
this please
Yes but I'm not leaking it.
He releases most of his content eventually just be patient.
why fucking bother responding then?
Because, and this is important... it gets released for free anyway.
It doesn't tho. Ihhat secrets will only be sold
Just check IHHAT on ehentai you should find all of them there
So is anyone actually going to post anything here, or not? I want to know if it's worth keeping an eye on this.
There shouldn't be a need. The main comic is resuming once more after some untimely recent setbacks, and currently the only major exclusive content, "IHHAT: Secrets" will start releasing publicly as of June (ie, from next week).

The side-comic is pretty good so your patience will be worth it :3
Does Marci gain the Secrets comic, too?
anyone plan on uploading the secrets comic to e hentai or anything?
I'm uploading it there a page a week.
Does anyone have IF Hell had taste bad ending full comic
(394 KB, 801x801, DaCC_01id.jpg)
Necroing this thread because, apart from the fact that Bad Ending's early patreon pages are still not leaked, there's the "Dating A Chubby Chaser" bonus on the $20 Patreon tier.

ᵗᵒ ⱽᶦʳᵒ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵃⁿʸᵒⁿᵉ ᵉˡˢᵉ ᶦᵗ ᵐᵃʸ ᶜᵒⁿᶜᵉʳⁿ: ᶦᵐ ᵖᵒᵒʳ ᵃⁿᵈ ʰᵒʳⁿʸ, ᶦᵗ ᵇᵉ ˡᶦᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ
Hopefully there will be someone who can share it
>poor and horny
You mean you can't afford to pay artists
Well that's why this thread was released, I believe
Do you have any info as to what the "Dating a chubby Chaser" bonus is or contains? I tried to look up on his patreon but it still just gives the same old description for tiers as usual. Just the wording of this bonus piqued my interest
It's apparently 6 bonus rendered pics, like the thumbnail I added. That's as much info as I got
They are bonus pics taking place after the events of If Hell Had a Taste Volume 1 - True Ending. They are using a different art style that I've been practicing thus why they are in a higher Tier on Patreon/SubscribeStar. There is some story added to the pictures so there are pics with and without text. This is bonus stuff so it's not necessary in order to know the story of IHHAT Vol.1 but it's there for those who want it.

Currently, there are 7 pics while I'll I'm working on the last before it's done. They will be sold publicly as part of the Special Edition after I finish the 3 Epilogues (True, Neutral, and Bad). More info on what comes with the Special Edition once everything is completed.

Hope that helps >w<;
Awfully nice of you to share the details; So people who bought the Special artpack that featured Blake will get access to it, or will it be sold separately?
No, the Fat Blake SECRETS comic was its own thing. Currently, it is only available in the $20 Tier on Patreon/SubscribeStar. When the Special Edition is finished it'll be bundled in it along with other extra content.
Also the cat in this IHHAT comics is only 16
Which is just gross. Technically an underage character.
Does anyone have the dating a chubby chaser art set he released on payhip yesterday? I'll trade some videos for it
What kind of videos?
1. 16 is considered the age of consent in most U.S. states and many first-world countries.
2. No-one asked.
If you don't live in the united states it would be perfectly fine for you to not know that the "AGE OF CONSENT IN ALMOST ALL STATES IS 18 IN THE US" but if you do live in the us then thats scary
(260 KB, 450x300, 9125285a1177ee400a7c8f36cc5af2ac02c52e24c4fa2275a52c3e4d33b1d19c.png)
Lmao what's with this surge of moralfag posting on this shitty board?
You know, if you would ask your average "normal" person who he'd rather see getting lynched, childfuckers or animalfuckers, he would probably think about it for a few seconds an then just say: why not remove them both from the gene-pool and call it a day.

What I'm trying to say here is: furries of all people trying to feel morally superior to anyone else is fucking hilarious to me. Pot, meet kettle.
kek. and yep moralphaggery runs rampant on this board eventually mfs just gotta live with it and grab some popcorn
Not sure if you will read this but I had this fun thought for a possible canon or non-canon concept of "History never repeats itself but it rhymes" with marci and skylar's 2 daughters as young adults or late teens sort of doing IHHAT vol 1 again with one daughter being the skylar feeder obsessed with cooking and fattening the other daughter who is the Marci in the role. Not sure if actual incest is involved or just a feeder and an unwitting feedee going her sister the favor in taste testing her food. Not sure which sister would fill those roles.
If Viro is still lurking this thread, congrats on wrapping up Volume 1 of IHHAT but I'm also salty about the new patron tier, 15 frickin dollars monthly. Hopefully it doesn't remain exclusive content forever but judging with the recent changes I guess I have to give up hope
They will be available to buy later but the gap may be much longer than other bundles since it so specific. I already post the normal voted pic publicly as soon as they are posted on Subscription sites so the Fat Lovers Club will be treated a bit differently.
Fascinating to see how solidly Viro has been able to keep leakers at bay after all these years. Not that I'm complaining but that's quite impressive.
Guys, Viro has a Kemono account. Just someone upload all of their exclusive Patreon pics…IN FULL IMAGE AND NOT JUST THUMBNAIL IMAGE…on there now, PLZ!
You wanna tell 'em, or should I?
Fokk3rs has a Kemono account and nobody is uploading his/hers Patreon exclusive TGTF work
But I think what they mean is why isn’t it happening though? Given how this is a page dedicated to getting away with not having to go through Patreon related stuff or PayPal things, this should already be happening. And I don’t mean with people like Viro. It could be for others like Dulynoted or RoyalJellySandwhich or MadnEvil or ChocEnd. Basically anyone with exclusive based access to fat related pics that are worth while to see on here. If we aren’t taking advantage of that, then we aren’t really using the full purpose of this site.
Because the full image isn't posted to Patreon. It's posted to a private Dropbox with links that change once a week. Kemono only supports scraping of websites, it isn't complex enough to do that as well, and it would be super obvious to Viro if someone DID do it.
So is there a private Dropbox with link to the current batch of Viro’s art right now to use or what? If so, what is it or how does one search for it?
Exactly. Viro literally reads this thread. Even if I gave you a dropbox link, it would probably just be changed immediately.
>>813 (OP)
That’s it. Someone delete this thread. Everyone is saying that there won’t ever be leaks of Viro’s art to see, so there’s actually no point in having this Viro thread at all. There will never be exclusives, or early Patreon or online purchases of comics or sequences. This thread is pointless. What actual meaning could this thread still if this thread can’t meet the standards of this site? Exactly, nothing. There’s not any reason at all why this thread should continue to exist.
Stuff gets released publicly over time. Stop throwing a tantrum just because you can't have what you want immediately.
No one is going to do that though because Viro can see this thread, and thus, they will most likely not continue to do so. BBW-CHAN is all about fast early exclusives or bought content from Patreon or PayPal or whatever. Again, read what Is being said. I’m not sure you’re understanding what’s being said. If there’s not content on here, then truly, this thread on this site is pointless and not living up to its actual use for what BBW-CHAN is really all about. You’d basically be saying the same thing if another artist’s content you love was under the same exact scenario too like Viro’s is.
Oh, I remember that, I even wrote a pretty funny Fanfic's!
[A Fanfiction: For IHHAT VOL.1 TE]
- Marci: *yawns* what a good dream it was ... Hmm? Where did Skylar go?
*looked around and she's found a Letter*
- Marci: A Letter from Skylar? *reading*
- Sklyar: *I went diving and I'll come later.* - Marci: Is Skylar swimming?
(2 Hours Later...)
- Marci: *Sighs* it's time for me to call him when he'll be back?
- *picks up her phone and calls Skylar, When her phone is ringing, her belly began to Ringing.*
-* She pulled up her T-shirt and saw Skylar's tail sticking out of her navel*
(Meanwhile, in Marci's navel ...)
-Sklyar: Okay ... I think I'm about to go halfway and-
-*Skylar's phone's is ringing*
-Skylar: who can it be?
-* he's picked up *
-Skylar: uhh... hello?
- Marci: I thought you loved fat women's, but so much?
- Skylar: *Fuck, i'm Busted...*
(THE END...?)
(501 KB, 872x867, DB68105A-8852-4B1E-8D58-DEA574188588.jpeg)
Just posting this here because this thread is becoming so dead that even Viro isn’t caring anymore because they know no one will post here. Probably nothing will happen here.
Just hope blake stuff could appear someday
I'm surprised this was posted
I am curious to see how the kids look as adults
Please can you upload the neutral and bad epilogue Pls Thank you very much for that!
Any chance we could get that.Jam pack?
It's not that good, there's only like 1 fat drawing in that pack
Welp, you're the first to leak my stuff. Had a good run, lasted about 6 years. Let me know what you guys think and I'll try to improve when I can.
marcy fat content did look's perfect but the jam pack is a little awful there only was 1 fat picture, i wish jam did have the same treatment of fat pictures as marcy because honestly she ever does look better as a big fat blob, but theres only 4 pics counting the comic of she in that form, i only hope she gets the potential to get fat during another comic again, i would like a kind of dynamic that she doesn't like get fat, but she gets more glottonous than his sisters by fault of the curse she got and gets bigger as usual
I can only speak for myself.
From what I've seen, both of your free and paid art, the best stuff has been your girls both massively fat and stuffed to the brink of bursting. I think, personally, my favorite pic was from the Jam soul stuff/XWG comic. That shot from the back with that gigantic ass, plus huge the back and arm fat, was top tier.
So, anything more like that would be gold.
Is there any chance that there's going to be a Neutral Ending and Bad Ending Epilogue?
Yeah I'm with this person too, the jam pack wasn't that good tbh when it comes to fat related.
The Marcy one was great showing her biggest size after the whole story.

But overall you have been doing a great job! Just wish updates on your newest comics were constant and not like random days
The main focus of the Jam set was Jam being her oblivious, higher than thou, self. She often doesn't notice or realize her assets are viewed in perverted ways and doesn't understand why they'd be attractive. The fat pic was a bone tossed since she's from a series with a lot of weight gain as a secondary theme. If I do make another set with weight gain as a primary then I'll make it more obvious. But overall the goal for this set was variety for the character.
I'll keep that in mind when I do more weight gain related content. I know I should draw more slob characters as well which is why Pumpkin Pie was made to cover that as well as being a tsundere.
There are epilogues for the two in the IHHAT Vol. 1 - Full Course Edition set https://payhip.com/b/O1ToA
Comes with everything related to IHHAT Vol. 1 prior the recent IHHAT Vol. 1 art set. The SECRETS set with Fat Blake is not included as it's a different universe focused on Blake rather than Marci.
At the moment, I've been updating Cream Filled every Monday publicly. If you mean on Patreon, yeah they can get a bit random as I also work on other content. I'll try to be more consistent on which days get the comic pages so I'll work on that. Thanks for the feedback, always feel free to let me know what you think. I can't promise that things will change or that they'll happen immediately but I'll do what I can.

I'll do my best to keep all this in mind. Weight gain content won't always be with the same characters and the range of how fat they are will vary (depends on if it's supposed to be canonical or just for fun).
But honestly, I had nothing against the Blueberry jam pack, but what I was really surprised about was that Chasing is a Chubby Chaser on the fact that it's not just artwork, it's also a comic book! But I wouldn't be lying if I said I smiled honestly when Marci's mother was on her way home.
Yeah, mostly setting up for when I return to Marci and Skylar for side stories. One of which is meeting their parents >w>
Please, do consider the idea of revisiting IHHAT: Secrets for a part 2 exploring Fat Blake and Marci's relationship (and how Blake's eating habits are rubbing off on Marci).
Nothing gets me diamonds like lesbians with mutual weight gain.
Can I say something

Marci Blake and Jam are your most best girls! No one can top them
Fat Blake was more of a special case as she had dominated a art poll. The compromise was to give the runner-up the spot while Fat Blake would get a comic hence the special episode in the SECRETS series.

The main idea for the SECRETS series is to give lesser characters some spotlight as their stories aren't very long and get to the point a lot sooner.

If I do return to Fat Blake's universe, which is likely since I have some ideas for both her, Mini Marci and Fem Skylar (using their fan names atm lol), it'll be a while so that other character can have a shot.

Glad you like them. Hopefully others in the future will be just as good :3
Subscriber of your's over on Patreon, and I was wondering something.
Is the current chapter of Cream Filled gonna have WG, or is it just your cardgame being played?
No real reason, was just curious about it.
Yes, there be weight gain.
It would be pretty neat to see a secrets episode on fem/Skylar, since the mention of mini Marci’s relationship with her was in the past, nothing to say that she could’ve dropped out of being a sports star and plumped up.
Hell, even a secrets episode on Skylar himself would be neat, since most of the IHHAT series naturally followed Marci’s adventure, it would be neat to see his perspective for certain things
I've been loving the story so far and I have been very intrigued but, is there any page in particular where the WG is going to happen?
Then I hope you do lots of Jam since shes rare and please dont stop on marci as she can easily somehow pull off fat and skinny
Will likely happen around the end of the episode as Kiwi is contractually obligated to do so >.>

Don't have a specific page number at the moment.

Fat Blake's universe isn't specifically weight gain themed though I could focus on how Blake got fat at some point. Mini Marci's gimmick is mostly size-difference and being attracted to women while Skylar has more of a sports theme along with being bisexual.

Jam will have her own unique comic episode as well as random pics/art sets. I have other characters that are weight gain themed that I'd like to show off at some point. Hopefully with the SECRETS series.
Late to the thread but I was there during the "he who shall not be named" fiasco. How you dunked on him about how to handle leakers and basically were able to somewhat make an adaption of his WG story into IHHAT vol 1. Here you are later and seem to be doing well with this series and the others you've been working on. Before the idiots run you off just had to get my "moralfag" 2cents in for what it's worth and thank you and wish for your continued success because we would always be stuck with worse content creators.
I'll keep doing my best. Though not all of my content will be weight gain themed (as I like to branch out into others), I do hope that they can interest you just as much as IHHAT Vol. 1 interested those who weren't even into weight gain to begin with. Thanks again for the support :3
>Fat Blake's universe isn't specifically weight gain themed though I could focus on how Blake got fat at some point
This would be awesome

Another one is Blake being a bad influence on Mini-Marci's weight, being around her so much, drinking and eating with her.
I'm just impressed with how congenial this whole exchange has been. No major drama.
Agreed, Viro’s shot up on my list of respected artists for being so chill about this whole situation. Especially when taking into consideration *that* person and how they “managed” the situation
It makes sense, in a way. The best way to bring in customers is to make them feel welcomed. What was is Gabe Newell said? Something about offering a better service, or some such? So, getting direct feedback from the ones that view the work pirated is basically the best way to do that.. I think?
Plus not being a jerk on the internet is just (un)common courtesy.
Needless to say, I approve of how this went down.
Just wanna add my own 2 cents and extra praise.

Is Black Circus being updated currently? Or will be updated soon? I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it seems to be on hiatus for a very long time. Personally, I got really interested into the stories, particularly Jo-Ann & Janet's story. But, I also understand if your drive/inspiration/interest in continuing with the Black Circus stuff just isn't there right now, or a priority, given how everyone (myself included) is more drawn to IHHAT and Cream Filled.

Also, I know that you recently said that you wouldn't be able to take commissions what with the workload for them plus comics and other projects/life in general, but I really do hope you consider re-opening for them periodically in the future; I always did rather enjoy the comics and art that came out of them, and have wanted to buy some pics or a short comic from you one day.

Been interested in IHHAT Vol 1 and Black Circus nearly since the beginning of you working on them, and I love how much you branch out, yet are also open to feedback.

Also admire how you give each of your characters a story and personality, and they're not just a blank slate for fetish fuel; they're actually interesting.

Keep up the good work!! You've improved a ton in technique and skill over the years. Looking forward to whatever you put out :)
Slowly working on IHHAT Vol. 2 and Black Circus as Cream Filled episode 4 gets close to ending. Gonna try to start working on 2 comics at a time if possible though one may be more updates than the other.

I may reopen for commissions sometime next year but I don't know when that'd be but it will be limited to a few so that I can still focus on my own stuff.

Thanks, I tend to end up giving a lot of minor character a lot of backstory such as Blake who was originally not going to appear much other than give Marci advice while tossing a few flirty moments. After her first appearance, I gave her more background based off a character I had shelved before Marci took it's spot as the first IHHAT character, though there is artwork of the character. I'll likely use them again but much different than the version I have. Same happened to the character Emerald from IHHAT Vol. 2 who was originally a throw away character when she appeared in Marci's story in chapter 4.

Gotta real myself in a bit cause I have MANY characters that haven't been shown way before IHHAT even existed and now I have them, Black Circus and Cream Filled characters all just because I couldn't read more of the comic Hetty >w<;

But yeah, thanks for the support. I'll do my best and try not to take forever getting through these stories. Much to do :3
Wow, after 6 long years, someone had finally penetrated viro. Mad respect to both anon for the balls of steel in leaking and to viro for the walls of steel in safeguarding. This is historical.
This is a serious historical moment, honestly mad props to whoever did this and to Viro too for gneuinely just accepting it instead of going on a Dox-fuelled rampage like "some artists".
I will say at this point you might as well post the rest of the FLC pics since u had the marci one too ahaha ^^
Got any showing marci and skylar's kids as adults?
holy shit the massive balls on anon. i know the rest of the FLC pics probably won't be posted and you know what? kinda okay with that, unless the pack is triple digits price on payhip when it's finished and public

what leak? I still can't find any big content dump out there of his works over the past couple years? there's ihhat1 which leaked years ago and then his kemono is nothing but previews?
my hunch is is that the anon uploaded it and we need a TOR
Nevermind…just noticed them
Anyone have the Loona pic with her being stuffed with blueberry pies?
Is there going to be actual weight gain on the newest comic of Cream Filled Viro? It has been over 40 pages and you said the comic is going to finish soon.
Should I upload this one if there's no reply? lol
Well I was thinking the blueberry Loona one if u got that please?
anything u got from FLC
The normal one or blueberry?
if you are going to upload from the FLC, I would greatly appreciate if you did Skylar Tarvos and Susie (pics related)
you doin god's work man
Hey soon they talked about uploads can you upload the Hush pictures where Marcail and Elara grew up and the IHHAT Neutral and Bad Ending epilogue?
No problem at all. Thanks so much for providing the image
Now I never know what happened in the epilogue of Bad ending and Neutral ending ?!
Yes. Can you upload it?
Please thank you so much for uploading the Bad and Neutral ending epilogues!
Where are the bad and new Turks ending epilogues? I can’t seem to find them?
Was there something I was supposed to respond to?
I've answered this a few times already but I said that the main plot of the comic isn't focused on weight gain and that it would be tagged on after the fact to fulfill its "quota".
Got it, thanks for the info!
At this rate viro will just leak it himself xD
he should
(insert LowTierGod covered in lightning)
Only 1, decide well
before him i only wanted that lucia pic as you see >>11494, also not being bad with the other anon but i see bad to ignore a petition
Well it's a lot of drawings to share soooo yeah
thank you, i appreciate you did take this well with it, i admit that i was a little rough, sorry for that
can we get that Blake pic too?
Do you have those images of the adult version of skylar and marci's children?
can we buy fat lovers club packs? I can't find them
The first set will be available in August.
This is hilariously terrible and humiliating. I bet you drew these and you're trying to promote yourself.
Which one are you looking for?
Of Anónimo23
I want to see the images of marci and skylar's kids as adults
Thank you. Do you also have the current Blake pic as well?
I will like to see Jupiter in Fat Club Lovers
There hasn't been a drawing of that, has it?
No for nothing
Does anyone have his Moxxie and Millie art? I’ve been trying to get it
Does anyone have the epilogue for the neutral ending?
Believe me, I’ve asked several times and haven’t gotten an answer since.
No He/She mean's the Neutral Epilogues not the true epilogue
I think there wasn't any nsfw version
(86 KB, 1238x1280, momma skyler.jpg)
I got the goodies

Also I recommend supporting the artist too, I won't be sharing all of their drawings lol
Have the images of how her kids look as adults?
I have it but it doesn't have any fat, very unfortunate
A h e m, I believe I asked something
Also, Viro, how about instead of scamming people out of their money, you get a real job?
lol now I'm not going to share that drawing
You forget the page 5 from neutral ending!
darnit, I could've sworn the description on furaffinity said something about a nsfw version
(1.5 MB, 3300x5100, NE_Ep_05.jpg)
This Page 5 of Neutral Ending Epilogue
Perfect, now only the Epilogue of Bad Ending is missing and so complete.
Do you even have it?
Does it depend ... in this BBW-Chan or me? Because I don't have it and not even the ViroVeteruscy bbw-chan up there.
Hey those anynone have Skylar from Bad ending of Fat Club Lovers
He should draw watermelon fat.
I trying to get Akiza, Nyan Thunder and Skylar (Bad Ending) of Fat Club Lovers
And please, could you even get the comic of Bad Ending Epilogue please?
I will try to public if anyone find this pictures of Akiza, Nyan Thunder, Fat Blake and Skylar (Bad Ending from Fat Club Lovers
Do you have this images of how skylar and marci's kids look as adults?
(3.4 MB, 3300x5100, BE_Ep_11.jpg)
Part 4 and Final Page of Bad Epilogue
Thanks, finally now 100% reading through the whole ihhat vol.1
So it's a bid for just 1 drawing?
collection of Marci art i meant to say
Yikes, 50 dollars and 2,000 the auto buy.
That's expensive af, guess people are really horny after all
Yeah but I'm gues not of you have a lot of money for this picture and not even me.
I do but I won't spent too much on a fat drawing or collection, if the person who's going to buy that collection, and is willing to share it right here, it has my total respect and honor
Fat fuck furry NFTs are the future.
Do you have the Moxxie to go with the Millie?
No I trying to get Moxxie but I din't have luck
You're "trying"? What, are you working an angle or something?
Anyone got Blueberry Blake?
Anyone have Fat Akiza from Yugioh 5ds
(178 KB, 800x533, 9gq5w1f_Auction_02.jpeg)
This auction has been bought for $313, it'll be great if that same person is willing to share this drawing
Belive me no one will post that Pictures or the new one
Guess one can dream then
Honestly, if someone willing to post publicly can win a single auction, they have a good shot at getting the others via trade, and then the full set goes public
Who are you talking to?
Well Rouge The Bat from Sonic
Really those anyone have it right?
Dear Viro
Get a fucking job and stop commuting highway robbery, you aren’t DaVinci, you’re a fetish artist
Reptiles have feelings too, you know. They adapt and take on other creatures colors and forms to copy them like a Ditto. They are very clever & genius animals, they are. I wish I was intelligent enough to copy
Not really sure how they're committing highway robbery. If you mean the auctions, well, that price was built up by other people, if you mean paid content in general, that stuff helps pay for the free content they post too. The more cash they make, the more they can focus on the free stuff they post
Does anyone here have these two posts that would be willing to share?
Please share this post
I withdraw this request. The Fat Lovers Club that the Rouge and Blaze pics are a part of is in a $15 tier, so don't bother.
Well at least you can't post Rouge The Bat please
I don't know why you're responding to me. I don't have it so I can't post it.
Well but when you have it you can't post it
(1.1 MB, 3300x5100, ac_fat.png)
This is you know Apple Cider from WARNING Cream Filled
Love how big Marci appears to be in the second comic. Her shape is almost spherical! Apple shapes ftw
>>14223 I gotte but in at chance I with love tho do it if you post Blueberry Blake, Aizaoki, Thunder Nyan Nyan and Skylar of Fat Club Lover.
I want to those so much man.
I might upload this ones or not, it depends on the answer from Viro, is Kiwi going to gain weight as well on the newest comic?
Yes. It'll be at the end since it doesn't have anything to do with the main plot.
Probably not but the characters she plays in the card game definitely will
Gotcha, thanks for the answer
Ah yes, finally some good fucking wg fat birb.
Thanks, it would be kinda sad if she doesn't have a wg sequence in her comic
Did anyone ever get blueberry Blake?
>>14294 any luck with these yet?
As a follower of the comic I'll say to strap in, free readers, for the wild ride ahead!
In a good way..?
You think we can just get the rest of the comic…? Does like Marci get fatter or…?
Your taking it quite well, better then most to be honest
(832 KB, 384x384, spoilers-tom-holland.gif)
This message is for anyone who wants to leaks ViroVeteruscy's comic. If someone's leaking comics intended for Deviantart, at least put it up to "spoiler the picture", because I'd rather wait on the Deviantar, so.
Pussy nigger retard
I hope Marci does get fatter.
Hot damn!
Anyone got the latest pages of Cream Filled?
Thanks so very much for posting what's already been made publicly available on other platforms. What a hero this post thread deserves.

But on a serious note, this does get me excited for what's coming.
Better than posting nothing which is what you did.
which is ironically what you also just did by replying
This is already is posted in Beastars Thread!
Where? I don’t see it
(2.0 MB, 1427x925, juno.PNG)
I wanna see mainline Marci get this big or bigger
I always found it strange how Viro leaves the chest out so much when it comes to fattening, especially at these sorts of sizes.
Mostly depends on the character and scenario. I usually focus on the belly and thighs/ass as sometimes I feel making the breast too big (like when they overlap the belly) sorta takes away from the point. But I'll see about making them bigger and try to balance it out as it boils down to which I'd like bigger relative to the body type and situation.
I.. hadn't actually thought about it like that before. Hmm.
Another reason is also that these characters mostly exist in an ongoing world and have lives to live. Making a character heavily fat, giant, magical, etc. also means that I have to decide how they function in their world.

Often people want characters like Marci to be huge and immobile but that comes with a lot of repercussions. If they had jobs or went to school there's need to be an explanation on why other characters aren't looking for them. In Marci's case, she has family and friends, since she's an adult in the canon she also has kids to look after so her being immobile wouldn't help taking care of them. One problem I commonly see is how characters can become the size of houses yet somehow enter buildings without any conflict and if there is conflict it's easily waved with a joke as those kind of stories/comics don't have a full continuity/consistency in terms of a functioning world.

I'm not against making character do ridiculous things but they'd really have to not have anything going on to be able to ignore the world around them which is difficult based on where they are and how they live. Pretty much the reason why WARNING: Cream Filled was made so that the characters can do the ridiculous cartoony antics over and over. I'd have to make a character/story not connected to anything if that's what you're looking for.

Basically, I'm usually thinking about how the characters will go about their world if they are in a more generic/social area so forcing the world around them to ignore them logically (despite there being special abilities, magick,Gods, advanced tech, etc.) is a challenge.
I think that's mostly because people are looking at/for giga fats because it's fetish content and not the potential story attached to them. Good or ill, that is most often the concurrences as I see it.
But I'm no expert on the subject, so I'm not going to try blather on about things I don't, and likely won't, understand. Not saying what you're doing is wrong. It just looks like a lot of people want big fats because they like big fats, and everything else is irrelevant.
Very true. I'll continue on doing what I'm doing but I will take the comments/critiques into consideration when I can. They'd likely be applied to more simplified characters/stories.
That's perfectly understandable. Thanks for hearing out a random shmuck on the internet typing words at you.
No prob. I usually read everything on the sites I visit so I try to be aware of everyone's likes/dislikes of both my content and what I do with them. I can't please everyone but I can try my best with what I can do.
Personally it would be super cool to see a IHHAT world where being huge was completely normal, like fatties taking up whole sidewalks is seen as just everyday life. Would certainly be quite fitting for a Secrets chapter since that seems to feel like a “What if…?” Type series
The Fat Blake comic was a special case. I may rebrand comics/stories that are not canon as SECRETS is mainly supposed to focus on characters with much shorter stories.

a prequel to this
PS, it ends in an explosion.
Guy and most of his commissioners are literal psychos.
Anyone have the last few pages of Cream Filled ep4?
(1.1 MB, 4769x4999, amVfFnvw.jpeg)
This thread will never die
Is that Marci? Or Who is she?
I never see this character before?
Anyone got this one?
I hope to see more blake comic
Actually, the first 3 pics and the other 3 pics (the ones that result in an explosion) were commissioned by 2 different people. Whether or not this is continued in a different way is up to time.
Yeah I wanna see it in full image
Can anyone keep breathe this tread alive?
I really would he would do week one, two, and three before skipping to week four since those sizes between her thin one and her one month later look are my favorite kind of weight gain sizes. The ones past week 4 aren't as drastic imo since it is just fat to fatter to even fatter.
this fuckin rules
That would be a lot of work for too little gain. If you think that's too much weight for the 3rd part, then you're a pansy bitch.
I just hope she doesn't turn into a blob in the next part. Can't stand that in modern weight gain drives. They just rush into it just to finish it.
I continue to wonder about why ViroVeteruscy needs so much money.
Given that the fat lovers club is $15 a month, and there's the next one up that's $20, this Ko-fi/donation drive WG thing, and then the whole auction exclusivity thing he did a little while back.

Is this his only source of income, or is he just bad at not wasting money?
That's a dumb question. Stuff is expensive. It's okay to need income, even if it's not his only source.
I'm not saying that it's bad to want money, it's just, do they live in one of those really expensive cities or something?
That won't happen, and you're lying about WG drives. Blobs are so rare in drives nowadays because of garbage like 12 likes for 1 pound or cowards cutting off rounds several days early because of blobs goes against their size preference. Pacing is rarely the issue, it's the artists themselves.
I think people assume I make way more money then I actually do, at least for now, still working hard to try to rise up as far as I can. I'm not popular or anything like that.

The auction was just something I wanted to do as well as see if people would come together and form a group to collect the pictures that were being actioned, which they actually did on their own. Other than the initial $50, which was $10 lower than what I normally charged for a commission, the money was irrelevant and was mainly determined by the people bidding. I was more interested in people making a group which was why I gave permission for anyone who won the actions to sell the pics if they wanted to.

People had expressed that they would rather have a Drive than an auction so I decided to give that a try. My initial thoughts was that it'd take a while (at least a month) for anything to come from a Drive and I would just chip away at that over time. However, it was funded almost immediately so now I'm working on getting those done asap.

I don't mind making free content as a lot of what I post is free. The stuff I charge for is normally stuff that is irrelevant or not necessary to follow any canonical lore to my characters/stories.

I try to have my stories be free and only charge for extra stuff. I'm sorry if you feel I'm just trying to milk people for money but this is also my job as well so I try to balance out what is free and what isn't.
Anyone got the Rouge and Blaze pictures yet?
Those two have been asked for 9 times on this thread. Give up.
Come on will only ask this and we will not bother you anymore promised.✋✋
Yessss, oh my god this rules- I hope she ends up stupid big by the end of this.

Despite what that one loser was saying, complaining about blobs. Personally I LOVE blobs, and she's on her way to being a really great one. I wanna see her get there.
Damn, this is really good! Dude even made clean versions and ones that removed the table so she can be fully admired.
Heheh- eh, fair enough. Still I'd be extremely happy if she ended up as one by the end.
She getting more fatter and more sexy then ever 😁😁
I'm not disparaging you for going after that money, it's just that 20 bucks a month is a lot, especially if people subscribe to others on Patreon.
I much prefer how she looked in the last part vs this because last part had Tiffany still looking mostly proportional to how she would look thin. Here she clearly looks a lot taller and her legs disproportionately longer than the rest of her body. Hell her head looks puny. Edit this to be thin Tiffany and you'll see she would look vastly different from part 0 or 1.
Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to be more consistent with the last pic
Without sacrificing her weight I hope.
Eh, part of what makes illustrations and animations entertaining is the suspension of disbelief. Sometimes, ya just gotta let it slide. Marci in the IHHAT series and every girl from Cream Filled also blow up that way too. And yet it hasn't been a bother at all as long as holistically it looks like it works despite realistically, it should not.
It was meant to be constructive criticism and I'm sorry if it came off crass. You could always make a bit of a joke about this by making a non canon epilogue where Tiffany returns back to being thin but ends up looking taller and lankier due to how you sometimes draw extra fat characters proportions differently from thinner ones. Epilogue Tiffany might even be able to qualify for the wnba lol
I think it looks awesome- this sequence is so much fun, I love when super fat characters are still all in denial and judgemental of other fatties, especially when the people they're judging are THINNER than they are.

Hitting a lot of buttons- it's a very nice job~
I really like this type of shapes, I personally don't mind it

Still looking for someone to post this Hariet
Wasn't there supposed to be one more of these coming out?
Maybe one more? Don't think he said how many parts there would be, but he did say the drive was paid for fully.
He told me that theres onea more part of the drive of Tiffany that he will public yesterday or today
Well it doesn't seem to be up yet. Maybe tomorrow.
Yeah sorry, currently working on Cream Filled. After that I'll be working on the last Tiffany pic. Might stream myself working on it if I can.
Aahh, well hey- take all the time you need! I'm sure it'll be awesome
Anyone got the clean versions if there are any?

Viro, you're quite the tease. Having her win another year of free food right at the end the sequence. This was a fun ride.
Yeeessssss- god she looks great

Also I agree, this absolutely just makes me want more~
Thanks for the clean versions!
Dirty versions better
Even if we don't get this one, the drive version is going to be bigger.
I hope after this Marcail gets her own wg sequence. Maybe she stumbles upon skylar's cook book or her sister fattens her up for whatever reason or she is just a natural glutton.
I'm as excited for this as anybody...but damn, after that last one and its tease ass ending, I just wanna see more bigger Tiffany- lol.

I know he doesn't uuuusssuaally do like, hyper blob sizes. But....hey. Maybe someday~

(I understand her not getting a whole nother wg drive sequence, that's not what I mean. Just, y'know, a follow up after that extra year or something where she's stupid huge- maybe in a real year or something idk. I don't wanna be annoying, lol)
Yeah and Blake gets is own wg sequence too.
I want the nerd girl to have her own WG sequence
Staycy, I just remembered her name
Well I want Blake and Mars to have there own WG sequence
Still waiting on the Blaze and Rouge images. Smh, what's the hold up? 😒😒😒😒
Weren’t there 1 or 2 standalone WG images of Stacy?
You're not entitled to jack shit. Whichever anon that has it and feels like sharing it will share it. Stop typing with your dick and stfu with your whiny arse moaning. And fuck off!!
Fuck off you stupid fat cunt

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