
(370 KB, 1000x563, 20240818_002716.jpg)
Does anyone have it complete? In exchange I gave vore party first version, mick quest 1 and a faf comic of a lioness and a fox
>>72218 (OP)
Can you post micks quest and voreparty here? If micks quest starred a female is probably be my favorite faf work
>>72218 (OP)
More importantly, can we have Pest Control uncensored?
There's the full mick quest comic at u18chan
Damn, I didn't know, I only have the last 3 photos of pest control that never came to light and were only exclusive to faf followers :l
I wish there was like a zip file of the pest control pages or smth

Faf have another tantrum and decide not to post them?
I wish this became an actual comic. I believe this was just a commission and these are the only 2 parts. The idea I recall is the cat got washed ashore on a remote island populated by primitive rabbit people who worship her as a deity and offer her regular sacrificed which caused her to swell in size and appetite.
got any mega files link? i think that would be easier to share than a shady furry imageboard with nazi vibes.
So how about sharing them three pics then?
I wish this got a sequel
The sequel isn't going to happen any time soon. From what I was told, Faf abandoned vore after his war against leakers tarnished his reputation and pissed everyone off.
He abandons a lot of things. He doesn't need much of an excuse really.
How will he redeem himself?
Curse those leakers!
That's entirely his fault. Getting stuff leaked or stolen is bad but the way he handled it just had everyone turn against him.
I will do it when someone leaks the rest of the comic, I also remember that it took more than 9 months to create just those 3 pages and it was a shithole, I spent more than 60 dollars -_->>72372
Man, this dude seems like an asshole
You do have any knowledge about vore camp, if the comic did finally avance to a good pace of the mother and daughter foxess getting more gluttonous to eat everyone?
it stopped at the daughter eating a guy and trying to hide it from her mom. been over a year since the last update cause faf wanted to do animation instead. less than 2mins of footage to show for it and is just a short demo. nothing other animators haven't done already in a shorter amount of time.
That's very stupid and sad, i was having much hopes this comic will be a special quality sequence like vore party, but i really need to realize the reality that modern faf will never have a quality comic vore party, not gonna lie pest control is good but is more hot when the pred girl gets more hornier and her thoughs is just to have sex and eat more guys
I know, right? What does he have against bbw-chan.link?
I really liked faf's work, but it was a beginning and then he started behaving like total garbage and I was one of many who gave him money to finance his projects and I regret it a lot to this day
Do you have any of his older patreon or paid works?
Niceeee 👌 hope the full screenshot is out there somewhere
Niceee 👌 hope the full page is out there, somewhere.
Dammn hope the full page will be shown sometime
I will do it the day someone helps me filter the rest of the comic, if they are going to work for me then I don't want to fall alone
Perhaps I could help. I use photoshop.
Why the fuck is there two threads for this artist
I can help perhaps. I use Adobe photoshop
Was subbed but atm I've been using cracked haha
I don't know if it'll work with his pages but I could unblur the images
Why the hell would you do that. This isn't even me being mad that you showed the artist where were his stuff he doesn't want public for free is being posted. Are you that oblivious to what he has done in the past to think that you'll get any other outcome? There's a reason why he's not well liked and more important not a whole lot of people go defending him. Ironically what happened with hetty was what directly inspired Viro to make his IHHAT comic.
There is no reason for alarm. I just wanted to see what he thought about the thread.
Pest control final pages
Either post them or don't. The teasing is annoying since you've already stated that you have the pages.
Please? We need the full versions here!
he's going to take more precautions and use a new DRM now. he's also going to try to charge leakers multiple times. so thanks for that
Source for this?
faf talked about it in a giant post on subscribestar in his recent update. posted it like a day or 2 ago
Oh. So he's resorting to committing Wire Fraud. Neat, hope his ass gets jail time. Never thought we'd see the day a digital artist resorted to committing crime as "punishment" for customers showing the product they bought to other people. Like I get that redistribution is a whole licensing thing, but the way you get new customers is to put out at least a bit of your recent work every now and then for the public.If all that's out there circulating is several years, or even a decade old, your customer base will dry up as financials change, and not come back.
Are we saying that faf's supporters have no entitlement to the own the product they are financing?

Any claims of piracy and lost sales are ludicrous since no one can buy his content or access his paid membership. What loss of sales/revenue?

Maybe, just maybe, this guy just isn't all that bright.
I mean, it's not worth spending a cent if he doesn't make himself known or allows his buyers to show the work he does. It's assumed that when you sell something it's for the satisfaction of the quality of your customers, but with that attitude now I understand why a huge mountain of hate fell on him
Hey you could just use a transfer file app that automatically has an expiration date. (Ex. Wormhole). At least if they still need to be uncensored
Guilty as charged.😏
Could someone show the full pages of the rest of pest control please or put them in a file

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