligarthetiger's work anyway XD, so I figured I'd contribute as well
(6.2 MB, 1426x2094, 20210411_212840.png)
Edit originally based off of this pic:
A new challenger enters the ring
Also it doesn't look like you exported the alts in the right file type and they can't be viewed outside of the app you used, see if you can export as a png
they should all be PNG now
(778 KB, 1820x1763, donutcorruption.png)
character from a short slob/wg comic where it was heavily implied she went down the same path as the main character, wanted to make it a reality

You... wouldn't mind telling us the name of this comic... right? >:)
Jelliroll special #2
Officer rex crueller corruption
Should be available in the mega link for that one one jelliroll thread
can't find the jelliroll thread. im probably not looking in the right place tho :B

Luckily I saved the folder from that jelliroll thread, here's a link to it: https://mega.nz/folder/J58mAABD#dLNv-mQFN67mFhDgMcZQIA

(WARNING: there's actually some pretty nasty stuff in here since the actual folder from the thread is literally just someone's porn folder, none of the stuff in here is illegal, but some of it is still pretty damn gross, so be advised)
Bump, thread is dying.

You know, it's surprisingly rare to see scat in slob content
First: fat (really)
Second: Daikian
Both are on FA
Not sure where to ask so I'm just going to put this in a few threads. There was a video on pornhub using one of gassyjackal/herro/drip-dry's art with audio taken from something else. the audio was of a girl saying "i think it's starting to come out" with farting sounds. does anyone have this video?
Maybe they are kind enough to keep it in the /bbwalt/ scat thread.
(512 KB, 482x636, beauedit.png) (498 KB, 422x634, dubmareedit.png) (809 KB, 639x615, torieledit.png)
been sick as a dog and wanted to indulge so fuck it, some more sligar edits. even easier to bang these out with an actual computer to the point I can even keep the color

Hehehe, great to have you back man, your edits are as amazing as last time, and now they're even more amazing now that they're in color >:3

Really hope to see you do more of these in the future, this thread has been pretty damn barren as of lately XD
And again, feel free to drop requests but keep it reasonable/make sure it's actually reasonable to edit
just to confirm, this is me
(1.3 MB, 578x797, Butt_meditation.png) (2.6 MB, 876x1600, Urban_Delphox.png) (4.0 MB, 1188x1665, Dat Ghetto Delphox.png) (953 KB, 685x795, unknown.png)

In that case, I have a few requests, that is to just make fat, slobby versions of these pics, three of them are obviously from sligarthetiger, but the forth one is venus from brokencreation, like dubmare in this thread, I want venus to be heckin fat, chonky, and slobby >:3
For the record, this is me, for some reason I keep switching IDs for no reason
Yoooo! These are amazing, and you even made venus heckin chonky XDDDD

Ngl, your edit of venus is got to be my favorite of this batch, sad that one of my requests is gonna take a bit longer to get done, but meh, I can wait, especially if the results ate as JUICY and STINKY as this >:)

Hehehe, you know, I love that edit of venus soooo much, that I've decided I'm gonna request more from you, along with more dubmare requests, but that will be for much later, for now, I'm gonna let you to continue focusing on your work involving my 4th request

In case you're wondering, yes, this is still me, ince again, bbwchan keeps changing my id
(660 KB, 513x633, buttleanedit.png)
this was a bit hard to do not just because of having to move dubmare but also the quality was kinda low, anyway [insert god I wish that were me meme]

And just like that, you've become my new favorite person to talk with on the internet XDDDD

the colors of the edit and the original pic pay differ a bit, but it still looks amazing nonetheless >:)

Hmmm... do you have a discord or something like that of the sorts, cuz after seeing the amazing job you did with my requests, I'd love to have you as a discord friend, if you have discord, you can DM me through my FA over on:


Hmmm... do you have a discord or something like that of the sorts, cuz after seeing the amazing job you did with my requests, I'd love to have you as a discord friend, if you have discord, you can DM me your discord through my FA over on:

Eh sorry but I would prefer to just stick to these threads

Ah... damn... oh well, at least we know where to find you X333
got banned for spam for some reason for a while but: I dont have any edits rn but heres a wip of a comic for an aidungeon story after I realized you could make it horny

You got banned for spam? Idk how you got banned, but atleast you're back X3
(304 KB, 988x620, sumomatchalt.png)
Something from recent inspiration
i think i know your twitter, just wanna say that you epic >:) (and definitely should make ad acc on twitter for stuff like this)

For a small doodle, this looks fuckin amazing, and just in time too, cuz it almost looked like this thread was abandoned, so it looks like we may have a candidate for another slobanon

Certainly hope to see more fat sligarthetiger art from your >:3
Slobanon has a new rival it seems...

In all seriousness, keep it up~

So the legendary slobanon awakens again, as he senses his place as slobanon at immediate risk

Jokes aside, I'm glad to see tha you're a-ok, and doing great edits as always, can't wait to see the rest of my request from you X3333

Hehehe, looks like dubmare's slobby habits are rubbing off on sligar >:3
Actually still same anon, don't know why the first pencil drawing got a different ID

Lmao, that's weird, but atleast you're now back, and again, hope to see way more from you, bud X3
(251 KB, 1200x673, ExF8InJXMAsTgtV_SligarTheTiger_Worgen_female.jpg) (367 KB, 1042x1200, DfNE4_UUwAAko_l_Sligarthetiger_Worgen.png) (362 KB, 1086x1280, tumblr_p8d5ocyAMO1w74m8io1_1280_sligarthetiger_worgen.png) (302 KB, 1146x950, ExF78OHWQAAOftP_SligarTheTiger_Worgen.jpg) (313 KB, 982x1280, DrJ1nfpU8AA0kZa_Sligarthetiger_worgen_female.jpg) (195 KB, 765x1280, ExF8Hv9W8AAj4BA_SligarTheTiger_Worgen_female.jpg)
May I request a fat edit of any of Sligar's worgens?

Amazing edits and drawings thus far by the way and I hope to see more of them <3
Last image

Are you truly fully my chubby bunny?

C’mon, speak up now, I need to here you say I’m full or else we will continue.

Hm, nothing? Well looks like we get continue feeding you, but I noticed you were having an easy time eating last batch so we made this next batch Thicker and fatter just for you.

But before we do that I need to check a few parts of your body, say nothing if you agree…good!

Alrighty then…belly is soft and large, this could be my new bed. Oh good idea! Writing that down. and your belly button is rough 1 maybe 2 feet deep, I could stick my head in there.

Hands and feet are still sucked into your fat, very good very good. Do you like what we did with them, your nails were getting pretty long so we cut them and painted them punk like your fur.

Breasts are still the same size, we really need to increase those udders to larger levels…hm they seem to be lactating…maybe we should add your breast milk to the next batch. Should increase your breast side and made those lovely puppies extra milky

Note, clean up the bunnies chin next week. It’s starting to mold.

Finally the pas de résistance, your ass! We really caused these buns to grow ove the past few months, remember two years again when you were still mobile and we would ram those cheeks all night long. Good times…now I have noticed the recent expelling have caused your growth to be decreasing and your ass seems to be constantly sweating, are you horny my dear? So the boys and me have decided to start feeding your ass as well as your face, are excited!

Anywho, it’s time for your feeding, say “aaah” my bloated chubby bunny and get ready for the feeding of a lifetime.
Sauce on the first image?
check the file name. that one looks like a furaffinity one. furaffinity file names contain the name of the artist, so for that image it should be springledongle
Anybody get more?
does anyone have the slob alt of the new rattiesteps comic?
Link source for the second pic?
Source for the small werewolf pic
source on the third pic?
I don't see any slob here. I think you got the wrong thread
Does anyone have the slob alts from Rattiesteps Discord?
Why are you asking that when your name is literally the owner of the server you're referring to? Forget to shut that off or somethin'?

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